Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #9

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I've been so out-of-the-loop, I didn't even realize there had been all this drama going on and misconduct allegations from 2017 to JM's firing this month. Whoa!

The pattern of behavior I saw detailed in the various documents is grievous indeed. Aside from JM's sexual harassment of female coworkers and personnel, the allegation that he shared confidential information with his affair partner (J.W.), including 2 juror's names, so his affair partner could dig dirt on one or both of them is what may well get JM disbarred. And if that happens, he'll have earned that disbarment, IMO.

He's a smart, capable attorney, but *cheating* the system is unconscionable, especially as a prosecutor. It brings into question all cases he worked on, fair or not. His conduct is on him. He's already lost his job and if he is disbarred, he's done. No media outlet will want to work with someone who was fired for harassment of coworkers, insubordinates, and court personnel and certainly not with someone who cheated/exposed juror info to manipulate and force one or more jurors off a trial/penalty phase.
IMO, The only circus aspect of the JA trial was created by that reprehensible Snake and her DT .... her trashing of TA with her disgusting lies and falsehoods she invented as well as her dirty, nasty photos. I feel utterly repulsed and recoil in disgust at the thought of her, and truly wonder if she’s even human.

I was aware of some drama going on but had no idea it had gotten to this level. I can’t imagine JM’s behavior really being so bad as what is being alleged. I mean, why? He seems so much smarter than that. This is all such a shame and an absolute waste. Is there something political behind all this, because for some reason, just from what I’ve read so far, that’s the impression I’m getting. Like he’s been set up for some reason. I know I could be wrong, but I can’t help but sense dirty politics.
IMO If it’s all true, he deserved being fired. I don’t know what to believe. I truly doubt JM asked any.civillian for help during the trial. True or not, I don’t feel it will affect her appeal but it’s too bad he wasn’t just put on leave until the denial of her bull&%\§ laden appeal. The felonious murderer and her barnacles (supporters) will forever claim Arias didn’t get a fair trial because of JM. I hate that these accusations give them ammunition no matter how baseless and invalid their arguments are.
JM's being fired and losing his license is so very disappointing to me. I thought he was great in his tactic and follow through in dealing with Jodi Arias and got the job done. It's very sad that he will no longer work toward putting murderers like her into prison for life.
JM's being fired and losing his license is so very disappointing to me. I thought he was great in his tactic and follow through in dealing with Jodi Arias and got the job done. It's very sad that he will no longer work toward putting murderers like her into prison for life.

He was fired, but hasn't lost his license. That's another battle he will face. Juan stood out to me because of his "passion" in seeking justice for a cold-blooded, lying killer. He knew that he had a formidable opponent because of the killer's ability on the stand to easily lie and deflect answers to his questioning. I can only imagine his frustration and disgust with her and the defense experts on the stand. I could see how he may have stepped beyond his bounds when dealing with all of them. It was excruciating for me to listen to them. I think he did his best to control his feelings. Another prosecutor may have kept their feelings under better control, but I can't blame Juan for having the passion for justice for Travis and his family. jmo
This isn't a hoax or a conspiracy against JM. He got fired because the investigation that was conducted by his employer proved the numerous allegations made against him over many years, going all the way back to 1991.

I understand his fans are upset and want to believe he couldn't perpetuate these behaviors, but there's a history there. He was put on an official warning back in 1991. There's documentation.

I do believe he told his mistress the juror's name; there are thousands of txt messages over the 3 or so years they were involved. And, allegedly he was also involved with another fame-seeker, media ingenue, K.W. in 2015.
He was fired, but hasn't lost his license. That's another battle he will face. Juan stood out to me because of his "passion" in seeking justice for a cold-blooded, lying killer. He knew that he had a formidable opponent because of the killer's ability on the stand to easily lie and deflect answers to his questioning. I can only imagine his frustration and disgust with her and the defense experts on the stand. I could see how he may have stepped beyond his bounds when dealing with all of them. It was excruciating for me to listen to them. I think he did his best to control his feelings. Another prosecutor may have kept their feelings under better control, but I can't blame Juan for having the passion for justice for Travis and his family. jmo

Excellent post, casesensitive. ITA. Prosecutor JM was battling against what he absolutely knew was a defense based on nothing but lies, falsehoods, and fairytales. He mounted his full defense with passion... based on his belief in right and wrong, and to the best of his ability.
Which leads me to strongly question what is going on with these recent legal proceedings against him. I truly hope the system is fair and comes to a fair and just conclusion.
A staff the size of MCOA and Juan was the only person that ever made an inappropriate comment to a female coworker. UH, I don't think so.

I've been so out-of-the-loop, I didn't even realize there had been all this drama going on and misconduct allegations from 2017 to JM's firing this month. Whoa!

The pattern of behavior I saw detailed in the various documents is grievous indeed. Aside from JM's sexual harassment of female coworkers and personnel, the allegation that he shared confidential information with his affair partner (J.W.), including 2 juror's names, so his affair partner could dig dirt on one or both of them is what may well get JM disbarred. And if that happens, he'll have earned that disbarment, IMO.

He's a smart, capable attorney, but *cheating* the system is unconscionable, especially as a prosecutor. It brings into question all cases he worked on, fair or not. His conduct is on him. He's already lost his job and if he is disbarred, he's done. No media outlet will want to work with someone who was fired for harassment of coworkers, insubordinates, and court personnel and certainly not with someone who cheated/exposed juror info to manipulate and force one or more jurors off a trial/penalty phase.

IMO, The only circus aspect of the JA trial was created by that reprehensible Snake and her DT .... her trashing of TA with her disgusting lies and falsehoods she invented as well as her dirty, nasty photos. I feel utterly repulsed and recoil in disgust at the thought of her, and truly wonder if she’s even human.

I was aware of some drama going on but had no idea it had gotten to this level. I can’t imagine JM’s behavior really being so bad as what is being alleged. I mean, why? He seems so much smarter than that. This is all such a shame and an absolute waste. Is there something political behind all this, because for some reason, just from what I’ve read so far, that’s the impression I’m getting. Like he’s been set up for some reason. I know I could be wrong, but I can’t help but sense dirty politics.

IMO If it’s all true, he deserved being fired. I don’t know what to believe. I truly doubt JM asked any.civillian for help during the trial. True or not, I don’t feel it will affect her appeal but it’s too bad he wasn’t just put on leave until the denial of her bull&%\§ laden appeal. The felonious murderer and her barnacles (supporters) will forever claim Arias didn’t get a fair trial because of JM. I hate that these accusations give them ammunition no matter how baseless and invalid their arguments are.

This isn't a hoax or a conspiracy against JM. He got fired because the investigation that was conducted by his employer proved the numerous allegations made against him over many years, going all the way back to 1991.

I understand his fans are upset and want to believe he couldn't perpetuate these behaviors, but there's a history there. He was put on an official warning back in 1991. There's documentation.

I do believe he told his mistress the juror's name; there are thousands of txt messages over the 3 or so years they were involved. And, allegedly he was also involved with another fame-seeker, media ingenue, K.W. in 2015.

Excellent post, casesensitive. ITA. Prosecutor JM was battling against what he absolutely knew was a defense based on nothing but lies, falsehoods, and fairytales. He mounted his full defense with passion... based on his belief in right and wrong, and to the best of his ability.
Which leads me to strongly question what is going on with these recent legal proceedings against him. I truly hope the system is fair and comes to a fair and just conclusion.

Where to start? Perhaps riffing off Midnight Rambler's observation, that (sarcasm -my own- alert) of the HUNDREDS of prosecutors who work at MCAO, the brand new County Attorney has magically found and eliminated the only prosecutor in the office who is allegedly guilty of such extensive sexual harassment that she can't find a place in the building for him in which law clerks won't quiver in fear at his approach.

Or perhaps to begin with a response to Madeline's assertion that there is "documentation" of JM's alleged sexual harassment dating back to 1991, so a decades long history of bad behavior that "fans" of JM are unwilling to acknowledge.

I'm not going to take the time to dig up what I've posted before, which was based on JM's actual job performance reviews (if you want actual facts about his HR record at MCAO, it's inexcusably available to the public. LOOK IT UP).

Suffice it to say it is verifiably and factually untrue that JM had a decades long history of sexual harassment at MCAO. In THIRTY YEARS of working there, up until the rabidly unethical Karen Clark set out to destroy him, JM's file noted all of two (2) complaints related to "sexual harassment." The first was a complaint - NOT lodged by any female employees- that legal secretaries were hanging out in his office too much, which impeded their productivity.

The second complaint, as written up by his supervisor, was that JM had said something to a (one)female employee that the supervisor was sure wasn't intended to be offensive in any way, but that JM needed to be aware what he said could be taken the wrong way. That is it. All of it.

As for JM leaking the names of 2 jurors to his "mistress." Say what? The allegation is about one juror, not 2, and the fact Tammy Rose and Jennifer Wood exchanged thousands of text messages is evidence of zip nada nothing, much less of the incredibly serious accusation that JM leaked the name of a sitting juror.

And BTW, the only "evidence" that JM was involved with Wood is based on what Wood has claimed. After, it must be said, she explicitly denied any such involvement to the Bar during the first round of it's investigation. And after, it can also be said, Karen Clark, in her bar complaint, went to great lengths to depict Wood as a pathological liar who was obsessed with JM and who maliciously stalked and threatened on SM anyone she believed had an interest in JM or who crossed her.

Myself, dismiss me as a JM " fan" if you will, I believe JM's word over Wood's, hands down and with no hesitation whatsoever.

I'm also convinced, based in part on having read a great deal over many years about the (often corrupt) politics of AZ's legal community, that the only "cause" for which JM was fired was to advance the political future of the new and unelected Maricopa County Attorney, and to deflect the equally politically motivated attacks on JM's old boss and newest AZ Supreme Court Justice, Bill Montgomery.

The fact of the matter is (look this up too), JM absolutely did NOT sexually harass any MCAO employee after he was disciplined by Montgomery, which Montgomery did for the first and only time AFTER the Bar took up Karen the Unethical's bar complaint again.

JM's new and unelected boss based her decision to fire him, so she said, on the fact that BACK IN 2018 JM had objected to how Montgomery's discipline had affected his job performance review- and salary.

Two years later, with no other complaints, and
after 30 years of delivering wins for MCAO, and after being given glowing, the best of the best job reviews for every one of those years up until after the butcherer's trial and Karen Clark, to be fired even before he has had the chance to defend himself against Clark's bar complaints?

Does it get any more political than that? Or, imo at least, any more contemptible?
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The above isn't what I popped in to post about, though. ;)

Rather, just wanted to say to y'all who have spent so many years here, especially to my fellow geriatrics :) ,to please take the very best of care of yourselves and those you love. These are such scary times! I'll be praying the best I know how that all of you -all of us- make it to the other side of this altogether intact and ok. Hugs all around.
It's extremely hard to survive against current political power, but I look forward to Juan's appeal--to see his side and his facts in his rebuttal of the allegations. I'll say it again, he has a mountain to climb. If he doesn't succeed, I hope that he is exonerated in the future in some way. Hopefully, somebody will write a truthful book about him and the Arias case.
I remember reading a long, very thorough article or blog or post that gave the entire back story to the Rose/Wood saga but can’t remember where it was. It did not portray Rose as a benign witness who, for the sake of justice, decided to tell all about her friend. Does anyone remember this? @Hope4More?
Where to start? Perhaps riffing off Midnight Rambler's observation, that (sarcasm -my own- alert) of the HUNDREDS of prosecutors who work at MCAO, the brand new County Attorney has magically found and eliminated the only prosecutor in the office who is allegedly guilty of such extensive sexual harassment that she can't find a place in the building for him in which law clerks won't quiver in fear at his approach.

Or perhaps to begin with a response to Madeline's assertion that there is "documentation" of JM's alleged sexual harassment dating back to 1991, so a decades long history of bad behavior that "fans" of JM are unwilling to acknowledge.

I'm not going to take the time to dig up what I've posted before, which was based on JM's actual job performance reviews (if you want actual facts about his HR record at MCAO, it's inexcusably available to the public. LOOK IT UP).

Suffice it to say it is verifiably and factually untrue that JM had a decades long history of sexual harassment at MCAO. In THIRTY YEARS of working there, up until the rabidly unethical Karen Clark set out to destroy him, JM's file noted all of two (2) complaints related to "sexual harassment." The first was a complaint - NOT lodged by any female employees- that legal secretaries were hanging out in his office too much, which impeded their productivity.

The second complaint, as written up by his supervisor, was that JM had said something to a (one)female employee that the supervisor was sure wasn't intended to be offensive in any way, but that JM needed to be aware what he said could be taken the wrong way. That is it. All of it.

As for JM leaking the names of 2 jurors to his "mistress." Say what? The allegation is about one juror, not 2, and the fact Tammy Rose and Jennifer Wood exchanged thousands of text messages is evidence of zip nada nothing, much less of the incredibly serious accusation that JM leaked the name of a sitting juror.

And BTW, the only "evidence" that JM was involved with Wood is based on what Wood has claimed. After, it must be said, she explicitly denied any such involvement to the Bar during the first round of it's investigation. And after, it can also be said, Karen Clark, in her bar complaint, went to great lengths to depict Wood as a pathological liar who was obsessed with JM and who maliciously stalked and threatened on SM anyone she believed had an interest in JM or who crossed her.

Myself, dismiss me as a JM " fan" if you will, I believe JM's word over Wood's, hands down and with no hesitation whatsoever.

I'm also convinced, based in part on having read a great deal over many years about the (often corrupt) politics of AZ's legal community, that the only "cause" for which JM was fired was to advance the political future of the new and unelected Maricopa County Attorney, and to deflect the equally politically motivated attacks on JM's old boss and newest AZ Supreme Court Justice, Bill Montgomery.

The fact of the matter is (look this up too), JM absolutely did NOT sexually harass any MCAO employee after he was disciplined by Montgomery, which Montgomery did for the first and only time AFTER the Bar took up Karen the Unethical's bar complaint again.

JM's new and unelected boss based her decision to fire him, so she said, on the fact that BACK IN 2018 JM had objected to how Montgomery's discipline had affected his job performance review- and salary.

Two years later, with no other complaints, and
after 30 years of delivering wins for MCAO, and after being given glowing, the best of the best job reviews for every one of those years up until after the butcherer's trial and Karen Clark, to be fired even before he has had the chance to defend himself against Clark's bar complaints?

Does it get any more political than that? Or, imo at least, any more contemptible?

Thank you so much for weighing in and summing this up. I just haven’t had time to go back and read all the info posted earlier.
I agree. It's lucky the evidence was so strong, because otherwise she would have gotten her appeal.
True, I am surprised they didn't come down on the Judge Sherry for not having Control of the courtroom. Not that it would have done any good JM would have just bullied her also.
I'm curious now that he's lost his job and the CoA has reported him to the State Bar (not that he doesn't already have a case before them), what might be done, disbarment?

I'm also surprised JSS wasn't excoriated for not having taken stronger measures during the trial, they clearly believe he should have been spanked hard and often by her, if not outright held in contempt.
Hey, everyone. I'm working from home and just dropping a couple of links here that I HAVE NOT READ YET haha but I knew you'd all want to see them:

Wow, those links are a mess--hope they copied correctly.

The links (both) work fine, AZL. If you find the time and have the interest, I'd love to know what you think about the panel's (imo, extraordinary) rebuke of JM, and their finding that JM's (alleged) prosecutorial misconduct was deliberate, egregious, and extensive enough to permeate the trial as a whole.

Personally, though I agree with the panel--and the State's own appellate counsel -that JM crossed the line several times (particularly in his closing arguments), I disagree that JM's aggressive trial style rose to the level of pervasive prosecutorial misconduct in this trial, or in any other trial he has prosecuted over his decades-long career.

The AZ Bar has repeatedly rejected complaints against JM on the precise same grounds, as you probably know. And MCAO hasn't just failed to admonish JM for his conduct at trial, but rewarded him, with stellar performance reviews, raises, and even awards.

So, what gives, in your opinion?

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