Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #9

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I'm thinking the now-delayed Elizabeth Holmes's (Theranos) trial will feature a variant of JA. No murder, but billions in fraud, fake good looker, fake blonde, fake voice, creepy eyes, pretend "genius", spinning lies. Sleazy bed partners. Creepy crazy. Documentaries, interviews, lies lies lies. TV will be everywhere. Probably psychologist expert witnesses. I'll bet Holmes has the gall to take the stand, too.
I can't wait to watch this one for the same reasons I stuck with JA all these years. There's something compelling....

Is there a link to this case on WS? TIA! :)
I'm thinking the now-delayed Elizabeth Holmes's (Theranos) trial will feature a variant of JA. No murder, but billions in fraud, fake good looker, fake blonde, fake voice, creepy eyes, pretend "genius", spinning lies. Sleazy bed partners. Creepy crazy. Documentaries, interviews, lies lies lies. TV will be everywhere. Probably psychologist expert witnesses. I'll bet Holmes has the gall to take the stand, too.
I can't wait to watch this one for the same reasons I stuck with JA all these years. There's something compelling....
Absolutely she will! I can’t wait for that trial. She’s another piece of work who will blame everyone else for her crimes.
CA - Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos) Wire Fraud
It’s not much. HBO has a great documentary, “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley” and the book by Investigative Reporter John Carreyou, “Bad Blood” is an excellent interesting read. If you don’t have HBO, Amazon Prime video is showing the doc, and other HBO content, free for Prime subscribers for a limited time.
Yep, NYVictoria got to it before I did. I was too busy watching the HBO documentary on Amazon Prime. Very well done. Carreyrou’s book is excellent, too. This trial is a big deal.

Now I feel like I’ve kind of got off topic here, but it’s narcissist psychopath woman—close in age, too—all over again. You know JA’s shark-y eyes? Holmes also has a thing about eyes: hers are wide open and she trained them not to blink.

There’s a lot of meat on this bone....I’d better take my observations over to that thread.
Don't know if this is going to be happening since I don't have access to the court side & don't know "where" to look.

Monday, April 20th:
*Hearing (@ am AZ) – AZ – Complaint against Juan Martinez.
Bar requested postponement until Judge O’Neill’s hearing on 4/28/20.
Complaint 2, filed by Karen Clark Esq. on behalf of Arias, was a hodgepodge of allegations that, simplified, accuse JM's of having sexual relationships with trial bloggers to gain publicity, and that he provided one blogger in particular with sealed and/or confidential trial information, including the identity of juror 17, the holdout juror of the penalty retrial.
January 2018. The Bar dismisses Complaint 2 filed by Karen Clark.
February 2018. Clark appeals the dismissal of Bar Charge #2, asserting that the Bar had abused its discretion by not forwarding the complaint to the Probable Cause Committee.
March 2018. Complaint #2 reinstated by Bar's Probable Cause Committee. At some point in the next few months Clark adds on another slew of charges, all of which relate to alleged sexual harassment by JM, of both MCAO and Superior Court employees.
March 2019. The Probable Cause Committee issues formal charges against JM relating to Complaint #2: divulging confidential information, being untruthful to Bar investigators, and sexual harassment of MCAO employees and of a Superior Court reporter.
August 2019. The Bar dismisses charges of Complaint #2 relating to alleged sexual harassment by JM of MCAO employees. The allegation of harassment by JM of a court reporter remains.
September 2019. Karen Clark files yet another complaint against JM, her second attempt to have JM sanctioned by the Bar for publishing his book. She also files a complaint against Bill Montgomery, for inadequate supervision of JM, and for permitting JM to write his book. Montgomery is seated on the AZ Supreme Court a few days after Clark filed her complaint against him. The Bar delegated the book related/supervisory charges against JM and Montgomery to a AZ SC Special Counsel, who, to the best of my knowledge, still has the complaints under consideration.
September 2019. JM reassigned to Auto Theft division at MCAO.
October 30, 2019. The AZSC takes the Bar’s appeal (complaint #1) under advisement, having received all briefs and JM’s disciplinary record.
February 7, 2020. JM placed on administrative leave by MCAO.
February 21, 2020. JM fired from MCAO. The dismissal letter notes his exceptional service/ record at trial, but asserts that JM did not take his discipline by Montgomery seriously enough (citing the fact that JM appealed his performance review and salary back in 2018 (!!) as evidence of this. The letter also says that MCAO can't be expected to arrange to keep JM far enough away from MCAO employees who fear (no evidence it happened) that JM might retaliate against them for their complaints of sexual harassment.
March 2, 2020. JM filed appeal of his dismissal from MCAO (civil service protections). Hearing set for 4/20/20.

4/13/20 Update: What had already happened before the world turned upside down, and what is tentatively scheduled:
1. The Bar filed a special action to the AZSC, accusing Disciplinary Judge O'Neill of abusing his power by dismissing the MCAO sexual harassment charges that the Probable Cause Committee had included in their formal charges against JM.
2. On February 26, 2020, five days after JM was fired, the Bar requested a "Stay of the Underlying Disciplinary Proceedings" against JM.
In other words, the Bar requested that JM's disciplinary hearing scheduled for April 20 be postponed until the AZSC had heard and ruled on the Special Action against O'Neill.
The Special Action against O'Neill is currently scheduled on the AZSC docket for April 28, 2020. (With a notation that "no oral arguments" will be heard. Maybe a hearing by phone or screens)
Thank you for this, Niner!
Let’s hope JA continues to pay her attorneys out of her “appeal” fund and that the “Einstein IQ” killer wastes more money to file endless complaints about JM & Nurmi and the “appeal fund” slowly disappears.
The killer is so predictable & can’t see the forest from the trees in that she is willing to spend that $ on revenge against both JM & Nurmi- not thinking ahead when and if she’ll need that money for an “real” appeal lawyer. Maybe she feels that she will never “win” regarding any reversal of her sentence & realizes she will never get out, thus she figures “why not?” spend that money any way she can to throw stuff on the wall and see what sticks.
Looks like she spent $12K of that money already. It doesn’t appear Karen Clarke is working pro bono for the killer.
Have you seen her new mugshot? It was recently released. To me the killer looks older, weathered, & hardened. Being incarcerated for 12 yrs is taking its toll on her famous “beauty” (???).
I can’t imagine being in jail for that long & knowing there are years to go.
I hope every single day the killer hears the clank of jail doors closing she thinks of Travis and his last few moments when he must have felt sheer terror. Standing at his sink coughing up blood and seeing that monster in the mirror behind you welding a knife. Travis trying with all the energy he had left trying to get to the door to get free from her and the pain she inflicted.
Great post there @salberg7 !

So wondering if there was a hearing on 4/20, or did the bar's request for postponement happen?
@Hope4More - hear anything? TIA! if you do! :)

So.... now "what" is this complaint against Judge O'Neill? Just something brief so I can make up some notes! ;) I have April 28 as his hearing.
I don't think an actual hearing has taken place yet. The escalator incident may be indicative of the type of "complaints" being made. Though some are concerning. So Juan apparently shouldn't use the escalator if it would put him in close proximity to any employees that may or may not have filed a complaint. And if he is going up the escalator to a floor where he has no business going then of course he's guilty of something. Some of this stuff is silly giggly water cooler banter.
Trust Nurmi to try to capitalize on this brief interlude of renewed (minimal) interest in the killer.

I might download it if he reduces the price from $9.99 to $1.99. Though, I do appreciate his brazenness in taunting the killer and Karen Clark by publishing again, just when Clark may be dusting off her civil suit against him over his first book, lol.
His first"book" was so poorly written I was gobsmacked. But,the one thing that I thought was interesting, was that he wrote that had JM used the prison calls between the killer and her mother, that she would have gotten death. Oh, how I'd like to hear those calls.
I don't think an actual hearing has taken place yet. The escalator incident may be indicative of the type of "complaints" being made. Though some are concerning. So Juan apparently shouldn't use the escalator if it would put him in close proximity to any employees that may or may not have filed a complaint. And if he is going up the escalator to a floor where he has no business going then of course he's guilty of something. Some of this stuff is silly giggly water cooler banter.

Thanks for that article @Midnight Rambler -

It doesn't actually say whether there was a hearing or not - just that Martinez' lawyer filed an appeal.

Nothing is new & nothing has changed, either about JM's bar Inquisitions, or about his (pending) termination from MCAO.

1. The AZ Supreme Court hearing about whether or not Judge O'Neill abused his power when he summarily dismissed the MCAO related bar charges against JM is still scheduled for April 28.

2. JM's Bar disciplinary trial on the remainder of the sex sex sex bar charges is still stayed (put on hold) until the AZSC rules on the abuse of power charge against O'Neill. (Who will preside over JM's trial).

3. MCAO still wants JM to be fired. JM is still appealing that decision, and as far as what's been made public, the State board that will hear JM's appeal hasn't even scheduled a date to meet.

4. What's new are a few details from JM's letter to MCAO, appealing his termination.

I agree with you, Midnight Rambler, that the allegations against JM seem meritless enough to border on the (silly) absurd.

If the worst MCAO can throw at JM is that he took the elevator to a floor "where he had no business" (?!#&!), and that he filed a CYA complaint after a female employee lodged a baseless complaint against him, then I'm even more certain that MCAO doesn't have ANY legitimate grounds for firing him.


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Don't know IF this is happening today - maybe someone will let me know - at least I can shorten it up a bit! :)

Tuesday, April 28th:
*Hearing (@ am AZ) – AZ –For *Judge William J. O’Neill accused (2/12/20) of abusing his discretion and acting arbitrarily and capriciously.
2/12/20 Update: The State Bar of Arizona filed a petition with the Arizona Supreme Court on Thursday asking it to intervene after Disciplinary Judge William J. O'Neil granted a preliminary summary judgment addressing allegations against prosecutor Juan Martinez in August and then issued a formal ruling last month. The petition formally accuses O'Neil of abuse of discretion and calls his actions "arbitrary" and "capricious." He is being accused of abusing his power after he ruled that a well-known Maricopa County prosecutor would not face ethics charges for allegations that he harassed coworkers. The Special Action against O'Neill is currently scheduled on the AZSC docket for April 28, 2020. (With a notation that "no oral arguments" will be heard. Maybe a hearing by phone or screens).
AZ - Complaint against Juan Martinez.
4/20/20 Update: Bar requested postponement until Judge O’Neill’s hearing on 4/28/20.
4/20/20 Update: Juan Martinez is the target of an office vendetta, with the Maricopa County attorney’s chief deputy leading an effort to discipline Martinez twice for the same conduct, according to an appeal filed by his attorney. The high-profile prosecutor is challenging the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office decision to fire him after a 30-year career there. Martinez’s appeal of his termination was released Monday, (4/20/20) by the Maricopa County Attorney’s office. Filed by Martinez’s attorney Thomas Brown, argues that the prosecutor has been disciplined after allegations he sexually harassed female law clerks & a female deputy county attorney from 2007 to 2017. He received a written reprimand & completed a recommended sexual harassment training session. “Mr. Martinez rightfully believed that after accepting the discipline, he should be able to move forward with his distinguished career”. Kenneth Vick, chief deputy to Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel, is attempting to punish Martinez for conduct he already has been accused of & disciplined, the appeal says.

Martinez info:
Complaint 2, filed by Karen Clark Esq. on behalf of Arias, was a hodgepodge of allegations that, simplified, accuse JM's of having sexual relationships with trial bloggers to gain publicity, and that he provided one blogger in particular with sealed and/or confidential trial information, including the identity of juror 17, the holdout juror of the penalty retrial.
Jan 2018. The Bar dismisses Complaint 2 filed by Karen Clark.
February 2018. Clark appeals the dismissal of Bar Charge #2, asserting that the Bar had abused its discretion by not forwarding the complaint to the Probable Cause Committee.
March 2018. Complaint #2 reinstated by Bar's Probable Cause Committee. At some point in the next few months Clark adds on another slew of charges, all of which relate to alleged sexual harassment by JM, of both MCAO and Superior Court employees.
March 2019. The Probable Cause Committee issues formal charges against JM relating to Complaint #2: divulging confidential information, being untruthful to Bar investigators, and sexual harassment of MCAO employees and of a Superior Court reporter.
August 2019. The Bar dismisses charges of Complaint #2 relating to alleged sexual harassment by JM of MCAO employees. The allegation of harassment by JM of a court reporter remains.
September 2019. Karen Clark files yet another complaint against JM, her second attempt to have JM sanctioned by the Bar for publishing his book. She also files a complaint against Bill Montgomery, for inadequate supervision of JM, and for permitting JM to write his book. Montgomery is seated on the AZ Supreme Court a few days after Clark filed her complaint against him. The Bar delegated the book related/supervisory charges against JM and Montgomery to a AZ SC Special Counsel, who, to the best of my knowledge, still has the complaints under consideration.
September 2019. JM reassigned to Auto Theft division at MCAO.
October 30, 2019. The AZSC takes the Bar’s appeal (complaint #1) under advisement, having received all briefs and JM’s disciplinary record.
February 7, 2020. JM placed on administrative leave by MCAO.
February 21, 2020. JM fired from MCAO. The dismissal letter notes his exceptional service/ record at trial, but asserts that JM did not take his discipline by Montgomery seriously enough (citing the fact that JM appealed his performance review and salary back in 2018 (!!) as evidence of this. The letter also says that MCAO can't be expected to arrange to keep JM far enough away from MCAO employees who fear (no evidence it happened) that JM might retaliate against them for their complaints of sexual harassment.
March 2, 2020. JM filed appeal of his dismissal from MCAO (civil service protections).

Hearing set for 4/20/20.
4/13/20 Update: What had already happened before the world turned upside down, and what is tentatively scheduled:
1. The Bar filed a special action to the AZSC, accusing Disciplinary Judge O'Neill of abusing his power by dismissing the MCAO sexual harassment charges that the Probable Cause Committee had included in their formal charges against JM.
2. On February 26, 2020, five days after JM was fired, the Bar requested a "Stay of the Underlying Disciplinary Proceedings" against JM.
In other words, the Bar requested that JM's disciplinary hearing scheduled for April 20 be postponed until the AZSC had heard and ruled on the Special Action against O'Neill.
The Special Action against O'Neill is currently scheduled on the AZSC docket for April 28, 2020. (With a notation that "no oral arguments" will be heard. Maybe a hearing by phone or screens).
Ya know, I'm thinking the murderess has figured out a way to dye her hair. There's no grey showing yet, and their prolly should be. The color doesn't look real to me. Same with her eyebrows: they've had work.

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