Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #1

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I was thinking along the lines of the account being in OR specifically to throw a monkey wrench into any AZ efforts to track funds. Killer is indigent as far as AZ courts are concerned and restitution is an AZ matter as well. I suppose I'm reaching's just curious that the account is just far enough away to make it less convenient for the state to check on or monitor, but not far enough away to be inconvenient for our favorite Aunt, or whoever. But these days a lot can be done via online banking so it's probably no inconvenience at all.

Anyway, it's good to have Killer's addy now so we can all send her birthday cards in a few weeks ...

Or not.

I am betting states have cozy relationships with one another regarding prisoner funds, the same way they have agreements with one another over extradition of the Jodis of the world. No one wants to see LWOPers take advantage of anything. Evidently, JA's "trusts" are accepting cash only. Do they really think this is going to escape scrutiny, when there's special watchfulness over cash deposits because that's how drug cartels do business? Not only that, banks and securities companies are required to do due diligence on the origins of their deposits. Then there are all kinds of interstate baking rules...... I can't wait to see how this all plays out in the restitution hearings. Jodi might have to use her "appeal lawyer's funds" just to protect herself in a restitution hearing. I can't imagine she gets "indigent" funding for this kind of thing.

By the way, do you think anyone has contacted Jodi's bank to let them know they are harboring funds for the benefit of the killer criminal? I'm sure this wouldn't go over very well, especially since Jodi has a history of helping herself to other people's assets (e.g. Travis').

Jodi's going to have to pay for her prison cell rent to the end of time as well as a big chunk of every paycheck to the Alexanders as well as any gifts that end up in the trust AZ sets up for every inmate.

That's strange. It's still down for me. Is it down for me or everyone shows it being down also.**************/

ETA: The JAII is still up, unfortunately.

I got that ERROR 505 Failed Handshake and this morning and used isitdownrightnow to verify that yes, it was down. Got it just now, too, until I deleted the https at the front. Insanity still there. Maybe it's just not a secure site anymore, rofllllll @ myself.

Error 525 Ray ID: 1def0e94f4b113c5 • 2015-04-30 00:16:16 UTC
SSL handshake failed
Laughable. These are some rules

ny person may mail general correspondence such as letters, greeting cards, and post cards to an inmate.
incoming mail is opened and inspected for contraband and unauthorized materials.
Mail may
Cell phones or electronic devices
ash, coins, personal check
s of any kind*
Unused postage stamps
Stickers, labels, addre
ss labels or decorative stamps
Photos where the non
photo side can be separated (
Photos that are
sexually expl
icit, sexually
suggestive or
contain nudity
Photos of other inmates
Unknown for
eign substances and/or powders
Oils, perfu
mes or personal property items
ery tickets or games of chance
Battery operated greeting cards, or greeting cards of excessive size
(larger than 8
½" by 11")
Unused Greeting cards, stationa
ry, pens/pencils and envelopes
Used postcards
Candy, gum, or any food items
Art, crafts and hobby supplies
Other unauthorized items as determined by ADC
maintains all money received on behalf of an inmate or earned by an inmate in an inmate trust account.

Anyone know how to fix the line ends?

So when Chris and Sky Hughes’ book come out in paperback someone could send it to her?
Hi , From what I read awhile back the accounts are cash only. The accounts are not in her name. The accounts are (taken care of?) by family. She has an unrevokable (sp) trust fund I read it to mean forget it, no one but family can touch it. I think I read this on WS. quite a while ago. I thought at the time how can she do that? it was written well after declaring indigency.
So when Chris and Sky Hughes’ book come out in paperback someone could send it to her?

No packages. It does sound as though an inmate could receive "prepaid" publications directly from the publisher/retailer. I took this to mean magazines.

I doubt Jodi would be allowed to receive something that relates to her crime.
Has anyone thought that Jodi might have selected Redding to hire the car at for the murder trip because she scouted it ahead of time and figured out there were no cameras at that car rental. Yreka would certainly have a much smaller airport, and I'll bet the security cameras cover the whole lobby.

Also, she dyed her hair darker in phases between say, April and June, so no one could say "she went away blonde and she came back with brown hair." The phased-in color change, IMO, reflects premeditation.
Has anyone thought that Jodi might have selected Redding to hire the car at for the murder trip because she scouted it ahead of time and figured out there were no cameras at that car rental. Yreka would certainly have a much smaller airport, and I'll bet the security cameras cover the whole lobby.
Well IIRC, Yreka is 90 miles from Redding, so less chance of her being recognized, but why would a smaller venue have more security cameras than a larger one?? That doesn't make sense to me.:waitasec:
Has anyone thought that Jodi might have selected Redding to hire the car at for the murder trip because she scouted it ahead of time and figured out there were no cameras at that car rental. Yreka would certainly have a much smaller airport, and I'll bet the security cameras cover the whole lobby.

Also, she dyed her hair darker in phases between say, April and June, so no one could say "she went away blonde and she came back with brown hair." The phased-in color change, IMO, reflects premeditation.

It wasn't phased in color- the rental clerk clearly stated she was a blonde when she rented the car, not highlighted, not streaks- blonde. She dyed her hair somewhere between Salinas & Mesa, probably in a salon in Monterrey or Pasadena in a rest stop bathroom. But yes, dyeing her hair, as not to be recognized is obvious premeditation. Scott Peterson tried dying his orange before he got arrested.
I just took a quick peek at that facebook page. It's amazing that the "owner" is so deluded. I noticed that he purposely twists even the smallest thing to shore up his POV. On the day that Jodi was sentenced, he stated the following:

That's patently false, as JSS was extremely calm with no anger whatsoever displayed. But that clearly doesn't play to his rhetoric, so he has to either use hyperbole or lie outright in order to advance his agenda.

Is that GB's facebook page? I've never visited it but recall something he wrote during the Oscar Pistorius trial and it was laughable. Rarely have so many factual errors made it into the one paragraph. He explained away the neighbours having heard arguing on the night of the shooting along the lines of 'Oscar says they weren't arguing so it must have been some other couple they heard'! After reading his 'Oscar is innocent' article I decided that whatever he had to say about the Arias case wasn't worth bothering about. BTW, he and the JAII crowd are feuding and SJ, the JAII head honcho, never misses an opportunity to have a dig at him. They label everyone else as 'haters' and can't even get along with each other in their shared crusade for 'justice for Jodi'.
Has anyone thought that Jodi might have selected Redding to hire the car at for the murder trip because she scouted it ahead of time and figured out there were no cameras at that car rental. Yreka would certainly have a much smaller airport, and I'll bet the security cameras cover the whole lobby.

Also, she dyed her hair darker in phases between say, April and June, so no one could say "she went away blonde and she came back with brown hair." The phased-in color change, IMO, reflects premeditation.

She said she was thinking of going back to brown, that keeping up with being a blonde was too much. IIRC this was in March.
She said she was thinking of going back to brown, that keeping up with being a blonde was too much. IIRC this was in March.

This was the DT's argument against premeditation- Jodi didn't dye her hair as a disguise, she was already thinking of doing it months in advance... Not buying it for a minute! Jodi didn't dye it back to brunette until after renting the car in Redding.
Well IIRC, Yreka is 90 miles from Redding, so less chance of her being recognized, but why would a smaller venue have more security cameras than a larger one?? That doesn't make sense to me.:waitasec:

In a smaller venue, just one camera could cover the whole lobby. Yreka would be a very small venue. Redding might not have had a camera near the rental agency Jodi chose.
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

Checking in for any updates ... still waiting on :

- The release of Sheriff's Joe's report on the :jail:

- The release Super Secret Sidebars

When will these be released ?

She said she was thinking of going back to brown, that keeping up with being a blonde was too much. IIRC this was in March.

That was a Nurmi statement that, like most Nurmi statements, was just thrown out there with nothing to back it up.
Is that GB's facebook page? I've never visited it but recall something he wrote during the Oscar Pistorius trial and it was laughable. Rarely have so many factual errors made it into the one paragraph. He explained away the neighbours having heard arguing on the night of the shooting along the lines of 'Oscar says they weren't arguing so it must have been some other couple they heard'! After reading his 'Oscar is innocent' article I decided that whatever he had to say about the Arias case wasn't worth bothering about. BTW, he and the JAII crowd are feuding and SJ, the JAII head honcho, never misses an opportunity to have a dig at him. They label everyone else as 'haters' and can't even get along with each other in their shared crusade for 'justice for Jodi'.

It's the justice4jodi one. I'm not sure whose page it is.
Reading the book "Our Friend Travis".

Alot of it I find interesting, but the most interesting to me if how badly 281129 wanted to move to Mesa. I still believe she was planning his murder when she left Mesa, the place she figured she would spend the rest of her life with Travis.

She was DETERMINED to not let him go. She had to rid of him once he finally figured out what kind of crazed, obsessed woman she was.

Great reading!
This was the DT's argument against premeditation- Jodi didn't dye her hair as a disguise, she was already thinking of doing it months in advance... Not buying it for a minute! Jodi didn't dye it back to brunette until after renting the car in Redding.

Juan knew she went to a salon in Salinas. Too bad he could not produce proof. I am on the fence as to whether she died her hair on her road trip, or from the time she started to plan his murder.
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