Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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Jasmine mystery answered.

On May 14 the killer texted TA about taking Jasmine to a street festival in Yreka the upcoming weekend. Travis answered-sure, bring Jasmine or some such.

Killer texted, yah, she's 12 weeks old now, we could put her in a carrier.

Whi is Jasmine? Jasmine is the baby of the killer's "friend" Heather. Travis had no idea who Jasmine was. The killer was playing her accidental text game and Travis called her bluff. The carrier comment afterwards by the killer is revealing, no? Thinking of the baby as an animal to be stuck in a cage for transport.

Must have pizzed her off that T didn't even care what the heck she was talking about.
I displayed a pattern that showed he usually started texting late morning or early afternoon. He did the same thing on June 4th. He also had some afternoons where he didn't text people back for hours. It's not unusual. It's also not unusual for him not to text Maria back right away. She was even complaining about his response time.

Jodi needed to be in his house until at least until the last access of Travis' computer. that was either 424 or 454pm.

My point is precisely that same about his landline. We don't know if he was using it or not. He could have been or he could not have been. The police have not given us Jodi's phone records, either. So we don't know about either. If we don't trust the police about the photo times, why trust them about his landline or his text record? Maybe Jodi deleted all his texts. We don't know.

My point about cleaning wasn't that no blood evidence would remain. It was that she left it a mess and if she'd been in the house for hours, she could have at least gotten her hair up. She could have at least found the two shoe impressions.

I personally don't think, and it's just me personally, that Jodi would be able to sleep after a murder like that or want to lose even more time on her alibi. If she had time like that, she could have been in a better frame of mind to make sure she was out of AZ before calling people and then she could have gone to sleep. Why, if she left early, before the shower photo timestamps, would she not try to make it out of AZ quickly enough to reassure the people waiting on her before they even called Travis?

A quick reply, longer response later. Think about what opportunities a dead Travis in his own house represented. She could take her time and read his journals, go through his every last text, go on his computer, search through his papers....all for the purposes of erasing incriminating evidence, planting incriminating evidence, and indulging her absolute glee that he was dead and she had complete control over his things.

I think it would have been very unsatisfying to her to simply flee, given the choice.
Travis was a neat freak. He even hung his jeans up in his closet, and his roomies said he would never but never mix whites and colored when he did a wash.

What clothes were found in the washer, other than his Mormon undergarments and a Tshirt that wasn't his size? There were no clothes found in his bathroom or strewn about in his room.

The point being- sure looks like he never even had a chance to get dressed that day, all day long. Sound like Travis? Not to me.
Good find on Jasmine! You deserve a dance for that!


Dude. Where is my dancing banana gif? They removed it. So mad.

Anyways, you would have gotten a dancing banana, but I can't find it.

I don't know that Jodi didn't go through his stuff while he was asleep before they had sex. I don't know her purpose for planting any kind of evidence at his house--except that check. Why plant evidence when she could innocently let police find it on her own computer? Evidence of what even? She might want to remove evidence, but plant it? What was found that was actually planted?

I don't know that any amount of time was worth blowing her alibi on purpose just to snoop. she wanted to kill him. Why would she spend in excess of 12 hours snooping through his house and zero time wiping up two foot prints?

I don't see the point in doing anything other than saving the rest of her life after the murder. And I believe she was in the house when Enrique got home. Flores asked if she didn't see the roommates cars. Well, Zack's car was at the shop and zack's rental car was with him at the house he was sitting until possibly 3pm maybe. Did Enrique have a car and just like to take the bus halfway across town to work? (That was a random thought that had nothing to even do with what I was saying...sorry... anyways...)

Back to what we're saying. I don't know the reason she doesn't call Ryan until 1030 or 1130pm if Travis has been dead all day. It just defies logic to be in his house that long if he's dead.

I don't know Travis. I don't know if he got dressed or not, if he was lounging around the house. I don't know if he would get dressed if he had a woman in his bed all morning. I wouldn't if I had a man here. Actually, I went through this very thing when my ex showed up at my house out of the blue after moving 400 miles away 5 months prior. We did not have a good breakup or phone/texting relationship afterward. But we did have sex that day. :drumroll: So I guess, from experience, I know this situation. In fact, I was about to tell you guys that my "jodi" has been texting me lately. I don't know what to do with him. Anyways... back to the crime scene...

I don't know that he wasn't wearing any of the stuff that was in the washer. I have shirts that don't fit me after I lost weight. I wear them around the house. Travis was losing weight. How do we know his size? He was definitely bigger on his earlier trips with Jodi.

I don't know anything about Travis' habits. I know he let Jodi be his maid because he didn't have time to clean the place himself. I don't know what changed about that, especially if he had to pay a person more than the $12.50 he paid jodi an hour. Travis didn't seem like the type to pay Jodi for nothing. Maybe he did pay her for nothing. Or maybe there was a reason he needed a maid, alleged neat-freak aside.

I know people say things about him in death, but they also said he was a virgin and would never have sex with Jodi. So I honestly can't dismiss what's there based upon hearsay or my opinion of him.

My opinion of Travis right now is that he's a man who told us point blank that he will get mad at Jodi and then let her back in. He's a man who we know was trying to get busy with women for the last two months--without an penetration success (I don't think anyways.) We know that Jodi was an easy lay. Easy. And we know he probably didn't know when he'd get some again for a long time. Jodi knew how to work him. If she didn't, he would have escaped her a long time ago.

If Jodi's whole thing was documenting to prove she wasn't there, I can't imagine she'd mess up her timeline on purpose.
I think Travis was dead when that text to Chris was sent. The text itself doesn't make sense, and it makes even less sense that Travis would reply to just that one text from Chris but not to the 2 received earlier, from Brooke and from Maria.

I also don't believe that Travis would have gone all day without sending more than one single text. The killer supposedly took a shower at some point. We're to believe he didn't check his phone then, didn't send a quick text to Maria or to Regan that he'd be in touch later? Nah.

I think she snuck in after he went to bed and surprised him as he took a shower in the morning after he woke up and put his sheets in the washer.


JA: you know, and he would text me and he would say, Hey, you want to come over and make out or wanna’ duh duh duh. Umm… I didn’t respond one night, and I just stayed strong, and I didn’t respond, and he called and called and called and then the next day he was like, You don’t care about me, you don’t love me, you don’t care, I was there all alone, and you didn’t want to come and hang out. You don’t want to come and keep me company, and he says it not like that, in that tone, but it’s in the sweetest, sweetest way, and it’s… it’s… guilt. Umm…

Did anyone ever read texts where any of the part I bolded actually happened? I don't have access to BK's site anymore, but from my recollection, she was the one always wanting to come over and making the propositions.
JA: you know, and he would text me and he would say, Hey, you want to come over and make out or wanna’ duh duh duh. Umm… I didn’t respond one night, and I just stayed strong, and I didn’t respond, and he called and called and called and then the next day he was like, You don’t care about me, you don’t love me, you don’t care, I was there all alone, and you didn’t want to come and hang out. You don’t want to come and keep me company, and he says it not like that, in that tone, but it’s in the sweetest, sweetest way, and it’s… it’s… guilt. Umm…

Did anyone ever read texts where any of the part I bolded actually happened? I don't have access to BK's site anymore, but from my recollection, she was the one always wanting to come over and making the propositions.

I too don't remember any texts like that between Travis and JA. If you replace the 'I's with Chaitanya or Maria, yes.
I think she was describing his interactions with other girls she found out from snooping.
Good find on Jasmine! You deserve a dance for that!


Dude. Where is my dancing banana gif? They removed it. So mad.

Anyways, you would have gotten a dancing banana, but I can't find it.

I don't know that Jodi didn't go through his stuff while he was asleep before they had sex. I don't know her purpose for planting any kind of evidence at his house--except that check. Why plant evidence when she could innocently let police find it on her own computer? Evidence of what even? She might want to remove evidence, but plant it? What was found that was actually planted?

I don't know that any amount of time was worth blowing her alibi on purpose just to snoop. she wanted to kill him. Why would she spend in excess of 12 hours snooping through his house and zero time wiping up two foot prints?

I don't see the point in doing anything other than saving the rest of her life after the murder. And I believe she was in the house when Enrique got home. Flores asked if she didn't see the roommates cars. Well, Zack's car was at the shop and zack's rental car was with him at the house he was sitting until possibly 3pm maybe. Did Enrique have a car and just like to take the bus halfway across town to work? (That was a random thought that had nothing to even do with what I was saying...sorry... anyways...)

Back to what we're saying. I don't know the reason she doesn't call Ryan until 1030 or 1130pm if Travis has been dead all day. It just defies logic to be in his house that long if he's dead.

I don't know Travis. I don't know if he got dressed or not, if he was lounging around the house. I don't know if he would get dressed if he had a woman in his bed all morning. I wouldn't if I had a man here. Actually, I went through this very thing when my ex showed up at my house out of the blue after moving 400 miles away 5 months prior. We did not have a good breakup or phone/texting relationship afterward. But we did have sex that day. :drumroll: So I guess, from experience, I know this situation. In fact, I was about to tell you guys that my "jodi" has been texting me lately. I don't know what to do with him. Anyways... back to the crime scene...

I don't know that he wasn't wearing any of the stuff that was in the washer. I have shirts that don't fit me after I lost weight. I wear them around the house. Travis was losing weight. How do we know his size? He was definitely bigger on his earlier trips with Jodi.

I don't know anything about Travis' habits. I know he let Jodi be his maid because he didn't have time to clean the place himself. I don't know what changed about that, especially if he had to pay a person more than the $12.50 he paid jodi an hour. Travis didn't seem like the type to pay Jodi for nothing. Maybe he did pay her for nothing. Or maybe there was a reason he needed a maid, alleged neat-freak aside.

I know people say things about him in death, but they also said he was a virgin and would never have sex with Jodi. So I honestly can't dismiss what's there based upon hearsay or my opinion of him.

My opinion of Travis right now is that he's a man who told us point blank that he will get mad at Jodi and then let her back in. He's a man who we know was trying to get busy with women for the last two months--without an penetration success (I don't think anyways.) We know that Jodi was an easy lay. Easy. And we know he probably didn't know when he'd get some again for a long time. Jodi knew how to work him. If she didn't, he would have escaped her a long time ago.

If Jodi's whole thing was documenting to prove she wasn't there, I can't imagine she'd mess up her timeline on purpose.

Remember who we are talking about here. The killer is someone who was so sure of her ability to manipulate people that she held to her ridiculous ninja story for years, who had to be convinced by her defense attorney using extraordinary tactics to drop that story.

And, according to her own attorney, this is a person who felt it more important to destroy TA's reputation than to try to save her own life while on trial.

It's impossible to attribute rationality to such an abberent mind/person, IMO.

As for Travis. I think we have very different opinions about who he was and how he felt. Was he a young man looking to please the ladies and looking for gratification? Yep, he was. Which makes him normal, IMO, no more, no less.

But was he looking to gratify himself with the killer, especially after May 26? No. I absolutely reject that possibility at this point. Not because it's uncomfortable, but because I don't think the evidence supports that conclusion.

I think it's easy to forget/overlook the extreme duress she inflicted upon him. Remember? Even the tiniest of perceived rejection by Travis elicited major drama from her, including threats of suicide. He didn't know how to make her go away. He tried every which way to convince her to move on.

May 26th IMO was his last ditch effort, his utter repudiation of her and everything she was. He wasn't telling her he was still susceptible to her "charms." He was telling her that he admitted defeat, that she had won, that all he wanted was for her to be truthful about wanting to destroy him.

All of that was leadup to the finale on May 26, after he had entreated her, begged her, explained to her, cajoled her, to simply tell the truth. AFTER that he dropped all pleasantries and attacked her without mercy, none deserved, and no indication on his part whatsoever that he forgave her or felt anything for her but utter contempt and hatred.

PS. He was precisely the kind of person who would pay someone to clean his house whether it needed it or not, in order to help someone out financially and let them save face.
Is it true that Travis' stomach contained a small amount of oatmeal at the time of his death?
I remember reading something like that back in 2013(?) but don't remember from where. I don't even know if I read that from any reliable source.

If it's true, it is hard to believe he only had a bowl of oatmeal all day until 5 pm.
From the interrogation tape...

Flores: "His roommates saw T's CTR ring and watch on the kitchen counter, which they thought odd."

Killer: " no, he always left them there until he went to sleep/bed."

Huh? Not. He never had a chance to put them on/back on that day.
When my brother was shot he lost massive blood. Within 12 or so hours his fingernails were dyed red from his blood. It took days for the red to fade. I have always believed she showered immediately because of this. Otherwise I agree with your post.
If my memory is accurate (always questionable these days lol) about Psuedo testifying that Travis' laptop wasn't set to the special AZ timezone, then everything on the laptop would have occurred an hour eariler in real time (because Windows would have automatcially adjusted the time when DST went into effect), correct? Videos, proxy site before 3:30 a.m.? Last time laptop used before 4:00 p.m.? I don't recall any mention of times being adjusted on the printout of his computer usage on the 4th, does anyone have any memory of this?
I don't think she told him she was coming, for the most basic reason of all: if she had told him there was even a possibility of stopping by en route to see Ryan, how could she be positive he wouldn't tell a friend? She couldn't.

Starting with that thought I imagine how Travis would respond to her just showing up, completely unannounced. IMO he would have been very uneasy at best, freaked at worse, depending on the time and circumstances when she revealed herself.

I believe him when he told Regan he was scared of the killer. I also believe that he genuinely felt and meant every word of what he said to her on May 26. He did not in fact initiate any contact with the killer after that, and responded only tersely to her when she did so.

Remember Travis asking Brooke who she might have told about "pal-ing " around with him? He was worried that the killer might still be attempting to sabotage his relationships, IMO. And there is still the unknown of May 26, what she might have told him then, to consider.

He hadn't gone back onto her roller coaster, IMO. He didn't trust her, didn't like her, and felt threatened by her. Again a bottom line- it was those very feelings of his towards her that had "driven" her resolve to murder Travis.

The long phone calls on June 2 may have been more of the same as May 26, with content provided by Jodi that was equally disturbing to Travis. He could have been equally persistent in telling Jodi what he thought of her and to back off. This may all have focused her on the kill, upped her determination.

He probably thought he wasn't at risk because she wasn't anywhere near Mesa.... Otherwise, he might have called the police, or one of his friends might have.
Was Travis expecting her? And, preplanning. From her journal (all these entries are available on Juror 13’s website; I’m paraphrasing and shortening most).

May 27. Ryan texted me. It’s been a week. Was getting worried he wasn’t really interested. Will definitely go visit him in Utah, next week or the week after, depending on budget. Will visit him and go to LA to photograph Laura’s new baby, still have to call her about that. I can go because I have off from Casa Ramos on Tues Wednesday and Thursday. Tonight was my first night working there.

May 30. Am definitely going to Utah next week. Two whole days with Ryan! Time off and budget works for me to go.

June 1. Adding Darryl and Matt to my itinerary, maybe John Dixon too. Great guy tho not a church member and talks big…like telling me my art can hang next to Monet.

Told Travis about road trip, but am trying to keep seeing Ryan a secret from Travis, because he gets so upset and jealous. T mentioned in a Gchat that he still had feelings for me everyday. Surprised me. I Just don’t want him to feel lonely. But he says he’s found the One.

Made the mistake of telling him about Dixon back in, well, August or September. He was so upset. But I wasn’t cheating on him when I was interested in Dixon, because we weren’t dating then or bf/gf. He made me tell him about Dixon. He told me I had hurt him more than he’d been hurt by the death of his father, which I believe. “Heavy.” I love him, we’re just different.

Maybe Travis will hear about Ryan through the grapevine, which might be good for him because it will “give him incentive…to getting his marriage on,” no more messing around or getting naughty with me or whoever else he’s been “doing his thing with.”

He did begin to sweet talk/guilt trip me into going to AZ instead of Utah. I almost relented, but then stayed strong. He was hurt and upset but I “gently declined, gently refused," I could tell he was still bothered. Persuaded him it was OK by reminding him he was coming here soon, and of all the things we planned to do here. He eventually said Ok, whatever.

June 2-3.

Left early, from Yreka (…..) napped at my brother’s til 2pm, then left at 3-3:30 “or something.”

(……) had breakfast with Darryl, hung out a little, ran errands- bank, then went back to Matt’s house, took nap and shower, then to Walmart , Ross, to get nails done for Utah but the wait was too long. Was supposed to see Gus the day before but had to sleep in mickey D parking lot, even after my nap at Carl’s.

I waited around in Pasadena, “killed time “ waiting for Laura to call, but she didn’t.

Note: She made no mention of ever calling Travis or speaking with Travis after June 1. This is her story before her arrest, obviously. Will post related post-arrest interrogation excerpts shortly. I can understand why she refused to answer EF's repeated questions about when she decided to go to Mesa and whether or not Travis was expecting her. She had a lot of lies to sort through and get straight.

All of this stuff from her journals sounds like an invention for LE. Nothing sounds real. Bunch of BS.
posts snipped by me...

Hope4More said:
JA: Listen, it’s not that I didn’t love Travis, and it’s not that I don’t still love him, but I really needed to move on…

And there is our answer on why she killed Travis...

and this...
Hope4More said:
DF: I know if you would have never met him he probably would still be alive.

JA: That’s true.

a confession??

anyway - thank you all, especially Hope4More for the June texts!!
Remember who we are talking about here. The killer is someone who was so sure of her ability to manipulate people that she held to her ridiculous ninja story for years, who had to be convinced by her defense attorney using extraordinary tactics to drop that story.

And, according to her own attorney, this is a person who felt it more important to destroy TA's reputation than to try to save her own life while on trial.

It's impossible to attribute rationality to such an abberent mind/person, IMO.

As for Travis. I think we have very different opinions about who he was and how he felt. Was he a young man looking to please the ladies and looking for gratification? Yep, he was. Which makes him normal, IMO, no more, no less.

But was he looking to gratify himself with the killer, especially after May 26? No. I absolutely reject that possibility at this point. Not because it's uncomfortable, but because I don't think the evidence supports that conclusion.

I think it's easy to forget/overlook the extreme duress she inflicted upon him. Remember? Even the tiniest of perceived rejection by Travis elicited major drama from her, including threats of suicide. He didn't know how to make her go away. He tried every which way to convince her to move on.

May 26th IMO was his last ditch effort, his utter repudiation of her and everything she was. He wasn't telling her he was still susceptible to her "charms." He was telling her that he admitted defeat, that she had won, that all he wanted was for her to be truthful about wanting to destroy him.

All of that was leadup to the finale on May 26, after he had entreated her, begged her, explained to her, cajoled her, to simply tell the truth. AFTER that he dropped all pleasantries and attacked her without mercy, none deserved, and no indication on his part whatsoever that he forgave her or felt anything for her but utter contempt and hatred.

PS. He was precisely the kind of person who would pay someone to clean his house whether it needed it or not, in order to help someone out financially and let them save face.

Again, I hear you but what you're saying is personal interpretation without evidence. unsubjective evidence, like metadata or like the fact of when her phone came back on. Not just opinions of what Travis would or wouldn't do on a given day.

I saw May 26th totally differently. If I said he "forgave her," then that's not the phrase I meant. I meant he let her back in. This is the state I believe Travis was still in when she showed up. He tells us how conflicted he is about her in the g-chat.

" I thought I might break away this time but you knew I couldnt."

"you knew one call and you'd reel me in."

"because I am addicted. you are ruining my life but I'm addicted."

"I tried to stay away this time but you called. And you made sure I heard your voice. You knew that would be enough, not how many infractions. Its obvious by anyone's reason that I should have never have anything to do with you. you just kill me. every time. I keep taking you back. I have come to terms with it. I am in partial addicted to you."

He never says he "was" addicted. He never indicates it's over. In fact, he says, "let's drop the pretense. You win. I'm addicted."

This is 8 days before she showed up. I suspect this inner conflict was still there when he saw her face again for the first time in 2 months. She's addicted, too. She got herself pimped and waxed because she knew she was having sex with him when she got there. She knew it, just as he outlines above about how she knows her effect on him. If he felt that conflicted over a phone call, imagine the flood of emotions when she was there, in his presence, after two months.

I don't see any evidence that indicates that the day didn't go down very closely to what the evidence in trial lays out. I see no reason to throw Melendez's work out the window. There's no evidence contradicting the metadata.

I can't know that what was in Jodi's mind before the murder had anything to do with what was in her mind once she realized her plan to get away with it hadn't worked. We're talking about a person who went from thinking she controlled everything to realizing she controlled nothing.

If certain things didn't happen according to the evidence, I do know she has no problem saying something different. And that includes using the pictures as part of her own defense against premeditation. If Melendez couldn't figure out that all the information on the pics was wrong, Jodi would have pointed out that it was wrong. "You're wrong," she'd once said to Juan while on the stand. And I believe it was about the "shaving pics." And she wouldn't let it go because he was wrong. Her desire to be right at this point, I think, would drive her to correct them about the sex pics--especially if that correction is in her favor.

We can agree to disagree because I can't really debate a person's personal interpretation. If there is evidence that contradicts the evidence we know, that's different.

BTW, I don't know what you're doing by posting the transcripts of the interrogation. That's crazy--just as crazy as me, so thanks. I caused me to read stuff that might have just been murmurings that I ignored. What I want a transcript of are the calls between her and Flores.
Is it true that Travis' stomach contained a small amount of oatmeal at the time of his death?
I remember reading something like that back in 2013(?) but don't remember from where. I don't even know if I read that from any reliable source.

If it's true, it is hard to believe he only had a bowl of oatmeal all day until 5 pm.

I don't know, but it's really not hard to believe, if he liked to eat out and didn't keep anything but frozen food in the house. Plus, the oatmeal wouldn't tell us what was eaten before it or when. Maybe he had a steak dinner at 10pm. who knows.

We don't know his eating patterns at all, so we can't speculate, and if he just got up at 1pm, had sex, ate, and died, that was only 4.5 hours. People eat breakfast and then don't have lunch--if they even have lunch until as much as 4 or 6 hours later, if they eat before they go to work.

From the interrogation tape...

Flores: "His roommates saw T's CTR ring and watch on the kitchen counter, which they thought odd."

Killer: " no, he always left them there until he went to sleep/bed."

Huh? Not. He never had a chance to put them on/back on that day.

I don't get it. She says he always left them there--until bed--as if he only wore them to bed. Her statement indicates that he got up and took them off.

I don't lend any credence to it one way or another. His floor cleaner was out. If he is the one who took it out, he might have removed the ring and watch to work on the floors. If he left them there all night, I don't know that it matters. He was interrupted by a very unexpected visitor.

The long phone calls on June 2 may have been more of the same as May 26, with content provided by Jodi that was equally disturbing to Travis. He could have been equally persistent in telling Jodi what he thought of her and to back off. This may all have focused her on the kill, upped her determination.

He probably thought he wasn't at risk because she wasn't anywhere near Mesa.... Otherwise, he might have called the police, or one of his friends might have.

This is just my interpretation, but Jodi and Travis had a escalate/blowup/de-escalate/back-to-talking type of cycle. His texts with Jodi after May 26th seem to indicate to me that he was de-escalating. Not necessarily back in the talking pattern, but he was relating to her. For example, letting her know he was in the middle of something and would call in a minute is a lot nicer than "No, put it on the voicemail. I don't want to talk to you."

I think, just my opinion, his main problem with Jodi that got him killed was that he would get mad, have it out, and let it go. She held onto her anger. You can tell by all the details she knows of every single argument. If Travis couldn't prove something, he'd keep talking to her. For example, he couldn't prove her tire-slashing. He even said--to my shock and disbelief--that the tire-slasher was still out there--as if she was an unknown person. I think he said that to Elyse after Jod left town in April. when he told Elyse that, it really made me see how much Travis wanted to believe in Jodi.

He'd say extreme things to Jodi. He might not have meant them but for in the moment, but Jodi held onto those things. He might have learned it from watching unhealthy relationships growing up. For example, seeing his parents yell at each other but then keep staying together or taking each other back despite the bad things they might have done to each other, confusing him about knowing when to let go of a toxic person. Just a guess.
There is one mistake I think many of us keep making. We believe that messages marked from Travis were really from Travis. Given that Juan proved on the stand that she could have been the one sending some of the messages that were attributed to Travis, how can we not believe that it is quite possible that she sent many of them, especially the ones that seem so off from his character and regular speech patterns?

I for one am reserving my opinion until I read Juan's book.

I have known two people in my life that were devious multi-planners and that peppered some truths in with their lies. JA reminded me of both of them early on.

These people, unlike most of us who have a plan "A" and a backup plan B, these types have plans A thru Z. Like JA, neither one of them did anything good with their lives and were experts at ducking responsibilities. Both of them tried to be sex pots too!
This is just my interpretation, but Jodi and Travis had a escalate/blowup/de-escalate/back-to-talking type of cycle. His texts with Jodi after May 26th seem to indicate to me that he was de-escalating. Not necessarily back in the talking pattern, but he was relating to her. For example, letting her know he was in the middle of something and would call in a minute is a lot nicer than "No, put it on the voicemail. I don't want to talk to you."

I think, just my opinion, his main problem with Jodi that got him killed was that he would get mad, have it out, and let it go. She held onto her anger. You can tell by all the details she knows of every single argument. If Travis couldn't prove something, he'd keep talking to her. For example, he couldn't prove her tire-slashing. He even said--to my shock and disbelief--that the tire-slasher was still out there--as if she was an unknown person. I think he said that to Elyse after Jod left town in April. when he told Elyse that, it really made me see how much Travis wanted to believe in Jodi.

He'd say extreme things to Jodi. He might not have meant them but for in the moment, but Jodi held onto those things. He might have learned it from watching unhealthy relationships growing up. For example, seeing his parents yell at each other but then keep staying together or taking each other back despite the bad things they might have done to each other, confusing him about knowing when to let go of a toxic person. Just a guess.

Snipped. BBM

I believe they were in an abusive relationship in which JA relentlessly and shamelessly abused him. She saw him as nothing but a dildo with a heartbeat that could provide her with opportunities of travels, friends, home, money, car, glamorous life...all the stuff on her dream board.

They were on a never ending abuse-forgive-abuse-forgive- terrorize- forgive-----cycle until Travis called it quits. Then she killed him mercilessly.
Is it true that Travis' stomach contained a small amount of oatmeal at the time of his death?
I remember reading something like that back in 2013(?) but don't remember from where. I don't even know if I read that from any reliable source.

If it's true, it is hard to believe he only had a bowl of oatmeal all day until 5 pm.

Here is what the autopsy said:

"The lumen contained approximately 25ML of brown partially digested food fragments." I think the butcheress was the one who said he had eaten oatmeal, so who really knows what it was.

25ML is about 2 Tablespoons if converted.
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