Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #4

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You know how in that May 26 "journal" of JA's that Hope has ^^^^^ when JA talks about the "cycle" Travis gets into?

It reminded me of the "cycle" in a text that TA wrote. He wrote something to the effect that since she was in her "cycle" she couldn't do anything. Honest to goodness, when I read it, I did not think this meant Jodi was menstruating. IMO, first, she wouldn't have cared less if she was, inasmuch as she prided herself on being not at all old-fashioned when it came to sexual expertise. Second, she didn't need that particular orifice except once in her game-playing with TA? Third, were there gaps consistently every month to bolster an interpretation that she didn't play right then?

Do you think there's a chance that the "cycle" Travis refers to is what JA accuses him of having in the 26th re-write of her journal? That he might have put in a text a small mention of something they'd had a substantial discussion about? That this "cycle" thing in her journal is just revenge because he had a clear reading of the "cycles" Jodi would go through and he would talk about them to her.

So, Jodi was the one with the temperament cycle and Travis had pointed this out.

Then the "cycle of abuse" c***p kept showing up in the trial testimony. Cycles everywhere....
Some pieces of the why-puzzle….;) I’ve left spaces for editorial comments to come…sometime.

Excerpt from the ’s letter to her victim’s family, July 28, 2008, T’s birthday:

(The indirectly refers to the incident at convention when Travis helped Clancy down the stairs, which resulted in the confronting Clancy in the bathroom and telling her to keep her hands off Travis, that he belonged to her. She refers to that incident as justification for her suspicion that Travis was cheating on her, which led to her reluctant snooping of his texts in June 2007).

I decided we should just be friends on June 29, 2007. That was a very difficult decision because I loved him very much. It was especially difficult because he begged me to marry him that day.

He said things would be different. Up to that point a proposal was expected anytime, but once the trust is gone, it is hopeless.

I’m not perfect either. I violated his trust by reading text messages that perhaps should have remained private. My justification was I had the right to know, I’m not saying it was OK.

Fast forward to July 2007/ (Travis persuaded me to move to Mesa, and I gave in).

I used to wonder what it would have been like if I (had) accepted his proposal. But I don’t think things would have changed. Here’s why: about a month before I moved back to CA, March 2008, we decided to have a come clean conversation about everything, everything, everything.

He confessed that (he’d been dating Lisa the whole time I was living there. (We’d spoken 4x about dating , he brought up each time, always to say he wasn’t). I never had any reason not to believe him because (he didn’t have any reason to hide the fact).

I’m not the type to have an emotional breakdown over something like that the way Deanna has in the past. In fact, I would have been happy for him.

So the shock came not in the fact that he had lied again to another girlfriend, but that this time I was the “other girl.” I felt very ashamed.

My first thought was for Lisa, I should tell her everything. But they had long since broken up and Travis had taken a decided interest in Mimi Hall.

Besides, telling Lisa would have (destroyed my friendship with Travis) and it would have caused a lot of unnecessary drama and pain.

But when it was my turn to come clean, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

All hell seemed to break loose. He lost his temper completely and flew into a rage. He began punching himself in the head so hard that he injured his neck and back and could barely turn his head from side to side.

I was afraid to go near him, but I wanted him to stop. Travis never hit me in the face, but he bruised other parts of my body. (…)

That only happened twice. The second time was on a Tuesday in early April 2008 (Tempe business meeting, 2 guys joked about T hitting me ).

By putting several hundred miles between us any further opportunities for abuse (not to mention immoral conduct on both our parts) would be prevented. But even when I moved away, he didn’t let up.

Her journal, May 22 (written after LE phone interviews).

…..And Travis said he’s still certain he wants to marry Mimi, although they’re not yet dating.

It’s not fair to her either, in my opinion. We hadn’t talked about her in so long, I didn’t realize he was still in pursuit.
I wouldn’t dare lecture him over it though.

The first thing that almost popped out of my mouth was, “then why the hell are we still messing around if that’s the case?!?”

But I kept it shut. For 2 reasons.

1. It would be like the pot calling the kettle black (as I’ve had my eye on some wonderfuls myself)

2. I honestly don’t think Travis can be monogomous. I’m certain he wasn’t w/me.

Although I don’t dwell on it anymore, but my certainty was further solidified when his pattern of behavior continued w/his next girlfriend, Lisa Andrews.

When he finally admitted that they had been dating, I felt so guilty. I almost wanted to tell her, it seemed only fair, but by then had already broken up and he had moved onto Mimi.

Besides, not only would telling her destroy our friendship (mine & his), but it would cause a lot of unnecessary drama and pain.

And just because Travis acted like a schmuck when it came to how he treated his previous girlfriends, doesn’t mean he’s capable of learning how to be better.

It’s just that I’ve yet to see evidence of it. But perhaps it will be different w/Mimi. One things for sure, I wouldn’t want to be the “other girl” in that relationship. I couldn’t handle the guilt.

4/3 Email, JA to TA:

I know I’m making the right decision… I used to be so spiritual. I’m not myself… Don’t think I don’t enjoy making love to you. I have enjoyed making love to the man I love but it wasn't under the right circumstances. We’ve both stretched it farther than it should have naturally gone but intact it remains. This time away from each other will help us both. That is my prayer and that is what I sincerely believe.

Sicko. June 2007 was actually the time when TA made clear (perhaps not for the first time) that he was not interested in marrying her and in fact did not want her draping herself on him or making sexual gestures of any kind. He made this very clear before their visit to NY. Jodi was explicitly expecting a proposal that month and was disappointed he hadn't said he loved her, but all the signs were just NO.
Muwahaha, it's gonna be a :party: in here. I know that I will be taking notes for myself as I get from one insight to another...

Will we all be skipping the 16th, to only come back few hours later after our appetites have been fed and the whole book has been thoroughly read, examined, and critiqued with our prior efforts to resolve the inconsistencies and mysteries to this case? :woot:

And I can't find the post anymore.. but I have the same problem as (all) of us do... case has been over for a while, I can't even* mention (I get 'the look' and verbally banned) TA or 'the thing' anymore. Ughhh..

Edit: I hadn't realized they used her mugshot on the cover of the book! I like that idea, it's how I imagine Juan's resolve, during and years after handling this case. He knew he'd end up making mince-meat of her. No matter how many bag-o-tricks, the media, or whatnot; JM knew what her face would look like the day she (finally) got put behind Perryville's bars. She was toast. Just another (head)case for him.

Who else is taking off work that day?
Umm. Bombshell! Or not? About May 10 call. One or the other is true:

1. The phone sex part of the call did happen early morning May 10, after the May 9 texts, and after a "bridge" Myspace chat.

2. She set him BIG TIME on May 9, and manufactured an entire chat on her Myspace profile page after she did, and the May 10 phone sex didn't happen , at least not following immediately after the chat.

3. The option I've missed seeing before and have missed again. :D

(This is what I get for looking back over the dozens of squirrelled away docs and seeing what I didn't pick up on before).

Maschochists can decide for yourselves. . Posting stuff below.
(Including info from other days that seems relevant).

On April 22. the killer texts him to ask why he didn't reply to her message to him on MySpace. He says- oh that was for me?

She says- why are you asking that?

He says- because you know I never reply to you on MySpace. I use my phone instead.

She responds" "well, change it."

April 22. Travis texts his killer that his house has had bad vibes, maybe because of their last big fights there. He tells her he has fung shui'd the house with incense. She says yah, probably from all the pollution of your thoughts and your roommates, and all the people traipsing through your house. Travis says- probably. But it feels better already.

April 22. Same day he asks her if she has text he sent her 2 weeks earlier about a fitness stat. She tells him no, that her phone automatically deletes older messages. She also says that when she looked for that text she came across "mean" texts he'd sent her, then adds, "don't worry, I deleted them."

Travis blogs about how to have an amazing day. In this entry he mentions having to get his passport in order. He's going to Cancun.

April 27. The killer posts her first blog entry, about religion. Included is a list of "atrocities committed and conditions endured" in the name of religion. On the list: "morbid guilt, self righteousness, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice."

April 23.

5:40 pm. J to T: I was checking my domains and forgot that I have

6:12pm. J to T: oh my gosh. I forwarded you a cool email. check it out!

April 28.

She texts him around 10:30pm. Says they got off the phone an hour ago and she can't get to sleep because she has a lump in her throat. She hurts to know he's lonely, its made her realize she is too, but that she was lonelier being there in AZ, so near him, but he so far out of her "grasp." She says I wish I could help you, be there for you.

After her long gush T just says- I'll be fine. She texts back- OK. Have a good day.

April 29. TA journal: Asked Mimi to go to Cancun. She said yes. Killer gets in touch with Ryan; by May 3 they are discussing her visiting him.

(Sometime around the 3rd week of April she sent text to Travis suggesting that forest fantasy, tied to a tree thing, that Travis said sounded interesting. I'm thinking that text was on April 23, but am not sure)'

May 7. Travis tells Taylor he’s taken down his “relationship status” on his FB profile.

May 8. Travis works with Sean on his webpage. Sean tells him never to click on his own Google ad, asks T for email and password so he can set up ITunes account, discusses installing Digg to track visitor count, Travis gives him password.

At 2:33pm he asks Aaron to link to one another’s accounts.

]At 4:26pm. Aaron tells Travis that (his Tshirt business site) has been hacked.

5:09PM. Travis tells Sean (his webmaster)

Late evening Travis and CL text about texts sent and never received-each felt usedn by the other, given the days of silence afterwards.

Two minutes after they realize neither received each other’s texts, Travis texts the - you are dead to me.

10:55-11:04PM. CL expresses regret about their May 1 rendevous, they share responsibility.

1:20AM (May 9). killer texts- call me in exactly 5 minutes.

Texts-May 9.

11:52AM-4:41PM, Travis texts on and off with about their blogs. Tells her that her new post makes up for her over the top previous blog entry. She sends a frownie face, Travis replies-how dare you. She asks him to exchange links on their websites-hers will be the "fineart" site, he says yes, she asks for a link to her blog site too, and that he puts it on the top of his page.

4:30. T says Sean is working on page, and will put it up shortly.

At 5:17, 6:02,6:51, demands T's attention, last of this series is at 7:05- how come you don’t want to hear my poem.

7:41. killer sends Travis—hey there. Someone has google password because he’s helping me with my google blog. Unfortunately, he happens to be my ex-boyfriend!

7:49PM. You and your Steve cover up make me sick.

7:55pm (call or IM or email in between)- killer tells him everything she said about SC was true, and that she’d spared him some of the details because she knew Travis got upset hearing them. That it wasn’t sick to date. And she was just trying to move her business to a more private “venue.”

8:01. Why don’t you have him come f-ck you in the woods. You’re paranoid because you don’t respect other people’s privacy. A lot of freaking nerve.

801. - leave me alone about other guys. Trying to move on. Let’s agree to a don’t ask don’t tell.

803 T-how about forgetting each other exists.

936. Lying liar sends another accidental text -oh and not that you would, but don’t tell him! This time she says oops, meant for Angela, lies, Joey to Cooperstown.

1003. Travis says sure..that he wonders what else she sends out that he doesn’t get. Piece of work, Thanks a lot for not repaying anything for the car you destroyed, and what a lack of integrity, planning an expensive trip when you owe me thousands.

1008. Please stop. Not even sure we’re going, but if we are my parents will pay for most of it. Haven’t forgotten my obligations to you. Checking applications daily.

10:11. Travis--Please stop? I haven’t even begun. You have pissed me off in a way you should never have done. Yuou’re going to start being held accountable for your actions. Until now I've shown you a lot of mercy. No more, Things are going to start to get tough for you.

She makes him wait til 10:26 to send that one line of fake text. He is not happy about the wait.

10:26pm. T: You’re changing it because you are a liar.

10:26PM. sends Travis the text she claims she accidentally sent to TA but intended for Steve Carrol:
someone has my password because he’s helping me with my google blog. Unfortunately he happens to be my ex-BF. Provides hotmail address.
No response from Travis.

10:47PM. : I know why that one is private now! I forgot about a new album I’m creating that’s not done yet. I’ll tell u about it later if you ever want to know. I’m tired of texting. Good night.

Travis: Im not going to have a good night. If your going to insult someone you should learn how to do it. You tell me all the time how much I have hurt you. Just because you read that in your journal doesn’t make it so.

10:50PM. : Im sorry for all the pain we’ve caused each other. Most of it is my fault for the decisions I’ve made. I never intended to hurt you and I’m sorry I did. I love you sweetheart.

10:54PM Travis: I’m sorry. I love you too.
11:08PM. Travis (or is it her signing on as him) goes onto her MySpace profile page. His password is changed at that point--either by him or by her.

May 9-10. Chat. (from PP2MF, day 10, MF on stand). ) (exhibit 740). The chat takes place via her MySpace profile page.

11:26- 11:28PM. Travis talks about his upcoming trip to Yreka. Talks about destressing in the car on the way.

11:31.PM. Travis tells her he doesn’t think anyone could satisfy him sexually after her. Everyone after her sucked.

11:37PM. Travis: You are perfection sexually, but then you do stuff that takes all that away.

11:40. Travis: Why would I want anyone else? This is a wicked game you play.

11:41. : It’s not a game and I have no intention of playing.

11:49-11:52. Travis talks about his own sexual prowess.

11:57PM. Travis suggests getting on phone. She says she’s feeling a bit “icky” and doesn’t want to bring him down.

11:58PM T: if you erupted it might help. : I’m dormant as Mt. Shasta-“beuatiful, dormant, immobile.”

12:01AM. (May 10). Travis: If someone found this conversation (chat) we could be in trouble.”

They supposedly get on the phone next……
He logged onto his MySpace to change his password and then started chatting with her? Sounds more like someone else changed his password to lock him out so they could do something devious, like have a chat with themselves and then make that 'we could be in trouble if anyone found this'. Not to mention so shockingly her phone gets stolen just days afterwards? Way too Twilight Zone-y/baloney for me.
I'm slow. Duh. "You and your Steve coverup." The text she "accidentally" sent to TA instead of the make believe Steve Carrol was to lie to Travis about her hacking into his FB or another SM account. That she'd given her password to Steve, and Steve must have used it, and that's why Travis saw it and thought she'd hacked him.....

Uhhh yeah, I think she was monitoring his texts, snagged his sign-in info and did hack into his website, nothing in this fibber's world is straight up, truthful, logical, or coincidental - she's a permanent resident of crazy town! lol

P.S. It might not have sounded like it but I'm agreeing with you, Hope. This woman just drives my rational brain wild.
Quote Originally Posted by Hope4More View Post
"I'm slow. Duh. "You and your Steve coverup." The text she "accidentally" sent to TA instead of the make believe Steve Carrol was to lie to Travis about her hacking into his FB or another SM account. That she'd given her password to Steve, and Steve must have used it, and that's why Travis saw it and thought she'd hacked him....."

Thanks, I didn't connect those dots. I thought JA was trying to make TA jealous with "Steve" but it didn't make sense.
May 8th: TA and CL discuss not receiving each other's texts. Even JA couldn't pull that off, right? How would she physically stop texts from showing up on each other's phones after each has sent them?
can't edit can't type without keys sticking backspace wipes out everything without warning. thanks to cats who played and spilled and soaked my brand new laptop keyboard.......:(

Thankk goodness for my wee phone. :D. Laptop is destroyed but a warranty works wonders. Hopefully.
May 8th: TA and CL discuss not receiving each other's texts. Even JA couldn't pull that off, right? How would she physically stop texts from showing up on each other's phones after each has sent them?

Call forwarding or blocking or some such? I don't know, but both CL and Travis sent multiple texts to another over several days and neither received any of them. T received and sent other texts those days so it was specific to CL's number.
Quote Originally Posted by Hope4More View Post
"I'm slow. Duh. "You and your Steve coverup." The text she "accidentally" sent to TA instead of the make believe Steve Carrol was to lie to Travis about her hacking into his FB or another SM account. That she'd given her password to Steve, and Steve must have used it, and that's why Travis saw it and thought she'd hacked him....."

Thanks, I didn't connect those dots. I thought JA was trying to make TA jealous with "Steve" but it didn't make sense.

She diverted him with all that crap and the don't ask don't tell. In reality he never asked her, and he didn't want to tell or be told.

She did the exact same thing to him during the May 26 chat to change the subject.

She really is quite the unimaginative sociopath, having about 4-5 mind games she plays over and over.
He logged onto his MySpace to change his password and then started chatting with her? Sounds more like someone else changed his password to lock him out so they could do something devious, like have a chat with themselves and then make that 'we could be in trouble if anyone found this'. Not to mention so shockingly her phone gets stolen just days afterwards? Way too Twilight Zone-y/baloney for me.

I agree. That May 9 11+ pm chat is Jodi, both interlocutors.

My suspicions are because.....
1. the talk about "destressing" while driving to Yreka. If he was planning to drive to Yreka, he would add a week to the lengthy trip Jodi is already planning. Right when he's focused on his business. Besides, IIRC, didn't the sex talk say he was flying to Seattle?
2. All that explicit sex flattery. It just seems completely out of sync with where they are in the relationship.
3. They've already wound up the conversation for the evening, though I can't tell when. I'm not sure the "love you" texts are for real, since the conversation would have had to go 180 degrees on a dime for them to be genuine. The sweetheart ick jumps off the page at me.

Just got back from running the dogs at the beach. Sunny and 70 here in CC :)
Does Juan's book come out Tuesday?
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