Found Deceased Shanann Watts (34) and daughters Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest*

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I got the feeling something was off in that 'pregnancy reveal' video. He didn't seem happy. Fake happy, yes. Real happy, no.

The girls were so sweet. How could he?! Absolute cretin!!

Yeah. Sort of resigned. Not excited. "Well I guess that's what happens when you try." makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up now, to watch that.

I can’t say I’m surprised. His interviews made it clear he was going to confess quickly.... Why?!?!

I want to know what made you think that? (I felt the same).

omg....I'm shocked
though at the same time I'm not
I knew LE would corner him and he'd fold
But the reality of it......

So very tragic and heartbreaking......

You too. What made you feel he would fold? What was it that gave that away for you?

This was the only possible way this was going to end but I’m still crushed. Her poor, poor family. They will never recover from this. I wish them all the best and send my love. Just devastating.

Gutted and shattered...:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Crushed. Gutted. Shattered. Those words sum up my feelings tonight. You know it;s coming but it doesn't matter. The finality is like a punch to the gut. I admit I'm crying a little tonight. I'm not a crier but guys, those babies. And the poor grandparents.

Could the autopsies determine time of death at this point? whether the poor girls were killed a day or hours before Shannon?
If so, it shows premeditation, planning.....not snapping on the Monday when Shannon came home.
(I hate typing that)

He must have been late to work, right? Because how could this have been planned? he left everything locked! Unless he didn't know about the camera or, as someone suggested, he planned to come back and stage things but the friend blew his plan.

Poor lady. You could see how much her friends loved her. The one who was interviewed and seemed to be supporting CW? She knew I think. She had that ravaged look. Not the husband of course. But she was devastated. She knew.

Oh, he also reminded me slightly of Josh Powell in some interviews. Except Powell knew to try to get off camera quickly.
You take your girls to a birthday party on Sunday, and kill them that night, early morning? Lord....

Many parents who kill, do exactly that. Like the father that took his son to Disneyworld, then set him on fire in the motel room that night.

Or the Mom that took her 2 girls to the beach for the weekend, then tried shooting them back in the beach condo that evening.
Once you've seen it you can't unsee it, you just know. Here we see it repeated time and time again. Words, tones, body language all point to the truth no matter how convincing a liar thinks they are being.
Mmmhmmm this is so true. Evil does have a face and you can recognize it ALMOST every time. There still are some that are soooooooooooo talented in their lifelong ability to lie and disconnect that what they say appears to be true or plausible. That is the REAL evil. Peterson had it Bundy had it too. It's sickening that it exists but they do and we all have to accept it and do our best to protect ourselves from it.

I was just sitting here thinking of her parents. I have 3 kids my oldest being slightly older then Shannen. All I can think of right now is her mom and dad. She was JUST there with them. If only she had stayed there. Her parents are going to be tortured by this one thing alone. Having their daughter and precious grandbabies with them where they were safe and sound. If I were her mom I would be beating myself up saying why did I let her go as if there was ANY way she would know this would happen. Of course she wouldn't know. But this is something she is going to play over and over again in her mind for the rest of her life. I just want to hug her and let her know there was nothing she did wrong or she could have done to prevent this. Ugh I just want to cry
My dear friend is “the friend” who investigated Shenanns whereabouts Monday morning and had the guts to call the police right away. She took a lot of grief for it in social media, but if she hadn’t the police wouldn’t have gotten there before CW did to find the doors locked and other things that haven’t come out that really boxed him in a corner. If he had 10 minutes in the house before the police got there he could have “fixed” so many things to make the investigation much, much harder. Not sure I would have had the instinct, tenacity or guts to act that quickly but I’m grateful for everyone who loved her that she did.
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My dear friend is “the friend” who investigated Shenanns whereabouts Monday morning and had the guts to call the police right away. She took a lot of grief for it in social media, but if she hadn’t the police wouldn’t have gotten there before CW did to find the doors locked and other things that haven’t come out that really boxed him in a corner. If he had 10 minutes in the house before the police got there he could have “fixed” so many things to make the investigation much, much harder. Not sure I would have had the instinct, tenacity or guts to act that quickly but I’m grateful for everyone who loved him that she did.

So true!!!
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