Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. #2

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I always regarded the discovery of her earring on JB's porch as more solid evidence that SG was not a victim of the LISK.

Our SK is a mastermind at covering his tracks. He takes great pride in his ability to attend to every minor detail (including the accountability of even the tiniest piece of jewelry like an earring). It simply is not his signature to overlook such an obvious clue.

The earring on the porch also suggests that JB had no clue that SG died that early morning. It shows a complete lack of regard on his part (in other words, he had nothing to hide and no reason to sweep his residence clean of evidence).

Exactly. And if I may add something, it tells me she was shedding clothes from the start. I have seen my wife lose earings by them getting caught on the collar of her jacket while she was taking it off. And if I'm not mistaken, LE found her jacket near by, then lost it? Something to that effect.
No it was NOT "along her route, or near to CPH's house"

It was found by SG's sisters, at Joseph Brewes house:

SARAH: We pretty much from there tried to do our little own investigation, we made up flyers, passed them out, went door to door, and making up notes to give to (INAUDIBLE). I actually found a piece of her jewelry.

LARSEN (voice-over): In searching near Brewer's house they say they turned up something police had overlooked.

LASTER: The police had been there and searched it before the sisters went there but when the sisters went they said they found her earring on the front porch. So now they're more frantic, now they're more frustrated.

"May 8th - Sherre & her sister Sara go to Oak Beach and knock on doors to ask questions about Shannan. They talk with Brewer but he claims he knows nothing and just told them Shannan acted bizarre the night she was at his home. As they were leaving they found Shannan's earring at the bottom of his steps."

AGAIN... I just try to get the facts straight!
<modsnip> you did notice the question mark at the end of the sentence you quoted?
Exactly. And if I may add something, it tells me she was shedding clothes from the start. I have seen my wife lose earings by them getting caught on the collar of her jacket while she was taking it off. And if I'm not mistaken, LE found her jacket near by, then lost it? Something to that effect.

SG wasn't shedding clothing between running from Brewers and arriving at Coletti's where GC noted she was supposedly fully clothed in tank top, jeans, and jacket over her shoulders. Her jacket was not found near Brewers ... it was south of Coletti's on Anchor Way. The earring at Brewers could have been simply lost, or the result of a struggle, or it could have somehow ended up there between the night she went missing and when it was found May 8 (i think that date is wrong ... it was supposedly May 9 when family went to OB to talk with neighbours)
Thinking of the earring found by the steps at JB's, does anyone recall if we ever had a date when JB and someone else were loading something into a vehicle in the middle of the night (or in the dark anyway)?
Thinking of the earring found by the steps at JB's, does anyone recall if we ever had a date when JB and someone else were loading something into a vehicle in the middle of the night (or in the dark anyway)?
I was thinking the exact same thing :)

article in NY Daily News about JB moving things out of home in U-hawl.
article was written December 15, 2010
the neighbor estimates seeing JB moving things out in a U-hawl
two months prior - so that would be approximately October, 2010.

Third to last sentence on first page states:

Another resident of the gated beachfront community described the john as an oddball.

"That guy always gave me the creeps," the neighbor said.

"One night about two months ago, he parked a U-Haul van on the side of the house. It was the strangest thing," the neighbor

"He and another man were packing the truck up in the dark. They moved real fast. It took about fifteen minutes. They didn't turn any lights on except one little light. That was the last time I saw him."

"One night about two months ago, he parked a U-Haul van on the side of the house. It was the strangest thing," the neighbor

"He and another man were packing the truck up in the dark. They moved real fast. It took about fifteen minutes. They didn't turn any lights on except one little light. That was the last time I saw him."

Sounds like something really sinister, I can just see it now....

JB's friend: Hey, man, I'm moving out of my mother's basement, finally got a place. So, listen, can you give me that stereo...the amp is mine anyway...
JB: Sheesh, it's all the way out at the Oak Beach place, I'll get it for you later. Those big speakers are a pain in the butt, too.
JB's friend: But no, I've got the u-haul rented already, let's swing across the bridge and pick it up, we can do it in five minutes.
JB: Oh, all right...but you owe me!
for hawkshaw.......

hey hawkshaw.....
did you work with this guy? you have said you were ncpd.....
Nassau County Police department precinct commander demoted after investigators found he was "cooking the books"

if tos feels this post is just wrong - please delete the post.

I did read the article and thought it was a disgrace. It is now obvious the PBA leaked that story to Newsday. The PBA gave it to a paper that is hell bent on destroying the NCPD.

The more that they denigrate their own department the less money they will recieve come contract time. The PBA is working against the interests of their own members. The real crime is Carver receives a hefty salary and perks somewhere near 200K and has a clause he will receive overtime when he isn't required to work one day on patrol. He also receives a salary from the PBA. I suspect he has a nice car to commute to and from the office, and an expense account to match.

I know the former PBA President enjoyed the rank of detective at a higher pay grade. He is probably a detective representing police officers. If that arrangement was made for the NYPD PBA president there would have been a revolution in the ranks.

Remember this, and this comes from a former cop/detective. The PBA hung this Deputy Inspector out to dry, and for what, a BS charge Newsday could use to defame the NCPD?
Bias and belief are two of the predominant pieces of the paradoxical undressing THEORY for SG's clothing, shoes, etc. being found nearly a quarter of a mile from her body. So, it's more than unfair to constantly dismiss and berate others for their views, thoughts, beliefs... which seems to be done unrelentingly!
The earring to me suggests struggle on JBs Porch. And the lack of concern on JBs part, meaning once his door was closed he didnt care anymore and no knowledge of foul play.

I once loaded a UHaul at night. We were moving my friend to his house and instead of making it a two day thing we just knocked it out and the process went into the dark.
The earring to me suggests struggle on JBs Porch. And the lack of concern on JBs part, meaning once his door was closed he didnt care anymore and no knowledge of foul play.

I once loaded a UHaul at night. We were moving my friend to his house and instead of making it a two day thing we just knocked it out and the process went into the dark.

possible scenario:

could it be.
that when the coppers went into ob - (sunlight)
looked about....scouted about

the earring was NOT there.

and somehow - shannan herself - was brought BACK to brewers
since its a bachelor pad and her earring dropped THEN?

she couldnt be stashed away at cph's any longer?

don't forget - he places sg at his place when he calls mg
and SAYS - i had your daughter - she was at (my) rehab,
she left with the driver this morning.


maybe pak o lies caught up with sg - and doc was outside in his
fun police car with the lights on - and told pak o lies he'd help
her calm down and she was brought to his place.

just for the temporary "let's have her calm down at my place"
"i'll give her a sedative" she's outta control.

then after the coppers left - and the coast was clear -

shannan was brought BACK to brewer's - and the earring fell off?

and in a matter of days - the sisters found it.

just a theory.
I did read the article and thought it was a disgrace. It is now obvious the PBA leaked that story to Newsday. The PBA gave it to a paper that is hell bent on destroying the NCPD.

The more that they denigrate their own department the less money they will recieve come contract time. The PBA is working against the interests of their own members. The real crime is Carver receives a hefty salary and perks somewhere near 200K and has a clause he will receive overtime when he isn't required to work one day on patrol. He also receives a salary from the PBA. I suspect he has a nice car to commute to and from the office, and an expense account to match.

I know the former PBA President enjoyed the rank of detective at a higher pay grade. He is probably a detective representing police officers. If that arrangement was made for the NYPD PBA president there would have been a revolution in the ranks.

Remember this, and this comes from a former cop/detective. The PBA hung this Deputy Inspector out to dry, and for what, a BS charge Newsday could use to defame the NCPD?

oops - sorry. nypd - got it.

SG wasn't shedding clothing between running from Brewers and arriving at Coletti's where GC noted she was supposedly fully clothed in tank top, jeans, and jacket over her shoulders. Her jacket was not found near Brewers ... it was south of Coletti's on Anchor Way. The earring at Brewers could have been simply lost, or the result of a struggle, or it could have somehow ended up there between the night she went missing and when it was found May 8 (i think that date is wrong ... it was supposedly May 9 when family went to OB to talk with neighbours)


I've wondered about that myself, Billy. I also find the location of her jacket, her body, and the rest of her personal belongings odd. Was everything found where she left them on the night of her disappearance? I just don't think so. Of course, that's strictly my opinion.

ETA: Do we have any msm link stating that her jacket was found on Anchor Way? Because, according to Brewer, it laid in his driveway for days.

Shannan's jacket, which Joe Brewer says sat in his driveway for days, may have been lost.;contentBody
All I will say about theory is that one must "BELIEVE" there is merit to the theory they espouse. If the seller of a theory has no belief in his own theory, than no one else will be sold on it (Believe) either. But all theory needs to be based on actual fact and in this case there are VERY FEW verified facts yet there is a wealth of known professional liars, substance abusers, and criminals.

I've wondered about that myself, Billy. I also find the location of her jacket, her body, and the rest of her personal belongings odd. Was everything found where she left them on the night of her disappearance? I just don't think so. Of course, that's strictly my opinion.

ETA: Do we have any msm link stating that her jacket was found on Anchor Way? Because, according to Brewer, it laid in his driveway for days.

Shannan's jacket, which Joe Brewer says sat in his driveway for days, may have been lost.;contentBody

Just one for now MK:


The last known trace of Gilbert was a 911 call from a home at the end of Anchor Way, according to the neighbor briefed on the investigation. The neighbor said Gilbert&#8217;s sweater &#8212; or perhaps it was the jacket Diaz saw her wearing when she left &#8212; was found along that road.

I also recall seeing the map (iirc, it was on the now defunct findshannangilbert site owned by Gilbert family attorney, Robin Sax). The map distinctly placed the jacket as being found on Anchor Way. Only possible way i could see that being untrue would be that mis-information was put out to equate to holdback.

The jacket being found on Anchor Way fits with GC saying she had her jacket over her shoulder at his place. So, if what GC said is true, had it been found at Brewers, that would mean that she was taken back to his place after she had been at Coletti's. Would be interesting to know where JB was coming from if he claimed it was at his property.

ETA: Also ...


We continue down Anchor Way to where it intersects with the road named The Bayou. This is supposedly where Shannan&#8217;s jacket was found. We look to Joe for what he&#8217;s sensing.
Just one for now MK:


I also recall seeing the map (iirc, it was on the now defunct findshannangilbert site owned by Gilbert family attorney, Robin Sax). The map distinctly placed the jacket as being found on Anchor Way. Only possible way i could see that being untrue would be that mis-information was put out to equate to holdback.

The jacket being found on Anchor Way fits with GC saying she had her jacket over her shoulder at his place. So, if what GC said is true, had it been found at Brewers, that would mean that she was taken back to his place after she had been at Coletti's. Would be interesting to know where JB was coming from if he claimed it was at his property.

ETA: Also ...


JB or the reporter may have been referring to the earring and said Jacket by mistake...maybe didn't even realize it at the time.

I've wondered about that myself, Billy. I also find the location of her jacket, her body, and the rest of her personal belongings odd. Was everything found where she left them on the night of her disappearance? I just don't think so. Of course, that's strictly my opinion.

ETA: Do we have any msm link stating that her jacket was found on Anchor Way? Because, according to Brewer, it laid in his driveway for days.

Shannan's jacket, which Joe Brewer says sat in his driveway for days, may have been lost.;contentBody

IF JB said "jacket", that would be a strange mis-statement if he was thinking "earring". IF he meant the earring, that's still strange because he referred to the driveway, when SG's family said the earring was found by the porch (ok ... so maybe his porch is close to his driveway).

Which brings me to ... in looking at JB's house, it appears at the back of the property that one could drive up a slight embankment right onto OB Road, thereby bypassing the gate. There is at least one house on The Fairway that has an entrance from both OB Rd and The Fairway, so that would seem to indicate the slope isn't that steep that an SUV couldn't handle it.
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