Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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Amen! :goodpost:

And on a half related side note: I don't claim, I'm a nice person, I only claim to know what I'm talking about. So ... if intelligent is defined as "follow the same theory as you" and the facts are against this theory, I may will defy your definition and I will do so the first time, just with the facts, I will do so the second time, just with the facts, maybe I will do so the third, but chances are, if I am forced to regurgitate the same nonsense three or more times, I will make the point clear in a manner that's as hard to misunderstand as possible. And if The Foreigner would have looked up closer, she would have found that of those 160-170 posts, 140-150 were responses to regurgitated theories. So, I understand that those who enjoy to chew the same half-digested stuff over and over are a bit upset. However, I would care more, those upset people would deliver an explanation including and explaining ALL known facts without weird constructions like one john brought the victim to another john and that is the one who killed all of them or the 67 years old one legged doctor can, because an athlete in the paralympics age 25 with $100,000 special prosthetic can too. Deliver such a theory, and it's worth talking about.
So, there is an easy way to avoid such mud battle. Just don't try such under the belt attacks anymore then there's no need to react on them, isn't there?


PB, you can attack me with your abusive underhanded jabs all you want. Have a party. It doesn't affect me in the least. I've dealt with men a lot wittier than you and liked it. At least I'm alive to defend myself.
And on a half related side note: I don't claim, I'm a nice person, I only claim to know what I'm talking about. So ... if intelligent is defined as "follow the same theory as you" and the facts are against this theory, I may will defy your definition and I will do so the first time, just with the facts, I will do so the second time, just with the facts, maybe I will do so the third, but chances are, if I am forced to regurgitate the same nonsense three or more times, I will make the point clear in a manner that's as hard to misunderstand as possible. And if The Foreigner would have looked up closer, she would have found that of those 160-170 posts, 140-150 were responses to regurgitated theories. So, I understand that those who enjoy to chew the same half-digested stuff over and over are a bit upset. However, I would care more, those upset people would deliver an explanation including and explaining ALL known facts without weird constructions like one john brought the victim to another john and that is the one who killed all of them or the 67 years old one legged doctor can, because an athlete in the paralympics age 25 with $100,000 special prosthetic can too. Deliver such a theory, and it's worth talking about.

Perhaps you can use your mathematical skills to figure the "67 years old one legged doctor"s age. He was born 1/24/56 which would make him 56, not 67. That is one known fact without weird constructions to fit a theory. It is a regurgitated inaccuracy that was corrected earlier.
And on a half related side note: I don't claim, I'm a nice person, I only claim to know what I'm talking about. So ... if intelligent is defined as "follow the same theory as you" and the facts are against this theory, I may will defy your definition and I will do so the first time, just with the facts, I will do so the second time, just with the facts, maybe I will do so the third, but chances are, if I am forced to regurgitate the same nonsense three or more times, I will make the point clear in a manner that's as hard to misunderstand as possible. And if The Foreigner would have looked up closer, she would have found that of those 160-170 posts, 140-150 were responses to regurgitated theories. So, I understand that those who enjoy to chew the same half-digested stuff over and over are a bit upset. However, I would care more, those upset people would deliver an explanation including and explaining ALL known facts without weird constructions like one john brought the victim to another john and that is the one who killed all of them or the 67 years old one legged doctor can, because an athlete in the paralympics age 25 with $100,000 special prosthetic can too. Deliver such a theory, and it's worth talking about.

Peter, there we go AGAIN... PLEASE get your facts right, PH, is 56 not 67.
(not that I belive PH killed SG, but facts should STILL be correct, especially when you use them to support your opinion)
And on a half related side note: I don't claim, I'm a nice person, I only claim to know what I'm talking about.

True, you are not a nice person. You have made that evident.

Not true that you know what you are talking about--some insight, confusion with math, and you have no idea what the difference is between a theory and a hypothesis. You have failed to convince may people here what you actually think about this case. You have isolated too many to do so, and, unnecessarily so. You can avoid that.

Finally, you use the word "I" way too much. That's the mark of a bad detective, a bad sleuther, a bad human, a bad drinking buddy, and, probably more importantly, to you, a bad writer. Prove us all wrong, Peter.

Delete the i.

We are all waiting.

Close your eyes and walk in the moccasins of somebody else--anybody else-- and blow your intelligent mind out of it's flaccid pool of logic, which, I am sure, is boring you to depression by this point anyway. When you do that, take a full moment, Peter. Tell us what you see. Some people here probably already see it. They are just too polite to get on here to tell you to try to engage it--they already gave up.
Perhaps you can use your mathematical skills to figure the "67 years old one legged doctor"s age. He was born 1/24/56 which would make him 56, not 67. That is one known fact without weird constructions to fit a theory. It is a regurgitated inaccuracy that was corrected earlier.

You're right, somehow this 67 stuck in my memory. And 56 puts him right in the best athletic age ...
I think we sleuthers should start working on a real case. How about Jack the Ripper?
True, you are not a nice person. You have made that evident.

Not true that you know what you are talking about--some insight, confusion with math, and you have no idea what the difference is between a theory and a hypothesis. You have failed to convince may people here what you actually think about this case. You have isolated too many to do so, and, unnecessarily so. You can avoid that.

Finally, you use the word "I" way too much. That's the mark of a bad detective, a bad sleuther, a bad human, a bad drinking buddy, and, probably more importantly, to you, a bad writer. Prove us all wrong, Peter.

Delete the i.

We are all waiting.

Close your eyes and walk in the moccasins of somebody else--anybody else-- and blow your intelligent mind out of it's flaccid pool of logic, which, I am sure, is boring you to depression by this point anyway. When you do that, take a full moment, Peter. Tell us what you see. Some people here probably already see it. They are just too polite to get on here to tell you to try to engage it--they already gave up.

What makes you think, there is any necessity to convince you. You believe with almost religious zeal in the foul-play theory, so there is anyway no way to convince you.
Well, and the little underhand stab about bad writing? You wouldn't tell that someone who sold enough books to make a living with writing since more than ten years. So once more, math is against you.
And now, stop stomping with your feet! Try to be constructive, and if it would be even by proving me wring instead of just claiming it's all wrong with your religious zeal.
You folks really have to understand the whole picture to even begin an attempt to unravel the case. The SCPD and DA may be the biggest and most important part of the case, not as investigators, but as interested parties other than as investigators.
Okay, I hereby admit, I had CPH's age wrong memorized. Sorry for that.
So now you have to prove how a one legged 56 year old carries around a dead body in a marsh.
My impression is, that I haven't seen to much "magic" yet from the "foul play faction". So therefore your need to correct this mistake and make a ball out of it. Any ideas about the alleged baddie sitting on his butt, finger in the noise while SG talks to the police yet? No? Thought so!
Any idea how it is possible that she made it out of the house if the killer was already on her? No? Thought so!
Any idea, how a 56 year old one legged man can catch up with her in a marsh? No? Thought so!
So ... without claiming, this list is complete, but already on the first few questions, you failed to convince. Maybe you were to busy to foam out of the mouth because CPH is 56 ... maybe because you actually didn't find a math mistake, I made and you had to made up a wrong memorized in into a disaster of global dimensions. Maybe ... there are a thousand possibilities, but the truth is, you failed to convince and therefore try to distract.

There are and were very obvious 4x4 tracks/trails in the briar and bramble-filled field.

There is No Witness that saw SG enter, on foot, into the area behind the homes on Larboard Ct and just off of Anchor Way. There is NO PROOF that SG ever even made it to the entry way to that field.
There are and were very obvious 4x4 tracks/trails in the briar and bramble-filled field.

There is No Witness that saw SG enter, on foot, into the area behind the homes on Larboard Ct and just off of Anchor Way. There is NO PROOF that SG ever even made it to the entry way to that field.

I noticed those same type of tracks in several aerial photos (Google) at several different locations related to the LISK case. At Oak Beach, outside of JB's, in the median at Gilgo where the girls were found and in the vacant lot at the Holiday in Express where one of the girls was last seen. These photos are on Google Earth and were taken at various times from 2009 - 2012.

Also I agree, no one ever saw SG enter the field behind Larboard Ct. If they had, it would have been reported immediately. I noticed that and several other inaccuracies in the recent Websleuths radio show aired a few weeks back. Thanks for clearing this up for some of those that may get mislead by inaccurate info!
I noticed those same type of tracks in several aerial photos (Google) at several different locations related to the LISK case. At Oak Beach, outside of JB's, in the median at Gilgo where the girls were found and in the vacant lot at the Holiday in Express where one of the girls was last seen. These photos are on Google Earth and were taken at various times from 2009 - 2012.

JB drove a very normal SUV, so did Pak. So the tracks at the beach and on the vacant lot can be from ANY SUV or truck. The resolution of the Google pics don't permit to look for the exact size of the tires or recognizing a tire profile.
The photos were taken sometime between 2009-2012, so there is no way to connect them to the night of May 1, 2010.

Which exactly is my problem in case of the GB4 because I profiled in 2011, LISK drives an SUV or more likely a pickup truck. But I can't link those tracks to him without the traffic tapes. Half of the park service drives such things, hundreds of people on the islands, thousands of people every summer come in from NYC to the parks with such tires, every developer thinking to do something with an empty lot leaves tire tracks from his SUV and so on.
However, I'm a little hesitating when it comes to the tracks in the brambles. The only occasion, I saw those tracks clearly, was ofter LE rolled with their little pocket tank through it. So, 1 1/2 years AFTER the disappearance of SG. Now, there is a chance, I didn't see them. As I pointed out, my eyes are not that good anymore. So why don't you go, mark those tracks in a screenshot with the time from when the google pic was taken? It would make life so much easier. Thanks a lot!

Also I agree, no one ever saw SG enter the field behind Larboard Ct. If they had, it would have been reported immediately. I noticed that and several other inaccuracies in the recent Websleuths radio show aired a few weeks back. Thanks for clearing this up for some of those that may get mislead by inaccurate info!

Coletti saw her running that direction, but he couldn't see her enter the thicket. So you think, seeing SG running that direction and later finding her in the thicket is just all foul play and it's rather likely, someone snatched her (where and when?), killed her somewhere else and brought then her body into the very same thicket, LE needed a tank to go through ... only he used a very normal SUV ... Yeah, on the risk of being jumped again, but this doesn't sound possible because if you need a tank to go through that thicket, you can't go through with a normal SUV. Some of the very high end models maybe have a chance, with a lot of luck. But everything smaller than Hummer, Mercedes G or Toyota Landcruiser has no chance to start with.
I willl try to stay within the guidelines of MOD. If it sounds circumspect I am afraid I have no choice. Those of you that have read my other posts might get the point I am driving at. Consider this:

1. SG was seen running towards the area she was later found.
2. It took the SCPD about 18 months to find her.

3. In 1979 a young lad known as John Pius Jr. went missing. He was found in a wooded area about 24 hours later, and he was found by his own father. You might say that was an incredible amount of good luck in that the family didn't have to be tortured by not knowing where Pius was buried.

4. One of the young lads involved in that case gave testimony that a suspect told him months later that he (suspect) was there when Pius was being battered and killed by his friends. He went on to tell the witness that while he was there he didn't hit the young man and took no part in the killing of Pius. He added the suspect told him that all he did was to pick up Pius' bike and placed it against the tree. That is a matter of record as to what the witness testified to.

5. John Pius Sr. later testified that while he and his niece when looking for John, the niece saw the handlebars of John's bike sticking up from the leaves that covered it. He said that the niece went to pick it up and he stopped her, and he picked up the bike and put it against the tree.

6. That young witness is now involved in the Gilgo Beach investigation.

7. It is well known (not proven) that a certain individual known to the police has raped many prostitues in the past. Ask any veteran cop as to the merits of that claim, look them in the eyes when you ask them. Maybe they will confirm this, maybe they won't. But their eyes will tell you enough to make you believe it may be true.

8. Ask them if they believe there is any truth to the rumor that said individual was cited and charged for keeping a prostitute hostage in her home. It should be a matter of record.
I willl try to stay within the guidelines of MOD. If it sounds circumspect I am afraid I have no choice. Those of you that have read my other posts might get the point I am driving at. Consider this:

1. SG was seen running towards the area she was later found.
2. It took the SCPD about 18 months to find her.

3. In 1979 a young lad known as John Pius Jr. went missing. He was found in a wooded area about 24 hours later, and he was found by his own father. You might say that was an incredible amount of good luck in that the family didn't have to be tortured by not knowing where Pius was buried.

4. One of the young lads involved in that case gave testimony that a suspect told him months later that he (suspect) was there when Pius was being battered and killed by his friends. He went on to tell the witness that while he was there he didn't hit the young man and took no part in the killing of Pius. He added the suspect told him that all he did was to pick up Pius' bike and placed it against the tree. That is a matter of record as to what the witness testified to.

5. John Pius Sr. later testified that while he and his niece when looking for John, the niece saw the handlebars of John's bike sticking up from the leaves that covered it. He said that the niece went to pick it up and he stopped her, and he picked up the bike and put it against the tree.

6. That young witness is now involved in the Gilgo Beach investigation.

7. It is well known (not proven) that a certain individual known to the police has raped many prostitues in the past. Ask any veteran cop as to the merits of that claim, look them in the eyes when you ask them. Maybe they will confirm this, maybe they won't. But their eyes will tell you enough to make you believe it may be true.

8. Ask them if they believe there is any truth to the rumor that said individual was cited and charged for keeping a prostitute hostage in her home. It should be a matter of record.

Rumors have it, that said certain individual was or is part of the SCPD or the DA's office? I think, I remember something like that.
Now, the point is, if this person is there all the year, this would be inconsistent with the timeline of the GB4 murders, which are all in the summer months. Considering that, if you can for example establish a connection between said person and JB or anything like that, it would rather prove, SG and the GB4 are unconnected. And, purely speculative, since this is all on rumor level, you would for example also find in that corner maybe some "recreative" drug use. Which, given the number of suppliers is smaller than in NYC, maybe would give you possible connection. Or not, if those things are unrelated, which nobody can know till someone looked into it, right?
Now, was that circumspect enough?

Is there any news about this new 48 Hours episode? I look all over the TV guides and can't find a thing. Well, 48 Hours yes, but not about SG or anything with MG. Or was that, including MG dropping a bomb, also just a rumor?
Rumors have it, that said certain individual was or is part of the SCPD or the DA's office? I think, I remember something like that.
Now, the point is, if this person is there all the year, this would be inconsistent with the timeline of the GB4 murders, which are all in the summer months. Considering that, if you can for example establish a connection between said person and JB or anything like that, it would rather prove, SG and the GB4 are unconnected. And, purely speculative, since this is all on rumor level, you would for example also find in that corner maybe some "recreative" drug use. Which, given the number of suppliers is smaller than in NYC, maybe would give you possible connection. Or not, if those things are unrelated, which nobody can know till someone looked into it, right?
Now, was that circumspect enough?


Is not these persons are involved directly in the murders, I am saying there is a very good chance they were involved with the gals. But it wouldn't surprise me if they were more directly involved.
I have always wondered if Shannan felt safe with a 911 operator, knowing the call was being recorded and reviewed by others,but felt unsafe with the local police or rather a direct call to the station, or a local police official in particular (maybe even a person who pretended to be one) and that is why she supposedly fled when Mr. Coletti said he was calling the police.
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