Shannan Gilbert's 23 Minute 911 Call

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They weren't erasing the tapes cuz that pedophile
burke was there
or spota

they were erasing the tapes cuz they wuz hiding evidence
of pak o lies
coming and going and having his sugar daddy peg leg
hold his hands while he
whined to the big gas bag about having to call Mari Gilbert about
shannan's (cough cough) disappearance

of running away from a pimp with a car with heaDLIGHTS
and a girl who was screaming her head off

last i looked pak was not deaf
so he knew damn straight where she was
she was in front of his car with a lot of fear.
she was petrified for her life.

she did NOT say THEY are trying to kill me

you know where THAT one came from?

Pak told Alex that -
alex called Pak to ask why shannan did not come hoem from work
and pak started that rumor

cuz it was HE was trying to kill me

everything that comes out of that low lifes mouth is a lie.


Going back to the SIL case and what they did by withholding information to us in his case. It is a classic example of them doing everything to subvert the law.

The informant tells the police the SIL and two others came to him to ask for his assistance in burglarizing the King Kullen Supermarket in Bay Shore.

When the informant broke in the SIL was supposed to be on patrol and guarantee taking the call when it came in and report back there was nothing amiss at the store.

That the SIL was instructed to have his police vehicle parked in the front parking lot of that store when the burglars broke in. If he wasn’t there the burglars would not go in. The SIL and the burglars were equipped with Nextel Point to Point radios to coordinate that plan.

The rear door of the KK (numbered 602) was opened and closed at 1:03:29. There was no further entry at that time and that was proven by a lack of other detectors going off with movement in the store and tampering with the safe and ATM machine. In other words no one was in the store and the SIL was not where the informant said he was supposed to be – otherwise he wasn’t going to go in.

The informant was shown a photograph of the parking lot and indicated upon entering he ran to the front window and pointed to a location where he saw the SIL’s car parked looking out for his burglar friends.

At 12:50AM the SIL sees a car with one headlight out passing the store going eastbound. He follows the car for a block of so when it pulls into a Taco Belle fast food store, enters the take-out line. The SIL follows the car and puts over alert messages to the dispatcher – who is the car registered to.

At 12:56AM, while waiting for the driver to exit he observes SCPD Car#308, operated by P.O. John Cerato passing by. Cerato sees the SIL in Taco Belle and says over the police radio: “ Ray is that you?” Ray advises Cerato to ‘switch’ which means to go to a private radio band so they don’t interfere with regular 911 transmissions. 308 and Ray both switch their radios and Ray tells him he thinks he may have a problem with the driver as it seems as though he was trying to avoid detection. 308 tells him. “I’m here for you” and according to the record he does so and stays with him until the ticket is written and the driver is released at about 1:13AM.

The door was opened and closed at 1:03:29 ,and the SIL was NOT where he was told to be. Instead he has engaged a driver without a clue what would transpire should he need to take further action.

1:00AM the SIL is now putting over a message to check for warrants and a stolen car.

When the SIL is indicted we receive ONLY the radio transmissions of the first call and here him requesting 308 to “switch.” We do not realize there was another police car at the time of the burglary. After interviewing the driver of the car I now realize there were two police cars on the scene when the burglary occurred. At that time the driver (another not related to the burglary) tells me of the other car and saw the SIL and the other car talked while he was waiting for the ticket. I also realize there is another tape needed to be reviewed as it was an integral part of the entire scenario.

I should also add the first tape was given to us without time stamps showing us precisely when each call was made. They are known as CAD entries and are always given to the DA and defense when requested. Truth is if the reports come in they would have the CAD record part of the transcripts and would have to be intentionally removed so was not to complete the entire record.

It is now vital we get the transmission of the ‘switch’ call. Apply for it and we are initially refused. But even a corrupt judge would have a problem with this and so we get the recording.

This incident happened 5 years in the past and Ray couldn’t identify the P.O. in 308. We request the roll call for the concerned evening and it is refused. Is this a matter of national security? The judge has no choice and orders the DA to turn the roll call over. What do we get is the roll call reacted of all the cops that were on patrol that night. Again, not even this bozo of a judge could deny us this important information and now we get the roll call intact.

It was then that I learned to concerned office in 308 is Cerato. I interview him and give him a subpoena. He is very cooperative and friendly. I ask him if he was ever interviewed by the police or the DA. He said he was never interviewed. Now here is a police officer that was on the scene when the burglary occurred and he was never interviewed.

He tells me he will come voluntarily to the lawyer’s office to be interviewed. I know what is going on and I know if he does that he will be in big trouble. I advise him to consult with the PBA before doing so and if he doesn’t he is going to be in big trouble. He does that and it is use against him at trial when he testifies…..He needs a lawyer???

The BOTTOM LINE IS: They are scumbags that will do anything to lie and subvert justice. So what chance do you think they will release the 911 Tape if their arms aren’t twisted?

Spota was the DA then and now it is Sini. Has anyone heard a peep from Sini about this very important issue? Sini, I’m afraid is a product of the machine that gives him his marching orders, nothing less, nothing more.
This judge wont be doing any arm twisting. Appears hes playing their game .
One that I did hear and believe it to be true. One night a cop named Tom with his friend, also named Tom when Tom the cop receives a call on his cell phone from Burke. Burke tells his pal Tom to round up the girls because they are going to have a party. Tom the civilian gets the impression that Spota will be there. Tom The Cop is a known Strip Joint purveyor that spends much of his on duty and off duty time in strip clubs.
One night while Tom was on patrol he gets a call of a fire at the Oasis strip club. He goes in and pulls an older man out of the fire. The BIG joke at the time is Tom had no problem going in and finding a man in the smoke filled club as he is such a frequent visitor of said club he knew exactly where to go. LOL.

Going back to the SIL case and what they did by withholding information to us in his case. It is a classic example of them doing everything to subvert the law.

The informant tells the police the SIL and two others came to him to ask for his assistance in burglarizing the King Kullen Supermarket in Bay Shore.

When the informant broke in the SIL was supposed to be on patrol and guarantee taking the call when it came in and report back there was nothing amiss at the store.

That the SIL was instructed to have his police vehicle parked in the front parking lot of that store when the burglars broke in. If he wasn’t there the burglars would not go in. The SIL and the burglars were equipped with Nextel Point to Point radios to coordinate that plan.

The rear door of the KK (numbered 602) was opened and closed at 1:03:29. There was no further entry at that time and that was proven by a lack of other detectors going off with movement in the store and tampering with the safe and ATM machine. In other words no one was in the store and the SIL was not where the informant said he was supposed to be – otherwise he wasn’t going to go in.

The informant was shown a photograph of the parking lot and indicated upon entering he ran to the front window and pointed to a location where he saw the SIL’s car parked looking out for his burglar friends.

At 12:50AM the SIL sees a car with one headlight out passing the store going eastbound. He follows the car for a block of so when it pulls into a Taco Belle fast food store, enters the take-out line. The SIL follows the car and puts over alert messages to the dispatcher – who is the car registered to.

At 12:56AM, while waiting for the driver to exit he observes SCPD Car#308, operated by P.O. John Cerato passing by. Cerato sees the SIL in Taco Belle and says over the police radio: “ Ray is that you?” Ray advises Cerato to ‘switch’ which means to go to a private radio band so they don’t interfere with regular 911 transmissions. 308 and Ray both switch their radios and Ray tells him he thinks he may have a problem with the driver as it seems as though he was trying to avoid detection. 308 tells him. “I’m here for you” and according to the record he does so and stays with him until the ticket is written and the driver is released at about 1:13AM.

The door was opened and closed at 1:03:29 ,and the SIL was NOT where he was told to be. Instead he has engaged a driver without a clue what would transpire should he need to take further action.

1:00AM the SIL is now putting over a message to check for warrants and a stolen car.

When the SIL is indicted we receive ONLY the radio transmissions of the first call and here him requesting 308 to “switch.” We do not realize there was another police car at the time of the burglary. After interviewing the driver of the car I now realize there were two police cars on the scene when the burglary occurred. At that time the driver (another ******* not related to the burglary) tells me of the other car and saw the SIL and the other car talked while he was waiting for the ticket. I also realize there is another tape needed to be reviewed as it was an integral part of the entire scenario.

I should also add the first tape was given to us without time stamps showing us precisely when each call was made. They are known as CAD entries and are always given to the DA and defense when requested. Truth is if the reports come in they would have the CAD record part of the transcripts and would have to be intentionally removed so was not to complete the entire record.

It is now vital we get the transmission of the ‘switch’ call. Apply for it and we are initially refused. But even a corrupt judge would have a problem with this and so we get the recording.

This incident happened 5 years in the past and Ray couldn’t identify the P.O. in 308. We request the roll call for the concerned evening and it is refused. Is this a matter of national security? The judge has no choice and orders the DA to turn the roll call over. What do we get is the roll call reacted of all the cops that were on patrol that night. Again, not even this bozo of a judge could deny us this important information and now we get the roll call intact.

It was then that I learned to concerned office in 308 is Cerato. I interview him and give him a subpoena. He is very cooperative and friendly. I ask him if he was ever interviewed by the police or the DA. He said he was never interviewed. Now here is a police officer that was on the scene when the burglary occurred and he was never interviewed.

He tells me he will come voluntarily to the lawyer’s office to be interviewed. I know what is going on and I know if he does that he will be in big trouble. I advise him to consult with the PBA before doing so and if he doesn’t he is going to be in big trouble. He does that and it is use against him at trial when he testifies…..He needs a lawyer???

The BOTTOM LINE IS: They are scumbags that will do anything to lie and subvert justice. So what chance do you think they will release the 911 Tape if their arms aren’t twisted?

Spota was the DA then and now it is Sini. Has anyone heard a peep from Sini about this very important issue? Sini, I’m afraid is a product of the machine that gives him his marching orders, nothing less, nothing more.

What is SIL an acronym for?
Let's see.

Shannan ran from Pak violent pimp attack
Shannan called 9-1-1
to say Pak was trying to kill her

She ran out of the house
and he tackled her on the front steps

ripped her earring out of her ear
and she had so much adrenaline that she flew like the wind

to gussie wussie's

she fled from pak violent pimp attack to brennans
but was caught by a low life low I.Q. viscious killing Pimp
and he smashed her in the head and got the phone

along comes Canning and see's a confrontatation

out hobbles peg leg cuz he has a police radio
and ...


you know the rest.

and YES< Pak hid in the community until the coast was clear

now - what to do with a body for ever long

that might be where gino georgini comes in handy
he's so sleazy he makes brewer look like a great guy.

Interesting angle on Michael Pak. Do we have more information on his ties to Oak Beach?
Cluster sites this big like this or the mesa seem to large in body count not to hold any significance or correlation to location.
Who is it Scorpio?

You might not have noticed but scorpio was booted so you'll not be getting an answer from her. At least under that name. The guy's parents Lived in the oak beach community, very strange duo there him and his pop. They made a brief appearance in the killing season.

Here he was a few years ago
Marijuana Grow Operation - Scalise

Regarding SG:
I look forward to the tape release in hopes of justice for her family. However, I am especially ignorant as I am not a resident of Suffolk County. I am curious about the conspiracy side of this story. While the main cast of characters seem to be in a battle of wills and have their own vested interests in mind, is it really so simple as it's just some evil "wolf in sheep's clothing" who "*advertiser censored* where he eats"?

Regarding the GB4:
If in fact, one person single-handedly does the killing and dumping, to me, this person would be the total opposite. He doesn't *advertiser censored* where he eats... Meaning, if he lives in Suffolk at all, he's probably farther from the dump site than just across the street on Oak Beach. For those who believe there is collusion amongst certain local residents I also feel the demographic--while potentially arrogant and entitled--just wouldn't take such a risk to dump so close to home. Obsession informs possession and retention of the body. Repulsion alone would preclude the production of a boneyard in one's backyard. People who kill prostitutes don't do it for trophies--I will maintain this regardless of the case. They do it because they CAN and because the women are simply used for temporary gratification. This lack of "tether" I find most terrifying.

Underrated post.
SIL is son in law. And, no, Breaking Bad it has everything to do with this thread. It demonstrates to one and all (except you) is the would do anything to subvert the law and purposely hide information from you, i.e., the 911 Shannan Tapes. Sorry pal it has everything to so with the topic to make you understand what they are doing.
Pak is the SK

an Asian guy was beat up. Pak beats people up, you all have never done intel on him.
check out his police record and you'll see assaults.

He works for 8 agencies. Which means he can drive prostitutes from different
agencies all over long island, kill a girl, and dump her there.
Pak is the SK

an Asian guy was beat up. Pak beats people up, you all have never done intel on him.
check out his police record and you'll see assaults.

He works for 8 agencies. Which means he can drive prostitutes from different
agencies all over long island, kill a girl, and dump her there.

We can see that you despise Michael Pak, rightfully so, but that doesn’t make him the LISK or even a Serial Killer. Your theory about Michael Pak regarding Shannan Gilbert may be plausible, given his history, the circumstances on May 1, 2010 and a logical sequence of events that night. I would like to explore that more with you. I still believe Michael Pak is at the very least negligent in Shannan Gilbert’s death.

Regarding the rest of the victims, and particularly the Gilgo Beach 4, I would have to reject your theory. Michael Pak does not quite fit the profile, and doesn’t fit the description of the killer who called Amanda Barthelemy.
We can see that you despise Michael Pak, rightfully so, but that doesn’t make him the LISK or even a Serial Killer. Your theory about Michael Pak regarding Shannan Gilbert may be plausible, given his history, the circumstances on May 1, 2010 and a logical sequence of events that night. I would like to explore that more with you. I still believe Michael Pak is at the very least negligent in Shannan Gilbert’s death.

Regarding the rest of the victims, and particularly the Gilgo Beach 4, I would have to reject your theory. Michael Pak does not quite fit the profile, and doesn’t fit the description of the killer who called Amanda Barthelemy.

you BELIEVE Michael Pak is negligent in her death?

He should have been prosecuted and put away by law enforcment
its SHOCKING that he was not. SHOCKING.

it's ok that pak doesn't fit the profile,
with you.
he does
with me
you BELIEVE Michael Pak is negligent in her death?

He should have been prosecuted and put away by law enforcment
its SHOCKING that he was not. SHOCKING.

it's ok that pak doesn't fit the profile,
with you.
he does
with me

1) Just curious.. do you know Michael Pak personally?

2) What profile are you going by?
I always have believed that MP is the key person in the SG death. (I started MP thread.)
I do not always agree with everything that Breaking Bad states, but I agree that MP knows what really happened that night, and who was involved besides himself.

I also appreciate the background material Hawk provides regarding his SIL.
I always have believed that MP is the key person in the SG death. (I started MP thread.)
I do not always agree with everything that Breaking Bad states, but I agree that MP knows what really happened that night, and who was involved besides himself.

I also appreciate the background material Hawk provides regarding his SIL.

I now believe that Michael Pak knows what really happened as well, but don’t believe he’s the LISK.
I always have believed that MP is the key person in the SG death. (I started MP thread.)
I do not always agree with everything that Breaking Bad states, but I agree that MP knows what really happened that night, and who was involved besides himself.

I also appreciate the background material Hawk provides regarding his SIL.
THANX Windsor: I took the time to write that long post about the SIL to try and show the readers to what extent they will go to hide the truth. His case is long over and he is no longer my son in law. Burke and Spota put him in jail for 3 years and he would have gotten 5-15, or 10 2/3 of the maximum if the appellate court didn't vacate two thirds of the conviction. Had they charged him with the armed robbery as they set out to do he would have done 30 years in prison for crimes he was entirely innocent.. Those monsters dropped the armed robbery because they found out before the grand jury he was actually in Europe for the armed robbery and said nothing to the defense. An the mother$$%#$$rs still denied it at trial making it very difficult for us to prove until we did.

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