Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 - #1

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Here is another photo that the poster claims was taken of the Easter Bunny display in 1975 at Wheaton Plaza...

This cannot be a photo of Wheaton Plaza in 1975. In 1975 the mall was still an open-air plaza and in this photo its clear that it is enclosed.

Could the "roof" just be the harbor type covering that you can see in the first photo? Looks to me like the yellow lighting (maybe from the camera's flash or possibly just the time of day) is making it appear as if there is a ceiling. Look beyond the covering and it does look like open sky in front of the Ward's. JMHO
It is outside. We had this kind of outdoor mall also as a kid there are still areas where they have covered roofs but not really a full roof. You can see they set the Easter display under the protected area. That is what the kids were going to see.
This cannot be a photo of Wheaton Plaza in 1975. In 1975 the mall was still an open-air plaza and in this photo its clear that it is enclosed.
Falcon, I assume all the light streaming in around that covering over the Easter display to be daylight. As the posters ahead of me have mentioned, it looks like something pretty basic to shelter the display from the elements.
This cannot be a photo of Wheaton Plaza in 1975. In 1975 the mall was still an open-air plaza and in this photo its clear that it is enclosed.

You can see the same type of shelter in the photo further up of the fountain area.

Here is a post I made some time back on the "Wheaton Plaza in 1975" thread:

My comments refer to a photo which was posted, but no longer available.

... The picture was taken at what is referred to in some of these posts as the mall center or fountain area. Behind the photographer was one of the large end stores, Woodward and Lothrop (aka "Woodies").

The scene is of the fountain area where the Easter Bunny display was set up and where Sheila and Kate were last seen by their brother Jay and by another boy.

In the background is the Montgomery Ward Company (aka Wards), which was the other large "end store". Woodies was in the East end of Wheaton Plaza, and Wards was in the West end.

The Mall was sort of "T" shaped. You are looking West at the main avenue between the End stores, but there was also an avenue of stores which extended South, toward the left of the photo.

Between the fountain and Wards was the Orange Bowl pizza takeout restaurant and the brick planter where Sheila and Kate were seen talking to the "Tape Recorder Man" (aka TRM) by the eyewitness known as "Jimmy" and his friend.

"Jimmy" stated that immediately afterward, he saw the TRM walking away toward Wards and the girls walking in the opposite direction toward the Fountain.

There were parking lots in almost any direction from which you could exit the mall. At that time, there were quite a number of different entrances and exits to Wheaton Plaza, some led directly from the parking lots to the open area shown in the photo, while others led directly into stores - particularly into the end stores of Wards and Woodies.

It is most likely that Sheila and Kate entered Wheaton Plaza through Wards, OR through the Mall entrance just to the left of Wards in the photo, as their home was to the West of Wheaton Plaza, and the path they usually took led directly to Wards' back door.
Has anyone figured out what carnival he worked for?
Hearing him say he was 'walking around the mall that day' is very troublesome.
It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. :eek:

How many people can say with certainty where they were on a specific day 39 years ago, unless:

1. The day had a significant meaning for them, such as a special event in their life. Could be a happy, or traumatic event.


2. They hear or read about some event and then place themselves there by looking up the date in their diary or calendar, Or if the same day, think back and then burn that date and place in their mind.


3. They just make it all up for some reason.
How many people can say with certainty where they were on a specific day 39 years ago, unless:

1. The day had a significant meaning for them, such as a special event in their life. Could be a happy, or traumatic event.


2. They hear or read about some event and then place themselves there by looking up the date in their diary or calendar, Or if the same day, think back and then burn that date and place in their mind.


3. They just make it all up for some reason.

#1 but wouldn't consider it a happy or traumatic event for him. A memorable one for sure if he kidnapped, raped and murdered the girls.
How many people can say with certainty where they were on a specific day 39 years ago, unless:

1. The day had a significant meaning for them, such as a special event in their life. Could be a happy, or traumatic event.


2. They hear or read about some event and then place themselves there by looking up the date in their diary or calendar, Or if the same day, think back and then burn that date and place in their mind.


3. They just make it all up for some reason.

I think that many...many...people can say with absolute certainty where they were on 3/25/1975. I am speaking of those who lived in and around Maryland on that day. This case struck fear into so may families. You have said yourself repeatedly that this case was HUGE and shared with us where you were that day and what you were doing. Flying over Guam,if I remember correctly. People do remember,make no mistake about that.
How many people can say with certainty where they were on a specific day 39 years ago, unless:

1. The day had a significant meaning for them, such as a special event in their life. Could be a happy, or traumatic event.


2. They hear or read about some event and then place themselves there by looking up the date in their diary or calendar, Or if the same day, think back and then burn that date and place in their mind.


3. They just make it all up for some reason.

But the press kit put out by the FBI/MCP says that investigators have established that Welch was there that day. He hasn't talked to them so it's not by his recollection. They have something else that puts him there that day.
Just joined websleuths and so newer to this site and just came across this case.

I hate seeing cases go unsolved. Espeically with the thought that they are suffering everytday. I think this more now after the girls that Ariel Castro were freed. Knowing they suffered everyday. It breaks my heart.

But I am bothered by the the fact that there is there only one photo of each child? That does not make any sense.

It also says they were 11 and 13 year these photos are clearly years younger.

Does anyone know if they had anything of the girls that was found later? A shoe, backpack etc? I know in alot of cases something the kids had on them gets dropped. Just wondering if there would be an chance of looking for DNA on the items to see if it matches this guy Welch. He sure fits the profile for kidnapper.

His eyes are evil.
Just joined websleuths and so newer to this site and just came across this case.

I hate seeing cases go unsolved. Espeically with the thought that they are suffering everytday. I think this more now after the girls that Ariel Castro were freed. Knowing they suffered everyday. It breaks my heart.

But I am bothered by the the fact that there is there only one photo of each child? That does not make any sense.

It also says they were 11 and 13 year these photos are clearly years younger.

Does anyone know if they had anything of the girls that was found later? A shoe, backpack etc? I know in alot of cases something the kids had on them gets dropped. Just wondering if there would be an chance of looking for DNA on the items to see if it matches this guy Welch. He sure fits the profile for kidnapper.

His eyes are evil.

There's actually another photo available (i've attached) of the girls. The photos they posted of the girls are in fact from 1975. They are the school photos for the year they went missing.

I agree...he looks very scary!
I am anxiously awaiting to hear how many crimes/types were committed in the areas that Lloyd Welch lived over the years. Ones that are unsolved as well as the ones he was convicted for committing. I wish there was a way to search the police records against the recently FBI timeline of his whereabouts. If anyone can give me websites on how to further search, I would appreciate it. I am new and I look forward to becoming an active member!
The Lyon sisters were 10 and 12 yrs old when they disappeared. The photos released were their school photos from the current school year (1974-1975). I think they look their age, but I think kids now look more mature than kids back then. To answer your other question, no, nothing was ever found, such as a shoe, a jacket, eyeglasses (Sheila wore glasses). No physical evidence was found that could have been a clue.
This month marks the 39 year anniversary of Sheila and Kate's disappearance. Hopefully the case will be solved some time soon.
There's actually another photo available (i've attached) of the girls. ...

Thanks for posting this photo. I had seen it and made mention of it in the past. It was published in the Washington Post shortly after the girls went missing, but their separate 1974-75 year School Photos were the first ones published.

The snapshot photo was probably taken in fall or spring, judging by the lightweight jackets they are wearing.

Although it is grainy/blurry, you can see the girls in their natural poses and you can see the relative size difference between them. Also, perhaps the way they would have looked on a trip to the Mall that day.

Other than this photo and the two famous School photos, I have not seen any others published in news papers.
Thanks for posting this photo. I had seen it and made mention of it in the past. It was published in the Washington Post shortly after the girls went missing, but their separate 1974-75 year School Photos were the first ones published.

The snapshot photo was probably taken in fall or spring, judging by the lightweight jackets they are wearing.

Although it is grainy/blurry, you can see the girls in their natural poses and you can see the relative size difference between them. Also, perhaps the way they would have looked on a trip to the Mall that day.

Other than this photo and the two famous School photos, I have not seen any others published in news papers.

I'm really surprised that more photos never surfaced of the girls....even after all of these years.
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