Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt5

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I am glad they fianlly arrested him, There are a few pieces of good evidence that will ensure his conviction that they are just not talking about.

This is what has me thinking now, Sheri and her sons are now Burried in Chester. Is that where Sheri's family would have burried them? I often think they would have brought them back North. But CC was allowed to have jurisdiction over their resting place. Can they be exumed? and burried elswhere?

Another poster said that the Colemans most likely will move out of Chester after all of this leaving Sheri and her sons where the Killer CHOSE to bury them......

I know alot of people have been focused on "who did it". I've been hoping they will find Peace in Heaven....and I would be more peaceful near my loved one's......

I view CC as a Killer, and gave up his right as a father and husband when he took their lives.
Here is what I think will happen in Chester.

Ron Coleman and his wife Connie will step down as pastors from Grace Church. (they will say they have to focus on Connie's cancer and Chris' defense case.)

The Coleman parents will move out of Chester because everyone including people outside of Chester know where they live.

The cult church (Grace Cult Church) will go on but they may lose a few followers but I don't think many. They will continue to hold their noses up high in the air in this community. (they think they are better than most in this town)

Brad Coleman will be forced to resign from from Chester PD, he will transfer out of Menard and be a corrections officer for another prison up north in IL or in another state. (the whole family may end up moving to Arkansas.)

I am not sure what other relatives live in Chester (cousins and such) but I have a feeling that they will distance themselves from the Coleman family as much as possible if they did not attend Grace Church.

Coleman's best buddy Derek lives in Chester also and most of his family is up in Red Bud (sits between Chester and Columbia about 30 minutes away from either town). I have feeling he will also be leaving the church and Chester.

I really don't think you will see many Chester people come out of the woodwork to discuss Chris Coleman and his family publicly until they are gone out of Chester. (small town and you really have to watch what you say to others in this town as they may be a cousin or some other relative of the person you might be speaking about)

Real Estate still sells at top dollar here especially if the home isn't ancient (built before 1950) and if it does not sit on top of Route 3 or State St (Hwy 150) in Chester.(which the Coleman homes don't and both appear to built after 1950). So selling their home(s) won't be a problem.

I think Brad Coleman is going to have the worse time if he sticks around in Chester. He still has to make a living and word will get out on the inside the walls of Menard that his brother is a triple murderer who killed his own wife and 2 young sons. Co-workers will keep their distance from Brad so that prisoners don't think the other guards are buddies with Brad. (this could put the coworkers in more danger) - This pressure inside the prison walls alone will cause Brad to seek employment away from Menard or other prisons in the general area.


I am happy that Chris is off the streets and out of Chester. We all can sleep better now here in this small town knowing that he is behind bars.

That is it from me tonight and you probably won't see much of me here often as my life must go on and I must get back to my daily life.

Until later and please take care all!


Thanks, Chestergal, for providing us valuable insight to your area. I do not think we could have gleaned this anywhere else. I have always thought of buying a second home in your locale....this has given me some second thoughts.....

Keep us updated on the mood of the locals!
has anyone seen this She is talking about fear and after she tells this mouse story she goes into how fear will cause false evidence and how fear come from the devil

seems like damage control to me

I'm sure that the video was recorded some time ago, but the timing for placing it on the website certainly is opportune.

I'm sure that JM is dealing with her own fears. After I was attacked, I went through a period of time where I doubted my own judgment. How could I have not foreseen the danger. I imagine that she is doing a whole lot of soul searching.

She is a good teacher. . . anyone who follows her and lives in the area, probably needs this word right now - and so does she.

I heard about the arrest of CC but made myself get completely caught up before posting.

Every time a is placed in cuffs it pleases me beyond measure. I read someone heard that the threats were found on CC's computer. That would be great if that is the case. I am not going to guess whether the glove forensics was the clencher here. I always believe that it is the totality of all evidence put together that results in the charges being filed and a warrant issued.

CC showed no mercy in the horrific murders of Sheri and those two precious boys, and I hope that no mercy is shown him. He was judge, jury, and executioner in his families' deaths. At least he and his lawyers will get to plead for his life.

I believe in the DP for cases such as this. If CC gets LWOP, he no doubt will get 'jailhouse religion' and just adapt to life in prison. He will have many female followers and probably money to spend for extras in prison. Sometimes life in prison just is not enough punishment, IMO.

May Sheri, Garett, and Gavin rest in peace. GB Sheri's family and friends.

Typing the threats on his own PC!.....he was not very smart was he????
I am glad to hear he was finally arrested!:woohoo: Way to go LE!:clap:

How sad that he snuffed out his own lovely family. The arrest pic is the first pic I have seen of him. He sure doesn't look happy. No wonder that others were rumored to be intimidated by him.:eek:

My prayers are with Sheri's family.

RIP Sheri, Gavin and Garrett.
I am wondering if any of the defenders were Chris, himself, or Chris's family?

I don't consider myself a CC defender, but I am here now. I only log in during the daytime hours. And, no, I am not a member of his family.

Pardon the silence while I attempt to catch up. So many posts since my last, I usually read a few pages and then jump back to the here and now.
I could look at this photo all night. Seeing him in those shackles surrounded by LE lets me know that the people in Columbia can sleep tonight. They have been on pins and needles for two weeks not knowing for certain if they could be next.

Oh that brought back some memories - I lived in the San Fernando Valley when the night stalker was at large. I can only imagine the fear the neighbors in Columbia were feeling. i was just a kid, freaked out of my shoes!

Mornig all!

I don't consider myself a CC defender, but I am here now. I only log in during the daytime hours. And, no, I am not a member of his family.

Pardon the silence while I attempt to catch up. So many posts since my last, I usually read a few pages and then jump back to the here and now.

Good to see you back Milo!

This case has intrigued me from the beginning. You have to wonder if he was living two lives - FL and ILL - how long has this been going on and just who else knew. This wasn't happening in a vacuum and the Ministry people must have had suspicions for a while. Rumors always seem to be based in some fact, somewhere, somehow. He had so much going for him - but if he wanted a new life he should have divorced and left his family alive.
Now, his family is devastated along with Sherri's relatives - no one gains and everyone loses. Let's hope this case merits it's own forum spot.
This is just heartbreaking for Sheri's family. I hope they can find their way through this. The message from Mario brought me to tears. I just can't fathom this.
New member and first time poster. I'm from Arkansas, and actually related to MANY Colemans. (Hopefully NOT this bunch!) Forgive me if it's been stated, but where in Arkansas is CC's family?
New member and first time poster. I'm from Arkansas, and actually related to MANY Colemans. (Hopefully NOT this bunch!) Forgive me if it's been stated, but where in Arkansas is CC's family?

New member and first time poster. I'm from Arkansas, and actually related to MANY Colemans. (Hopefully NOT this bunch!) Forgive me if it's been stated, but where in Arkansas is CC's family?

There's a Keith Coleman in Harrell, AR
This case has intrigued me from the beginning. You have to wonder if he was living two lives - FL and ILL - how long has this been going on and just who else knew. This wasn't happening in a vacuum and the Ministry people must have had suspicions for a while. Rumors always seem to be based in some fact, somewhere, somehow. He had so much going for him - but if he wanted a new life he should have divorced and left his family alive.
Now, his family is devastated along with Sherri's relatives - no one gains and everyone loses. Let's hope this case merits it's own forum spot.

I think so too. How can people who are supposed to be so spiritually attuned have not seen the "darkness" in this guy? He was immersed in the culture of the church and JM called him a "dear friend". I wonder if he had confessed his adultery some time ago? The evangelical non-denom is ultra forgiving of adultery on the part of the man - if there is repentance. I can imagine him being able to pull off a real horse and pony show to make it look like he was leaving the past behind. But it still makes me wonder how someone (JM and her closest allies) could not have felt her spirit quaking with holy warnings.
Couple of interesting posts over at this morning.

Herbt wrote on 5/20/2009 7:33:47 AM:

Maybe this will shine a light on the Grace Bible Church(cult) in Chester. Chris Coleman's dad is the pastor. He drives around in a chruch provided Porsch. I am not a member of the church but know someone who is. They are required to give the church a copy of their W2. They MUST give 20%. The church has specially trained security guards. Not to protect the people but to control them. When the service starts, the doors are locked and no one is allowed to leave. Talk about a cult and being control freaks..... just wonder if this type of enviroment has anything to do with why Chris did it.
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demative wrote on 5/20/2009 6:51:01 AM:

Well Mr. Burnside, looks like you may have been right on this one. Go ahead, stand up and take your bow. You deserve it. One question though, I wonder what Edwards meant when he said, "The Columbia Police Department is going to handle this case for years to come."? I find that statement interesting.
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I don't consider myself a CC defender, but I am here now. I only log in during the daytime hours. And, no, I am not a member of his family.

Pardon the silence while I attempt to catch up. So many posts since my last, I usually read a few pages and then jump back to the here and now.

I gave up trying to catch up - the board was busy, busy, busy last night - all night. Once he was arrested, I decided not to post - his arrest just said it all.
I didn't know whether to celebrate or cry............

I saw where he intends to plead not-guilty - Is he hoping for a deal? Maybe life instead of death? He didn't give SC or his boys that option.....
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