Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt6

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Hello Texas Mist,

Why you're looking charming this evening :) How doing?

You wrote:
Sheri could've had a habit of emailing &/or talking to friends in the evening and he hoped she'd mention it...part of keeping up appearances & reinforcing that he was 'good' to her in order to deflect suspicions.

Well, there was DEFINITELY a girlfriend who signed Sheri's guest book that referenced texting with her. We know she had a myspace -- so she was computer literate and used a computer, so my guess is she emailed too.

I could fathom her texting someone and saying, "Woah, Chris is fixing us dinner tonight, how sweet!" I might guess that there were texts or emails that LE found in the days and weeks before her death. Guess we'll have to wait to learn what these were.
Seriously Searching ~It does have certain elements which are reminiscent of the Benoit case. So many other cases have parallels here, too.
Trying to catch up on this case. Didn't know about all of the planning, just that the Benoit murders came to mind.
This just seems so poorly planned for a security guard/MP. It seems much more of an impulsive, raging act.
We have different opinions on his mistress/fiance. I will continue to include her in this mess because she is a huge part of it.

She could be helping LE now, but until approximately midnight (give or take a few hours) on May 5th, 2009 she was involved with a man who had methodically been setting up and preparing to murder his wife and children so he could turn around early next year and marry her. After the murders, he supposedly called her on his way back to the house before he went into his failed acting attempt at flailing and pretending to be the grieving father and husband. This is enough for me to question her role in this horrific scenario.

Even if she has been given Immunity by the SA's Office in exchange for her testimony, it really can't make up for what she has already done to Sheri, Gavin, and Garrett plus the family they left behind who dearly loved them. She betrayed them. She selfishly chose to put her own desires ahead of her friend and her children.

Very well said :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Oh...also Pres101... (and Opinion8ed)

Okey dokey now, it seems that both you and ummm...ummm Opinion8ed (sphew I almost lost the name :) have BOTH confirmed that you each had a source (source or sources?) saying that wedding invitations "were ordered?"

Can we clarify the wedding invitation thing? They were ordered? They were ordered and printed already? AND...

Pres101, you supplied a year? You said 2010? Was there a date and year? Do you know if these were ordered in Florida or in Illinois or MO.?

Can you be as detailed as possible about the specifics of what your source told you about the wedding invitations? Assuming it had a year, then it had a date. Assuming it had a date, it had a "place" where they would be married? Does your source know? Do they know the place is?

Can we squeeze someone for more details on this? OH...and were these "photo" type invitations with the happy bride and groom to be in them, if so -- was a photo supplied for the invitation?

TIA (thanks in advance)

I commented on that aways back that my source told me among other things in a serious mode that she had even ordered wedding invitations.We then discussed other things so there was no more discussion on it.
I hate to grill sources on alot of things,I don't want them to clam up on me.Usually when I speak to them again I get more details
OMG - She looks like a young Joyce Meyers! Look at that smile. Now I'm creeped out for sure - LOL. She played her best friend for a fool and then, at least by catalyst effect, enabled her psycho backstreet boyfriend to bash his wife's face in before he murdered her. What part of TL's role in this is sacred? I certainly haven't come across anything where LE, and especially, MCS has retracted their statements about her relationship with CC. . . (Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest) and speaking of chests, boob job? Opinions?

Today my son told me that he not only went to high school with Sheri, which I assumed, but that they had known each other since elementary school.

Back to TL, let's not forget that her ex, the husband of her formative years, was busted for running an unlicensed adult entertainment club when he was in his twenties. IMHO, the only reason Tara was waitressing instead of dancing is the passage of time. (Thus, the push up bra). Who knows what CC told her about the lifestyle he would provide for her - I'm still waiting for that part to come out.

OK, I'm done - Nice find on the photos!
As our PoTM Lovejac says in her signature, "Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean."

A true phrase I once carried myself as a signature awhile back. Should have left it as a healthy posting reminder....
Excerpt from an interesting article written by a coroner:

Scene conditions are basically observations made at the scene by the investigator. What was the state of dress of the individual? Were they dressed for bed or to go out in public? When was the last time that the mail was checked or the last time the newspaper was brought in? Did the most recent meal appear to be breakfast or dinner? All of these observations help to establish a timeline for the death itself.

Regardless of how many physiological or scene factors exist, the estimation of postmortem interval is just that—an estimation. Television makes it appear as though an investigator can determine time of death much more accurately than is possible in real life. It would be a gross misrepresentation of knowledge for someone to actually state unequivocally—as is often done on T.V.—that a death occurred at a certain time based on almost immediate observations. The only real accurate time of death is when medical personnel are present at the death or when a traumatic death is instantaneous and witnessed by another individual.

A more accurate way to label estimations of postmortem interval is to refer to the final determination as a “Window of Death" or “Window of Time" in which the death most likely occurred. At its most accurate, this window may be as broad as a few hours. Again, the longer the person appears to have been dead, then the longer the “Window of Death?" is going to be.

Still, the time of death issue is second only to the cause of death issue when it comes to questions posed to the death investigator. In most cases, the agency investigating the circumstances of the death will present the death investigator with a scenario that they believe occurred and asked whether or not the presentation of physiological changes observed by the investigator match the suspected time line of events. At best, the death investigator is only able to state whether or not the observed changes are consistent or inconsistent with the time line.

article in entirety here:
Has anyone considered whether there are medical records of any kind on SC or CC as far as therapy or counseling sessions? I realize they would be private,but that doesn't necessarily mean leaks haven't occured. That happens alot,especially once the news breaks. Ex. being Farrah Fawcett's med records. Just a thought.
As our PoTM Lovejac says in her signature, "Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean."
Uhm...what is a PoTM? Pot Mom? :eek: (I know what a Lovejac is! :waitasec: Hmmm...or do I?!)
Has anyone considered whether there are medical records of any kind on SC or CC as far as therapy or counseling sessions? I realize they would be private,but that doesn't necessarily mean leaks haven't occured. That happens alot,especially once the news breaks. Ex. being Farrah Fawcett's med records. Just a thought.
I haven't heard of anything along those lines, but if they were going to counseling my guess would be they were "inhouse" with their Pastor at Destiny. (Also professional Christian Counselors are available outside the church, but could still be part of the congregation.)

In other words, we would have better luck of a leak if the records were actually medical.
I find it difficult to believe that Sheri knew about Miss Motive and her husband. The reason I am mentioning this is because I am trying to envision what her last night was really like in that house. Supposedly, Chris plays outside with the boys for the last time while Sheri did what? Watched tv, talked on the phone, messed around on the computer, or read a book maybe. If Chris did decide to make dinner (I don't see Sheri wanting to sit down to a meal with him if she knew about MM even for the boys' sakes). They eat dinner together and Sheri probably cleans up afterwards. The boys would be taking showers and getting ready for school the next day.

I would imagine their bedtime was around 8:30-9:00ish. Since Sheri would have to get up early to get them ready for school and drive them, she may not stay up too late. However, Chris was used to working nights so his schedule may make it hard for Sheri to retire early when he was home. Unless Sheri communicated with someone on the outside after 9:00 pm then it takes us to the screaming someone may have heard about 3:00 am. What took place during those last hours? She was in her bed so she did settle in for the night possibly. What did Chris do for 5-6 hours while everyone was asleep? Talk to MM? Get on the computer? Was he relaxed? Nervous?

He had to take time to gather things up for the murders. The gloves, the spray paint, the wire (or whatever ligature), possibly mask, clothes, and then he had to make the last decision to act.
I find it difficult to believe that Sheri knew about Miss Motive and her husband. The reason I am mentioning this is because I am trying to envision what her last night was really like in that house. Supposedly, Chris plays outside with the boys for the last time while Sheri did what? Watched tv, talked on the phone, messed around on the computer, or read a book maybe. If Chris did decide to make dinner (I don't see Sheri wanting to sit down to a meal with him if she knew about MM even for the boys' sakes). They eat dinner together and Sheri probably cleans up afterwards. The boys would be taking showers and getting ready for school the next day.

I would imagine their bedtime was around 8:30-9:00ish. Since Sheri would have to get up early to get them ready for school and drive them, she may not stay up too late. However, Chris was used to working nights so his schedule may make it hard for Sheri to retire early when he was home. Unless Sheri communicated with someone on the outside after 9:00 pm then it takes us to the screaming someone may have heard about 3:00 am. What took place during those last hours? She was in her bed so she did settle in for the night possibly. What did Chris do for 5-6 hours while everyone was asleep? Talk to MM? Get on the computer? Was he relaxed? Nervous?

He had to take time to gather things up for the murders. The gloves, the spray paint, the wire (or whatever ligature), possibly mask, clothes, and then he had to make the last decision to act.

I agree. I don't believe she knew anything about the girlfriend. It was prolly a normal evening inside their home that last night. Sherri was found dead in her bed and I think she most likely was sleeping soundly when she was attacked. What Chris did early that evening is anyone's guess really. I am inclined to believe though that he had the items he needed to carry out his plan. I believe he had been planning these killings for prolly several months now. We can only speculate as to what hsi real motive was in this...but imo it is the standard,"don't want a divorce with the child suport and alimony type thing. Just easier and more appealing financially.
It is sickening but it is many times the reason why wives and children are murdered.
We recently had a case here where the husband gunned down his wife in a church parking lot, as everyong was going inside, in front of her mom and son no less. Her family immediately did the same thing. They were able to prevent him from using his wife's estate (half equity in home, etc) to pay for his defense.

Ack, another loser he was. His wife had gone on vacation with the kids for a week or so and he moved his GF in during that time. They didn't even try to hide it from the neighbor's. Wife comes home, neighbors spill the beans and wife files for divorce and kicks him out. That's why he killed her. His dad is a religious zealot and kidnapped the grandkid, took the money, etc. it got messy. But the judge sided with the wife's family on everything, because this guy and his family are nuts. Guess what? The GF immediately got engaged to him while his was sitting in jail and stuck by him for a long time.

That's it! I'm NEVER getting married again! :eek:
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