Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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If this wasn't so sickeningly pathetic and grieviously sad, it would fringe on being laughable:

>>Mike Cole, an employee of Joyce Meyer Ministries, in April "provided a list of names as well as photos of people that have threatened Coleman and other Joyce Meyer Ministries employees and who Coleman stated he believed could be responsible for the threats" the Coleman family had received.<<

Whoever provided whatever (in the list) did so with CC's coaching. He was getting others all wrapped up in his wicked plot and sucking others into it.

See the above "who Coleman stated he believed could be responsible for the threats." He is just really something isn't he? He made sure he laid out candidates who might do what he himself was doing. He defiled so many along his way.

Wonder if any of the people they had listed along with their photos could have been among any of the prisoners that he had the letters from....maybe those who were due to get out of prison before or around the times of the murders? Hmm... Maybe those letters were from potential patsies he was trying to set up beforehand.
A bunch more info about Tara and Sheri's relationship...and other stuff!

Coleman and Lintz had trysts in Hawaii and Arizona, while Coleman was working as head of security for Joyce Meyer Ministries, sources said.

Joyce Meyer held a conference in the Tampa area in November 2008, around the time when Lintz said the affair began.
My goodness! Yet another factor I believe lead CC to the horrific decision he made....the family.

His father does not seem like a man of God to me.He seems like a hypocrite talking bad about Sherri's family how dare he. He who takes cars and gifts,money and whatever else he can con people out of, it seems more like the old time snake oil salesman then a Pastor.Between his dad and seeing what goes on at JMM behind the scenes plus all the perks,mansions,lavish jewels,clothes,fancy cars ,planes and the same mentality as his dad has that they are above and deserve to have it all.He figured he would tie the murders of his beautiful family to some whacko who was threatening JMM and in his sick mind he would have what he deserves what both his dad and JM preach blessing from God = Money and alot of it after he got done suing JMM.Too bad he did not realize he already had Gods Blessing in his beautiful family.:furious:
GC...the word around town is that is exactly what he did. Had the staff at JM spooked too.

It would be interesting to know about the "other employees" that were threatened and exactly HOW they were threatened! Did they receive mysterious notes in their mailboxes too? Obviously, CC would have access to all their addresses and would be able to deliver such messages. If so, hopefully they would be able to find out exactly WHERE those notes were manufactured. They may match up as far as paper, ink, etc with the ones that CC had "received". Maybe all were manuafactured on CC's printer...either at work or at his home?? I'm assuming that my have something to do with them confiscating his printers from home. If they could connect the threats and bring it all back to CC, it would cinch that part of the plot and would be very damning to him! A truly big ooopsy for CC!! :bang:
This is a good point. But I'm thinking they want to match up the fibers of the twine...

I'll be curious to hear what the ME finds in the autopsies too regarding the twine. It's quite possible that aside DNA possibly being found on the twine from Sherri, Garret and Gavin as was mentioned before but it's also possible that they may find fibers embedded in their skin as well. THAT would be a crucial find! Hopefully that's what they DO find! I would think that ME's report to be coming to light soon...usuallly takes about 3 or 4 weeks on the average, doesn't it??

The other part of the report that should be telling is the tox report to tell us if there was a possible "drugging" of the three. I noticed in the list of evidence that was taken, there was mention of "medication" that was found in one of the bags. Wonder what KIND of medication it was.
I've got to get something off my mind. IMO, Sherri and TL look close enough to fool a notary... just sayin.....
Also, he got the PO Box (why would he need one?) on June 30, 2008. In his car the police found a receipt. They also uncovered a bill for payment due on that box dated July 2, 2008 and a letter from St. Petersburg (presumably from Linz) dated January 24, 2009.

My guess is he knew her through SC. He wanted a new life and wasn't happy, so he started planning to do something sometime in early-to-mid 2008. Once he felt he had Linz in his back pocket, he got the PO Box to set up a confidential means of communication besides e-mail. In October, he kept thinking about killing or leaving so he did the refinance / quit claim on the house. By November, they were having the affair. At some point he decided what he was going to do, so he cooked up this whole threats thing. First threat came in January and another in April. Sadly, it was only a matter of time . . .

And you could make a case that he planned to kill all along. Once he got the PO Box in June 2008, he already started setting things up as early as July 2008 (i.e., spray paint), followed by October 2008 (i.e., refinance/quit claim), followed November 2008 (i.e., post-murder lover as sexual affair starts), and finally the last link by January 2009 (i.e., first threat).

IIRC, didn't Scott Peterson also have a seperate P.O. Box? We see alot of similarities because these men are all narcissit/sociopaths.

Add Drew Peterson into the mix while we're at it!!!
A bunch more info about Tara and Sheri's relationship...and other stuff!

Coleman and Lintz had trysts in Hawaii and Arizona, while Coleman was working as head of security for Joyce Meyer Ministries, sources said.

Joyce Meyer held a conference in the Tampa area in November 2008, around the time when Lintz said the affair began.

Well, it appears that the gloves are off regarding's about time.
hopefortomorrow May 29, 2009 2:37PM CST
The Coleman family was always very judgemental of Sheri's family. They thought they lived a better Christian lifestyle than her divorced Mother. Strange how the old fart pastor was always so interested if her mother was dating anyone or living in Sin! Sheri loved her Mother and made time for her. Sheri's Mother is devasted. Her life is ruined. As it is she has had a hard life working and supporting her children. Mario right now keeps her going. The Weiss/DeCicco families are in pain.

Hey Kimster,

I got a PM today from a WS mod telling me that I was not to post full comments from other message boards. So I am just giving you the heads up so that your posts don't get deleted.

On the homefront here...
There is more and more coming out about the Coleman's and GCM among the Chester people. More people are starting to open up about the Coleman's & GCM.
I am not going to post it here because I am no mood to defend myself against some of the people on WS that are fans of RC or the people who want to test me in hopes that I will ID myself to them.

I do continue to hear more whispers from new people everyday that some members of GCM are planning to leave GCM if RC does not step down soon. They want him to step down without being asked. (I hearing that no one has the courage yet to step up and say anything to him yet.)
GCM has been a thorn is this community for quite some time. Many feel it is hurting the people of this community more than it is helping.

I am also hearing that non-members of GCM are starting to talk about boycotting businesses of GCM members because the owners attend GCM. (I had a feeling this would happen if RC stayed the Pastor of GCM. I learned today from a few non-GCM people what businesses owners in town attend GCM.)

The more that comes out about CC and his motives for killing his family is having a big effect on the people (non-GCM and GCM members) in this community due to CC's father being RC and the pastor at GCM.
I've got to get something off my mind. IMO, Sherri and TL look close enough to fool a notary... just sayin.....

ITA!! That's what I thought too...could she have signed the the quitclaim and the refi? They said that there was refi documents that weren't filled out in the master bedroom, I believe. Perhaps Sheri didn't want to do a refi and MM helped him out on that one.

The other thought that struck me was this. To me, they do look quite similar apart from the hair if you really look at those photos. I wonder if MM didn't appeal so much to him because she did somewhat resemble Sheri BUT she wasn't into the lifestyle that Sheri chose to live (which was a selfless giving one IMO BTW). Maybe what added to the attraction was that she led a lifestyle that was more in synch with how he WANTED to live. Maybe that's what started the attraction to MM. Kind of like having a remade Sheri--just more into a more exciting, material lifestyle--including boob jobs!! :eek:
Let me tell you all about USPS PO Boxes.

Everyone that has a PO box gets a choice of paying for 6 months or 1 year's worth of box rental. Everyone pays on 6/30 and 12/31 if you pay every 6 months. If you pay only once a year you choose to pay on 6/30 or 12/31.

So if you open a PO Box on 3/1 - you pay the rental fee up to 6/30 (4 months worth) - Then right before 6/30 you are billed for the period of 7/1 to 12/31.

So CC was 2 days late paying his PO Box bill on 6/30 (He paid it on 7/2/08 - which would cover the rental fee from 7/1/08 to 12/31/08) - this would be why the Postmaster sent him an email reminder about his PO Box rental fee.

Now the receipt that was $36 is for a PO Box about 4" wide x 6" high for 6 months (so he was paying for his PO Box every 6 months) - The 4" x 6" box is the second size up from the smallest PO Box size they offer. Typically you can choose to have a combo lock entry PO Box or a Key entry PO Box (they offer both in the 4"x6" size)
The keys are stamped with Property of USPS and you only get 1 key to the box unless you ask for a spare and pay a deposit on the spare key.

The Postmaster would probably know if Sheri had come in at anytime to get mail from the PO Box and typically you have to add another persons name on the rental form if they are also going to get mail in the box. In other words CC would have had to add Sheri's name on to the PO Box rental form for her to legally get mail in her name sent to the PO Box - he could have done this without her knowledge but by doing this he also gave Sheri the permission to access that PO Box even if she did not have a key or combo to the PO Box. All she would have to do is go to the counter and tell the clerk she forgot the combo or the key and they would look and see if her name was on the rental form. If her name is on the rental form they would give her access to the box after she gave them some form of ID showing that she was Sheri Coleman.

Yes Sheri may have not known about the PO Box but I doubt it since a there was a Credit Card in a envelope with her name on it and the PO Box address attached to that Credit Card.

You cannot apply these days for a Credit Card using a PO Box - this started after 9/11. You must give them a physical address when applying for a credit card (this is federal law). After they send that initial credit card to you at the physical address then you can change your billing address to a PO Box if you like. Then when your renewal Credit Card comes in they will send it to the PO Box. (so the point is the Credit Card in Sheri's name addressed to the PO Box was a renewal card and not a new line of credit. (Credit Card).

My whole point of posting this is I think Sheri knew about the PO Box and I think she knew about the Credit Card. (It was sitting on a table in the bedroom) It is very possible that Sheri was trusting of CC and she let him pick the PO Box mail up all the time. If so CC would have nothing to worry about since he was the one picking up the PO Box mail all the time. To be honest CC probably took care of paying all the bills also in the home so he would be in charge of incoming mail.
I still cannot make sense of the refi/quit claim and SC willingly signing away her rights. Did it have something to do with that "get out of debt/manage your money" class they hosted in their home?
I also wonder if CC wasn't inspired by "real" threats JM received. Someone that well known is bound to have attracted attention from a few weirdos. CC would have known about those issues as COS.

At the beginning of all of this I kept saying to myself, "Eventually we will know more. Certainly SC has confided in someone." Now, my fear is that if she told anyone about the threats, reason for refinance, marital problems, etc. it was Linz. I hope she had other close friends besides Linz. My hope is that she was very close to other people, and he family, and that more comes to light.

The children only apply in a divorce if they are minor children. You also have to file your divorce in the county you reside in, not the county you were married in. Here in STL you also have to go through a parenting course before a divorce with minor children would be
My uncontested divorce with minor children in STL County is 1997 was filed in early August; and completed in late December - and the judge & attorney both said that was extremely fast. I wanted out & didn't care about anything other than getting custody of my kids, and the ex was all too happy to sign away since I asked for no alimony.

I can't figure out why Sheri would signing her rights away. And while we can hope that she did have friends, who among them would've sympathetic to her situation... attempting to leave on of the town "golden boys". Sadly it is possible that Sheri reached out to Tara.
Sheri may have been in the same sitation as you were Stella. She just wanted out with the kids, no alimony, just a clean break
Revisiting the so-called threats... Couldn't sleep so reading and thinking...

Anyone see the "switch tracks" in the following, i.e. there appears to be a new manipulation from the 1st to the 2nd why? (there is a reason)

From this source:

>>Coleman had called police on Jan. 2 to complain of an anonymous threatening letter left in his mailbox. According to court documents, It says, "Deny your God publically or else! No more opportunities. Time is running out for you and your family!"

It also says, "Have a good time in India (obscenity)." It did not refer to anyone by name, but Joyce Meyer did a "conference tour" in Bangalore, India, from Jan. 15-18, according to a schedule posted on her Web site.<<

Actually, this source has the extra wording that was in that message:

>>"[the F word] you! Deny your God publically or else! No more opportunities. Time is running out for you and your family! Have a good time in India MXTHXR FXXXER."<<

Notes to self: The above was supposedly from a letter "left in his mailbox." Notice the all "caps" of the last 2 words. IMO, whoever left that letter (if it is a documented piece of paper) was skilled at internet use/protocol i.e. use lower case letters for normal text, use all caps for shouting. IF this had been a person who was just a poor typist (not an internet savvy one) wanting to make things easy on themselves, they would have done the whole letter in all caps. No, those last two words were capped, as internet users do, to enunciate the words.

Note to investigators: So...looking at CC's emails, does he switch from lower case to all caps when enunciating? I'd bet on it.

NOW THEN...check out the switch of tracks in this next one...

From this source:

>>A second threatening note, reported by Christopher Coleman April 27, seems to refer to Meyer but does not name her.

It says, "You have not listened to me and you have not changed your ways. I have warned you to stop traveling and stop carrying on with this fake religious life of stealing people’s money. You think you are so special to do what you do protecting or think you are protecting her. She is a (obscenity) and not worth you doing it. Stop today or else. I know your schedule! You can’t hide from me ever. I’m always watching. I know when you leave in the morning and I know when you stay home. I saw you leave this morning."

In addition, it says in capital letters; "THIS IS MY LAST WARNING! YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!"<<

And again, from this source which has the extra wording that was in that message:

>>[the F word] you! I have given you the last warning. You have not listened to me and you have not changed your ways. I have warned you to stop traveling and stop carrying on with this fake religious life of stealing people’s money. You think you are so special to do what you do protecting or think you are protecting her. She is a [B word] and not worth you doing it. Stop today or else. I know your schedule! You can’t hide from me ever. I’m always watching. I know when you leave in the morning and I know when you stay home. I saw you leave this morning. I will be watching. You better stop traveling and doing what you are doing. THIS IS MY LAST WARNING! YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!"<<

FIRST TRACK: Deny your God publically
[note the capital on God, hmmm is there a pattern in CC's texting here?]

SECOND TRACK: Last warning, you have not listened, stop "traveling"
[note to self and investigators, travelling is spelled wrong - how does CC usually spell "travelling"]

The 1st so-called threat is supposedly asking a Christian to do what they will not do, they will not deny their god. So, the 1st so-called threat is supposedly to "box someone in" against the possible imminent, the "or else." A true believer will die before denying their god. And what's with the "No more opportunities. Time is running out for you and your family!" -- what opportunities? what time running out? Were there other warnings previous to this? What was CC trying to set up here?

Now we have the leap to the 2nd track -- or were there so-called threats in between these two -- the so-called threat writer has suddenly switched tracks to a focus on "travel" -- now they want "stop travel." Just what was CC thinking here? Is this the threat he copied and sent to MM? Was he trying to say, "I can't do that summer trip we were planning" or "If I do that trip, this terrible threatmeister might know I have booked a ticket with my job and something will happen to my family." (in the latter case, a setup to say -- oh they found out about my ticket and moved in.)

We have now gone from a focus of asking the impossible of a Christian ("deny your god publically") to one of "I have warned you to stop traveling."

So...what's the deal with the switch of tracks? What was CC trying to accomplish here?
Omg! Amber Frey did not know the entire story! I know that has been posted towards other comments you have made. And anyone who has followed SP's case knows this. There is no comparison whatsoever!!!

The difference is that TL knew this guy was married, knew this guy had two kids. This woman was cheating on her best friend. No similarity whatsoever! None!!!

All my posts have simply been that I want to see and hear more regarding TL and the relationship. I like to have more facts regarding CC's behaviour in that regard. I believe there is much more and that it's very possible TL has been filling in some crucial gaps to LE/MCS. I use AF as an example concerning a sociopath, how he uses people for his own self satisfaction, and how he manipulates to get it done. I am not, nor have I, given the affair a pass. Especially since these two women knew each other. And, I won't.

FWIW, I was very much involved at the SP forum here at WS's. So, I do "know that".
I've got to get something off my mind. IMO, Sherri and TL look close enough to fool a notary... just sayin.....

I agree SuziQ and I'm not a forensic writing expert but the signatures on the original mortgage note and the quit claim deed/refinance docs didn't look right. They were close, but I was still left with the feeling that they were forged. Wonder if an individual's signature changes with time??
I've got to get something off my mind. IMO, Sherri and TL look close enough to fool a notary... just sayin.....

I agree!!

I have to get something off my mind as well.

How odd is it that CC Dad was the one who told LE about TL?????
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