Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt7

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I'm not offended! I amended that post to add something about Gasparilla - which is a big Mardi Gras type event we have here in the Tampa Bay area.
I was freaked out when I saw her Myspace because the login date was 5/9, 5 days after the murders, and "excited" did not seem what you would call your mood after your childhood friend and her kids were murdered.

She allegedly spoke to CC sometime just before (or after) the murders took place. My thoughts on this go back to the relationship she had with Sheri and the threats that were made by CC. Tara certainly wasn't competing to become the next "Mrs Pious" - and CC scrawled a bunch of vitrol that could only spring forth from a poisoned heart. It's just not a stretch for me to think that the two "sexters" were jamming on their mutual rejection of the religious life (and boy did I work to say that nicely).

And one more thing - it's entirely possible that she was excited about a concert - I know that Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction were playing on the 9th. But even then, her "fiance's" wife and children had been murdered and he was the only suspect - how excited about a concert would she be?

I went back to the first and second thread I found out about Tara on the 9th, I found this Last log-in was 5/09/09 and mood is "excited"

Don't think that mood would fit with the profile of having a friend and her children murdered ..?
I agree with you
GC...the word around town is that is exactly what he did. Had the staff at JM spooked too.
Isn't that just wild?! It just goes to show how diabolical he really is and the lengths he went to setting up these murders. It is chilling to think how he involved so many and no one caught on before it was too late. If only ONE person had stepped forward to call BS on this guy, it is possible we would not be here today.
I would think if the straw bales at the home had no missing twine there would be no need to take them into evidence. Intact bales with two or three twine bindings would be meaningless. Bale(s) with a missing twine binding would be something that had to be compared to the twine found on the highway.

This is a good point. But I'm thinking they want to match up the fibers of the twine...
As I mentioned before, I prefer to go slowly when it comes to the "other woman" when it comes to these particular cases. DP Convict Peterson taught me that. Amber Frey was literally torn apart until we found how she was lied to, manipulated romantically, and then how much she actually aided the case against that . None of us have any idea how TL may be working with LE/MCS in this. It is very possible she has helped more than we know.

I learned much watching, reading, hearing, and posting about that case. Harsh lesson that not all is not what it seems.

I thank you for wisdom shared and I truly share your reluctance to tear apart an innocent person. I hope that it's clear that these are only my opinions and are posted on the forum in consideration of her possible role in this tragedy.

I do have a very bad feeling about the relationship between the two of them. In part, it's because of what we know about her betrayal of a friend. It may be the "vibes" I am getting from living in the same breathing space that both SC and TL grew up in and having been a part of the type of religious system that CC & SC were ensconced in, but I sense the kind of hatred that requires an enabler. Someone to put out the fire with gasoline.

TL was well acquainted with enabling addictions - what poker dealer/adult hostess/husband stealer isn't? I'm just saying. . .
The difference between Amber and Tara is HUGE. Amber did not know Scott and Lacy. She was not best friends with her from high school. Amber did not knowingly and willingly engage in a sexual relationship with her best friend's husband and plan to marry him. She did not order wedding invitations before the divorce. Granted, Amber was thought of poorly until it all came out. However, Tara started out very badly here. She has no way to feign ignorance of the situation. She knew and she also knew about the children. Did she ever stop to think about how those boys would feel about "Aunt Tara" marrying their daddy after he kicked mommy to the curb?! Of course not.

I agree a woman that devious can be capable of anything IMO.Many woman have been behind the murder of a lovers wife.
I am brainstorming here......Could CC had "created" the threats to JM & her employees to make his presence be more important and valuable? Could he have used this all along as leverage to garnish more hours and/or pay from JMM?
In part...maybe. I don't think it was for more hours or pay, but he wanted them to feel vulnerable and himself be seen as the security guy who would stick around in spite of the threats made making him so loyal. It will probably come out about how he took extra caution protecting everyone except his family (which would be great for the lawsuit).

If he gave LE a name of who could have done this...I wonder who he was setting up to take the fall for him?? One of his co-workers? One of his neighbors? Ooooo...maybe one of the prison penpals who had just gotten out before the threats started?
Isn't that just wild?! It just goes to show how diabolical he really is and the lengths he went to setting up these murders. It is chilling to think how he involved so many and no one caught on before it was too late. If only ONE person had stepped forward to call BS on this guy, it is possible we would not be here today.

And if I had a dollar for every time the word "discernment" was used by someone in religious authority to explain their Godly entitlement to ferret out sin in those whose motives they determined were less than pure. . .
Let's throw this around.

Suppose the first time CC went to Tampa he looked up TL as a family friend - or just as a friend. I've done that.

Against his will she tied him down, shoved a Viagra down his throat, and rode Mr. Happy like it was Mine That Bird. Let's say every time he was down there the same thing happened.

What does that change?


I'M SORRY! I know this was a serious question...but DANG! How can I help myself with those word pictures?
The difference between Amber and Tara is HUGE. Amber did not know Scott and Lacy. She was not best friends with her from high school. Amber did not knowingly and willingly engage in a sexual relationship with her best friend's husband and plan to marry him. She did not order wedding invitations before the divorce. Granted, Amber was thought of poorly until it all came out. However, Tara started out very badly here. She has no way to feign ignorance of the situation. She knew and she also knew about the children. Did she ever stop to think about how those boys would feel about "Aunt Tara" marrying their daddy after he kicked mommy to the curb?! Of course not.

ITA! As a woman who has been cheated on by a husband, I have no sympathy. The that cheated with my ex-husband knew me, well, had at least met me (they worked together) My point is she knew he was married and I was his wife.

Come to find out during my divorce, this is something she did on a regular basis. She would exclusively go after married men and once she broke up the marriage, she would move on to the next. She dropped my ex like a hot potato after we were done. She did me a HUGE favor, wish I could thank her now. She told a mutual co-worker that she 'got off' by making married men cheat with her, her exact words.

At this point, I am putting Tara in that same classification, especially because she was a friend of Sheri and knew her boys. I was heartbroken and the 'other woman' wasn't even a close friend.
I agree with you 100%! I'm not looking to place blame on anyone other than CC as far as these murders are concerned. I'm just trying to get into his head. Lots of people have affairs and never murder their spouses and children, but I still believe TL is only ONE factor that lead to this crime. I believe there were other factors and I'm interested in exploring them. JM may be just one more factor of many, but she is involved by association, no matter what. I do think more details will come out that pertain specifically to CC's position in JMM.

I applaud you and your husband for making good choices and I realize that people in dire circumstances do that everyday. CC's choice was his and his alone. I just would like to know how he got to that point.

It will be intesting to find out what the computer forensic experts pull up regarding emails and messages between CC and MM. Look...if this guy was dumb enough to "create" the threatening letters on his OWN pc...well it would not surprise me...IF she was directly involved in the murders...that they recorded their dirty thoughts via email or IM's.

That being said....I am sure LE already has a grip on the computer forensics. She would not be walking around as a free woman now if her hands was directly involved.
The difference between Amber and Tara is HUGE. Amber did not know Scott and Lacy. She was not best friends with her from high school. Amber did not knowingly and willingly engage in a sexual relationship with her best friend's husband and plan to marry him. She did not order wedding invitations before the divorce. Granted, Amber was thought of poorly until it all came out. However, Tara started out very badly here. She has no way to feign ignorance of the situation. She knew and she also knew about the children. Did she ever stop to think about how those boys would feel about "Aunt Tara" marrying their daddy after he kicked mommy to the curb?! Of course not.

SS, I truly respect your opinion. I truly do. I'm not naive about behaviours of anyone...well, most of the time. :) However, I am a person that in this particular case will wait to see what comes. I am not defending acts or choices that were made. I just prefer to toss a bone out there until more facts are out there vs assumptions that have no base other than that. Assumption. I've always been one of the "glass is half full" kinda person. I'll wait for wait for more before I go to total judgement. Just me.
I agree a woman that devious can be capable of anything IMO.Many woman have been behind the murder of a lovers wife.

It will be very interesting to find out what the phone call between CC and MM consisted of the night before the killings.

I'm wondering if MM chewed CC's *advertiser censored* out for not having filed for divorce yet, maybe that got him to speed things up a little.
Okay, but I do not see anything that would point that way. What have you "seen" that I have possibly missed? TL may be (possibly unknown to herself..CC=lies) "guilty" of an affair, but I cannot go to where she may have actually been some kind of a accomplice to these murders. If she was, don't you think she would have been arrested as such by now?

I agree OL. I don't think TL knew what he was planning - and he was obviously planning. HOWEVER, I will never have an ounce of respect for any "other woman" who was EVER a friend of the wife. There is a certain "code" that we all - men and women - know that says you just don't go there. Pretty sure we learn that lesson in junior high school...
Maybe she has not been arrested because LE told her if she turns on CC she would get immunity.Its possible she was more involved then we know.Regardless she put herself in a position to be looked into when she involved herself with a BF's husband who is now charged with killing his family.She is not an innocent in this no matter how you tilt it IMO.
I know it's early by WS standards, but this overactive imagination has got to have some down time. By the By, I don't know or even think that Tara was a physical accomplice, I think she was an enticetress, both physically and verbally and I think she knew exactly what she was doing. I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear what ex-hub Peter has to say about her femine wiles. See ya tomorrow!
There was a case here in nj about 20 yrs ago in longbranch .Hubby took wife out to a movie girlfriend sprung out from a dumpster and knifed wife to death and cut hubby slightly.After awhile he throw the GF over for another woman GF ratted him out, she got no or very little time he got life.Not saying she killed them but she might have pushed him to move it along.
I'm not offended! I amended that post to add something about Gasparilla - which is a big Mardi Gras type event we have here in the Tampa Bay area.
I was freaked out when I saw her Myspace because the login date was 5/9, 5 days after the murders, and "excited" did not seem what you would call your mood after your childhood friend and her kids were murdered.

She allegedly spoke to CC sometime just before (or after) the murders took place. My thoughts on this go back to the relationship she had with Sheri and the threats that were made by CC. Tara certainly wasn't competing to become the next "Mrs Pious" - and CC scrawled a bunch of vitrol that could only spring forth from a poisoned heart. It's just not a stretch for me to think that the two "sexters" were jamming on their mutual rejection of the religious life (and boy did I work to say that nicely).

And one more thing - it's entirely possible that she was excited about a concert - I know that Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction were playing on the 9th. But even then, her "fiance's" wife and children had been murdered and he was the only suspect - how excited about a concert would she be?

I agree that it would seem suspicious or insensitive to change your mood to "excited" after finding out about something like this. I guess what I was trying to say was do we really know that she changed it to that after wards? We know that she logged on after finding out, but logging in and changing your mood aren't one in the same. I haven't had myspace for a while so I did a search on how to change your mood and this is what it said:

found here
1.) go to main page.
2.) go to mood & status
3.) click update
4.) scroll down list for moods and select one.
5.) type what your doing
6.) & save!!

I can see someone logging in to myspace to check their emails, comments or friend requests without even thinking about changing their mood. In fact, I'd probably say that if I had something huge like this going on in my life, changing my myspace mood would be one of the last things that would be on my mind. I was just trying to say, it's possible that she set her mood to "excited" long before she heard about this and logged in several times afterwards in all sorts of different moods without changing her mood every single time she logged in.
You could be right, of course, or it could have been a huge CYA on her part. When it comes down to it, TL probably knows him better than anyone - and she was set to marry him (knowing that he was the husband of her friend) I think she is far from innocent.

I agree, she is covering her butt. I think after she had time to think about all this she got scared. LE could track and verify all those communications.
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