Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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And I'm tickled pink with what trickled out today. The whole godawful thing will be out soon enough and we'll all be sickened and appalled at the diabolical depravity of it!
Dang it! I'm trying to find which article told about the CC that Chris & Tara jointly had.

Did I dream that?
And I'm tickled pink with what trickled out today. The whole godawful thing will be out soon enough and we'll all be sickened and appalled at the diabolical depravity of it!

I'm already there!
Hmmm -
I tend to think that the murder was premeditated - but premature. SC confronted CC and told him she was going to call JMM first thing in the am. Maybe he was trying/blackmailing SC into being the one to file (to protect his job) and she told him "no way". . . .

I kinda think so too. Something suddenly happened to rush things, consequently many mistakes were made!
I kinda think so too. Something suddenly happened to rush things, consequently many mistakes were made!

Yeah, but didn't one of the articles posted a page or so back say CC told TL he was filing for divorce May 5th? That sounds to me like he was planning the murder for that day. But, at the same time, didn't he think TL would find that incredibly coincidental that the day her man was supposed to file for divorce his entire family gets wiped out by a crazy ninja stalker? (That's if she didn't already know the plan)
At the risk of offending JM supporters on here...I am going to do it anyway.

I wonder what Joyce Meyer thinks about her "no divorce" policy now?????

I know many of you will say that he would have done the same diabolical deed anyway....but for me....I do not think so....
At the risk of offending JM supporters on here...I am going to do it anyway.

I wonder what Joyce Meyer thinks about her "no divorce" policy now?????

I know many of you will say that he would have done the same diabolical deed anyway....but for me....I do not think so....

I'm fairly certain that she had a "no affair" policy and and "NO murder" policy too.
Greetings Mes Amies,

Well now... "what we learned today" -- eh? Time for my 2 hour nap, but I'll be back to yak with you all a little later, looking to read what you have found and written then. First, however, before my nappy...

About the misspelled word "opportunity" -- URL=""]do any of you remember my message here on 05/30/09?[/URL] In my message, I called out the misspelling of the word "traveling" (travelling) in the so-called threat. I also called out habit patterns of doing documents, those who use the Internet alot (all caps) etc.

In my above noted message I wrote a "note to self and investigators":

>>SECOND TRACK: Last warning, you have not listened, stop "traveling"
[note to self and investigators, travelling is spelled wrong - how does CC usually spell "travelling"]<<

At anyrate, my guess would be that there is far more to cross track the so-called threats and CC's typical communications. My above message might be interesting to some of you who missed it.

[ame=""]Oh...and remember that we heard about the first so-called threat being emailed?[/ame]

So-called Coleman threats
November 18 -- email
January 2 -- mailbox
April 27 -- mailbox

From today's article:

>>They also disclosed Chris Coleman spelled it the same way, incorrectly, in a letter he had written. In addition, police investigators discovered the first threat sent to the family came from Chris Coleman's laptop issued by Joyce Meyer Ministries and the message was also traced to Chris Coleman's air card for his computer.<<

Uh huh, I just KNEW that they would trace that email to his computer in someway -- the "air card boss, the air card!" HOO YAH! Also...isn't it likely that the laptop was one of the pieces of electronic equipment picked up by LE that one afternoon at the Coleman's after CC "resigned" from his job?

And about that abrasion on the arm, and beating the arm against the guerney -- guess beating it up in the grass and/or on the concrete didn't disguise it enough? Had to thrash the guerney too...

>>Police told the court that Chris Coleman had an abrasion on his arm which was noticed by investigators that morning. Coleman told the Police chaplain at the scene that he didn't know why he had an abrasion. Then police say Coleman began punching the gurney he was lying on at the scene.<<

Oh...and that little go-round we had in here about LE having to restrain CC when he tried to go back into the house, ARGH! Check this statement:

>>They also told the court that Chris Coleman never came in the house or asked to come in the house when he returned that morning.<<

Now what d'ya know :)
Oh yeah...

Before my prized nap...

One thing we didn't hear about today, not so far as I know at this point at anyrate, was about that which was used to strangle these poor sweethearts.

I'm thinking that the prosecution laid out as little as they could to get this over the hump, hopefully without humiliating Sheri and the boys memories any further than they have already have been hurt, and maybe to get it moving to a confession. i.e. IF they could lay out just enough, perhaps CC and his attornies would say, "Enough is enough" and "we're ready for a plea" or "a confession" or whatever. Perhaps the really awful stuff was spared so as to spare Sheri's family and friends, IF today could produce pressure toward a confession.

I would like to know what people saw of CC's demeanor in court, and who attended court too.

Oh...and I must admit I am blown away that the MM was in St. Louis at the time, do I have that right? (have to reread.)
I don't know if I've mixed this up with another case- but was that ever mentioned?

Hmmm - I think he was thinking that he would have time to get away. It will be interesting to see what the boarding passes, credit card and (most likely) hidden assets reveal.

For TL to say that she was in St Louis looking for a job and a house makes it sound like CC was going to divorce his wife, not kill her. That's a part a good alibi - and possibly as rehearsed one.

I tend to think that the murder was premeditated - but premature. SC confronted CC and told him she was going to call JMM first thing in the am. Maybe he was trying/blackmailing SC into being the one to file (to protect his job) and she told him "no way". . . .

Even then, I think CC never figured on the amazing detective work of the MCS!!!!!! They didn't give him a minute alone, let alone time to make his getaway. I think that if CC may have watched Dexter, he probably also read about that other Marine, Cesar Laurean, and how he fled to mexico to escape. With the right amount of $$, CC and TL probably figured they could disappear into Central America and live high on the hog in someplace like Costa Rica (where many Evangelicals & Pentecostals are building their personal hide-aways with "Mission" funds.)

I certainly take offense at that blanket statement. Unless of courese you have proof and if you do where is it? I guess if this man worked for Exon you would be telling us all not to buy gas! JMO
Hello Kali,

You wrote:
>>I don't know if I've mixed this up with another case- but was that ever mentioned?<<

To my knowledge we have been given no information on that, and I don't know of any rumor to that effect.
Ooh! I don't wanna know that. I've heard way too many tales of those "goodbye" love sessions and it just sickens me at the betrayal.
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