Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Okay Pres, can YOU come up with anything for the defense? LOL! I keep racking my brain and I still can't think of anything! <gasp!>

The only thing I can come up with would be if they somehow try to say he was framed, the children and SC were killed while he slept, the killer hid inside the house before they all went to bed. Of course this has so many holes in it! How could a husband not see his wife was dead when he woke up in the morning? After he did the killing during the night, the killer returned to his hiding place until after CC left, he then did the painting etc, this could explain CC not seeing it when he left the house, and also why the neighbors camera saw nobody enter, they were already in the house. The killer then hid away again and didn't slip away until after everybody was coming and going and no one noticed the ninja looking guy who crept by.
Of course the question is, who in the world would want to frame CC for his families murder? I draw a total blank there. It also does not explain his actions before, during and after the murders, the affair, the tale of divorce papers being served thast day, going to the gym apparently just to go to the bathroom, the mark on his arm and then the thrashing around, the shunning of SC's family, the list goes on ond on.

I appreciate your answer and commend you on your success with your son. However, you did not answer the question concerning how the ministry/church (I presume) feels about mental illness.

Originally Posted by daisy.faithfull
When CC was growing up does anyone know what the general attitude towards mental illness/mental health car was in the ministry?
What are those attitudes today?

For example, are people with mental health issues shamed for their illness or for seeking medical help?

Thank you for your answers! :)

My experience was quite different. Since I was ten-years old I suffered from bipolar disease, but at that age I just thought I was "different", I didn't have any idea what really was wrong with me. When I did find out, in my forties, ministers in the "church" told me to pray, God would heal me. I heard this from more than one, Baptist, Methodist, some evangelical types. Well, I listened to the doctor and took medication despite what "men of the cloth" said. I did get well because God gave us people who discovered medications to help/cure diseases. If I had listened to "ministers" I may not have been here today. So, in ANSWER to that question, the "ministry" was not for medical intervention in mental illness, it was a stigma - they just about insisted one pray to God for healing and if He didn't, well, you were in sin of some sort. And THAT is my experience with the ministry and mental illness of any sort.

Those "men of the cloth" would probably have changed their minds had they had some sort of illness. My Dad once told me he didn't believe in allergies. I told him, he didn't believe because he didn't have allergies. If he had them he would have believed. That is why it is very important to read the Bible and pray for the Lord's wisdom instead of listening to some man's interpretation. Just because they were against medication doesn't mean God was.JMO
While it is difficult not to discuss religion since JMM is involved indirectly in this case, it has no real bearing on Chris choosing to murder his entire family. Mental illness or defect may play a role, but he was legally sane when he committed the acts due to premeditation and the lengths he went to cover it up.

He made specific choices to plan and carry out the murders. He had motive and opportunity. He was able to deceive, stage the crime scene, and set it up for others to find the bodies.

By his own sworn statement, he placed himself at home when the murders were committed which is what will hang him in the end. It wasn't insanity, but stupidity on his part, imo.

I agree...he is one selfish and evil man. And he is legally sane. (The "Devil made me do it" defense won't fly!)
The only thing I can come up with would be if they somehow try to say he was framed, the children and SC were killed while he slept, the killer hid inside the house before they all went to bed. Of course this has so many holes in it! How could a husband not see his wife was dead when he woke up in the morning? After he did the killing during the night, the killer returned to his hiding place until after CC left, he then did the painting etc, this could explain CC not seeing it when he left the house, and also why the neighbors camera saw nobody enter, they were already in the house. The killer then hid away again and didn't slip away until after everybody was coming and going and no one noticed the ninja looking guy who crept by.
Of course the question is, who in the world would want to frame CC for his families murder? I draw a total blank there. It also does not explain his actions before, during and after the murders, the affair, the tale of divorce papers being served thast day, going to the gym apparently just to go to the bathroom, the mark on his arm and then the thrashing around, the shunning of SC's family, the list goes on ond on.


Okay, so what if he says he woke up and saw his family killed and all the paint on the walls and says "oh my gosh! They are going to say I did this because I just so happened to have told TL I was filing for divorce today!" and so he was so freaked out that this happened on that day and "I'm sure they won't believe this, so I have to pretend it happened when I wasn't here" defense.

I have seen this defense used, unsuccessfully, many many many times.
The only defense I can think of is that CC woke and realized that someone was in the house. The stranger escaped after a bit of a scuffle. CC saw his wife and kids and went into anterograde amnesia or emotional/hysterical amnesia. He went to the gym..the ninja stranger followed him..throwing out evidence along the same highway that CC traveled.

I know nothing about amnesia...this was the only thing I could think up. I don't believe for a second that this happened...just trying to think up a defense.soddi or insanity
You know, I have been trying really, really hard to think of a way that CC may be innocent. Fact. I got nothing. From every statement, every possible scenerio, even to where he slept on the sofa and heard nothing before he left for the gym that morning. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I cannot possibly see how the Defense can pull off someone else snuck into home and murder three out of four family members. I cannot fathom how the Defense can even attempt an insanity plea considering letters, finances, and an affair/new "marriage".

Tried. Hurt my head attempting it. Even regarding reasonable doubt. Took Tylenol. Ache went away, but my opinion stands fast.

It certainly appears that any here who may tend to side with CC being not guilty of these murders won't lay out any relevant reasons for why they think so. Would be interesting to mull over.
Okay, so what if he says he woke up and saw his family killed and all the paint on the walls and says "oh my gosh! They are going to say I did this because I just so happened to have told TL I was filing for divorce today!" and so he was so freaked out that this happened on that day and "I'm sure they won't believe this, so I have to pretend it happened when I wasn't here" defense.

I have seen this defense used, unsuccessfully, many many many times.
The key word is unsuccessfully. ;) There also are not a handful of cases where an Insanity defense worked out either.

The defense has no case so all they can do is to go after the evidence and the experts.
It certainly appears that any here who may tend to side with CC being not guilty of these murders won't lay out any relevant reasons for why they think so. Would be interesting to mull over.
This happens on every case where the evidence is overwhelmingly one sided against a defendant. It is easy to claim innocence of a defendant when you do not have to provide proof. Defense lawyers do it every day in court. ;)
He did the deed
And now must pay.
The man is guilty,
What more need I say?

He took three lives
So he could be free.
He'll now pay the price
As it should be.

:cool: ~TCO~
The only thing I can think of that might be a question in my mind as a juror would be if there was no evidence on his body. Was there a dab of spray paint in his hair? Or did he wear a shower cap? What about scratches on his hands? I know he hit a gurney, though. That's about all I can think of and I really thought HARD AND LONG before answering this question. I can't think of anything viable, actually!!!


You know, I use spray paint a lot. I just have been working on a large scale project, and I don't get spray paint on me. Maybe a little on my hand, ie index finger (if i don't wear gloves, but sometimes without gloves no paint on hands!). But, even with me doing it mostly outside, I don't get it on me or on my clothes.

So, to me, his having no paint on him means nothing.
BTW, the thing about praying and not being healed means you have some unresolved sin is just hogwash!!! Paul himself, author of most of the New Testament, was not healed of his affliction. The book of Job covers this topic and anyone in the church who believes this needs be enlightened cuz it is pure hogwash!

Okay, off my soapbox now. LOL

Nah, stay on your soapbox. As a non Christian, I find a lot of this bizarre and hard to understand, and your posts have gone a long way in explaining things. I have learned a great deal from your posts!
And just an update on my Deputy Sleuthers visit to Chester. A) they will be there till Friday, so maybe more will develop. B) Not a fricking thing other than they were told that it wasn't their business (as a non local) and the one person got angry at a small innocent question about Grace Church. They said there is a very weird vibe overall in Chester. All may not be lost, they will be seeing some different people Wed - Friday so who knows.
poster knew both Sheri and Tara and claims Sheri was a friend but not a best friend .. interesting reading...not complimentary of TL

ETA: see post by "Reply to ASL"

FWIW, I'd raised the same question about Tara. If she has a degree from USF, why has she chosen a job not in keeping with her degree. She is listed as a 2000 graduate on the alumni site, but w/out being a member, one cannot determine what she earned her degree in.

link shows "Tara Lintz" class of 2000
Apparently some people who made donations for CC's defense which were solicited at the funeral are not at all happy about it. BBM

COLUMBIA, IL (KTVI - - The family of Sheri Coleman wants to know more about a reported fundraiser held for her husband. Sheri Coleman and her two kids Gavin and Garret were found strangled to death May 5th. Her husband Chris Coleman is charged with the killings and being held at the Monroe County jail without bond.

Belleville Attorney Jack Carey is helping Sheri's family find everything Chris Coleman owned. The preliminary hearing revealed Coleman had a secret cell phone and a secret credit card with his mistress. Now the Weiss family (Sheri's side) wants to know about money Chris Coleman may have raised right after the murders of Sheri and their two kids.

Attorney Carey said, "They were soliciting at the wake and they were soliciting at the service --you know, contributions or funds for poor Christopher Coleman."

Carey said they found this out recently from one contributor who is not happy.

Carey told us, "People of good will contributed cash and checks to Christopher Coleman -- subsequently, especially after the preliminary hearing they're now upset they contributed anything." He added, "Someone I guess from Chester [IL] or from his father's congregation, said that they had made a contribution." Carey intends to find out who donated and how much.

It's just part of many potential assets Sheri Coleman's family would like to get answers about. Like the house -- the scene of the murders. The family found out about a second mortgage taken out on the home -- for as much as $30,000. They're trying to track down what happened to it. In the process, they learned the home is in foreclosure. Now they have to decide whether it's worth painting the spray painted messages on the walls and bringing the mortgage current.

Carey said, "It'll be interesting to see if anyone who knows anything about the history will ever want to buy that house." He added, "So then what do you do. Do you let it go into foreclosure? Do you just walk away from that property?"

Those are the tough decisions the Weiss family will make soon. They're also waiting to hear back from Chris Coleman's former employer, Joyce Meyer Ministries, about investment plans and insurance policies he may have.
Columbia Lakes III & IV
Homeowners Association
&#8220;To Build and Develop Strong Relationships Within Our Community&#8221;

June 16, 2009 &#8211; 7-8 p.m.

I.Call to Order/Welcome and Introductions

II.Pledge of Allegiance

III.Moment of Silence / Memorial Discussion

IV.Dam Inspection

V.Signage Update

VI.New Business
a.Grass Clippings
b.Fishing Issues

VII.Past Due Assessments

VIII.Treasurer&#8217;s Report

IX.Common Ground Update

X.Old Business
a.April Meet & Greet party
b.May Fishing Tournaments

XI.Next Meeting Date: September 15, 2009

Joe Miglio (right), Meegan Turnbeaugh and Mario Weiss present Columbia brothers Robbie and Jeff Repasz with signed St. Louis Cardinal jerseys from first baseman Albert Pujols and catcher Yadier Molina.

Full story at:
Hello RollinOn86

<snipped>...And I must say, that as I think about my grandkids and daughter-in-law(whether we were close or not)...had I heard that they had been strangled by ligature(not that it is any new revelation) and how they were found, the fact that someone had spray painted obscenities atop the beds, and that there was other evidence found atop Gavin's body, I'd have been brought to tears at that point.

<snipped> When you looked at his face, his eyes appeared what I would call "hollow", cold, emotionless and he seemed, in my assessment to be somewhat "spooky".

His lack of recognition of his family bothers me. Surely you would acknowledge your parents, brother, best friend and other family members in some small way at the very least--a nod of the head, a wave--something. But there was nothing. Why? <snipped>

I wanted to be sure to thank you for the time that you took to inform us all.

I can't agree with you more ... it is hard to fathom that "if" this man is innocent, he would not have fallen apart during this prelim and with what was revealed. As for not making eye contact with anyone, I can't imagine that if he were innocent, his eyes wouldn't lovingly go to those there to support him. He is not innocent, it is just all too clear to see. Further, I believe that this guy has hardened his heart (he is impenitent), he is in another word set apart from this one wherein conscience exists, and it is very sad to see how this can happen. His wife and children were so full of bubble and life ... and he went down a path into a cold, very cold black place.
Hello RollinOn86

I wanted to be sure to thank you for the time that you took to inform us all.

I can't agree with you more ... it is hard to fathom that "if" this man is innocent, he would not have fallen apart during this prelim and with what was revealed. As for not making eye contact with anyone, I can't imagine that if he were innocent, his eyes wouldn't lovingly go to those there to support him. He is not innocent, it is just all too clear to see. Further, I believe that this guy has hardened his heart (he is impenitent), he is in another word set apart from this one wherein conscience exists, and it is very sad to see how this can happen. His wife and children were so full of bubble and life ... and he went down a path into a cold, very cold black place.

disagree ... opinion above based on emotion, conjecture, harsh personal judgment, speculation and not fact
Howdy SleuthyMama,

Nice to see you here with the rest of us...

This sick excuse for a human being didn't care enough to let his family live. Do we really have any hope that he'll "care" enough to save everyone else the horror and harm that will come out at trial?

Again, he's a user. So if he thinks airing all his dirty laundry (and it's about to get a lot dirtier) out will help HIM in even the slightest bit.....he will allow it. And not give a rats azz what it does to anyone else.

Strange isn't it... I suppose some of us are just forever dreamers, and I just keep dreaming and hoping, for the sake of the many who will be further damaged, that this guy will have even an instance of conscience that could stop this before it gets worse. Even so... you are probably correct...he will allow damage, because he is in a world unto himself, and does not give a rats azz :(
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