Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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HEY! Who let out without answering the polling question? Did anyone get his license plate number as he left the parking lot? >:)
Respectively snipped....

And this wide-held belief seems to stem from a deeply entrenched hatred of men ... most of you seem to have a "story" to tell of a past husband etc. who "done you dirty" and that seems to color your opinion as to ALL men.

CC having a g/f was not motive for him to wipe out his entire family.

I chose to not respond too quickly to this particular part of the post as it disturbed me.

There are many a case here at WS's that do draw out emotions. For many, for reasons that brought them here is a loss. A child, a brother/sister/, a family member, or a spouse. There are many who are here that have experienced loss that is not the same, but a loss no differently. I will only post this part as myself as it would be wrong to go further speaking for others.

There is no entrenched hate that I carry when I come here and share my thoughts or opinions. My life experiences, as I have learned through time, do come out. But, never as hate towards another to skew what is posted here as evidence, theory, or possibility of what may have occured. Opinion is one thing, hate is another. I'll continue to use what I have. I am colored by nothing. But, what I post, it is never based on hate. Ever.

I had visions of the pencil rapping the knuckles......

Mercy Nuns did not use pencils. Believe me. Thankfully, I as well as others being "girls", did not go through the ruler discipline. The ruler was used on the "bad" boys.

To be fair, this was in the late 60's-early '70's. Gawd, I'm old....
Polling question? For the other question:

!!! You have a sticker attached to your BMW!! What are you thinking?! (My husband would have my hide!) But it's a very nice sticker... :blowkiss:
Sigh. Does this relate to the pile of today's alerts and PMs I'm trying to ignore right now?

Oh, mannn... Unless it's an emergency, ignore. Take a 20 minute break and do something more important. Like, well, anything else important right now. :)
Oh ! You owe me a new monitor!!!

We just want to know if we can add a poll to this forum about this thread, or would we need to add a poll to this thread?
Mercy Nuns did not use pencils. Believe me. Thankfully, I as well as others being "girls", did not go through the ruler discipline. The ruler was used on the "bad" boys.

To be fair, this was in the late 60's-early '70's. Gawd, I'm old....

My grandson starts kindergarten in the fall at a Catholic school. We're not Catholic, but it's a really good school so we're paying tuition so he can attend. I just have a fear that he will have bruised knuckles for the next 9 years.

Oh - and eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk - I was in college in the early to mid 70's. I AM OLD! Ohhhh myyyyy.......:confused: How'd that happen?
Maybe someone who knows how could make a poll as to his guilt or innocence? The choices could be: Innocent? Guilty? Framed? Unsure?

I'm a reader, seldom a poster, but really appreciate the use of logic and incisive thought I see on this site. Bigtime thanks to all of you for your input!

Took me a minute to find it!

This is what we want to poll.:crazy:
My grandson starts kindergarten in the fall at a Catholic school. We're not Catholic, but it's a really good school so we're paying tuition so he can attend. I just have a fear that he will have bruised knuckles for the next 9 years.

Oh - and eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk - I was in college in the early to mid 70's. I AM OLD! Ohhhh myyyyy.......:confused: How'd that happen?

I can promise you they don't "do that" anymore and haven't for a long time, thankfully. Your grandson will be happy, I have no doubt. :)

FWIW...You are never old. Ever. I was just being a smarta$$. ::blowkiss:
It's magnetic, I change them out. I also have ones that say "Question Reality" and "Visualize Whirled Peas".

I wonder if there is one that states, "Reality. What a Concept". I'd glue it on my car!!!
I can promise you they don't "do that" anymore and haven't for a long time, thankfully. Your grandson will be happy, I have no doubt. :)

FWIW...You are never old. Ever. I was just being a smarta$$. ::blowkiss:

Well - thank goodness - he's all boy!
As for the other... You are never a smarta$$. Ever!!!! :blowkiss:
I can promise you they don't "do that" anymore and haven't for a long time, thankfully. Your grandson will be happy, I have no doubt. :)

FWIW...You are never old. Ever. I was just being a smarta$$. ::blowkiss:

No, they don't do that anymore. I went to Catholic schools and my knuckles were fine. I probably deserved it though.
Okay, the poll is up! And "somebody" voted already!!!
First of all, I personally don't see "most" (and maybe not even any) having a deeply entrenched hatred of men in here. There have been people affected by "done you dirty" men and women but this doesn't mean that they were left pickled against the opposite sex such that they cannot see truth when it is presented. It does NOT mean that they are left with a deeply entrenched anything. As per men, they are some of my fave faves, though I love women too, but I was raised with three beloved brothers, 2 beloved fathers (father/daddy), and I have been married to the same beloved man for over 40 years. That does not keep me from seeing the truth in this situation per a devious murderous man. Someone show me some facts pointing towards CC's innocence, and I just might fight alongside you to help prove it.

Fact: CC put himself at the house until 5:45AM (that is the time he gave)
Fact: CC said his wife was alive when he left
Fact: Video surveillance has him leaving the house at 5:43AM, has no other person coming or going (from its vantage point) before/after
Fact: CC caught on gym surveillance 6:00AM
Fact: CC was away from premises 1 hour 8 minutes, he returned 6:51AM
Fact: CC had injury right forearm (abrasion/scratches), said he didn't know how he got it, then slammed arm against guerney, then told his father it was a guerney injury.
Fact: Expert found victims to have died as early as 11PM May 4th, no later than 5:00AM May 5th (11 p.m. to 3 a.m., but possibly up to – but not after – 5 a.m.)
Fact: At 6:51AM, full rigor mortis noted in one victim, also livor mortis (entire body locked, rigid, discolored). One victim algor mortis (cold). See facts on rigor, livor and algor mortis.
Fact: Officers left water, grass clippings on floor from back window entry, they found no similar evidence of a previous entry.
Fact: At the viewing of the bodies, CC gave off a very definite "smell" (vibe) to people who had previously known him, yet had never previously thought about him as possible perp.
Fact: CC hired a defense attorney the day of the deaths.
Fact: Funds for CC's defense were solicited at viewing of bodies and Coleman arranged funeral.
Fact: So-called threat emailed Nov 14, 2008 emitted from CC's laptop/aircard.
Fact: CC's girlfriend said CC and girlfriend had sexual relationship from Nov 2008 on.
Fact: CC was having a text/video/*advertiser censored*/internet relationship with his girlfriend.
Fact: CC and girlfriend met in Arizona and Hawaii (reported as trysts), planned cruise together in August, had credit card together, planned wedding in 2010.
Fact: CC told girlfriend on May 4th, he was going to serve divorce papers May 5th.
Fact: The misspelling of "at least" one particular word was found consistent in the so-called threats and CC's documents.
Fact: There are many other facts which have been revealed, and many which we cannot yet know.

Further facts:
Fact: There has been no reward fund established by the CC family (parents, brothers, cousins -- actually anyone related, not anyone at all) to find the real killer.

Wow what have we got going here?
Okay okay...<smoothes out her clothing> Time to get back on topic!
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