Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Thanks lajr for that info. :) If you go to their home page, can you tell me who the big guy in the center is with the ponytail?? Is that the singer? Wish I could see a face shot of him. I could tell you right away if I saw the guy's face! He looks to be about the right build. I've looked at all the pictures I can find on this and the other site and that's the only one that come close to resembling the guy that was with DD at the prelim. Although it seems that some of the pictures may have been taken down?? :waitasec:

In fact, when I read your post about being in the courtroom last week, from your description, I thought of this guy. I bet it is him.
Hello Who Knew, and gang...

OT -- Who Knew's post (the short bit of it below) reminded me of a refreshing moment I had this AM -- perhaps some of you could use a little refreshing, as so many of us have been hurting since May 5th...

... start small.....(get your mind out of the gutter, people)...

[ame=""]YouTube - Gilda Radner - Emily Litela: Substitute Teacher[/ame]

EDITED.... Ack, I didn't mean for the actual youtube film to show up in here. , if you think this is out of order, please remove the video and just post the link, eh?
Oh, Wrinkles - that was funny. I loved Gilda Radner - the world lost a true "funny girl" when she died.
Just to clarify, I do not know these people, I have never been to Chester. When I posted the link to, I was responding to VCDaedalus's earlier post to me trying to remember the website. (lajr, whar you?).
On topic again...(I know, I'm a party pooper!)

Has anyone seen the transcripts released from the hearing on the 10th yet???
It's not common for court transcripts to be released to the public via the media.


To obtain a copy of a Court Transcript:

Contact the Office of the Circuit Clerk. You must be able to provide the clerk with the name of the case (abc vs. xyx) and the case number. You must also provide the clerk with the exact date of the hearing. If the transcript has been filed , you may order a copy from the Clerk's Office. There will be a fee charged for the copy of the transcript and you should check with the clerk for the amount due. (You may also order a copy of the transcript from the court reporter.) If the transcript has not been filed , you must order it from the court reporter(s); or

It was a dog and pony show obtaining and then posting the transcripts in a legal manner for the Peterson case way back when.
Thank you for your well thought-out scenerios!!! I am so glad none of them worked out for CC!!!

And I am so glad you've joined us!!!


I am too. I have long admired VCD's contributions to the stltoday comments sections and missed him/her.
Would also like to remind any daring locals that tonight is the 7 p.m. music service at Grace Church! I went on May 13 myself, and was spotted as an outsider and questioned briefly.

The burly man with long dark curly hair may be the lead singer in the Grace Church band. They have a website of their own, but I've forgotten the link (lajr, whar you?). You can actually watch videos of them playing in the GC sanctuary. It's not very good music, and the reason I left before the service was over was because they started in on their fifth song (and each song ran over four minutes in length) and I just couldn't take any more. But they sang most of the same songs they did that night.

There was a man who was not Derek Doiron leading the congregation on May 13. And although CC had just been arrested, I can attest that the mood at GC was not somber at all--rather, people were laughing and socializing in a manner not different from any church service. There were a number of security guys with curly wires in their ears, at least on standing at the center of the sanctuary floor, looking all around.

I made my Deputy Sleuther who is on the ground in Chester this week to NOT got to church tonight. The last thing I want is to have to make a run there myself to bail them out.
Hello Who Knew,

OT but...with connections to WS'ing...

I adored Gilda -- I found that video today when I was looking for another skit of hers. I was hoping to find the one where she was a Brownie, sent to her room due to her parents having a party. After she arrives in her room (and slams the door), she adorns herself with something like a robe and a scepter, then hops standing and bouncing on her bed, while eating crackers (and spewing cracker crumbs while talking), proclaiming something like "I'm the Queen of *advertiser censored*." (Queen of England??)

That whole insanely comical child's-play skit of her jumping onto the bed, bouncing up and down and proclaiming herself as royalty, while spewing cracker crumbs came to my mind when I was thinking about how I feel when I hear any adult boldly proclaim something (as if it is important) without backing up their claim with anything of substance when asked.

You can see a small bit with the Brownie slamming the door at about 57 or 58 in the youtube video "GILDA RADNER LIVE 1980"
I never said nor implied nor wrote nor gave any poster any reasons to believe that all evidence has to be provided at a prelim.

I do know a little about what I am posting about.

So I'm curious how you drew this conclusion?

Good grief, analytical....put down your gun...I surrender!!! :eek:

It was a general statement...not pointed directly to you!!!!! I don't believe I said you didn't know what you were posting about! It's wonderful to hear that you DO know a little about what you are posting. Apparently it's much more than we know! That's great! :clap:

I drew abolutely no conclusion about what you said , wrote or implied! I'm afraid you read more into what I wrote than needed to be read! :)

What I said was a simply general statement to everyone saying that there could be more evidence of instances in which CC used one of his computers to initiate the other threats. That may well come out at the trial and and as such, it was a broad statement to all those who might not know that all evidence may not be on the table at a prelim and that we will not be limited to the evidence that we are aware of at this point. do you understand?? :)
Hiya Chico,

... It was a dog and pony show obtaining and then posting the transcripts in a legal manner for the Peterson case way back when.

Thanks for posting the info on the IL transcript situation... Boy, it really was obnoxious to try to get those transcripts in the Peterson case, wasn't it? You'd think that this type of thing should be public record, but oh no...

Wasn't it Timex that worked so hard on arranging transcripts and getting donator's hooked up to them?
Just to clarify, I do not know these people, I have never been to Chester. When I posted the link to, I was responding to VCDaedalus's earlier post to me trying to remember the website. (lajr, whar you?).

Oh...sorry, lajr!! That's ok!! I'll find out...somewhere!!! :confused: Nice to meet you AND VCDaedalus, by the way!!! :)

Fact: CC put himself at the house until 5:45AM (that is the time he gave)
Fact: CC said his wife was alive when he left
Fact: Video surveillance has him leaving the house at 5:43AM, has no other person coming or going (from its vantage point) before/after
Fact: CC caught on gym surveillance 6:00AM
Fact: CC was away from premises 1 hour 8 minutes, he returned 6:51AM
Fact: CC had injury right forearm (abrasion/scratches), said he didn't know how he got it, then slammed arm against gurney, then told his father it was a gurney injury.
Fact: Expert found victims to have died as early as 11PM May 4th, no later than 5:00AM May 5th (11 p.m. to 3 a.m., but possibly up to – but not after – 5 a.m.)
Fact: At 6:51AM, full rigor mortis noted in one victim, also livor mortis (entire body locked, rigid, discolored). One victim algor mortis (cold). See facts on rigor, livor and algor mortis.
Fact: Officers left water, grass clippings on floor from back window entry, they found no similar evidence of a previous entry.
Fact: At the viewing of the bodies, CC gave off a very definite "smell" (vibe) to people who had previously known him, yet had never previously thought about him as possible perp.
Fact: CC hired a defense attorney the day of the deaths.
Fact: Funds for CC's defense were solicited at viewing of bodies and Coleman arranged funeral.
Fact: So-called threat emailed Nov 14, 2008 emitted from CC's laptop/aircard.
Fact: CC's girlfriend said CC and girlfriend had sexual relationship from Nov 2008 on.
Fact: CC was having a text/video/*advertiser censored*/internet relationship with his girlfriend.
Fact: CC and girlfriend met in Arizona and Hawaii (reported as trysts), planned cruise together in August, had credit card together, planned wedding in 2010.
Fact: CC told girlfriend on May 4th, he was going to serve divorce papers May 5th.
Fact: The misspelling of "at least" one particular word was found consistent in the so-called threats and CC's documents.
Fact: There are many other facts which have been revealed, and many which we cannot yet know.

Further facts:
Fact: There has been no reward fund established by the CC family (parents, brothers, cousins -- actually anyone related, not anyone at all) to find the real killer.

Additional facts:

Fact: CC NEVER appeared on TV, nor was he heard on the radio asking and/or begging everyone to help find the person who murdered his wife and two children.
Fact: CC NEVER established a reward fund to help find the person who murdered his wife and children, though he had plenty of time to do so before he was arrested.
Fact: There is no information about CC taking a lie detector test on behalf of his loved ones and in hopes of getting LE directed toward a "real killer."

Continuing facts:

Fact: CC said he and Sheri had a good marriage with no problems. He said he and his wife sought counseling in 2008 and it helped.
Fact: CC "originally said he talked to a friend of Sheri's in Florida. He said they talked about body parts, but nothing else. He said Sheri would not be happy."
Fact: CC's girlfriend gave an anniversary date of November 5th -- which is prior to the first e-mail threat (which was on Nov. 14, 2008)
Fact: CC and girlfriend were looking for homes and a job for the girlfriend in St. Louis.
Fact: LE found no evidence of divorce papers intended for filing by CC on May 5th.
Fact: CC installed surveillance cameras as a side business. He installed some inside his home (an LE neighbor worked with him). The week before the murders, CC told the neighbor LE he was waiting for a power source to activate his cameras, he was offered by the neighbor LE to call ISP to help get a power source. CC turned neighbor LE down. CC's cameras were operational and functional.
Fact: May 1st, Coleman showed his surveillance equipment to a neighbor, it was all there at the time.
Fact: Police asked "What can we do to find the killer?" CC responded, "I don't know. I guess you can look at my videos." Police checked and found the video recorder (DVR) gone (hookups were twist lock connections). The DVR was missing. LE found a faceplate for the same make/model DVR near the JB Bridge in the West bound lanes (route CC took to/from gym on May 5th). They found invoices for the DVR (company where Coleman did purchasing).

Gold's gym videos see CC entering/exiting bathroom but no other activity...

Someone, please go to Gold's and find out what the videos would show, if someone were working out or just loitering there. Are we to think that these Gold's gyms videos only track bathroom attractions? If CC went to the gym that morning, did he just go to have a good bowel movement?
I knew a man about 15 years ago who served on a jury for a homicide trial. The man went to a bar with the intent to shoot one man and ended up accidentally shooting someone else (gun missed, not mistaken ID). This man, a pleasant ivory-tower elder science research professor, held out for involuntary manslaughter, even though the perp went to the bar with premeditation. You may disagree with him or not, but he was very proud of his letter-of-the-law holdout. I don't actually recall whether he eventually caved--but somehow I don't think he did. Could've been a mistrial.
Holy cow, Wrinkles! If you don't work in a law office, you need to change occupations! How can I add anything to that long list? AMAZING!!!

Holy cow, Wrinkles! If you don't work in a law office, you need to change occupations! How can I add anything to that long list? AMAZING!!!

I've got to agree!! Wrinkles, that is BEAUTIFEROUS work! :woohoo:
Polling question? For the other question:
So what's this? Are you wanting us to take up a collection so you can get your BMW washed? :woohoo:
Hello Chicagofa13,

4:45 CDT June 18 (wrinkles it is PDT now not PST! :p )

:blowkiss: Thanks for correcting me. DOI! I hadn't realized the following:

>>PST is used during winter in these US states (PDT during summer)<<

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