Sheriff Gore – uttering threats?

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Sep 6, 2006
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I’ve never seen anything like this before, amazing.

"The files that you will be receiving will not be released to the public, to the media, or anyone else, unless there later develops a law enforcement necessity to do so."

"This decision, however, may be re-evaluated if it becomes clear that parts of the investigation have been released to the media and to the public 'piecemeal', and that such a selective release of portions of the investigation has presented our investigation in a false light."

"Please understand that we have no desire to intrude on your client's right to speak freely about, or even criticize, the investigation completed by this office."

"…if portions of the investigation are selectively released to the media and to the public in a way that falsely represents the work performed by the Sheriff's Department, we will correct the false portrayal by opening the entire investigation for public scrutiny."

First Amendment attorney, Guylyn Cummins of San Diego, is not affiliated with the Coronado death investigation, but she was taken aback when News 8 showed her the Sheriff's letter.

"I personally have never seen anything like this," Cummins said. "I think it's the first time that I've ever seen a law enforcement or governmental agency do this."

"What the letter's trying to say is, if you release something and we don't like your viewpoint -- or the information that you rely on -- then we're putting you on notice that we may come back and release anything that we want; whether it's part of the lawful investigation or simply digging up dirt on the victim," said Cummins.

Attorney Anne Bremner told News 8 that she considers the letter a threat. Her co-counsel, attorney Marty Rudoy, agreed.

"I believe there's an implied threat in the letter that they would release information hurtful to the victim and her family," said Rudoy. "It has chilled our willingness to release relevant information to the media that would help the public determine what happened in this case."
I’ve never seen anything like this before, amazing.

"The files that you will be receiving will not be released to the public, to the media, or anyone else, unless there later develops a law enforcement necessity to do so."

"This decision, however, may be re-evaluated if it becomes clear that parts of the investigation have been released to the media and to the public 'piecemeal', and that such a selective release of portions of the investigation has presented our investigation in a false light."

"Please understand that we have no desire to intrude on your client's right to speak freely about, or even criticize, the investigation completed by this office."

"…if portions of the investigation are selectively released to the media and to the public in a way that falsely represents the work performed by the Sheriff's Department, we will correct the false portrayal by opening the entire investigation for public scrutiny."

First Amendment attorney, Guylyn Cummins of San Diego, is not affiliated with the Coronado death investigation, but she was taken aback when News 8 showed her the Sheriff's letter.

"I personally have never seen anything like this," Cummins said. "I think it's the first time that I've ever seen a law enforcement or governmental agency do this."

"What the letter's trying to say is, if you release something and we don't like your viewpoint -- or the information that you rely on -- then we're putting you on notice that we may come back and release anything that we want; whether it's part of the lawful investigation or simply digging up dirt on the victim," said Cummins.

Attorney Anne Bremner told News 8 that she considers the letter a threat. Her co-counsel, attorney Marty Rudoy, agreed.

"I believe there's an implied threat in the letter that they would release information hurtful to the victim and her family," said Rudoy. "It has chilled our willingness to release relevant information to the media that would help the public determine what happened in this case."

This fits with BG's actions at the after Dr. Phil press conference... when a reporter asks about the computer and if there was *advertiser censored* on it.. Gore smirks and says I will let AB answer that question if she wants to release that information. It comes across as if BG feels that the *advertiser censored* on the computer MUST have been viewed by RZ and this should thoroughly embarass the family and tarnish RZ's reputation ...... what is shocking is that he has NO CLUE that it could be someone other than RZ who viewed it!!!! The guy just can't step away from the case and see different angles and the possibility of murder. A boy is dying, his father has a background of violence with woman, BG has no real idea where JS was that night and he can't put it together that this could be a retaliation murder covered up? BG really thinks a suicidal woman would be looking at *advertiser censored* before she kills herself?

BG is far too stubborn and the Attorney General's office needs to take action immediately. Threatening to embarass the family if they question his department's work. BG and his office has completely lost the plot. The AG should ask Gore to step down I don't think he can do his job properly at this point.
This fits with BG's actions at the after Dr. Phil press conference... when a reporter asks about the computer and if there was *advertiser censored* on it.. Gore smirks and says I will let AB answer that question if she wants to release that information. It comes across as if BG feels that the *advertiser censored* on the computer MUST have been viewed by RZ and this should thoroughly embarass the family and tarnish RZ's reputation ...... what is shocking is that he has NO CLUE that it could someone other than RZ who viewed it!!!! The guy just can't step away from the case and see different angles and the possibility of murder. A boy is dying, his father has a background of violence with woman, BG has no real idea where JS was that night and he can't put it together that this could be a retaliation murder covered up? BG really thinks a suicidal woman would be looking at *advertiser censored* before she kills herself?
I suppose the question that follows naturally is whether this is simply down to incompetence or is there something more sinister going on?
I suppose the question that follows naturally is whether this is simply down to incompetence or is there something more sinister going on?

That is two threats one from JS's lawyers and now BG's lawyers.... it does make you wonder. There is a male female power struggle here to. BG is a "good old boy" in my mind. Maybe BG thought it was too complicated and expensive of a case and really wanted JS in his "you owe me" pocket?

BG can't handle the pressure he is going to snap soon. This is just getting worse and worse the more he tries to keep a lid on it.
That is two threats one from JS's lawyers and now BG's lawyers.... it does make you wonder. There is a male female power struggle here to. BG is a "good old boy" in my mind. Maybe BG thought it was too complicated and expensive of a case and really wanted JS in his "you owe me" pocket?

BG can't handle the pressure he is going to snap soon. This is just getting worse and worse the more he tries to keep a lid on it.
Obviously we don’t know what may be lurking in the case file, but I would think that if everything was released it might be potentially more harmful / embarrassing / incriminating to the Shacknai’s and the SDSD?
Obviously we don’t know what may be lurking in the case file, but I would think that if everything was released it might be potentially more harmful / embarrassing / incriminating to the Shacknai’s and the SDSD?

I agree the more we learn the worse SDSD and the Shacknai's look. I noticed the lead investigator was not given a mic at the last press release. The more questions that are asked the worse they all look.

I wonder when the AG's office will step in because BG is sliding off the deep end here. If I lived in SD I would be apalled and very concerned about justice in that city.
I've never seen anything like this letter either.
This was a revenge killing and clear evidence has been lost forever. BG needs to go... Rebecca and her family are being victimized over and over again. Shameful. This does not reflect well on the city for tourist or potential citizens.
Personally, if my family member was dead, there's nothing more that can be done to her. I would be fine with any "dirt" being released, so long as her killer was captured and brought to justice.
Well, this is sickening and incredibly weird.

I think BG is playing games ... or it's my theory anyway. He doesn't want his authority questioned and if that happens there will be hell to pay. It's kind of like a "Ha! You want to play, let's play!" threatening it will get down and dirty. He is obviously too gamey and narcisisstic to realize how he is viewed by others. He used the 'protect the family and their privacy' excuse in the first conference to not talk about evidence. Now we know how much was protecting Dina, Nina, Adam, and Jonah and he wants everyone to know there is more. If he reveals anything about Rebecca it will be the family's fault.

If this was investigated by the AG or someone other than family he would not be able to pull this emotionally threatening card ... nor would anyone if it went to court as it's all based on relevance. At least a judge would have to decide what can and can't come into court. Any dirt in Rebecca's background would most probably have nothing to do with a motive for suicide unless someone directly threatened to expose something right before she died - but that also goes toward a motive for murder. Possible suspects (Dina and Nina) hating Rebecca and being in the area, calling late, rabidly questioning her on an accident are relevant as is Adam looking at *advertiser censored* given the MO of the killer and computer searches. It would be relevant that Dina and Jonah have a violent past, that they investigated each others BF's/GF's, and whether or not there was child abuse (not saying there was/wasn't).

I still don't think BG is directly doing anything for Jonah - he decided not to pursue it as a murder for many reasons and one could be an impossible conviction and problems. Once his decision was made early on and everything was fit into that theory, his ego took over and he's trying to thwart any attempts to claim it is murder. Now to the point of threatening. I think it's a game. Folks like him have power and they are accustomed to that having more sway. He probably talked the ME into calling it a suicide and the guy has put a small black mark on his career now - there is no medical evidence to say this was a suicide. He's getting more and more bizarre though - you can only obfuscate so much, now he's turned to threats. He's too ego bound to see how this looks to others, to the public.

Hopefully, BG keeps it up because people like that eventually sink their own boat.
Personally, if my family member was dead, there's nothing more that can be done to her. I would be fine with any "dirt" being released, so long as her killer was captured and brought to justice.
I agree, dovebar. But, I wonder if there isn't somebody else, somebody living still, whose future safety and/or happiness is at stake here. Xena immediately comes to mind, but Xena wasn't present when Rebecca died, so her contribution to Rebecca's case file should be relatively minor. Threats to the Shacknai/Romano four (or five or six) shouldn't phase Anne Bremner.

:dunno: What common ground exists between Gore and Rebecca's family, such that his plea for confidentiality (read: implied threat) carries any weight at all?
I agree, dovebar. But, I wonder if there isn't somebody else, somebody living still, whose future safety and/or happiness is at stake here. Xena immediately comes to mind, but Xena wasn't present when Rebecca died, so her contribution to Rebecca's case file should be relatively minor. Threats to the Shacknai/Romano four (or five or six) shouldn't phase Anne Bremner.

:dunno: What common ground exists between Gore and Rebecca's family, such that his plea for confidentiality (read: implied threat) carries any weight at all?

Because of some things said in comments on other boards and the poster her who is qualified as connected to the case - it would be good to now receive her comments as she had knowledge about Dina's role.

I think the Dina team was investigating Rebecca at some point or for a period of time. I wonder if a huge part of Gore's threats actually have to do with this. I have no doubt someone in the Dina team immediately turned over crapola. I do doubt all this was fairly and thoroughly substantiated? Dina and Jonah seemed to have hired private investigators to spy on each other.

What we have clues about ...

1. the issue of shoplifting (we know that, but are not sure if it was leaked to t he media early on on purpose)

2. Dina claiming something wasn't right or something about Rebecca and she did not want her child left alone with her (poster here),

3. possibly Rebecca was fired from work and she did not quit to spend time with Jonah and the kids (rumor being spread in comments on Psychology today article) - interviews with coworkers

4. Rebecca was possibly a gold digger or whatever - again, I don't know how this relates or if it was just to assassinate her character, unfortunately, her ex's comment might have validated that in some people's minds. Some people were trying to connect #1 and #4, I guess to show she would do anything to get what she wanted?

I find it difficult to believe they could have investigated Rebecca or Xena to any great extent since they barely talked with her family and friends.
Here is the original post from a verified case insider:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #9



I have now been verified as an insider in this case.

Alright, here are the things I know. LE is aware of everything I am about to share. I just have some tidbits, nothing earth shattering lol.

-Some family members do not believe Max died accidentally. I will leave it at that. Dina has hired a private team to investigate in the hopes that LE reopens the case and believes Max was suffocated before the "fall."

-Since March of this year, Dina told Jonah she did not want Rebecca alone with Max. This is due to her getting "weird vibes" from Rebecca. A background check was performed on Rebecca that revealed things (I was not told what those things are nor will I prod about them).

-Jonah has an interesting past of having his ex wives/girlfriends boyfriends followed, investigated, photographed etc...

-Rebecca was forbidden to go to the hospital to visit Max.

I will share more as I learn more.
After thinking about Gore's threats, I'm left with the thought that he did this because there is something he really does not want them to reveal and the only way he can possibly keep that in check now is to threaten to reveal something hurtful to the family. But the bigger question is - What is it that he doesn't want them to reveal? Is he just trying to shut down media exposure because what they would reveal would just raise questions about a sloppy investigation or is there really significant background stuff about possible perps, about ?, or ? or what?

I hope they call his bluff because if they release stuff about Rebecca that the family never had a chance to see or counter, then where did they get that stuff, did they use it as a basis to claim suicide, and did they thoroughly check that out (as suspect because of where it came from), and investigate the other players in this (Dina, Nina, Adam, Dina's BF, and Jonah as well as his close associates). I'm suspecting they just 'looked at' stuff Dina probably gave them, but now it is part of the investigation file.
Do you get the sense that the s..t is about to hit the fan? I wonder who will be diving under their desk first? Maybe I should start a list.
I absolutely do not want to offend anyone but wonder if some of those *advertiser censored* pictures might have included pictures of Rebecca. That would account for the gloating by this sick sheriff. It would not have surprised me at all if some were not taken the night she was killed to make her look worse.

Wonder what her sister says about this? I also wouldn't put it past JS to encourage that sort of thing and who knows what was taped. Anything can be planned and I think this murder definitely was.

All of the above is my opinion only.
I absolutely do not want to offend anyone but wonder if some of those *advertiser censored* pictures might have included pictures of Rebecca. That would account for the gloating by this sick sheriff. It would not have surprised me at all if some were not taken the night she was killed to make her look worse.

Wonder what her sister says about this? I also wouldn't put it past JS to encourage that sort of thing and who knows what was taped. Anything can be planned and I think this murder definitely was.

All of the above is my opinion only.

BG's gloating came before we found out from AB about the *advertiser censored* on the computer. Well, the reporter had some inkling though.

The case needs to be immediately re-investigated. SDSD, AB and the media are tromping on the evidence in many ways and IMO this circus needs to be seriously reigned in and handled by a fresh set of LE professionals.

I suspect AB had hoped and expected BG would cave in sooner and do the "right" thing under media pressure but instead he has just stonewalled and huffed and puffed.

This back and fourth in the media is unprofessional. With someone like BG, AB and the family have very little choice. Usually, media pressure will force an agency to buckle down. I am shocked by BG's actions, he clearly has no interest in re-evaluating this case only defending his agency in the media. He just doesn't have any sense of how bad he is coming across to the public.

My background is in journalism and PR. I have used the media to put pressure on agency's to make change and it is a very effective tool. Never, have I seen a "head honcho" be so stuborn.

Having all the evidence out in the public is damaging, as a murder suspect is getting everything they need to bolster their alibi's and thwart justice.

I really hope this case gets to the AG's office as soon as humanly possible because justice is at stake.
Is it not against the law to threaten someone as Gore has?

As it looks to me, Gore is the bully who is playing the last straw he has! He knows his career is finished if certain information in the files is released or if the case is reopened. Therefore, as a person in power who is use to having the last word and not being challenged, Gore has met Anne Bremner who is not afraid of him and not in his pocket.

As a poster said earlier, the Zahau's have a murdered child, what could be worse to hear? Hearing the threat from Gore would anger me so much, it would give me strength as a Zahau to push forward! Gore has treated them so despicably that his threat would not deter me.

A murderer(s) is running around lose. Power and money does not equate the ability to take another persons life because YOU have determined that person needs to die! Let Gore spill his secrets, as his secrets will come to light too; JS has secrets from the morning of Max's accident, Adam was brought to town for a reason, Dina and Nina have secrets about Rebecca. IMO. Once the secrets start coming out, we will have a case that is easy to solve.

My biggest concern is the AG. Just not too sure if she is in someone's pocket!? :banghead:
I certainly don't think any *advertiser censored* pictures included RZ. I am pretty sure Ann Bremner said that asian bondage *advertiser censored* picture was anime-which is a cartoon.
I absolutely do not want to offend anyone but wonder if some of those *advertiser censored* pictures might have included pictures of Rebecca. That would account for the gloating by this sick sheriff. It would not have surprised me at all if some were not taken the night she was killed to make her look worse.

Wonder what her sister says about this? I also wouldn't put it past JS to encourage that sort of thing and who knows what was taped. Anything can be planned and I think this murder definitely was.

All of the above is my opinion only.

Oh you know, I wouldn't be stunned if there might be *advertiser censored* of Rebecca from some point in the past, However, If there were photos or video with Rebecca in them on the Internet to be found they would have surfaced by now. They'd be all over the place, and the media would not hesitate to discuss them. I mean that's a juicy story.

Maybe I'm not easily scandalized anymore, but what could they have on Rebecca now that the family would want to protect? How bad could it be? What would be so embarrassing that you'd let someone get away with murder to keep it quiet?
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