Sheriff refocuses Kyron investigation: a smaller task force will take over...

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So, when their chief, with 100,000 people to protect and 100 officers to do it, says they can't afford the manpower for a task force, you can almost guarantee that Troutdale and Fairview, which are much smaller, cannot afford it, either,” he said.

Several other law enforcement agencies around the metro area said they are still undecided as to whether they could join the task force.

Hillsboro police, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office all said they haven’t yet made a decision.

A spokeswoman for the Beaverton Police Department said, “At this point, we don't have anyone dedicated to it."

So sad. I guess this is what upset Desiree so much today. It must be devastating to be told we can not help find your boy because we don't have enough money. All the while the person they beleive to be responsible is having her top of the line defense team bought and paid for.
I suppose that some of these municipalities don't want to dedicate resources to this case because they know that there is no danger of the perp repeating the crime in their own jurisdictions.

A stepmother disappearing a child in rural Multnomah County is hardly a threat to Gresham and others municipalities.

I don't like that they're not helping, but I do understand why.

My opinion.
With the serious financial issues facing Oregon right now, they are probably worried about what the taxpayers would say. Oregon is in dire straights financially.
So, when their chief, with 100,000 people to protect and 100 officers to do it, says they can't afford the manpower for a task force, you can almost guarantee that Troutdale and Fairview, which are much smaller, cannot afford it, either,” he said.

Several other law enforcement agencies around the metro area said they are still undecided as to whether they could join the task force.

Hillsboro police, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office all said they haven’t yet made a decision.

A spokeswoman for the Beaverton Police Department said, “At this point, we don't have anyone dedicated to it."

So sad. I guess this is what upset Desiree so much today. It must be devastating to be told we can not help find your boy because we don't have enough money. All the while the person they beleive to be responsible is having her top of the line defense team bought and paid for.


Could be, but I don't think so. Desiree again spoke of LE doing a good job. She spoke in great thanks of the billboards. (Not at all saying they were making a great difference and we need money to put them back up.)
IMO only, she was making a direct plea to TH's friends, family (circle?), to please come forward with something, anything, or even money to help find Kyron. If you read TH's support pages or Dede's, etc. EVERYONE says on there, something similar to "Our goal is to find Kyron and bring him home, WE ALL CARE". So, IMO, Desiree is saying, put your info, or at the very least, your money ,where your mouth is.....please. And she HAD to do this without Kaine, because if any of these people were led to believe that Kaine was in any way causing this scenario, then now, these people, that she is directly pleading to, have to answer to Desriee, and not Kaine.

It makes great sense to me that she wanted to make this plea without Kaine. JMO as usual.
What's scary to me about these agencies not wanting to help is that it may be because it looks to be such a longterm investment of time...I would think if MCSO told the other agencies they were about to wrap things up, they'd get help. This kind of makes me feel as though this could go on a long, long time and MCSO could not say otherwise...
I had a horrid thought watching the press conference today and then reading about the fact no one has commited to helping the task force, as desprate as Desiee is does anyone think that she would attempt to take matters in her own hands? I just saw how unstable Desiree seemed today and if she feels that no one cares because they aren't joining the task force or contributing to the reward fund, I wonder if she is depreate enough to get answers from Terri herself... I know that she says she is happy with LE but her actions are speaking louder than her words... I dont know what I would do if I was told we dont have the money to help find your son, I probably would snap.
With the serious financial issues facing Oregon right now, they are probably worried about what the taxpayers would say. Oregon is in dire straights financially.


The economy has hit us harder than most states. It's not a matter of caring but resources. LE has a sharp focus, no doubt a result of fine investigation, and there's no need to involve other municipalities. From an outside perspective it's not a loss. From an inside perspective I imagine that feels a lot like less attention. But I trust in that sharp focus and I think truth will come to fruition in time.
I do think Desiree is beginning to feel she has to "solve" this...
"Gov. Ted Kulongoski advised legislative leaders, school superintendents and agency directors that state economists expect tax collections to be down significantly more than the $577 million shortfall projected in May. ... Now state economists believe revenues will shrivel by an additional $200 million to $500 million, prompting Kulongoski to send a flurry of letters and notices warning of more cuts to schools and state services." <snipped> BBM

Although much of their monies come from the taxpayers in their regions, a lot also comes from the state. My son's student loans this term went from $3100 to $1200. The resources are dwindling and the different agencies HAVE to look at what they have budgeted and what they might lose in next year's budget. I'm very involved in government in our state and I'm not just blowing smoke.
Personal opinion here but I think a few people including someone from the state and with the FBI offering their resources the case will not be closed.

I've learned from the Heleigh Cummings case investigations take on different phases including the searches. LE did not want the general public searching, they only conducted "tips only" searches. They did conduct exhaustive searches until they concluded she was taken from the area.

I think LE knows basically what happened but they need evidence to convince a jury. They are probably looking at everyone's lives, personal contacts and activities of everyone the Harmon's knew over a 30 day period before he went missing.

So who's going to provide the credible tip that leads to Kyron?

As would I, if this were my son. :(

I understand that I would as well, but its just that something has worried me about Desiree for awhile, she seems obsessed with Terri, and the hatred that I am sure she feels for Terry with her beleiving Terri took her husband now her son. I just hope she doesn't seek vigilantly justice. The last few appearances she seems to be doing against the approval of LE and Kaine, and now if she feels like they "can't afford" to find Kyron... I just hope this dont push her over the edge. I am really worried about Desiree something is diffrent in her and I cant put my finger on it.
I understand that I would as well, but its just that something has worried me about Desiree for awhile, she seems obsessed with Terri, and the hatred that I am sure she feels for Terry with her beleiving Terri took her husband now her son. I just hope she doesn't seek vigilantly justice. The last few appearances she seems to be doing against the approval of LE and Kaine, and now if she feels like they "can't afford" to find Kyron... I just hope this dont push her over the edge. I am really worried about Desiree something is diffrent in her and I cant put my finger on it.
I think she is trying to face the distinct possibility that her son may not be coming home.

Personally, I think she is somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd stages of grief and that her behavior is quite normal.
I don't understand, looks like LE gave up. JMO.

Tony Young must know some excellent PIs who they could use donated money to hire. What about this as a possibility?
I'm confused about this task force. It involves police from multiple towns? Is this normal in a missing child case? I always thought that the police from the town the child went missing in were the ones who would search for that child. I know that other jurisdictions can help out but it sounds like they are trying to get them officially involved in the case? Is the Portland LE no longer involved and now it's just a task force?
I don't understand, looks like LE gave up. JMO.

Tony Young must know some excellent PIs who they could use donated money to hire. What about this as a possibility?

I just typed a long post, hit the wrong key and it disappeared. Hopefully I'm not posting twice. Terri does need to be watched closely. If she knows where Kyron is there's no way she'll be able to keep from interfering in his life and schooling. Purchases made at stores, homeschooling purchases, online, phone activity, everything should be watched IMO.
Besides the financial aspect, which would clearly be a burden on smaller areas with less officers, etc... and huge areas needing to be searched, maybe these other areas have their own crimes, missing persons, murders, and what have you, that they need to stay focused on. Actually, they may wish they could get some assistance too. Very sad.
Hi, Thinking about this for hours now I'm wondering if this is a great new strategy at play. I know it's 3:30am in the morning LOLOLOL but couldn't go to sleep thinking about this.

Do you think LE believes in taking the pressure off the guilty party/ies they will relax and maybe start talking, or driving to the same place or spot a bit too often or something on that order? I hope this is it now and LE is a watching and a waiting for a slip-up.

It sounds too elemental, having a strategy tied to a sad story of problems in getting the investigation under way again with a new Task Force. Actually I think it is ingenius if it is the case. LE can lie about anything to further the investigation. I bet the TF is actually very busy and 'at it', working on the case.

I must say I don't buy the dichotomy of the MCSO giving money back they didn't need for the investigation and then pulling 2 police depts into the TF that have to decline as they have no $$$'s. That just doesn't add up to me.

xox and IMO
I understand that I would as well, but its just that something has worried me about Desiree for awhile, she seems obsessed with Terri, and the hatred that I am sure she feels for Terry with her beleiving Terri took her husband now her son. I just hope she doesn't seek vigilantly justice. The last few appearances she seems to be doing against the approval of LE and Kaine, and now if she feels like they "can't afford" to find Kyron... I just hope this dont push her over the edge. I am really worried about Desiree something is diffrent in her and I cant put my finger on it.
Grief . That is was I saw in that mothers' face. When you lose a child by whatever means, it feels so horrific that your emotions change daily, even hourly. To lose a child AND not know where that child is, in my opinion, mega times worse. One way or another, she needs a conclusion to this. It has to be pure torture for her. God bless her and give her the strength to keep going.
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