She's close to..."home", "hope", "holts"...

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And now the so-called building the PI's were looking through and around near where the body was found (don't believe they were near it) was owned by a person named Gonzalez. Tell me this case isn't getting more and more bizarre....and when I try and give her "benefit of doubt", like her parents are trying to do and then back out of their statements that they gave to police to try and save their daughter - I come back to the Anthony's first reactions to the entire situation and it is all on tape- "Somethings' wrong -it smells like there was a dead body in the back of the car" - all of C&G's remarks on first blush is the truth to the whole thing. And I don't feel that KC would admit to anyone where the body was as she doesn't want to lose the only support she has left - her family.

I agree. KC wasn't going to send anyone to get little Caylee's body - including her brother. And I seriously doubt that she would know that a holt is a wooded area. In fact, judging by how the entire family butchers the English language, I don't think there is any "code talk" going on. It's just the only way the rest of us can begin to make sense of their unusual choice of words and sentence formation. Of course, this is MOO.
It just occurred to me that the word holt means literally a wooded area.

Right, now Casey, who isn't all that skilled in modern English, is speaking Middle English.

You reckon you all are stretching all this just a wee bit to try to make the facts fit your theory? :crazy: When you have to do that, I think you can assume the theory needs some work.
I agree. KC wasn't going to send anyone to get little Caylee's body - including her brother. And I seriously doubt that she would know that a holt is a wooded area. In fact, judging by how the entire family butchers the English language, I don't think there is any "code talk" going on. It's just the only way the rest of us can begin to make sense of their unusual choice of words and sentence formation. Of course, this is MOO.

And I agree. I've said all along I don't think there is any code, just a family that talks nonsense because they're trying so hard to sound more verbally sophisticated than they are.
Oooooooooo! And Gonzales and Fernandez are such rare names in Florida.
I agree, the name Gonzales is not in the least bit rare in Florida. The "co-incidence" of the house owners name is probably not a co-incidence at all. KC told her parents to look close to home and she threw out the name Gonzales...Not such a huge stretch for them and their "PI" to search for Gonzales in their own neighborhood and to zero-in on the abandoned house. Nonetheless, there may be something there...It will be interesting to find out if anything was discovered there and what LE makes of this!

(I find the co-incidence of ZFG visiting the Sawgrass appt's in June to be much more of a co-incidence given KC's story.)

I keep hearing "holt". But I have to admit - my hearing is not the best.
I think she said homp, like home with a p for hope.

I cranked up the volume and heard...home-p.

Kind of seemed like a freudian slip, like she meant to say home but, hope also was on her mind while she could have been actually visualizing where Caylee's remains really were...kwim?
Right, now Casey, who isn't all that skilled in modern English, is speaking Middle English.

You reckon you all are stretching all this just a wee bit to try to make the facts fit your theory? :crazy: When you have to do that, I think you can assume the theory needs some work.

I don't think the theory needs work.

I said before that she most likely said "home" (the truth but not the whole truth); she may have said "hope" (possibly a Freudian slip for Hopesprings Dr.); or she said "holt" which might be an acronym for the nearby school, or a thesaurus reference to wooded area.

The latter would only be possible if she had access to a thesaurus in jail--and it was reported she used the law library. This in my opinion is the least likely scenario, but still worth considering given more than half those who listen hear "holt."

Would be interesting to know if the kids who used to play in that wooded area had named it.
You're right ... look at this:

A small piece of woodland or a woody hill; a copse; The lair of an animal, especially of a fox.

In KC photobucket:


child, woods, fox
I'm definately hearing 'close to HOPE'. (ie hopespring dr)

I've listened to it over and over with my earphones, and even when I try, I can't hear home (which I originally thought it was) or holts......

If she had a stuffy nose, home could come out as hompe, but everytime she says 'mom' it comes out right, so stuffy nose theory goes out the window.

Hubby's always come in very handy at times like this. As soon as mine walked in the door I asked him what he hears in the audio, and he thinks it's hope too. (didnt tell him what the different possibilities were first, just told him to listen and tell me what he thinks she said).

I'm thinking that 'close to hope' (spring) is far more damaging to her case than 'close to home', which could be much more general in terms of area. wonder JB told her to stop talking.

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