She's close to..."home", "hope", "holts"...

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OMG!:eek: When did she download that?

I wish I knew! I got it from someone else's photobucket, so the properties show their account, not KCs. But I'm trying to find out. When I do, I'll let you all know. ;)
OMG!:eek: When did she download that?

I don't see anything out of the ordinary with this CD cover. She had downloaded quite a bit of them, no doubt to add to her myspace/facebook page under "music interests" I think this is just a band that was popular and she liked so she downloaded the cover. She did that with many other CDs as well.

As far as the recording goes I hear Hope too... There is no way she said Home. You hear the "p" without a doubt.

Who knows. That whole meeting with those two that day was sooo weird and creepy. Why talk in code like that? They don't even use the right words when talking... and they sound like they are trying too hard to sound smart.
I still hear "holt" Did she ever have a pet named Holt that she buried there, or have we discussed that?

I just googled it and there is an International Adoption agency called Holt, but probably doesn't connect to this.
I wish I knew! I got it from someone else's photobucket, so the properties show their account, not KCs. But I'm trying to find out. When I do, I'll let you all know. ;)

This is from Muzikman's download of KC's photobucket.

It has all the picture properties. Looks like she downloaded it on July 9 2008 at 4:10 p.m. as shown on the properties page. The October 5 date is mine. Hope that helps.

If she had a stuffy nose, home could come out as hompe, but everytime she says 'mom' it comes out right, so stuffy nose theory goes out the window.


Not necessarily. Mom and home are two different words. I still stick with home, I think there are definitely 'code-related' antics in this story, but this just isn't one of them. My opinion only.

I can see why everything is looked at twice, given the nature of this case, but this is really reaching.
This is from Muzikman's download of KC's photobucket.

It has all the picture properties. Looks like she downloaded it on July 9 2008 at 4:10 p.m. as shown on the properties page. The October 5 date is mine. Hope that helps.

Are you suggesting that the words Seventeen Days were significant to Casey on July 9? Like the actual last time she saw Caylee was 17 days prior to July 9? It does seem like she was counting the days - on July 15 she said she had not seen Caylee for 31 days. But 17 + 6 = 23, not 31.

The hit songs from this album were "Let me go" and "Behind those eyes." The album was released in 2005 and then again in 2007.

The "Let me go" video has a very intriguing storyline in light of casey being a single mom which is summarized here:

and the lyrics to "Behind those eyes" could be seen as compatible with the storyline of "Let me go" Doors Down Lyrics/Behind Those Eyes Lyrics.html
Are you suggesting that the words Seventeen Days were significant to Casey on July 9? Like the actual last time she saw Caylee was 17 days prior to July 9? It does seem like she was counting the days - on July 15 she said she had not seen Caylee for 31 days. But 17 + 6 = 23, not 31.

The hit songs from this album were "Let me go" and "Behind those eyes." The album was released in 2005 and then again in 2007.

The "Let me go" video has a very intriguing storyline in light of casey being a single mom which is summarized here:

and the lyrics to "Behind those eyes" could be seen as compatible with the storyline of "Let me go" Doors Down Lyrics/Behind Those Eyes Lyrics.html

Naw, I'm not suggesting that the 17 days has any significance. I'm not sure what others are suggesting but coincidentally, if you count 17 houses down from the 'A' house and then 3 houses up from Suburban ... you've got the same house. It could mean a landmark for KC or it could mean nothing. The house just happens to back on to the Caylee site. Just interesting, that's all.
Naw, I'm not suggesting that the 17 days has any significance. I'm not sure what others are suggesting but coincidentally, if you count 17 houses down from the 'A' house and then 3 houses up from Suburban ... you've got the same house. It could mean a landmark for KC or it could mean nothing. The house just happens to back on to the Caylee site. Just interesting, that's all.

I wasn't focusing on the 17 days as much as that picture!! How symbolic can you get?:furious:
Naw, I'm not suggesting that the 17 days has any significance. I'm not sure what others are suggesting but coincidentally, if you count 17 houses down from the 'A' house and then 3 houses up from Suburban ... you've got the same house. It could mean a landmark for KC or it could mean nothing. The house just happens to back on to the Caylee site. Just interesting, that's all.

And KC said she was trying to tell what happened!!! She has-in every cryptic way she can without coming right out and saying it in plain english!:banghead:
so if casey was saying she is close to "hope" and saying zenida gonzales took her. then look at where caylee was found. stange I think


According to the current tax records for Hopespring in Orlando, neither 4701 nor 4709 are owned by a Zenaida or a Gonzalez.
I hear holt!

Not sure if it was some kind of secret message.
Regardless, she's getting what she wants--massive confusion and everyone chasing their tails over anything, everything, and nothing.
And KC said she was trying to tell what happened!!! She has-in every cryptic way she can without coming right out and saying it in plain english!:banghead:

I totally agree. I was a lurker until Muzikman gave us KC's photobucket and I saw that album. I became a member because I thought the picture itself was very cryptic. The video of the song on YouTube for 'It's Not My Time' was strange and even a little more strange at the time was that the lead singer looked like Caylee. Now that's a reach for you but everything back then was going in circles and heading straight back at KC and it was making my imagination work overtime. I posted the album picture on a thread but it was passed by perhaps because everything was moving so fast. I think it was perhaps my first post. Here's the YouTube video [nomedia=""]YouTube - 3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time[/nomedia]

Another cryptic comment was from LA's friend Terry M. He commented to LA on MySpace the following:

Jul 19 2008 5:36 AM

Caylee! Always on my mind!

I miss Caylee......she is such an angel! What a cute video with the book!

Since the day xxxxx (his wife) has been pregnant I often think about the times we will visit O-Town over the years and get to walk down the street to visit a place so familiar to me! A walk I have made thousands of times. A lifetime of memories to be shared with the next generation. I only wish there was something I could do from so far away to ensure this dream come true my next visit. I can only hope and pray all of this passes quickly and Casey comes to her senses! So we all can return back to our lives with some peace, knowing our next visit will be a joyous occasion as it should be!

I miss the whole fam! So, next time I see ya George, Cindy, Lee, Casey, and Caylee hugs r on me!

The Fizz

Was he perhaps trying to tell LA something?
I'v been interested in all of KC's posts on social sites and remain having the feeling KC speaks through symbolism by pics, freaky sayings and current music. This band is considered a great band in the 20 to early 30 crowd. These songs aren't as bad as we would think. The order in which they were posted seems to lean to being relavent. I look @ KC as an adolescent who expresses their feelings through music. Remember those yrs. when we females memorized every current song that hit a nerve in us. Young girls tend to fantasize (KC to TL) love through music, journals, poetry. We've seen some of her writings so I don't think it isn't to off the mark to be alarmed by the the picture of the CD and not the band. Similar to the song, "Everone lies & evryone dies." Sometimes I think KC is going to say that all of the nonsense she has put society through could have been avoided had "people paid attention" to her nonverble signals. Someone on another site organized all these odd written statement into one pg. and it was alarming! People seemed to ignore it thinking that it wasn't real and the thread was closed. Remember the band wasn't picked by Kc because it was evil. It is how she puts the lyrics in context and then possibly in an order showing state of mind she felt she was in.
I don't think it makes much difference whether she said home or hope. Either way, the baby was close to both. The same thing she told GA - "she's close, I can feel it in my gut".
I don't think it makes much difference whether she said home or hope. Either way, the baby was close to both. The same thing she told GA - "she's close, I can feel it in my gut".

But maybe he didn't say gut, maybe he said 'cut', and maybe it has something to do with the knife found in the car!

Just being silly, but also trying to show how far this can be taken in any direction. It's all madness.

I completely agree with your post. Well-said. I tried to 'thanks' it but it didn't work for some reason.
Noddy - Thank you so much for your help today!:blowkiss: I would have gone crazy looking for that upload date!!

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