Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

As I'm sure you well know, I've been saying for some time now, a Grand Jury should be called to investigate the Boulder DA's office, the Haddon Law Firm, and Lin Wood. (I'd include Lou Smit in there, but he dead.) That's not likely to happen, but, as you are aware, a deposition would be the next best thing.

Bravo!!! Count me IN...It's exectly my position! How can I (the US taxpayer citizen) help to make this happened?!!!....The fish starts rottening from the head!...But somehow, everyone affraid to touch this stinking head...:what:.
Bravo!!! Count me IN...It's exectly my position! How can I (the US taxpayer citizen) help to make this happened?!!!....The fish starts rottening from the head!...But somehow, everyone affraid to touch this stinking head...:what:.

There are those who are not afraid - but how do you know the investigation won't be as .. inadequate ... as previous exploits costing the taxpayer loads of stupid money being thrown away - what will it prove or serve now... the past cannot be changed but there is no way in hell that next time a child is found dead in her home that every single person grieving or otherwise will not have their hands and feet slapped in plastic bags and the whole thing dealt with differently and properly.

Things are known higher than those who appear to be high - behind every big fish is a bigger fish... poor ol Lou. :( RIP fella. xx
Here's the transcript for the 07/31/02 LKL show that SD referenced above:

Here's a quote from Marc Klaas: "But since these folks (the Ramseys) basically threatened litigation to anybody that doesn't totally agree with their version of the facts, I'm afraid I can't say any more."

Lin Wood: "I could I could sit down and ask Mr. Klaas 100 factual questions about the JonBenet Ramsey case, and I bet you he wouldn't get 10 of them correct." Wow.

Wow does not start to cover it, eileen. It's one thing to read the words. It's another thing to have seen his face and heard his voice when he said them.

Note: Please excuse my prolonged absences of late. Until I can get a new computer, I have to make do with this dinosaur. Just getting it to work is an accomplishment in itself. But don't think that I've forgotten or given up.
The Ramsey's innocence would technically make any suggestion to the otherwise Libellous/ slanderous though - unless it was suggested as a possibility and not as fact.

An interesting point, considering that their innocence is damn well not a fact, either. (I said it was an interesting point, not a GOOD one.)

In a way I hate the theories thread for this reason because it asks to point the finger at a potentially innocent party which is one of the worst things you can ever do - ever - especially over such a hideous and heinous set of crimes.

Then don't read it.

the truth is there is no real dirt on these people - no history of assault battery impropriety - just a regular family with their regular ups and downs which lots of people are also coping with. :/

"Regular" families do these kinds of things all the time. No real dirt, you say? Hey, as far as I know, Patsy may have been an angel. But you know what? Lucifer was an angel too, wasn't he?
Bravo!!! Count me IN...It's exactly my position! How can I (the US taxpayer citizen) help to make this happened?!!!....The fish starts rotting from the head!...But somehow, everyone afraid to touch this stinking head...:what:.

Afraid? Some, maybe. I think the majority just don't care.

But you're damn right about the rest. Fish rots from the head down, and this one stinks worse than others.

As for what you and I as taxpayers can do, I know one thing to start: make a LOT of noise! Get people angry about this again!

Afraid? Some, maybe. I think the majority just don't care.

But you're damn right about the rest. Fish rots from the head down, and this one stinks worse than others.

As for what you and I as taxpayers can do, I know one thing to start: make a LOT of noise! Get people angry about this again!


The Ramsey family is full of stinking things - secrets that go way back on both sides if anyone has paid any attention to the family dynamics on both sides.

They've had lots of practice keeping the right "deodorizers" handy to fix their smelly situations. There would not have been any aspect of their lives that wouldn't have contained a connection to helping them keep their dirt covered up. What's the old expression - "Money talks, Bu****it walks"!!

For what it's worth, the City Manager of Boulder is responsible for hiring and firing the Police Chief. I wonder if a few letters to the City Manager noting that we are unhappy there hasn't a public response to Kolar's submitted Theory of Prosecution, now in the hands of Beckner and Garnett, might be a starting place for venting anger. Here's some info:

City Manager & Directors
City Council

Send US mail to PO Box 791, Boulder, 80306.

City Manager Jane Brautigam 303-441-4020
Deputy City Manager Paul Fetherston 303-441-3006
City Attorney Tom Carr 303-441-3020
The Ramsey family is full of stinking things - secrets that go way back on both sides if anyone has paid any attention to the family dynamics on both sides.

They've had lots of practice keeping the right "deodorizers" handy to fix their smelly situations. There would not have been any aspect of their lives that wouldn't have contained a connection to helping them keep their dirt covered up. What's the old expression - "Money talks, Bu****it walks"!!

For what it's worth, the City Manager of Boulder is responsible for hiring and firing the Police Chief. I wonder if a few letters to the City Manager noting that we are unhappy there hasn't a public response to Kolar's submitted Theory of Prosecution, now in the hands of Beckner and Garnett, might be a starting place for venting anger. Here's some info:

City Manager & Directors
City Council

Send US mail to PO Box 791, Boulder, 80306.

City Manager Jane Brautigam 303-441-4020
Deputy City Manager Paul Fetherston 303-441-3006
City Attorney Tom Carr 303-441-3020

Sounds like a mass-writing campaign in our future!
You're a major player in this JB Forum, Super Dave. If you can figure out how to get most of us on board for the letter writing campaign, and then set a date for us to drop our letters in the mailbox, I'll bet we'd cause a stir in the City Office.

P.S. CC's to Fetherston, Carr, and even Mr. Wood would be icing on the cake!
You're a major player in this JB Forum, Super Dave. If you can figure out how to get most of us on board for the letter writing campaign, and then set a date for us to drop our letters in the mailbox, I'll bet we'd cause a stir in the City Office.

P.S. CC's to Fetherston, Carr, and even Mr. Wood would be icing on the cake!

midwest mama,
There's an APP for that. Simples.
As a state case, how much weight will non-resident opinions hold in a letter-writing campaign?
As a state case, how much weight will non-resident opinions hold in a letter-writing campaign?

If there was a letter-writing campaign from Forum posters - not just on WS, but FFJ, and maybe even a couple of the others, I would think it would at least let them know in the city of Boulder that while they may think their town is flying under the radar on giving the JBR case much attention these days, there are people all around this country and even some in other parts of the world that still see this case for what it is and would like to see it solved.

More than once, this case has been touted by prominent media sources as "The Most Significant Unsolved Murder Case" since Jack the Ripper. I am not discounting the many other murders which remain unsolved, but it's the only one of it's kind where a child was heinously murdered, found in her own home, and remains unsolved.

How could it hurt to send letters?? If it gets any media attention, it could lead to more Boulderites or Coloradans than we think being willing to jump on the bandwagon!
Here's the thing: Boulder is very aware that there are many people who want answers. This has been a very famous case for 17 years. In this year alone, it was featured on GMA, Time, People, Newsweek, Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, NY Post, Starting Point, Anderson, Huckabee, Today, Yahoo News, Showbiz Tonight, OK Magazine, Globe, Enquirer etc etc. What I am trying to say is; They aren't "scared" or "intimidated" by media at this point. It's just a part of this case.

BTW, I don't think it's "Most Significant" but "Most Famous/Notorious" but I think I would put Zodiac, Black Dahlia, Lizzie Borden as more notorious, because they've been around longer.
You're a major player in this JB Forum, Super Dave. If you can figure out how to get most of us on board for the letter writing campaign, and then set a date for us to drop our letters in the mailbox, I'll bet we'd cause a stir in the City Office.

P.S. CC's to Fetherston, Carr, and even Mr. Wood would be icing on the cake!

I know Mr. Wood's addy is around here somewhere! Perhaps the best time would be to ring in the New Year?
I appreciate the notion, llama, but it's not quite at that point yet. When I said "Wood's proxies," I was not referring to anyone on his staff or anyone officially connected with him. I was actually referring to some IDIs who are trying to scare me away from publishing my book. They taunt me with things like, "you're going to meet Lin Wood in person," not realizing that's what I WANT. Like I've said a few times now, that would give me the chance I've been after.

After it's released, who can say?

Now I'd pay good money to see that meeting!
Lin Wood V someone he can't bully... Yes please.
What would be the address for mailing outside of the US?
What would be the address for mailing outside of the US?

Refer to Post #26 in this thread: Mailing Address for each name listed would be:

(job title)
PO Box 791
Boulder, Colorado 80306
Thank you midwest mama, I'll be posting after the holidays :)
Count me in on the letter campaign. I live in Australia now, but I was a US citizen/resident at the time of this crime, and it has haunted me all these years. We neeed resolution. We need things to move. We need action.

It doesn't matter if you aren't a Colorado resident or even US resident-- this crime has horrified many people around the world, and justice belongs to all of the citizens of this great globe. Maybe seeing people from all corners of the world are paying attention might move some of the legal players to **** or get off the pot. (Sorry to be crude, but I'm that frustrated.)

If I don't get a chance to say it beforehand, happy holidays to all our websleuthers!

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