Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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I don't know if they should be charged now, but the arrogance of this statement(about the PI video) by their attorney floors me:

<<Conway said he and the Anthonys will "come out with the entire story, as well as phone records, later on . . . It's not going to crack the case."??>>

Once again shows the Anth's and now their attorney trying to make the rules, because they aren't going to be held accountable, unless it's on their terms.

But if the Anthonys are charged and there is a trial, well, I'd sure like to be there. Their actions have baffled and mesmorized me from the beginning. I first became interested in this case July 21 when Cindy was interviewed by Meagyn Kelly. Cindy actually hung up on Kelly during the interview.
That caught my attention in a way that no other missing person story ever has. I have been intrigued (obsessed? LOL) by the family dynamics and subsequent outrageous behavior since.
I guess I was inspired this morning to revisit this thread due to BC's (Anthony attorney) latest press release.
To me this video is a good "refresher", in that it helps me see the evolution of the changing stories from July 21. I do think that the Anthonys should be charged, and if they are, I would be just as riveted to that trial as many will be to KC's trial.

Wow - I've never seen/heard this before. Absolutely vintage CA. I've got to think about this - thanks so much for reposting the link.......
O M G!!! I have seen a lot of videos in this case and have been following since July as well but I had never seen that video! Thanks so much for posting it Jay D...It really IS telling, especially in light of everything we know now! :eek:

Wow! I agree! I, too, have followed since day 31 when the 911 calls were made and I have never seen this interview either! Same song and dance even then.
Wow - I've never seen/heard this before. Absolutely vintage CA. I've got to think about this - thanks so much for reposting the link.......
First, I have to say that I truly love Meagyan Kelly!!! I remember that interview and yes, you're right - its vintage CA. When CA says "when you cut me off - you're being insensitive to me" - wow. Plus, you can tell at the end that Meagyan has had enough and has "got CA's number".

I recommend that all should go and view this one again.
Lying to the sheriff's dept is one thing and may go unpunished, but lying to the Feds is a big no-no - just ask Martha Stewart. Martha was convicted of nothing else but felony lying to Federal investigators and thus did a stint in prison. Cindy and George - you can lie to Larry King & everyone else but not the Feds!
There have been many posters here that have stated that they would surely want to be a juror in KC's trial. Not me! Not for a minute.
But if the Anthonys are charged and there is a trial, well, I'd sure like to be there. Their actions have baffled and mesmorized me from the beginning. I first became interested in this case July 21 when Cindy was interviewed by Meagyn Kelly. Cindy actually hung up on Kelly during the interview.
That caught my attention in a way that no other missing person story ever has. I have been intrigued (obsessed? LOL) by the family dynamics and subsequent outrageous behavior since.
I guess I was inspired this morning to revisit this thread due to BC's (Anthony attorney) latest press release.
To me this video is a good "refresher", in that it helps me see the evolution of the changing stories from July 21. I do think that the Anthonys should be charged, and if they are, I would be just as riveted to that trial as many will be to KC's trial.

This is good clip to remind us all of how arrogant and belligerent Cindy is. Thanks for the reminder.
I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!
First, I have to say that I truly love Meagyan Kelly!!! I remember that interview and yes, you're right - its vintage CA. When CA says "when you cut me off - you're being insensitive to me" - wow. Plus, you can tell at the end that Meagyan has had enough and has "got CA's number".

I recommend that all should go and view this one again.

WOW, I havent seen this either.

My compassion for Cindy has been s l o w l y eroded by her actions in all of this.

ummm..."You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar"

My thaught is that CA has only hurt this investigation, "from day one" :mad:

Justice For Caylee
I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!

I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!

:eek: someone should notify LE this is just beyond anything. Or better yet notify the local stations.
Just one more insult to Caylee ....... RIP
I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!

That is absurd. Right, people are banging down the door to buy "Find Caylee" shirts. Sure. That the family continues to sell them is beyond my comprehension, it is sickening. Why not donate them? Give them away for free? I think I just answered my own question.

"This is a response to many of you who have written us requests for shirts and bracelets from the search for Caylee Marie; we still have some left and if you would like to purchase them please follow these steps:

Please mail your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and what you would like to purchase (shirt/bracelet) and size to George Anthony: cost $10"



This is priceless...or not.

"Any questions or requests for contribution deposits may be directed to
Caylee's Trustee, Jody A. Parker"
I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!

Are you kidding? The date on their post is Jan. 13, and they're trying to unload more Find Caylee shirts at $10 a pop??????

That is absurd. Right, people are banging down the door to buy "Find Caylee" shirts. Sure. That the family continues to sell them is beyond my comprehension, it is sickening. Why not donate them? Give them away for free? I think I just answered my own question.

If they are looking for those t-shirts...why oh why are they not putting that child to rest??? Is there anyone except LE looking out for that child????

revisited that tape myself...WOW!!!!! thanks for bringing it back up!
I thought at first that they shouldn't be charged..but dangit now after reading the freaking myspace blog that was posted today, I say charge them..Charge the crap out of them!

I am so sick of this never ending money game they are playing. I am sick of their complaints of others profiting and they turn around and do the exact same thing..
I need a beer, a hammer, or something!

I just can't believe what I see...... Is this page a hoax ? Can a My Space guru check it out ?

January 13, 2009 - Tuesday

Caylee Shirt Request Questions

This is a response to many of you who have written us requests for shirts and bracelets from the search for Caylee Marie; we still have some left and if you would like to purchase them please follow these steps:

Please mail your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and what you would like to purchase (shirt/bracelet) and size to George Anthony: cost $10

Checks payable to: Help Find Caylee Marie Anthony
The Anthony Family
4937 Hopespring Dr.
Orlando, FL 32829

Any questions or requests for contribution deposits may be directed to
Caylee's Trustee, Jody A. Parker. -

Or questions about shirts or bracelets to George:

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"This is a response to many of you who have written us requests for shirts and bracelets from the search for Caylee Marie; we still have some left and if you would like to purchase them please follow these steps:

Please mail your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and what you would like to purchase (shirt/bracelet) and size to George Anthony: cost $10"



This is priceless...or not.

"Any questions or requests for contribution deposits may be directed to
Caylee's Trustee, Jody A. Parker"

well guess they are done with that silly greiving bit.......back to the really worry of the day...make money off of Caylee.....shameful!!! I do hope that they move to arrest that whole lot!!! jmo :furious::furious::furious:
Its not a hoax..
I wish something could be done..Gosh, I wish I could go to Orlando and speak my, maybe I don't..I don't know but this is just so wrong in so many ways. My guess is that its not illegal, or is it?
I wish I could get through on Nancy G. tonight! GRRRRR:furious:
well guess they are done with that silly greiving bit.......back to the really worry of the day...make money off of Caylee.....shameful!!! I do hope that they move to arrest that whole lot!!! jmo :furious::furious::furious:

I think this just sums up everything for me. After all is said and done, it's still about the money.

:eek: someone should notify LE this is just beyond anything. Or better yet notify the local stations.
Just one more insult to Caylee ....... RIP
Yes yes and yes. Please someone email or call Nancy Grace's show and tell them about this - if email send them the link - NG has been way too soft on the A's and this is BEYOND DESPICABLE! Not only are they hawking t-shirts they're still "begging" for donations as well.

They are more concerned with having a clearance sale on the Caylee merchandise than burying this poor child.

It makes me sick to my stomach.

Cover your eyes baby Caylee.
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