Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

  • Total voters
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I put I don't know - yet.

But Cindy did swear under oath that Casey talked about the nanny for a year prior to the disappearance. At this point, I would like for an interviewer to ask George if Casey talked about the nanny fora year prior to the disappearance.

If Cindy was lying about this in order to help Casey with her story, I think she should be charged. Perjury? Impeding an investigation?
I put I don't know - yet.

But Cindy did swear under oath that Casey talked about the nanny for a year prior to the disappearance. At this point, I would like for an interviewer to ask George if Casey talked about the nanny fora year prior to the disappearance.

If Cindy was lying about this in order to help Casey with her story, I think she should be charged. Perjury? Impeding an investigation?

I'm thinking it's possible Casey has been talking about a nanny for a year. It's pretty clear that she has had a pattern of lying for years, if she was lying about having a job, wouldn't she have to have a fabricated story also about where her daughter would be when she was at work? Paying a nanny also would explain what she did with a big chunk of her non-existant paycheck.
Casey must have been so exhausted from keeping up with all her lies, it takes a lot of work to keep these things going for so long. Her daughter was going to turn 3 soon, it was going to be more difficult to keep things secret imo. A little 3 year old girl can start wondering about things and asking questions and they can also start tattling.

I voted YES! Cindy is a nurse, the father is ex-LE and both of these individuals have not only the professional background, but also should have the common sense, not to remove any evidence from a vehicle that smells like a decompossing body. Cindy has destroyed crucial evidence in this case and it was done to spare her daughter. I think Cindy is the one who has done more covering for Casey. Once the phone records were released Cindy got scared and decided to give up what she found in the car. This entire family is unbelievable. I think Casey's brother is probably the sanest of the group. At this point, they all HAVE to know Casey is in deep doo doo.
I really do not see a charge so far that they would be charged with.
Cindy has been helping not hurting the investigation
She seems to have gone past the denial and shock stage,into the reality of the situation stage.

The father is shocked as well ,as is the brother.
This family ,I was wondering where are the other family members ?

Not one has come before a camera and given their opinion.
As I have said before,never have seen so many people
being camera shy .

Where is everyone?
No People mag trying to pay for the truth?

Very odd this case,very odd indeed.
I firmly believe that after Cindy's last 911 call she found out the truth about what happened to her granddaughter. From this point on the cover up began. When I watched the first interview with Cindy and George from their home I felt something wasn't right. Cindy gave a novel-length explanation of the shovel. Way to much information. Same with the story about locking the shed. She went overboard in her explanation. At one point while she talked she held onto George's arm and pulled and twisted his hair so much that I though George was going to slap her away. It didn't go unnoticed by the cameraman either as he zoomed in on Georges arm while she did this.
And it went on and on in the next weeks as they tried to cover for what their daughter told them that night. Of course none of this is a chargeable offence but if my intuition is correct I hope there is hard evidence that will allow local LE to charge them with tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice along with evidence that will bring about federal charges. Love for your child does not give one the right to break the law. It might drive anyone of us to do it but does not exempt us from charges. God only knows what I would do in this situation. I pray that I never have to find out like the Anthony family has.
I put I don't know - yet.

But Cindy did swear under oath that Casey talked about the nanny for a year prior to the disappearance. At this point, I would like for an interviewer to ask George if Casey talked about the nanny fora year prior to the disappearance.

If Cindy was lying about this in order to help Casey with her story, I think she should be charged. Perjury? Impeding an investigation?

Not just any nanny, she's saying she specifically has known of Zenaida Gonzalez as the nanny for two years.

Cindy Anthony said she will take a polygraph test because she swears that the first time she heard the name Zenaida Gonzalez from her daughter was two years ago, Local 6's Erik von Ancken reported. However, she said she never met Zenaida Gonzalez.
Charged with what?

Obstruction of justice
Lying to authorities -- I think once the FBI got involved the Anthony's outside of the jail house starting cooperating with authorities
Not just any nanny, she's saying she specifically has known of Zenaida Gonzalez as the nanny for two years.

Cindy Anthony said she will take a polygraph test because she swears that the first time she heard the name Zenaida Gonzalez from her daughter was two years ago, Local 6's Erik von Ancken reported. However, she said she never met Zenaida Gonzalez.
If she is willing to take a lie detector test...I say, "Hook her up!!". Someone needs to find out who is lying about what in this case.
I do agree with you Liz - but I guess she could always technically argue that she didnt know the pants were evidence. Lawyers are masters at that sort of thing. I still say that if there is anything to charge them with LE will charge them at the right time.

Evidence questions.......

When the car was taken by le was there an inquiry about items being removed from the car prior to their warrant? If not, why?

When Casey was arrested and le believed the possibilty was real that little Caylee was no longer alive why didn't they serve a warrant for Casey's clothes? Why did it take 3 weeks to warrant the obvious?

My biggest why is this.... why hasn't everyone involved directly or indirectly been asked to submit to a polygraph?

In almost every missing person case there is an urgency to rule out or rule in. Why is this case different?

But, if you haven't seen your granddaughter in a month, your car was abandoned, you call LE and mention your granddaughter is missing, there's a funny smell in the car and your daughter lies and steals... you do NOT touch anything until LE has gone through everything and clears you to take the car home, wash the cloths, toss out toys...

These parents, if nothing else are in total denial. But, if it comes out that they covered up a crime, participated in it, or whatever, I hope they are charged. Denial is not an excuse for hindering an investigation.
I'm in agreement with you there, Magic!
Do you think Cindy and or George should be charged?? For withholding evidince, obstruction of justice, Tampering with evidence, or accessory after the fact?? With the new evidence it seems like Cindy knew all along what happened, and waited several days before telling the police that she washed clothing of Casey's that smelled of the car!

Please choose your answer, and state your reason here!

I cannot get past the pants....I also cannot get past the fact that she revealed this HUGE fact on August 4th. No pun intended but....something smells.
Some posters were nit-picking about Cindy and george having a clean house, having their hair combed, and gosh knows what other silly things that make them look guilty of hiding things from le. WOW! Can they be charged with these things?
I cannot get past the pants....I also cannot get past the fact that she revealed this HUGE fact on August 4th. No pun intended but....something smells.

They just got the car back and hadn't talked to their daughter yet. All they knew is that the car smelled like a dead body. I am sure that it never dawned on them at the time that their GD was murdered by their daughter. As A mom I would have washed the clothes too.
My first post (just joined today) ... so take it easy on me.

I voted yes ... especially after hearing that the call from Caylee to Casey has been proven to have not occurred. Although I have not experienced anything like the Anthonys have, I find the behavior of GM to be quite odd. The outburst of GP today appeared normal and looks to me like he has been biting his tongue and has had quite enough of the shenanigans, half-truths and lies by Casey.

Cindy has stated several times (if not testified to it ... sorry, there's just too much material out there to keep track of) that she was in the room when Casey rec'd the call from Caylee. Granted, we cannot trust Casey for any truth, but I think Cindy knows more than she lets on.

Merely my humble opinion.
I might have missed something, but so far I have heard nothing that would justify bringing charges against the grandparents. That they are disorganized and inconsistent seems incontestible, but presenting misleading information to Nancy Grace or Geraldo is not yet a crime in our society. Apparently, they have cooperated with the police. And without Cindy's phone calls, the probable crime might still be unreported.

As for the washing, it seems more a reflex action than a criminal one. Most grandparents couldn't make a single leap to conclude that their offspring are toddler killers.
They just got the car back and hadn't talked to their daughter yet. All they knew is that the car smelled like a dead body. I am sure that it never dawned on them at the time that their GD was murdered by their daughter. As A mom I would have washed the clothes too.

As would I. My daughter tends to be a slob. I've been known to tell on occasion that it smells like something died in her room. Then I make her wash her dirty clothes and linens, vacuum, etc, and get it smelling all clean and fresh again. I suppose, if it were later learned that my daughter were a POI in a crime, I'd be accused of all sorts of covering up too.

I feel so bad for Cindy - it's incredible how her every action and word is twisted and mutilated for the enjoyment of the masses. She's lost both her daughter and her granddaughter. I have to give her credit for retaining her sanity - especially with the way she's being judged and lied about.
I voted yes-
Obstruction maybe more than tampering with evidence. I suppose if they ever find a body maybe accessory after the fact. Dad was a homicide investigator- He may be the one to tell Casey to keep her mouth shut, or at least not say anything useful. It just seems to me that they are doing too much to protect Casey, and not enough to find Caylee. I would think that if I were in their position, I would share any and all info to find that baby dead or alive, and whatever means necessary I would try to drag the info out of Casey. All the conflicting stories- Neighbor stole the gas-oh no it was Casey, but only cause her gar had a bad gauge. Hmmm- wonder if LE has checked the faulty guage yet to see if that was the case? Just too many questions and too many stories changing for me. I bet their tune would change if they did get charged with something, though. Maybe not so much protecting Casey but protecting themselves. Mom has stated that she knows why Casey is not being truthful- WHY???
chillywilly said:
As would I. My daughter tends to be a slob. I've been known to tell on occasion that it smells like something died in her room. Then I make her wash her dirty clothes and linens, vacuum, etc, and get it smelling all clean and fresh again. I suppose, if it were later learned that my daughter were a POI in a crime, I'd be accused of all sorts of covering up too.

I feel so bad for Cindy - it's incredible how her every action and word is twisted and mutilated for the enjoyment of the masses. She's lost both her daughter and her granddaughter. I have to give her credit for retaining her sanity - especially with the way she's being judged and lied about.

They just got the car back and hadn't talked to their daughter yet. All they knew is that the car smelled like a dead body. I am sure that it never dawned on them at the time that their GD was murdered by their daughter. As A mom I would have washed the clothes too.
I 100% agree with all this. We all have hindsight now, she did not have it then. It doesn't seem as though murdering her child was something that George and Cindy would have ever suspected of Casey in a million years.
I 100% agree with all this. We all have hindsight now, she did not have it then. It doesn't seem as though murdering her child was something that George and Cindy would have ever suspected of Casey in a million years.

think about what it would take for you to believe you created and raised a monster? My heart breaks for this family, George is falling apart, would love to know his b/p!
think about what it would take for you to believe you created and raised a monster? My heart breaks for this family, George is falling apart, would love to know his b/p!
I can only say that murder would not be the first thing that would come to my mind and I think the same can be said for Cindy and George.

Think about the conflict these people have. If they decide that Casey is lying, they have pretty much put there granddaughter in a coffin.
If they continue to try and believe that Casey is telling some twisted truth, then there is hope that Caylee is safe.
For now, they are opting for door number 2.
I do not think they have obstructed justice, lied or not been cooperative.
Remember the 911 call? That certainly was not a mother trying to cover for her child. She was turning her in to the authorities for stealing her car.
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