Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

  • Total voters
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This case changes on a daily basis so .... who knows what will come out next... I need a little more info
When I first saw GA and CA, my first thoughts were "Those poor people. The shame and guilt of having raised such a twisted daughter must be terrible. " But, they knew she was a sick person and it sounds like they never held her acountable for ANYTHING. Just brushed it under the rug and hoped it went away, or they made it go away.

Too bad they cannot be charged with being inept parents.
I'm not sure if they should be charged. I'd say if anyone should, it would be Cindy. ...But... I'd have to know more when everything comes out. But I am not thrilled she washed the pants, and I believe Cindy is telling alot of stories. However, she could be telling stories because of what Casey told her/and she believes her.
I voted no. I realize this is the court of public opinion and not the court of law. But what concerns me is the court of public opinion is usually what creates lynch mobs and vigilantes. Innocent until proven guilty is what I like to remind myself of in this case...but that is not easy in this case. Anyway, I like to think that Cindy and George are doing there best to keep their sanity in this matter which seems impossible for anyone. Cindy wants desperately to believe her daughter, which I think has caused her to say things that haven't made sense. Right now, things change on a daily basis and it is very difficult to keep up with this case...too many variables. So again, I vote no.
YES!!!! Absolutely. I was gonna start a thread this morning about the biggest lie of all they told. There was an argument on Fathers Day and all have lied and said there was not. I would like to know why they just can't admit to the argument????
I voted "yes."

Since day one, both Cindy and George have been Casey apologists. That, in and of itself, is not illegal, but tampering with evidence is illegal. Withholding evidence or information in a criminal investigation is also illegal. Lying in a criminal investigation to obscure or obstruct the investigation is illegal.

As more and more facts have been made public, it's become clear that there's been evidence tampering - the washing of Casey's slacks that were found in the car that Cindy said "smelled like the car", is just one example.

George's story about the gas can theft is suspicious, and it was sometime in early August that OCSO came to the Anthony home and confiscated the "stolen" gas cans, along with clothing found in the car. I believe George was withholding evidence.

I first became suspicious of George and Cindy on June 18th or 19th. At that time, they gave a lengthy interview in their home with a local news media. One would expect grandparents in a similar situation to be emotional - their two-year-old granddaughter had been missing for more than a month and they believed that she had been kidnapped. Yet, there wasn't a tear shed, nor any fear for her safety expressed.

In the interview that lasted about 20 minutes, they spend a great deal of time telling about child safety in their home - how the shed is always locked and only they have the key; how they're careful to make sure the pool ladder is away from the pool when it's not in use; and how Casey always spent time in the yard with a shovel digging up bamboo shoots so Caylee wouldn't step on them in her bare feet.

As the weeks wore on, it became apparent that the Anthonys knew then, just two or three days after Casey was arrested, what had happened, and were laying the ground work for what they knew would eventually be revealed publicly..........the borrowing of the shovel, the locked shed, and the pool ladder.

In just the past few days, Cindy's attempt to stop the TES search for Caylee's remains, telling Tim Miller he's to look for a live Caylee, is a blatant obstruction of justice, interfereing with the investigation. It's fortunate that LE stepped in asking Tim to stay and continue the search, and even contributing money, boats, and manpower to the search effort.

WOW- you hit the nail on the head with each statement!! Especially with Cindy trying to stop the TES search....
I`m just learning about this case, and am surprised at all this blaming of the grandparents, perhaps I`m missing something. The phone calls I`ve heard tell me that Cindy knows nothing about Casey killing Caylee, at least the time they were made (911 and Casey from jail). It just seems that Cndy wants to find Caylee.
I voted I don't know yet this morning and now have changed my mind. Especially now that Cindy and George have hired an attorney, they must be worried about something big time.
Well, they are nervous about something. Didn't get lawyers up this late in the game for nothing.
I would like to serenade you all with a verse from an oldie but goodie by Cypress Hill..

"When the shi*** goes down, ya better be ready"

YES!!!! Absolutely. I was gonna start a thread this morning about the biggest lie of all they told. There was an argument on Fathers Day and all have lied and said there was not. I would like to know why they just can't admit to the argument????

I have always been troubled about that. We know for a fact that there was an argument that evening, substantiated by the neighbor. In an interview with GVS, George goes into his spiel about seeing them the next day, goodbyes, kisses and hugs, 12:50 during the lunchtime hour, him watching the Food Network, both wearing backpacks, Casey going to work, Caylee being dropped off at the babysitters - and I never believed a word of it - it looked too contrived, with too much detail. And of course, the other lie - Cindy tucking them in and hearing them in the room the next morning. I think what really happened was that there was a big blowup that evening, Casey stormed out with Caylee, stole or borrowed the car and God knows what she said to them. George and Cindy then had to cover that everything was peachy keen the last time they were together, so that people would not get the idea that Casey killed Caylee for spite.
YES!!!! Absolutely. I was gonna start a thread this morning about the biggest lie of all they told. There was an argument on Fathers Day and all have lied and said there was not. I would like to know why they just can't admit to the argument????

I have always been troubled about that. We know for a fact that there was an argument that evening, substantiated by the neighbor. In an interview with GVS, George goes into his spiel about seeing them the next day, goodbyes, kisses and hugs, 12:50 during the lunchtime hour, him watching the Food Network, both wearing backpacks, Casey going to work, Caylee being dropped off at the babysitters - and I never believed a word of it - it looked too contrived, with too much detail. And of course, the other lie - Cindy tucking them in and hearing them in the room the next morning. I think what really happened was that there was a big blowup that evening, Casey stormed out with Caylee, stole or borrowed the car and God knows what she said to them. George and Cindy then had to cover that everything was peachy keen the last time they were together, so that people would not get the idea that Casey killed Caylee for spite.
I have always been troubled about that. We know for a fact that there was an argument that evening, substantiated by the neighbor. In an interview with GVS, George goes into his spiel about seeing them the next day, goodbyes, kisses and hugs, 12:50 during the lunchtime hour, him watching the Food Network, both wearing backpacks, Casey going to work, Caylee being dropped off at the babysitters - and I never believed a word of it - it looked too contrived, with too much detail. And of course, the other lie - Cindy tucking them in and hearing them in the room the next morning. I think what really happened was that there was a big blowup that evening, Casey stormed out with Caylee, stole or borrowed the car and God knows what she said to them. George and Cindy then had to cover that everything was peachy keen the last time they were together, so that people would not get the idea that Casey killed Caylee for spite.

I completely agree!
Doesnt anyone realize that behind every person like Casey there is an overbearing parent or two?

That has been my experience dealing with people who live their lives like a soap opera.

Casey learned her behavior somewhere.
Doesnt anyone realize that behind every person like Casey there is an overbearing parent or two?

That has been my experience dealing with people who live their lives like a soap opera.

Casey learned her behavior somewhere.

No, I don't realize. I had a very overbearing mother and I am not a liar, a thief, or a murderer. Neither do I live my life like a soap opera.
Before this is over, Casey might point the finger at them. That is one way she could get the house.
soooooo, Cindy & george lawyered up?? I wonder why? I wonder if LE if putting any heat on them lately. I mean, you dont need a lawyer because you f'd up in the public eye making stupid statements. Do we need yet another thread about their lawyer now??
second paragraph

there is already a thread about this sorry. Its regarding the NeJame Lawyer for George & Cindy. maybe they are planning on sueing TES & LP now??? LOL
I think its really hard to say, i mean there is no prof that they committed a crime as weird as it may sound they could be just reacting that way. It's so hard to understand. Don't get me wrong I kinda get the feeling that they are covering up something, but without facts it's just a theory and we can't really judge (could get ugly if you are proven wrong!) And as far as the emotions they are showing? well the media does pick and choose what to show and what not to, we just don't know! they could be balling their eyes out for all we know.......Im so undecided on the grandparents that i am neutral. *o im new here ^-^ u guys have great opinions!
All I can say is that their sticking to the outlandish kidnapping stories is suspicious to say the least - they may be covering for more than Casey.
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