Should George and Cindy be Criminally Charged? #2

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Should GA and CA be criminally charged?

  • CA only

    Votes: 5 4.5%
  • GA only

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Both CA and GA

    Votes: 96 87.3%
  • Neither one

    Votes: 8 7.3%

  • Total voters
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I think they should be charge because their behavior suggests that they think they are above the law and can do whatever they want. They have thumbed their noses to LE, to the Prosecution, and to anyone who wasn't thinking their way or doing what they wanted them to do. They have lied, constantly changed stories and made up things to cover for Casey - i.e. Cindy saying she did the search for Chloroform because she mistakenly typed that in when what she was really looking for was Chlorophyll. Just typing out those two words tells me she was lying.

They will do and say anything to get their precious princess out of prison, and the worst part is that they believe they will never be accountable to the law for their actions. They think they will go off into the sunset with as much blood money as they can make, and that is what I cannot stand for. I do NOT want to see other families think this is the way to do things and no one can do a thing about it. It's not only morally wrong, it should be criminally wrong too.

I don't think they're suffering the loss of their grandchild. They have already swept her under the rug as if she didn't exist and was just a mistake that never should have been made by Casey. They don't act like people who lost a grandchild in the least. I don't see tears for Caylee. I don't see them talking about how much they missed her and how hard it is without her. They haven't lost their appetites or hair or anything at this point in the least. I don't see them standing up for or missing Caylee at all.

I see them getting tans, tattoos, and piercings, and going on cruises, ruining peoples lives to save Casey's, alienating themselves from every other family member including their own son, taking money from gullible people, and constantly disrespecting people that are on their side. Cindy keeps looking like she gets a makeover with each hearing that comes up, and George certainly doesn't look like he's suffering in any sense.

The only thing lacking is solid proof of their obstruction, and I'm hoping that LE has been doing an ongoing investigation of them. I think the reason they haven't arrested them is because they are just giving them more rope to hang themselves. And that's the key, everything that has been said and done has been done BY THEMSELVES TO THEMSELVES. They seem to forget that part of the Miranda Rights, "that anything you do and say can be used against you in a court of law."

I am thoroughly disgusted with them, and if they get away with everything they have done to obstruct justice for Caylee in this case, I will lose complete faith in the justice system, and we'll see this become commonplace as other families will think it's okay to cover for their rotten children by doing whatever they want to obstruct the system and help them get away with murder.

They should be arrested, charged, convicted, and put in a cell right next to their precious princess daughter for the rest of their lives. They need to be told that they cannot get away with covering a crime for any reason whatsoever. They need to be reminded that they are not above the law and that what they have done will not be tolerated by the law.

I am sick and tired of "oh, they're just poor grieving grandparents." That excuse is no excuse for what they have done and continue to do. Many people lose loved ones and grieve, and you don't see them doing criminal actions. Being a grieving grandparent is NOT an excuse for getting away with breaking the law. All IMO.

Great post, and add to your list the fact that George and Cindy both perjured themselves.

It's a legal maneuver to benefit the State that they aren't charged now, but later, when this case is finished is an entirely different matter. ;)
I think at the very least they should be charged with providing false information information to LE (like what KC was initially arrested for), lying under oath/perjury. They will undoubtedly lie under oath again if this trial ever starts. Sorry but lying is a crime despite what CA says.. and the A's blatantly lied in sworn statements, in depositions, and during interviews with LE/FBI.

I also think they should be held financially responsible in some way...paying restitution for the false leads the A's specifically called in, wasting valuable resources and manpower, when they knew for a fact that Caylee was dead. Behind the scenes they were having their PI look for Caylee's body. GA was telling Krystal H that it was an accident and so on, and they have the nerve to go on TV and put out pics of other people's children and demand investigators check out their phony leads when they could have been looking for actual missing children.

It's maddening :banghead:

ETA: I do think they should be charged with other things too, but I think it would be harder to prove. I'm sure the State has more evidence of them obstructing justice then what is known publicly.
I think justice for Caylee requires them to be held accountable for anything they possibly can be. I would include Lee and a thorough investigation of Mallory too.
I don't know if I want them to be charged with anything - except maybe for chewing gum in the court room :)

I know there is enough evidence out there of their lying, perhaps even hindering the investigation, if OCSO or the State wants to go looking for it. Heck, all they would have to do is log on here! But in the end, will it change anything? KC is going to be convicted, I am sure of that. G and C are outcasts for the most part, reviled by most people, drowning in a sea of guilt (I have no doubt about that, no matter what they say in public) and their lives have been shattered beyond repair. While it might make a lot of people happy to see them charged and perhaps found guilty of some sort of crime in this mess, does anyone think they would even care? Since neither one has a criminal background, they would be treated as most first time offenders and probably wouldn't receive any jail time. CA would lose her nursing license - depending on what she was found guilty of. GA might find it even harder to get a job with a criminal record. However, I doubt either one of them was even considering going back to work at a 'normal job' anyway. Prime time media would still be interested in them and they could still make $$$ - that would not change.

As a tax payer here in FL I would say 'don't waste state money on going after them - they are in a he** of their own making that is worse than any prison in the world.

What you say I agree with completely. BUT I just overlook their actions and behavior. Part of the reason this case is taking so long and costing the amount it is because of C&A's acts of protecting KC. Here are my thoughts;

1.G&G were aware that something was going on during those 31 days. KC stole gas from George. How did George and Cindy deal with this?

2. KC stole money from mom and ( GOD bless her soul)Grandmother. What did George and Cindy do?....

3. KC exhibited certain psychological behavior at an early age. Why didn't KC's parents ever seek help for this childs issue. Perhaps if G&C had behaved as parents Caylee would be alive today.

There' much more of the same behavior of KC's but what did they ever do about it? Discipline at any level?

3. During the alleged argument with her parents KC leaves with Caylee. Yet G&C allow 31 days to pass without seeing Caylee knowing KC's issues?

4. They had suspected for some time KC didn't carry a job. Didn't it ever cross their mind about Caylee's well being?

5. I venture to suspect there were other issues with KC that we may never hear about b/c of the irrelevance to the crime but would be very interested in how these issues were addressed. (IMO)

6. G&C didn't realize that KC wasn't going to graduate but only learned this at the very end. Really? The excuse is comical so it makes one wonder what the true reason was G&C didn't learn of this until the very end. It's apparent that KC never mentioned this issue.

Yes, none of these issues themselves rise to level of G&C being charged but it does set a foundation of the family dynamics. They would do anything for KC.

So, after 31 days G&C pick up the car which both have acknowledged smelled like death. What did they do? They went back to work.

Once at work Cindy's boss is informed of the situation who is intelligent enough to send Cindy home until she can get her affairs straightened out?

Cindy doesn't call the police b/c her granddaughter has been missing for 31 days and the car she picked up has the ghastly odor of death. Instead she wants to find KC so that KC could give her version of everything. Mind you Cindy has no idea where KC is and goes through the car to find a number to call.
Cindy makes contact with this individual and according to this person the conversation which took place on the way to where KC was Cindy was warning this person to stay away from KC.
Cindy is taken to the apartment of a guy she had never heard about. Although Cindy glances around and doesn't see Caylee proceeds to force KC to get in the car. Mind you KC informs Cindy that KC would be returning back later that night. Yet there's no physical Caylee. Just the explanation from KC that Caylee was with the "nanny" who we have since learned G&C knew very little about over a very long period of time.

2. Cindy makes an ultimate number of 911 calls which of the three the last one is the only one directly focused on Caylee missing. It was only then that George arrives home to "discover" this problem, although he had smelled that odor himself.

3. Once LE arrive not one person in that family could provide any information about this "nanny" other than KC although both G&C pulled LE aside to share their personal thoughts that KC was somehow involved.

4. After KC arrives home not once did either parent confront KC about Caylee. The question begs what would you do?

5. Then the game begins of protecting KC and defending her as the best mother one could have. So, in order to paint this picture in the best light C&G can the lies start, the obstruction of justice and evidence starts, the acts of withholding information begins, the parents connect with others such as Kid Finders in organizing events. TES is called in although C&G not once stepped inside the command center to assist in whatever manner they could. Then bring LP and his gang along with Baez into the mix. Now because of the Sunshine Law we're reading text's and conversations that took place that show not only did G&C never make an effort to find their only grandchild they begin to associate with those who offer them money for Caylee's stuff. I believe it's called licensing rights?

6. When G&C do get the opportunity to speak with KC while she's incarcerated, do the parents really try to find out what happened to Caylee? Or, were they simply trying to determine who could be trusted for who knows what.

7. Finally, let's not forget the many interviews C&G held with LE. G&C are flat out informed that KC has been not forthcoming with anything. What does G&C do other than start tossing out innocent names?

This is only my personal and parental opinion but if my grandchild was no longer on this earth there is nothing of my grandchild's belongings that I would be willing to part with especially to help pay for the defense of the very person who was suppose to be protecting this child.

Remember, this simply MOO.

Novice Seeker
I have never understood how anyone could have gotten in that car and driven it home with it smelling of death.
I would have been in a panic at the smell and immediately called the police especially considering your daughter and grand daughter are no where near the abandoned car.
I would have thought that surely SOMEONE was dead and that the police needed to be involved.
Why would you put your hands on a steering wheel that a killer (of possibly both your daughter and grand daughter) had touched?

Everything they did and still do to this day defies logic.
And I think that is why everyone is so riveted to this case.
There has never been one quite like it.

From the "31 days" to the denials and "do anything to protect the killer" to the tattoos and cruises and all the secrecy.
If these people aren't criminals they are as close as you can come to it.
I think every day they open their eyes and they have to remember to forget their reality.. every time they have to reinvent their history and hide from who they really are and what they have created. Every time they lash out and rage and blame everyone but themselves. Every day they have to wake up and face their reality before they can force it back down again- their life is not going to get better, they will continue on their path of self destruction- they will rot along with this.

They get theirs every single day.
I don't know if I want them to be charged with anything - except maybe for chewing gum in the court room :)

I know there is enough evidence out there of their lying, perhaps even hindering the investigation, if OCSO or the State wants to go looking for it. Heck, all they would have to do is log on here! But in the end, will it change anything? KC is going to be convicted, I am sure of that. G and C are outcasts for the most part, reviled by most people, drowning in a sea of guilt (I have no doubt about that, no matter what they say in public) and their lives have been shattered beyond repair. While it might make a lot of people happy to see them charged and perhaps found guilty of some sort of crime in this mess, does anyone think they would even care? Since neither one has a criminal background, they would be treated as most first time offenders and probably wouldn't receive any jail time. CA would lose her nursing license - depending on what she was found guilty of. GA might find it even harder to get a job with a criminal record. However, I doubt either one of them was even considering going back to work at a 'normal job' anyway. Prime time media would still be interested in them and they could still make $$$ - that would not change.

As a tax payer here in FL I would say 'don't waste state money on going after them - they are in a he** of their own making that is worse than any prison in the world.


ITA with all of the above. Karma is a b_ tch!
Hi, I'm a new poster here...
CA is a state mandated reporter because she is a nurse. IMO she should have called LE the very second KC wouldn't let her talk to Caylee.
A police officer is mandated too but I don't think GA was employed in LE at that time but he had been, and he knew better as well.
Nurses have a license so even if "unemployed" they would be required to report. Doubt it's the same for cops.

IF NOTHING ELSE... CA should be charged will failure to comply with the law re: state mandated reporting...
And she was seeing a therapist at the time so CA knew there was trouble. The BIG baby daddy secret took precedence over that poor baby! MOO
Yes. They should have already been charged and they should be in prison.

This case is revolting.

I think at the very least they should be charged with providing false information information to LE (like what KC was initially arrested for), lying under oath/perjury. They will undoubtedly lie under oath again if this trial ever starts. Sorry but lying is a crime despite what CA says.. and the A's blatantly lied in sworn statements, in depositions, and during interviews with LE/FBI.

I also think they should be held financially responsible in some way...paying restitution for the false leads the A's specifically called in, wasting valuable resources and manpower, when they knew for a fact that Caylee was dead. Behind the scenes they were having their PI look for Caylee's body. GA was telling Krystal H that it was an accident and so on, and they have the nerve to go on TV and put out pics of other people's children and demand investigators check out their phony leads when they could have been looking for actual missing children.

It's maddening :banghead:

ETA: I do think they should be charged with other things too, but I think it would be harder to prove. I'm sure the State has more evidence of them obstructing justice then what is known publicly.

I totally agree with you. Lie to the local traffic cop? Not good. Lie to a judge? Taking a huge risk. But lie to the FBI? I mean, lie to the FBI?? Who wants to look up the statistics of how many years are added to sentences of convicted felons simply for this fact alone, lying to the FBI. You just DON'T DO IT. And they've done it.

I also feel they should pay restitutions or do jail time in lieu of that. Think "Balloon Boy", and that was for only ONE HOUR'S time!

I saw this was thred two, I must admit I jumped on here hoping I could vote again. :blushing:
I not only think they should be charged, I honestly believe they will be charged AND I think they fully EXPECT to be charged. The case against KC is still being built and I doubt it will go to trial before her parents are hit with charges of their own.
Should G and/or C be charged? HELLO!!!!!!!!! I've been Ranting about this for over a year now! George, as a former cop, knew the unmistakeable tell-tale smell of human decomp. For all he knew (?) the impound lot could have been the crime scene. The CAR was most certainly a crime scene. And to move, or disturb, anything OF A CRIME SCENE would destroy eviedence. Either his daughter who drove the car was the cause of the stink or more likely his grandaughter whom he hadn't seen or heard from in 30 days was the cause. Either way.....when he smelt HUMAN DEATH he should have dialed 911 ON THE SPOT! jmho
Personally, I haven't heard of anything criminal that they have said or done. Outrageous, ridiculous, stupid?? yes, but I don't think that they deliberately tried to mislead LE. I think they smugly believed (for a long time) that their daughter, while being a nasty b*tch, did not harm Caylee. Once the baby's body was found, they went into defensive mode and tried to exercise damage control. I believe that, in their hearts, they know they brought a monster into this world. They have to live with that for the rest of their lives. No matter what happens to KC, they lost Caylee, whom they obviously loved more than anything...and nothing can change that. While I find them to be unlikable people, I still feel deep sympathy for them. There but for the grace of God, go any one of us.

I guess that theory might work if it would exclude how they have tried to manipulate this case from the beginning. Although as parents and grandparents they owed their granddaughter, son, and Cindy's mom to deal with all of KC's issues. And if we take out DC and JH and the work they did in behalf of the A's. Withheld evidence such as toothbrushes, hair brushes, cleaning THE car, washing evidence and continued to stand by the outlandish story that KC made up despite the fact G&C never met the nanny, didn't have any contact information and continued to stick to the nanny story after LE informed them that KC was lying. And a bunch of other stuff too.:crosseyed: But this is just MOO

Here's a question. Would you(any parent or grandparent) have behaved the way the A's have? I know what I would do.

Novice Seeker
What you say I agree with completely. BUT I just overlook their actions and behavior. Part of the reason this case is taking so long and costing the amount it is because of C&A's acts of protecting KC. Here are my thoughts;

1.G&G were aware that something was going on during those 31 days. KC stole gas from George. How did George and Cindy deal with this?

2. KC stole money from mom and ( GOD bless her soul)Grandmother. What did George and Cindy do?....

3. KC exhibited certain psychological behavior at an early age. Why didn't KC's parents ever seek help for this childs issue. Perhaps if G&C had behaved as parents Caylee would be alive today.

There' much more of the same behavior of KC's but what did they ever do about it? Discipline at any level?

3. During the alleged argument with her parents KC leaves with Caylee. Yet G&C allow 31 days to pass without seeing Caylee knowing KC's issues?

4. They had suspected for some time KC didn't carry a job. Didn't it ever cross their mind about Caylee's well being?

5. I venture to suspect there were other issues with KC that we may never hear about b/c of the irrelevance to the crime but would be very interested in how these issues were addressed. (IMO)

6. G&C didn't realize that KC wasn't going to graduate but only learned this at the very end. Really? The excuse is comical so it makes one wonder what the true reason was G&C didn't learn of this until the very end. It's apparent that KC never mentioned this issue.

Yes, none of these issues themselves rise to level of G&C being charged but it does set a foundation of the family dynamics. They would do anything for KC.

So, after 31 days G&C pick up the car which both have acknowledged smelled like death. What did they do? They went back to work.

Once at work Cindy's boss is informed of the situation who is intelligent enough to send Cindy home until she can get her affairs straightened out?

Cindy doesn't call the police b/c her granddaughter has been missing for 31 days and the car she picked up has the ghastly odor of death. Instead she wants to find KC so that KC could give her version of everything. Mind you Cindy has no idea where KC is and goes through the car to find a number to call.
Cindy makes contact with this individual and according to this person the conversation which took place on the way to where KC was Cindy was warning this person to stay away from KC.
Cindy is taken to the apartment of a guy she had never heard about. Although Cindy glances around and doesn't see Caylee proceeds to force KC to get in the car. Mind you KC informs Cindy that KC would be returning back later that night. Yet there's no physical Caylee. Just the explanation from KC that Caylee was with the "nanny" who we have since learned G&C knew very little about over a very long period of time.

2. Cindy makes an ultimate number of 911 calls which of the three the last one is the only one directly focused on Caylee missing. It was only then that George arrives home to "discover" this problem, although he had smelled that odor himself.

3. Once LE arrive not one person in that family could provide any information about this "nanny" other than KC although both G&C pulled LE aside to share their personal thoughts that KC was somehow involved.

4. After KC arrives home not once did either parent confront KC about Caylee. The question begs what would you do?

5. Then the game begins of protecting KC and defending her as the best mother one could have. So, in order to paint this picture in the best light C&G can the lies start, the obstruction of justice and evidence starts, the acts of withholding information begins, the parents connect with others such as Kid Finders in organizing events. TES is called in although C&G not once stepped inside the command center to assist in whatever manner they could. Then bring LP and his gang along with Baez into the mix. Now because of the Sunshine Law we're reading text's and conversations that took place that show not only did G&C never make an effort to find their only grandchild they begin to associate with those who offer them money for Caylee's stuff. I believe it's called licensing rights?

6. When G&C do get the opportunity to speak with KC while she's incarcerated, do the parents really try to find out what happened to Caylee? Or, were they simply trying to determine who could be trusted for who knows what.

7. Finally, let's not forget the many interviews C&G held with LE. G&C are flat out informed that KC has been not forthcoming with anything. What does G&C do other than start tossing out innocent names?

This is only my personal and parental opinion but if my grandchild was no longer on this earth there is nothing of my grandchild's belongings that I would be willing to part with especially to help pay for the defense of the very person who was suppose to be protecting this child.

Remember, this simply MOO.

Novice Seeker

Thanks wasn't enough for this post. This is exactly why I feel that both should be charged with anything and everything possible.
At the very least, evidence tampering and perjury. Maybe accessory after the fact.:twocents:
At the very least, evidence tampering and perjury. Maybe accessory after the fact.:twocents:

Can we add on Fraud and other relevent charges? There are indications that they knew that Caylee was not "missing" (if this is proven bring on the charges!) and continued to take moneies and other contrubutions by default and fraudulant methods and means.
It's hard to pick an answer right now but if I was Forced to I'd have to go with no charges for either one. Now, before I get slapped :slap:, I suspect that since CA thought she was crafty enough to give LE the wrong hairbrush when they asked for Caylee's brush, chances are she probably tried similiar stunts and if that's the case she should be held legally accountable for her actions.
After all is said and done I'd say they both will face some degree of legal punishment.
I think it is only a matter of opinion that Cindy and/or George intentionally destroyed and/or tampered with evidence in a murder investigation. I myself have not seen proof of this. If there is proof I would appreciate a link to peruse it for myself. Until I do see proof of this, I can not support charges on something that is based purely on some peoples personal opinion/feeling about them.

I think losing their grandbaby whom they adored (and no doubt Caylee adored them) is more then enough "punishment" (although I still do not know what people think they should be punished for). I do not doubt that if the State had evidence of any of these alleged actions they would have charged them by now. jmo

I really disagree with your statement regarding how much GA, and CA loved Caylee. If they loved her so much why didn't they go to court, and get custody of that innocent baby. As per her mother's words KC was an unfit mother, who steals, and lies about everything. Apparently CA was right about KC, because she said, she loved Caylee, and then she murdered her and threw her away in some wooded area for the animals to feed off of. They may not be guilty of a mortal crime, but in the eyes of their maker they could have saved this baby's life, and they know it. Just because CA wears a holy cross around her neck does not mean it will ever erase her sins. As for GA he can get tattoo's of Caylee all over his body, because that makes him feel closer to Caylee, but if that were really the case why would he want to commit suicide? Perhaps, he knew the truth about his killer daughter, and he couldn't stand to be near her. As per GA words he wanted to be with Caylee in Heaven. Well, I doubt KC, GA or CA will ever see Heaven's gates. JMO
Should G and/or C be charged? HELLO!!!!!!!!! I've been Ranting about this for over a year now! George, as a former cop, knew the unmistakeable tell-tale smell of human decomp. For all he knew (?) the impound lot could have been the crime scene. The CAR was most certainly a crime scene. And to move, or disturb, anything OF A CRIME SCENE would destroy eviedence. Either his daughter who drove the car was the cause of the stink or more likely his grandaughter whom he hadn't seen or heard from in 30 days was the cause. Either way.....when he smelt HUMAN DEATH he should have dialed 911 ON THE SPOT! jmho

ITA. This has always been huge for me. Only a former cop hoping to help his daughter destroy evidence would have driven the crime scene home to Cindy.

What if the circumstances had been different? CA and GA are returning from vacation. They are at the airport, they find their car and it smells like a dead body. Would they have just hopped in and driven off into the sunset? No, they would have dialed 911.
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