SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

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It's about Physiology!

It's About Questionable Fashion Choices!

It's about Time for LTD!

Here we go.....

This makes me smile and cry at the same time. Chica looks like my Bella but different markings and Chica has a tail.

Death penalty is properly used for most heinous crimes
By Bill Montgomery
Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:41 AM
Regarding “Arizona can be next state to reject the death penalty” (Opinions, Feb.16):

As a county attorney with responsibility for deciding when to seek a death sentence, I believe it is necessary, once again, to set the record straight.

Bob Quick, a member of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, asks whether Arizonans “feel better” for having executed six murderers in 2012. That is a non sequitur.

Consider how these convicts earned their death sentences: Richard Stokely kidnapped, raped and murdered two 13-year-old girls; Daniel Cook kidnapped, tortured, sodomized and murdered two men; Samuel Lopez burglarized, raped, beat and stabbed a woman; Thomas Kemp, kidnapped, robbed and murdered his victim; Robert Towery robbed and injected his victim with battery acid, and then strangled him; Robert Moorman, while on furlough from prison, murdered his mother, chopped her body into pieces, and threw her remains in dumpsters.

BBM.....I dunno, "Bob", do you live in Arizona? Do you pay taxes here? Have you had a family member or friend become a victim of a homicide?

To answer for myself, "Yes, yes, and yes". Does it make me "feel better"? Damn Skippy! These "monsters" won't ever have the opportunity to victimize anyone else or suck money from honest tax payers.
Just wish they'd shorten the appeal process, and if a convicted murderer WANTS to be executed ASAP, BRING IT ON. And while they're on Death Row, cut out all the "perks". We spend enough through the whole justice system, we shouldn't have to pick up the tab for electricity for 2 electrical appliances, stamps, paper, and, seriously, WHY should they even have visitation AT ALL? Lock them down in a facility, bare bones, until the execution date. We don't need to pay wages for all the guards that have to move them from cell to visitation room and watch them. Phone calls? Pfftttt.
Get with the "Program", "Bob", what have YOU done lately to secure "victim's rights"? See, there's some things that we, as the victim's family, kinda pay the casket, the funeral, the hearse, the mortician, the plot, having the victim's house cleaned, the cost of psychiatric help, estate taxes, loss of income going to trial, fuel costs back and forth to the prosecutor's and the court house, etc., etc., and we pay taxes on those, thus contributing to the "offender's" room and board while they await trial and later are incarcerated. Seems to me, that the "offender", with mostly free "Public Defenders" is NOT contributing their fair share. In fact, they're using MY oxygen.
Do I "feel better" when I have to go identify my loved ones body?
Seriously, "Bob", am I missing something? Where does one insert "feel better" in this entire process? Maybe you should use the term "suck less". Because, "Bob", the whole tragedy SUCKS BIG TIME.
So, REALLY, "Bob", execution still doesn't entirely make me "feel better". But it's a start, being that the only way I could truly "feel better" is if the "offender" could bring back my loved one, which can't happen. Knowing the "offender" is 6 feet under and can't victimize anyone else, helps me "feel better" to a degree.
Sorry, folks, got on and that post was the first thing I saw.........seems like "Bob" is one of those "Special Kind of Stupids". My Doc said I should try to ignore those people........just one of those days, so you'll have to forgive me!:please:
You sound like me after I first moved to Texas and saw my first giant cockroach, I was ready to run back to Ohio. lol

The first time I saw one was when we moved to Houston. They call them pine bark beetles or water beetles, but never cockraoches. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
So proud of myself for planting my flowers.

black petunias
yellow petunias
2 stella d'or
1 grass (we have similar weather to AZ- dry and hot summers)

and 1 beautiful orange dahlia I planted for Travis and my Father. I'll take pics when they grow a bit.


Ohh Black and Yellow sound so pretty. I will have to look for some for my pots. I bet it is stunning.
This had me laughing and smiling.

You are so funny, but I totally agree. I did go to the feed store and got some granules for outside and spray for inside. But, I am still spooked. Oh and I also have some sticky strips from Terminex. Oooooh. I can't stand it.

Seriously, that would freak the he!! out of me. Oregon is lots of things, but it's not friendly to those things thank God. We don't tan here, we rust. So dry weather things don't do too well here unless they have web feet.

The first time I saw one was when we moved to Houston. They call them pine bark beetles or water beetles, but never cockraoches. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Has anyone here seen a giant potatoe bug? Im not sure of their true name but thats what we call them! The big ones look like small creatures, not bugs!
You sound like me after I first moved to Texas and saw my first giant cockroach, I was ready to run back to Ohio. lol

My sister said that when her and my brother in law were transferred to Panama, that was the hardest thing. She said you could actually hear the huge cockroaches walking around at night. I sense my place would have bullet holes all over. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
The first time I saw one was when we moved to Houston. They call them pine bark beetles or water beetles, but never cockraoches. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Ewww. Scorpions and roaches. Good luck with the scorpions. I read that you need to seal every place in your home to keep them out. We have them out here but haven't had one yet, luckily in around 40 years.

In OH growing up, we did have them but my Pop worked for a manufacturer there and he would tell stories of the 3" to 4" ones. chills. They were called *advertiser censored* roaches.

In the AF we were in Biloxi, Mississippi for a few months. There they had big ones and they were called "wood roaches" by the locals.

In FL, they don't have roaches! They have "palmetto bugs", yeah...
OT, but I am really bothered. I have been killing and looking for scorpions all day. There were two in my bedroom this morning and I am afraid they are going to get in my bed.

Anyone with any advice or experience with these bad bugs???? ty

*Exterminators* You can always get a black light flash light and go night hunting for the nasty critters!:scared:
This is what I killed this morning, down by my pond, giving my wolfdogs the business. 20" long, 7 rattles, and in a REALLY bad mood. Need to quit shooting them and just bean them with a shovel, end up shooting the tail off with the head:banghead:
Last week, we had a Bobcat hanging out by the horses at around 1:00 was NOT a pretty picture. Horses and wolfdogs going nuts, and couldn't get a bead on "Bob" in the dark......and it's not cool to shoot towards a neighbor's house:blushing:
The first time I saw one was when we moved to Houston. They call them pine bark beetles or water beetles, but never cockraoches. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

They've been called palmetto bugs. I had a friend from Corpus Christie tell us that the difference between the two was that one crunched and the other crackled when stepped on.

All I want to know is why they die after weaseling their way into our den at night and dead the next morning. If they made it to morning our Jack Russel was our bug attacker (he died a year ago on the sixth), and our gk's would say bug Pup bug and he'd save them from the big bug.
*Exterminators* You can always get a black light flash light and go night hunting for the nasty critters!:scared:
This is what I killed this morning, down by my pond, giving my wolfdogs the business. 20" long, 7 rattles, and in a REALLY bad mood. Need to quit shooting them and just bean them with a shovel, end up shooting the tail off with the head:banghead:
View attachment 34650
Last week, we had a Bobcat hanging out by the horses at around 1:00 was NOT a pretty picture. Horses and wolfdogs going nuts, and couldn't get a bead on "Bob" in the dark......and it's not cool to shoot towards a neighbor's house:blushing:

I like your use of the words bean and bead in this post. :)
*Exterminators* You can always get a black light flash light and go night hunting for the nasty critters!:scared:
This is what I killed this morning, down by my pond, giving my wolfdogs the business. 20" long, 7 rattles, and in a REALLY bad mood. Need to quit shooting them and just bean them with a shovel, end up shooting the tail off with the head:banghead:
View attachment 34650
Last week, we had a Bobcat hanging out by the horses at around 1:00 was NOT a pretty picture. Horses and wolfdogs going nuts, and couldn't get a bead on "Bob" in the dark......and it's not cool to shoot towards a neighbor's house:blushing:

And I'm sure your neighbors thank you for knowing that bit of shooting etiquette!
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