SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

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Yup - a Bug Zoo. Tis very popular with the tourists and a few of us locals :cool:

They have a super long tube that runs throughout the entire space, full of busy leaf cutter ants. And oh my, the roach motel has wee little tables and chairs, beds and rugs. So sweet :floorlaugh:
And they even let you handle many of the special ones, like the stick bugs :fence:

I would get mantid egg sacks, put them in a giant pickle jar until they hatched out. Then it was a mad rush to separate them (they're cannibals :shush: ) into aquariums with dividers. One sack can hatch about 100 itty bitty mantids so I would buy wingless fruitflies to feed them. When they got a little bigger, I (and kids) bred our own fruitflies, crickets etc and watched them grow to adulthood. Of course they didn't all survive but some I put out in the garden - they eat the bad bugs off your plants. I always kept a pair to mate for next season egg sac. So cool!
The female is about 5x the size of the male and she eats him after mating :scared: unless you're there to intervene of course :hiding:

They are very 'smart' and curious. We would take them out and walk them around the house and they would stay with us but when it was time for a feeding, they would fly back to their aquarium and wait patiently for their meal. They always ate the head off crickets first but left the drummies hehe.
(By the way, if you look at crickets with a magnifying glass, they appear to have lips LOL - no joke).

I'll hush myself now before I rave on too long :sigh:

You're very passionate about this...I love it!
:eek:fftobed: body clock wakens me before the first morning chirp...

I enjoyed the bug and critter scene tonight - has me making weekend critter tracking plans. Thanks
It was a scorpion and you know that did cross my mind. :floorlaugh:

I must have spiders on the brain. lol Okay, I'll tell one on myself.

I had trapped this very interesting spider. He was black, and his legs splayed out like a star, with the legs being wider near the body and tapering at the ends. I had my nose stuck near him to observe him when I realized part of him was still loose and wiggling. So I did the sensible thing. I threw that whole sticky board as far as I could. It landed upside-down beside my bed. Being the good mother that I am, I thought, "Hmmm....DS will be here shortly. I'll get him to take care of the sticky thing."

DS came over, and I gave him a list of things that needed repairing, etc. One thing on the list was figuring out a way to keep the throw rug in my bedroom from slipping, as it was a tripping hazard for Dear Ole Mum (me). I actually got embarrassed to ask him to take care of the sticky thing, because I figured he would tease me about it.

DS takes care of the repair jobs and comes downstairs. I finally confessed about the sticky board and asked if he'd tried to get it off the carpet. Whereupon he gets the devil in his eye and said, "What do you think I used to keep the throw rug in place?!" To this day I've been afraid to check to see if he was kidding. What's the decomp rate of a spider, by the way?! (P.S. The rug hasn't budged!)
We abololutely have tics here. I use the advantage stuff on my dogs and it works great and they are totally outside. sometimes even at night. About two weeks ago I found a tic on me. It was in the bend of my knee and was so embedded we had to dig it out with tweezers. I have no idea how long it had been there. But, when we got it out the hole was huge. I am still putting Neosporin on it and it just stopped itching. That was the worst itching I have ever had.

The joys of country life in East Texas. :rockon:

We used to use hot safety pins to get those ticks to let go! What's weird is I've never had a tick problem with the wolfdogs. A friend down in Scottsdale told me that ticks would use a wolf/wolfdog as a "bus" to get from one place to another, but wouldn't make themsleves at "home". Pretty weird, but it seems to be spot on. Now, fleas? Usually only have to deal with them when it's hot and wet, Monsoon season.
I can't help it, my mind works in mysterious ways. Whenever I read those words "come and play with us" it always takes me back to that scene in "The Shining" with the two little girls. Warning: graphic.

Come Play With Us - The Shining (1/5) Movie CLIP (1980) HD - YouTube

:floorlaugh: which naturally leads to this:

Ha! They all stress me out! I do love NeNe though. I can't stand all of the lies, and nobody owning them when they are caught...

I would definitely watch if they had a WS'er on!! Not only would we have transcripts on every scene to recall, we would also have each of them diagnosed by their individual personality disorder! I would love to watch that! :seeya:

I like Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills. I cannot stand these new shows e.g. Married to Medicine, Newlyweds, and the Pricesses. They to me are stupid. jmo
Thanks for that. These clips just make me depressed. The 4 STRONGLY felt there was emotional and verbal abuse that was on-going and lasted for a long time??? WTF???? Juror 6 says the 4 got these from texts and e-mails...ok what e-mails?? I don't recall any such e-mails. And only ONE text message. AGGHGHHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could tell Mark was going crazy too. Can anyone tell me WHAT E-MAILS these are? Please, I feel like I missed a huge part of the case even though I watched every day. I don't remember e-mails from Travis being "abusive." Did the jury somehow have access to extra e-mails not discussed during the trial?

Also, the 4 also got emotional abuse from WHAT JODI SAID, that he was FORCING HER TO HAVE SEX BUT SHE DIDN"T WANT TO, and Juror 6 even pointed out she still liked the sex. FORCING???? WTF?????? Omigosh. FORCING??? I'm thinking these jurors got CMJA's lack of real care for Travis OR for the sex, and mis-interpreted that as Travis forcing her to have sex with him. NO 4 JURORS, IT'S ACTUALLY B/C CMJA IS A PSYCHOPATH WITH NO FEELINGS FOR PEOPLE. TRAVIS WAS JUST AN OBJECT TO HER. THE SEX WAS ALL AN ACT FOR HER TO TRAP TRAVIS. How did they not get this????? Did they not get any of the stuff about, oh you know, HER OBESSION WITH HIM AND HER OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR? DId they not get that HER WHOLE LIFE IS ONE BIG ACT FOR HER. WHY WOULD THEY EXPECT ANY REAL EMOTION FROM HER???? So this goes to the obvious point that didn't these 4 jurors learn anything about CMJA"S LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING. What part of LYING do they not understand???????? She lied to them about gas cans and everything to do with the murder...I guess they thought, oh that deals with the murder so of course she would lie about that, but why would she lie about the other things? BECAUSE SHE KNEW PEOPLE LIKE YOU WOULD BE ON THE JURY. The 'Abuse" is a DIRECT AND MAJOR PART OF HER WHOLE CASE - SELF=DEFENSE, AS IN SHE KILLED TRAVIS FROM SELF-DEFENSE. Did the 4 juros NOT even get that connection???????????????????????????? So why do they think she wouldn't make all that up to support her "abuse" claim????????????

Also, I like Juror 6 and she tries real hard to defend the 4, which I respect...but she keeps saying "It was their opinion and we have to respect that." There was no "violence" in the jury room, we respected their opinions. Well, just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean it's based on fact. Did the other 8 jurors ever QUESTION them as to the basis IN EVIDENCE of their "opinions." As in, please show me the exhibit number(s). Isn't that what was supposed to be going on in the jury room? If someone says something which I did NOT get from the trial AT ALL, then why would I not question that person as to what evidence r they basing their beliefs on?? I think this was Foreman's fault, who set the tone that everyone should tell their view and that's that. "Repect each other opinion." Well, you can respect and question and deliberate at the same time. It doesn't have to be either agree or disagree and nothing in between. It doesn't seem like any real deliberating even went on in the jury room.

Let's us think the Heavens that we got a M1 conviction, at this point I'm highly surprised by that. I tried to give the 4 jurors the benefit of the doubt, but the more I hear, the....and I should stop now because I am about to go batty.

Exactly. Just blows me away that they were able to make an abuse claim on so little information. Wouldn't you say that the trial was made up of 95% what JA said and only 5% real evidence and her evidence was all lies? There are always two sides to every story and we have only heard one side. TA's friends have filled us in on much of TA, thank goodness for that.
Exactly. Just blows me away that they were able to make an abuse claim on so little information. Wouldn't you say that the trial was made up of 95% what JA said and only 5% real evidence and her evidence was all lies? There are always two sides to every story and we have only heard one side. TA's friends have filled us in on much of TA, thank goodness for that.

I have not seen all the jurors interviews but the one tonight on DD seemed to me the jurors were very ho hum about the whole thing. It seemed that what most people thought were show stoppers they didn't pay much attention to. It may have just been me I don't know. It seems they just didn't get it. jmo
Alright, nite all. I am trying to breathe and stay calm after the latest juror comments...not that particular juror, but the insight they give us into the 4 life voters. (me telling brain - breathe, breathe, breathe, imagine peaceful sunset scene).

I kept vacillating between did they really believe the abuse or was that just their excuse for actually thinking she's just crazy? But from all the comments we've gotten from jurors so far, it sounds like they actually believed a lot of the essence some of CMJA's story. Sure, not the physical, but the defense was also trying to convey emotional abuse to them, why do they think the defense brought it up??? That just baffles me and it's something I will probably never understand.

What I get from everything I've heard, is that the 4 think that Travis was the reason CMJA went "crazy." What other conclusion could they have come up with if they believed that he verbally and emotionally abused her? I am not getting the impression that they got the message from Juan that CMJA is actually just psycho by her own right, not anyone else's doing. It's not and never was any of the boyfriend's's just her. They missed his entire message. I am just flabbergasted by that. THEY MISSED JUAN"S ENTIRE MESSAGE.

Our Juan-derful appears to not have been as Juan-derful to some jurors, who completely missed his major points. And it's not Juan's fault. You get my point.

So they bought CMJA's lines that she wanted to do things to make hiim happy, that she wouldn't have told him she didn't like something because she wouldn't want to "upset" him, by which she really meant him lose interest in her, that she liked the sex, but only because he paid "attention" to her -- so why is CMJA's own personal issues and need for attention Travis' fault? She could have easily just left him, but she didn't. He wans't forcing her to stay, as happens in REAL abusive relationships. I DO NOT get how they could not see that. She was free to walk away whenever she wanted. In a REAL abusive relationship, the victim can't just walk away whenever they want to. WTF? I am so disgusted right now.

I'm sorry I am going on an on about this, but just had to let my feelings flow out!!!! I believe the ONLY reason we got that M1 conviction is because of Juan's PROOF that there were 3 gas cans. These 4 jurors couldn't find any excuse for that. If Juan had not been able to PROVE the 3 gas cans, CMJA would have walked out a free woman. That is so unnerving....this case had so much evidence and yet it all came down to the gas cans to convince ALL the jurors to vote for M1. We dont' have the details about the guilty verdict because everyone is focusing on the life/death....but I suspect the guilty verdict had plenty of drama behind-the-scenes with these 4 jurors.

Seriously...........I'm glad I can ride my horse :floorlaugh:
Is "Prancercize" for real? Like, people REALLY do this to get exercise? I'll be the first to admit I used to watch "Headbanger's Ball" at midnight on MTV, when I walked away from my job in '95 I swore I'd NEVER have a cell phone (STILL don't!), and I've heard of "Zumba" and, yes, I watched "Jersey Shore" ONCE, but how could I get so far out of the loop?!?!?!?! :banghead: What other things have I missed out on?!?!?!?!
Thanks for that. These clips just make me depressed. The 4 STRONGLY felt there was emotional and verbal abuse that was on-going and lasted for a long time??? WTF???? Juror 6 says the 4 got these from texts and e-mails...ok what e-mails?? I don't recall any such e-mails. And only ONE text message. AGGHGHHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could tell Mark was going crazy too. Can anyone tell me WHAT E-MAILS these are? Please, I feel like I missed a huge part of the case even though I watched every day. I don't remember e-mails from Travis being "abusive." Did the jury somehow have access to extra e-mails not discussed during the trial?

Also, the 4 also got emotional abuse from WHAT JODI SAID, that he was FORCING HER TO HAVE SEX BUT SHE DIDN"T WANT TO, and Juror 6 even pointed out she still liked the sex. FORCING???? WTF?????? Omigosh. FORCING??? I'm thinking these jurors got CMJA's lack of real care for Travis OR for the sex, and mis-interpreted that as Travis forcing her to have sex with him. NO 4 JURORS, IT'S ACTUALLY B/C CMJA IS A PSYCHOPATH WITH NO FEELINGS FOR PEOPLE. TRAVIS WAS JUST AN OBJECT TO HER. THE SEX WAS ALL AN ACT FOR HER TO TRAP TRAVIS. How did they not get this????? Did they not get any of the stuff about, oh you know, HER OBESSION WITH HIM AND HER OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR? DId they not get that HER WHOLE LIFE IS ONE BIG ACT FOR HER. WHY WOULD THEY EXPECT ANY REAL EMOTION FROM HER???? So this goes to the obvious point that didn't these 4 jurors learn anything about CMJA"S LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING. What part of LYING do they not understand???????? She lied to them about gas cans and everything to do with the murder...I guess they thought, oh that deals with the murder so of course she would lie about that, but why would she lie about the other things? BECAUSE SHE KNEW PEOPLE LIKE YOU WOULD BE ON THE JURY. The 'Abuse" is a DIRECT AND MAJOR PART OF HER WHOLE CASE - SELF=DEFENSE, AS IN SHE KILLED TRAVIS FROM SELF-DEFENSE. Did the 4 juros NOT even get that connection???????????????????????????? So why do they think she wouldn't make all that up to support her "abuse" claim????????????

Also, I like Juror 6 and she tries real hard to defend the 4, which I respect...but she keeps saying "It was their opinion and we have to respect that." There was no "violence" in the jury room, we respected their opinions. Well, just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean it's based on fact. Did the other 8 jurors ever QUESTION them as to the basis IN EVIDENCE of their "opinions." As in, please show me the exhibit number(s). Isn't that what was supposed to be going on in the jury room? If someone says something which I did NOT get from the trial AT ALL, then why would I not question that person as to what evidence r they basing their beliefs on?? I think this was Foreman's fault, who set the tone that everyone should tell their view and that's that. "Repect each other opinion." Well, you can respect and question and deliberate at the same time. It doesn't have to be either agree or disagree and nothing in between. It doesn't seem like any real deliberating even went on in the jury room.

Let's us think the Heavens that we got a M1 conviction, at this point I'm highly surprised by that. I tried to give the 4 jurors the benefit of the doubt, but the more I hear, the....and I should stop now because I am about to go batty.

aa9511, I love your passion!

One of my co-workers, who is also a good friend, likes to discuss cases although he doesn't get down to the nitty gritty of details like we do. So he always asks me to fill him in. Today he asked me if I believed there was any abuse in the relationship and my response to him was "Pull up a chair because I'm going to tell you how I KNOW there was no abuse". That would have been the same beginning to the conversation that I would have had with my co-jurors, had I been on that jury.
Seriously...........I'm glad I can ride my horse :floorlaugh:
Is "Prancercize" for real? Like, people REALLY do this to get exercise? I'll be the first to admit I used to watch "Headbanger's Ball" at midnight on MTV, when I walked away from my job in '95 I swore I'd NEVER have a cell phone (STILL don't!), and I've heard of "Zumba" and, yes, I watched "Jersey Shore" ONCE, but how could I get so far out of the loop?!?!?!?! :banghead: What other things have I missed out on?!?!?!?!

You seriously need a Snuggie.
Seriously...........I'm glad I can ride my horse :floorlaugh:
Is "Prancercize" for real? Like, people REALLY do this to get exercise? I'll be the first to admit I used to watch "Headbanger's Ball" at midnight on MTV, when I walked away from my job in '95 I swore I'd NEVER have a cell phone (STILL don't!), and I've heard of "Zumba" and, yes, I watched "Jersey Shore" ONCE, but how could I get so far out of the loop?!?!?!?! :banghead: What other things have I missed out on?!?!?!?!

Haha... well, you missed a very interesting conversation about prancercise the other night on this board. Yes it's real, and yes it's really flipping hilarious. This heavy metal version is not the original. The original is much much slower to some funky ghetto music that I can't really figure out how to describe right now. Go to for more details :) In the meantime, don't be ashamed of getting in touch with your inner horse.

You seriously need a Snuggie.

Technically the latest and greatest would be the Forever Lazy! OR, if you're really ready to tear it up, the Snazzy Napper!

[ame=""]Forever Lazy TV Commercial 1080p HD - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Snazzy Napper - As Seen on TV - YouTube[/ame]

I'm getting these for all my WS friends this year for Christmas!! :floorlaugh:
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