SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

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Thanks for that. These clips just make me depressed. The 4 STRONGLY felt there was emotional and verbal abuse that was on-going and lasted for a long time??? WTF???? Juror 6 says the 4 got these from texts and e-mails...ok what e-mails?? I don't recall any such e-mails. And only ONE text message. AGGHGHHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could tell Mark was going crazy too. Can anyone tell me WHAT E-MAILS these are? Please, I feel like I missed a huge part of the case even though I watched every day. I don't remember e-mails from Travis being "abusive." Did the jury somehow have access to extra e-mails not discussed during the trial?

Also, the 4 also got emotional abuse from WHAT JODI SAID, that he was FORCING HER TO HAVE SEX BUT SHE DIDN"T WANT TO, and Juror 6 even pointed out she still liked the sex. FORCING???? WTF?????? Omigosh. FORCING??? I'm thinking these jurors got CMJA's lack of real care for Travis OR for the sex, and mis-interpreted that as Travis forcing her to have sex with him. NO 4 JURORS, IT'S ACTUALLY B/C CMJA IS A PSYCHOPATH WITH NO FEELINGS FOR PEOPLE. TRAVIS WAS JUST AN OBJECT TO HER. THE SEX WAS ALL AN ACT FOR HER TO TRAP TRAVIS. How did they not get this????? Did they not get any of the stuff about, oh you know, HER OBESSION WITH HIM AND HER OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR? DId they not get that HER WHOLE LIFE IS ONE BIG ACT FOR HER. WHY WOULD THEY EXPECT ANY REAL EMOTION FROM HER???? So this goes to the obvious point that didn't these 4 jurors learn anything about CMJA"S LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING. What part of LYING do they not understand???????? She lied to them about gas cans and everything to do with the murder...I guess they thought, oh that deals with the murder so of course she would lie about that, but why would she lie about the other things? BECAUSE SHE KNEW PEOPLE LIKE YOU WOULD BE ON THE JURY. The 'Abuse" is a DIRECT AND MAJOR PART OF HER WHOLE CASE - SELF=DEFENSE, AS IN SHE KILLED TRAVIS FROM SELF-DEFENSE. Did the 4 juros NOT even get that connection???????????????????????????? So why do they think she wouldn't make all that up to support her "abuse" claim????????????

Also, I like Juror 6 and she tries real hard to defend the 4, which I respect...but she keeps saying "It was their opinion and we have to respect that." There was no "violence" in the jury room, we respected their opinions. Well, just because someone has an opinion doesn't mean it's based on fact. Did the other 8 jurors ever QUESTION them as to the basis IN EVIDENCE of their "opinions." As in, please show me the exhibit number(s). Isn't that what was supposed to be going on in the jury room? If someone says something which I did NOT get from the trial AT ALL, then why would I not question that person as to what evidence r they basing their beliefs on?? I think this was Foreman's fault, who set the tone that everyone should tell their view and that's that. "Repect each other opinion." Well, you can respect and question and deliberate at the same time. It doesn't have to be either agree or disagree and nothing in between. It doesn't seem like any real deliberating even went on in the jury room.

Let's us think the Heavens that we got a M1 conviction, at this point I'm highly surprised by that. I tried to give the 4 jurors the benefit of the doubt, but the more I hear, the....and I should stop now because I am about to go batty.

Kind of sounds like deliberations went all FUBAR, huh?:facepalm:
I kept to just watching live streaming, heard and saw just what the jurors heard and saw (well, except when they were removed from the court randomly, no big deal)......and I still don't get how 4 could hold out.:banghead:
Haha... well, you missed a very interesting conversation about prancercise the other night on this board. Yes it's real, and yes it's really flipping hilarious. This heavy metal version is not the original. The original is much much slower to some funky ghetto music that I can't really figure out how to describe right now. Go to for more details :) In the meantime, don't be ashamed of getting in touch with your inner horse.


Lord have mercy, I'm busting a gut!!!!!!:floorlaugh: I have tears running down my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, "snuggies" and now "Prancercise"!!!!!!!!

(what will I tell my horse?):truce:
Lord have mercy, I'm busting a gut!!!!!!:floorlaugh: I have tears running down my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, "snuggies" and now "Prancercise"!!!!!!!!

(what will I tell my horse?):truce:

You will tell your horse to move over, because he has some competition with the lady prancers!


It's been REAL!!!! I need to edjumucate myself tomorrow, all these new fangled "things" out there, will I ever be worthy?!?!:floorlaugh:
Nite all!
I am so horrible - the ugly ones die (not by my hand) but the "cute" ones (such as ladybugs) can live.

I do make hubby or someone else take them outside or squish them though. I can't do it myself - especially the murder part of it. I feel too guilty.

I can't squish bugs either, but I suck them up with the hose of my Dyson. Is it still murder? :what:
You seriously need a Snuggie. parents own two of mom wears them. She was an infomercial/HSN queen...she still owns Technibond and a Flowbee....and uses both :rolleyes: she constantly threatens to use it.on my son when he needs a haircut

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Yup - a Bug Zoo. Tis very popular with the tourists and a few of us locals :cool:

They have a super long tube that runs throughout the entire space, full of busy leaf cutter ants. And oh my, the roach motel has wee little tables and chairs, beds and rugs. So sweet :floorlaugh:
And they even let you handle many of the special ones, like the stick bugs :fence:

I would get mantid egg sacks, put them in a giant pickle jar until they hatched out. Then it was a mad rush to separate them (they're cannibals :shush: ) into aquariums with dividers. One sack can hatch about 100 itty bitty mantids so I would buy wingless fruitflies to feed them. When they got a little bigger, I (and kids) bred our own fruitflies, crickets etc and watched them grow to adulthood. Of course they didn't all survive but some I put out in the garden - they eat the bad bugs off your plants. I always kept a pair to mate for next season egg sac. So cool!
The female is about 5x the size of the male and she eats him after mating :scared: unless you're there to intervene of course :hiding:

They are very 'smart' and curious. We would take them out and walk them around the house and they would stay with us but when it was time for a feeding, they would fly back to their aquarium and wait patiently for their meal. They always ate the head off crickets first but left the drummies hehe.
(By the way, if you look at crickets with a magnifying glass, they appear to have lips LOL - no joke).

I'll hush myself now before I rave on too long :sigh:

My son would love you. Frankly I like reading all this bug stuff

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2 parents own two of mom wears them. She was an infomercial/HSN queen...she still owns Technibond and a Flowbee....and uses both :rolleyes: she constantly threatens to use it.on my son when he needs a haircut

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

What?? How embarrassing, I can't even imagine using one of those.

We used to use hot safety pins to get those ticks to let go! What's weird is I've never had a tick problem with the wolfdogs. A friend down in Scottsdale told me that ticks would use a wolf/wolfdog as a "bus" to get from one place to another, but wouldn't make themsleves at "home". Pretty weird, but it seems to be spot on. Now, fleas? Usually only have to deal with them when it's hot and wet, Monsoon season.

MCK16, and everyone else:

Ticks are NO JOKE. I contracted Lyme disease from a deer tick when I was 5 months pregnant. I never saw the tick, never felt the bite. What I did feel was a fever of 104 that would not go down, pain all over my body that was so excruciating that I couldn't bear the touch of anything-- including clothes or sheets. Mercifully, I had a classic bulls-eye rash, under my butt-length hair, on the neck.

Merciful, because otherwise the idiot doctor who examined me would NEVER have diagnosed Lyme disease. As it was, the antibiotic treatment he gave me was too little for too short a time.

My son was born with Lyme disease. It took us FOUR YEARS and every penny we had to get him well. Seeing him recover and feel healthy for the first time in his life at age 4 was worth everything we had, and more. What it meant for me was that we could not afford to have me treated.

Health insurance won't cover the cost of treating Lyme, doctors are too afraid to treat it, it is FAR more politicized a disease than AIDS ever was. Read up on it if you doubt what I am saying. Google "ILADS," the courageous group of docs who are trying to get peeps Lyme literate.

What kind of damage can Lyme disease do? My SPECT results say it all. That scan of my brain showed global brain damage, serious enough that when I applied for Social Security Disability I was approved on the 1st try, within 4 months. If you know anything about SSDI you know how exceptional it is to get it first try, much less within that time frame.

Lyme disease caused me permanent neurological/brain damage. I have a master's degree. In my last job before I contracted Lyme I traveled the world, designed research and training programs, including on international law, that were implemented in every state of the US.

Now I am fortunate to have stretches of time when I can read pages of posts here or a book or a newspaper and remember what I have read.

PLEASE. You can contract Lyme disease in any state, any season besides the absolute dead of a cold winter. Having a deer tick on you is SERIOUS. Read up on the ILADS page or PM me if you have questions. parents own two of mom wears them. She was an infomercial/HSN queen...she still owns Technibond and a Flowbee....and uses both :rolleyes: she constantly threatens to use it.on my son when he needs a haircut

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Omg my dad had a flowbee! He was always theatening me that he was going to buy extensions to do my hair! I think he finally stopped using it when I told him the back of his hair was starting to look patchy from using it!:floorlaugh:
What?? How embarrassing, I can't even imagine using one of those.


Oh no she loves it. Growing up with her was...interesting....because she delighted in anything uncool and embarrassing

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2 parents own two of mom wears them. She was an infomercial/HSN queen...she still owns Technibond and a Flowbee....and uses both :rolleyes: she constantly threatens to use it.on my son when he needs a haircut

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Speaking of HSN,
here is one of my favorite home shopping fails.

You seriously need a Snuggie.
My gorgeous son asked for a Snuggie for his 10th birthday. He was so much in love with them after watching the ads on TV.

We got him one, of course :heartluv:
I'm praying that this is the last year that Travis' friends and family will not have justice for his brutal and vicious murder and that on this day next year, JA is in jail waiting on the needle.

To Travis Alexander!!
Good morning bug lovin' (or fearing) friends.

Here is what is commonly referred to as a "Potato Bug" around here:

Big, noisy roaches, and small multifamily, lol, roaches here. Ticks live in tall grass, so avoid that if you can, especially if you take dogs to run by a river. No scorpions unless some bug lover is parenting them. Yep, we have our own community of them here too. One friend had a 4 story house that was wall to wall critters. If you can name it, he had it. It was fun going to visit, but one time he asked us to babysit while he was gone for a week. Um, okay. Feeding instructions were a small book, and at times quite scary, with many trips for bugs, mice, vegetables and and any other imaginable food source.

No coyotes. I wish we did have them. No mountain cats, no cool 4 legged anything, just cats, dogs, rats, chipmunks, squirrels, run of the mill.

No snuggie sightings to be reported.
Juan winning a track event at high school .. nice legs hey ladies :)

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