SIDEBAR #13- Arias/Alexander forum

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I just listened to Shanna Hogan's radio interview from this weekend. She is the Arizona reporter who has been working on the book "Picture Perfect" about the case to be released this fall.

I was hoping that she was able to research more of CMJA's background and history. Listening to her, it seems that Travis's friends and family provided her with a lot of information, but she did not talk about interviewing any friends, family or acquaintances of the murderer. There is so much that we don't know that was not presented in court and part of me believes that her aberrant behavior and personality was seen by others well before she met Travis.

HLN has had snippets from some people, but nothing in depth yet.

Is anyone else surprised that we haven't heard more about her?
Not had much time for Ms Hogan since she broke the news about who JM's girlfriend was on her FB page, which then went onto the States vs FB page, Shanna verified it on there and of course the info spread.


HO - thinking and praying for you all

Yeah, he says that he's never been "on air" with his 'big reveal' before this interview.

You only thought that trial was about Alexander and Arias.

Zervakos is hijacking the media spotlight.

Striking while the iron's hot...


That's all I should muster for that "little darling" right now. This guy...well, I'm going to look into it more, because this is the first I've seen.
Signing on for a quick prayer request.

My mom stopped to check on my sister and she's taking her to the ER. Hopefully she's just dehydrated but, she's my sister, and I worry.

I'm off to pick up my nephew (her son) from daycare and I'll keep him overnight. I'll sign on with an update as soon as I can.


God's blessings to you and yours, Hopeful. Glad she has such a caring clan!
In the Martin case the family has asked for justifiable peace. There are a total of 500 potential jurors. Out of those six will be picked, and only two alternates.
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!
Since it's so slow in here, and I'm bored...

Some of you may know this but my sister is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. She's been clean for five years. She was addicted to heroin. For the past couple years, she has been on Suboxone, which is basically a rx drug from her doctor that blocks her from getting high if she were to take any opiates. It was just one more way to ensure her continued sobriety.

Well, she decided a couple weeks ago that she doesn't want to be on it anymore. She doesn't want to be on anything. So, like an idiot, she tried to quit cold-turkey. Suboxone is a VERY VERY strong drug that stays in your system for a very very long time. To wean off properly can take close to a year. To quit cold-turkey, she could be in severe and painful withdrawal for weeks. Medically speaking, she can quit cold-turkey and it won't kill her like detoxing from some other things may.

So, after about a week of suffering, she couldn't take it anymore and took a Suboxone. That made her feel 1,000x better. Well, three days later, here we are again, and she is in the throes of horrible, painful withdrawal. She is refusing to wean off (not to mention it's next to impossible because the doctor who rx'd her Sub is a JERK and if she wants his help, she has to pay him $500 for an office visit - he's the only doctor in our area who rx's Suboxone) and she wants to just be done with it.

But she is suffering soooo much. Her therapist gave her a few medications to help ease the withdrawals a bit. She lives alone (my mom and I are taking her son while she's going through this as she is in no shape to care for herself, let alone a child). I'm so worried about her. This withdrawal greatly affects the mind as well as the rest of the body. She is SO depressed and anxious, along with vomiting, diarrhea, chills, body aches, etc.

As an addict, I just don't trust her with medications. When she is in severe pain as she is in now, I wouldn't put it past her to pop six Xanax instead of one just because one didn't work, then two didn't, etc. Plus her body is very tolerant of everything.

My point is...... (sorry), I'm just afraid she's going to accidentally overdose or something. She is so miserable, she's an addict (even though recovering) so she wants a fast fix, and I just don't see how she's going to get through this next one to two weeks of HELL and come out okay.

I've called her three times this morning and she hasn't answered. I will probably drive over there at lunch (luckily she lives close to my work) to check on her if my mom hasn't heard from her yet. But am I going to have to check on her 10x a day in order to not worry?? She doesn't want anyone staying with her. She says she is so depressed and sick, she doesn't want to see a soul.

UGH! Just had to get that off my chest. As you were. :)

Oh Hopeful One, I've been there and it's not fun. My husband is (was) a heroin addict and I understand everything you are saying. My husband (let's call him Fred) finally kicked the habit with the help of suboxone. The problem w/ the drug is that it makes them feel so good that they really don't think they have a problem anymore. 'Suboxone makes them feel so good and it really does stop the heroin use, but then they have to finally get off it and don't like the feelings of being 'normal'. It sucks. I think that the feelings they get from the drugs is so good that they never feel good again - nothing can compare to that pleasure they had. The tough part is that they need to understand that the new feeling from going w/out drugs is going to have to be their new normal and that's life. .
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!

Glad you're o. k., Maryann. That was quite a storm. Pretty place - beautiful waterway!
Glad you're o. k., Maryann. That was quite a storm. Pretty place - beautiful waterway!

We love it here, but this is the second time in 4 years we've had this happen. We were told the first time it was a micro-burst that got us, this time I guess it was just high winds. Neighbor told me it was up to 60 miles per hour......I wouldn't know, since I don't have cable to watch the news. I don't know if the insurance will replace my trampoline again. It's a very expensive one, and they may be getting tired of paying for things that blow around like kites! Adjuster is coming on Thursday. We were headed for the bathroom when the tree went down. It was scary! Nothing like what goes on in Oklahoma, thank goodness!
And, in other news, I'm sitting in the WS chat room right now and apparently people think I'm an imposter to myself. I was distracted talking to jayarohh on the phone, having trouble signing on and yes, it's me sitting there who you are all ignoring, paranoid, thinking it's not me.

:floorlaugh: I should check out this chatroom. :rocker: non-moderated?
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!

Holy moley! That poor boat house!
We are a few weeks away from moving into our new home that we built in the middle of the woods and sometimes the trees scare the bejeezies out of me. We cleared only as many trees as necessary, but seeing stories such as this with trees down really makes me second guess ourselves! :please:
Signing on for a quick prayer request.

My mom stopped to check on my sister and she's taking her to the ER. Hopefully she's just dehydrated but, she's my sister, and I worry.

I'm off to pick up my nephew (her son) from daycare and I'll keep him overnight. I'll sign on with an update as soon as I can.


In my thoughts Hopeful One. Keep your head high and keep be strong. :hug:

We're here for ya girl. :seeya:
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!

My sister lives on Lake Gaston. She said she's never seen a worse storm and they've lived on the lake for 25 years. She said the lake's way too high too. Some docks are almost underwater.
I wish more of that rain would come to Texas!
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!

Yikes! I'm glad you're okay!
This is video news coverage of damage to my lake house from the storm yesterday. That boat house is down below me, and I don't know who the man in the video is. They tried to interview me, but my hair was flat from my shower, (no power to dry and fix) and I refused to talk on camera. After the man's interview they are filming back at my house. Yes, I live at 834....per the mailbox, LOL!

Beautiful area and glad nobody got hurt. Where is this? :seeya:

The foreman publically acknowledges he was, in fact, one of 4 jurors who voted against DP in Jodi Arias penalty phase.

Three mitigating factors:

Age coupled with no criminal history
Dysfunctional Family
TA verbally and mentally abused Jodi


More comments

What she did was horrific - is at peace with his decision - hopes this is last call to jury duty ... never wants to do it again - ever.

More to come on the SHIFTING DYNAMICS in the jury room ...

Well darn, it about figures my Internet provider, Suddenlink, :maddening: would be taken over by aliens about now. No TV either thxs to Suddenlink. Cold as stone. So I'm on my IPad which uses Verizon, thank God not everything's Suddenlink. Anyway, can't watch the video cause my IPad isn't set up for it, or some such nonsense.
Holy moley! That poor boat house!
We are a few weeks away from moving into our new home that we built in the middle of the woods and sometimes the trees scare the bejeezies out of me. We cleared only as many trees as necessary, but seeing stories such as this with trees down really makes me second guess ourselves! :please:

LOL! Yep, when we have winds, they swirl around like crazy. About 2 hours after the storm passed, we had another huge limb to fall right on our sidewalk. We have so many high ones that are broken off, and just hanging there. Insurance won't pay for anything that hasn't fallen, so it's on us to get the rest of them down. Might want to keep that in mind.

We have power now, but no INTERNET or cable. I'm stealing INTERNET from the neighbor. Actually, he gave me his security code, so it's not stealing. I told him I was going to cancel my INTERNET service and just glom onto his. LOL! Before we got power back, they took my laptop home and charged it up for me! Since the wires were detached from my house, we were the only ones without cable or power. I guess that's the reason it's taking them so long to get us back up and running. The cable line is still hanging low over the road. You would think they would be out here to fix that. His wife sent me 4 candles in glass container last night. Talk about wonderful neighbors!
Breast implants and blackmail sex tapes aside, the Arias case is making little news. If we want to add to our store of current information, we can mine the chart for the coming status conference. One of the outstanding features of the morning is that more is left unsaid than is talked about, which is odd when you consider that to confer is the essential meaning of a conference. The chart tells us that messages are being delivered out of view, out of hearing. (Mercury & Venus rule the House of Communications and are conjunct behind the scene in House 12.) There are secret writings and decisions being made.

We know that Willmott poked a stick into the spokes of this mini-trial when she pled unavailability for the start of the sentencing redo. The chart tells us that there was an ulterior objective, although she may well have another appointment on July 18. (Uranus, J.W., intercepted in the House of Law, cusp ruled by Neptune, and square Pluto in the House of Obligations). She is trying to forestall a death penalty for her client. (Neptune in House of Death.) She went further in pitching a delay of months as her choice for a start date. The impact of choosing not to appear was far greater than a simple protest & refusal. (Uranus square the Sun of the trial in chief, a catastrophe or reversal.)

The other participants in this month's conference are totally out of patience with the obstruction from Defense, this miss in balk. There is a distinct lack of cooperation in every aspect of organizing the sentencing trial. (Sun and Jupiter at the rag end of II, Saturn retrograde in House of Outcomes & Endings.) The convict is more truculent and unruly than ever while her counsel strains every fiber to save her from the death penalty, becoming himself a casualty. (Moon on the reviled degree Serpentis, recently quincunx Mars conjunct Pallas. Mars at the degree of the lunar nodes.)

In fine, we see a circumstantial development due to meddling with the process. Such conduct has ricocheted and produced an inappropriate result. The hidden manoeuvers going on will be revealed June 20 and we will also learn that the projected ending has been turned upside down by the trend of affairs. A beneficial adjustment will satisfy all parties somewhat and help solve the day's crisis. (Moon six Houses after the Sun in House 11. Moon in an angle exposing hidden matters of House 12. Moon herself was eclipsed by opposition last month. Her final aspect a quincunx to Jupiter.) Any notion of risking an outcome was foreclosed by the resistance prosecution met when action dates were set forward. (Lunar eclipse on cusp of House of Gambles, May 25. Status conference takes place on a Jupiter day in a Venus hour.)

Interesting, so excuse my naivete, but are you an astrologist, Tuba? You actually remind me a little of Spock here. And yes, thats a compliment. :seeya:
Sorry it took so long to respond but I got cut off. I called first thing Monday morning. They said they would send someone out. I called back about 3 and they said no one was home so they couldn't do anything. So I called again today, telling them how traumatized I am I can't even imagine how the dog felt. I told her whatever it takes me testifying , this 220 to 240 5'10 to 6 ft hitting a 3 to 6 lb. dog with a pvc pipe is not going to get away with this. So she took a second report and said it's helps that there was two witnesses. So I will go by and check on the animals again about 5:30. I am on it and will do whatever I can to make sure he pays for what he did. Once again I appreciate all the support I am getting from the WS community.

OMG that's SO awful! I feel sick over it. Thank you sooooooo much for fighting for the dog!!!
Thanks for posting this, Quester. It reminds me of something one of the talking heads said the other day, which was that Jodi has a flat affect.

I disagree. She pretends to have a flat affect, kind of like an animal playing dead so it will be left alone. In fact, she's scheming and conniving behind that "mentally challenged" look, and this can be seen in her eyes and facial movements, as well as her body language.

This actress has the mentally challenged look down, but doesn't capture the "mental wheels-turning" cues that are visible to those who have eyes to see (which doesn't inlude certain members of the jury, apparently :stormingmad:)!

I agree, all of her attention and energy is spent on watching, waiting, and trying to figure out how she should portray herself. And, as genuine emotion shines through the eyes and expressions, and since she is so devoid of that, it appears she has that flat affect.
I already have a bad feeling about this actress and the movie as I saw a short commercial on it where she was saying that CMJA engaged in all this sexual activity just to please Travis. :banghead: That's enough to tell me how ignorant and ill informed she is.
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