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legal, that's awesome! I had to go back some pages to see what you were talking about. There are folks on my road (who can kiss my a$$) that hate my guts because I call the law on them regarding their animals. The animals are usually removed. One lady tried to starve her two horses....well I wasn't going to watch that BS....they were becoming skin and bones....finally after all my calls they were removed. Then the lady (bi**h) comes to my house to chew me out! I told her to kick rocks with her sorry *advertiser censored*.

Good for you and thank you. I wish they would have a site like with pedophiles. People who abuse animals, if they are caught with an animal they get a fine and jail time. Some people are just so sick and cruel and shouldn't have animals or children.
This is Violet

And her new home, well, it is sort of a trade off. I adopted her. I realized that we loved her and that she would be a tough sell to most adopters, so I decided, after a year, that she had to stay here. But the sad part is that I can't foster anymore, not with Violet here, anyhow. And foster homes are so hard to find... So everyone, if you love dogs and think you have room for one, consider being a foster Mom or Dad. It is so rewarding, and it goes a long way to help dogs in need. Not all dogs in rescue are bad like Violet, i fostered many lovable imps that were placed into forever homes. violet was too special to let go :)
You can hook up with many rescues, find them on Petfinder, or call any of your local animal shelters, they know who to put you in contact with. Some shelters even use fosters.

She's so cute! I'm happy for you both...

The same thing happened to my best friend. She fostered for a Pom rescue group and already had two dogs, ended up adopting two more over the next couple of years and had to stop fostering.

Now she brings stuff for the rescue group's garage sales.
This is Violet

And her new home, well, it is sort of a trade off. I adopted her. I realized that we loved her and that she would be a tough sell to most adopters, so I decided, after a year, that she had to stay here. But the sad part is that I can't foster anymore, not with Violet here, anyhow. And foster homes are so hard to find... So everyone, if you love dogs and think you have room for one, consider being a foster Mom or Dad. It is so rewarding, and it goes a long way to help dogs in need. Not all dogs in rescue are bad like Violet, i fostered many lovable imps that were placed into forever homes. violet was too special to let go :)
You can hook up with many rescues, find them on Petfinder, or call any of your local animal shelters, they know who to put you in contact with. Some shelters even use fosters.

OMG i have tears!!!! What a wonderful person you are. Violet was sent to you for a reason. You have done your wonderful work. Now you have Violet. As it should be.
Hi, we bought Annie from a family. Annie was the last word.LOL. She was so bad. I told my husband it was a good thing we got her as we understood she had a screw loose! Someone else would have beat her, but we never did. We always remembered she had serious mental problems..Poor baby! :scared:
This is way off topic and gender specific...but..I did get a consult re: my marionette lines ..and ladies I was told fillers for marrionette lines are addressed with the fillers, last 9-12 months...and I am plunging forward...ok enough ot

Good luck!
Glad you got through it.

LOL We always got thru it. It was just crazy times. The Med Students were the worst tho. At the end of your shift they would throw you in the shower then douse you with powder. Wait for you outside at night as you were entering your car jump out at you. Or be under your car and grab your leg. Payback was a b!tch for them :floorlaugh:
Zervakos should never have been on this jury--much less be named Jury Foreman. He does seem quite naive --especially given his age. In my opinion he didn't seem to gain wisdom as he aged. I also think he "has a thing" for JA. He mentioned in an earlier interview that he'd like to visit her in jail. Sounds a bit pervish to me.

Think he was a stealth juror? I do.
LOL We always got thru it. It was just crazy times. The Med Students were the worst tho. At the end of your shift they would throw you in the shower then douse you with powder. Wait for you outside at night as you were entering your car jump out at you. Or be under your car and grab your leg. Payback was a b!tch for them :floorlaugh:

Sounds like a fun bunch. I guess you need a sense of humor to deal with what you see and have to deal with.
This is way off topic and gender specific...but..I did get a consult re: my marionette lines ..and ladies I was told fillers for marrionette lines are addressed with the fillers, last 9-12 months...and I am plunging forward...ok enough ot

Yes fillers are the way to go for those lines. I have done a bit of botox and was told the same for those lines. Let me know how you like it. I'm a bit skeered of doing fillers.
Oh my gosh, The Muffin Man, how long has it been since I've heard that?

So I did everyone a favor. Here it is, and, it's a sing along! :floorlaugh:

Do You Know The Muffin Man ? sing a long - YouTube

Wow, I had to respond to this post and all other the Muffin Man posts -- my youngest son, who is 36, played the Muffin Man in a school play in the first grade -- I remember we went out and bought him a chef's hat, and a baker's apron, etc. -- and I made muffins the night before and put them in a muffin tin for the play the next day -- he was so excited -- he practiced saying "I'm the Muffin Man from Drury Lane" for days beforehand -- he came out to a packed audience the next night and stood at the front of stage, and while the rest of the class was singing Muffin Man, he got so excited he somehow jerked his arms up and all the muffins flew into the orchestra and audience -- it was hysterical -- but we felt so bad for him -- but, everyone thought it was part of the play so everyone laughed and he laughed it off too -- for a second, I was dying for him, but there was no trauma, he thought he was a comedian -- whew. Thanks, for the memory. :tyou:
Well gotta walk the dogs. Going to go right pass that house. If you don't hear from me in a few days, you'll know the guy retaliated. I hope he's not that crazy, but you never know. Goodnight.
You have to be so careful!

In college, I was home sick one afternoon and someone knocked on my apartment door. Without moving the curtain I looked through the crack and saw this guy I'd never seen before. I said, "Who is it?"

He said, "I'm from the Behind the Window Project and I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Now, I had just looked at this dude and he wasn't carrying any leaflets, clipboard (I still wouldn't have opened the door), nothing...

I said, "I'm sorry, but I'm sick today. Thanks anyway."

He goes, "I'm not afraid of getting sick."

I told him I wasn't interested and called the cops. By the time the cops got there he was gone.

Guess who the "Behind the Window Project" was?????


Talking about spooky things reminds me of the six Alday family members being murdered on May 14, 1973.

My ex-husband had gone to Donalsonville, Georgia with three of his friends to camp out and fish at White's Pond for a few days.

They got there on May 13th. They fished and cooked the fish they caught. Later on in the camper they played cards. The camper was hooked to the truck with a trailer chain and a lock. After midnight they went to sleep. One of the guy's woke up when he heard someone outside. None of them had brought any weapons with them so they listened and remained quiet. They could tell whoever it was ........was trying to unhook the camper from the truck. They could hear multiple footsteps and whispering outside the camper. Then one of the one's on the outside tried to open the door to the camper. Thank God they had locked it before going to bed.

The next morning they piled out of the camper and didn't see anyone around so they went back fishing. Later in the evening of the 14th at almost duskdark they heard dogs barking and looked up and saw the police in swat clothing everywhere surrounding their camper. They were scared to death and had no clue what had happened very close to where they were. They pulled the boat up to the dock and walked up to the police and asked them what was happening and they said that the tracking dogs had picked up the scents around their camper of the suspects who they believed had murdered 6 members of the Alday family. The police asked them many questions until they were sure they weren't involved. None of the dogs were interested in my ex or his buddies.

So the police believed that they intended to steal the truck that belonged to my ex's buddy and when they weren't successful they made their way to the Alday farm and that is when the hellish nightmare began. They were prison escapees from a northern state.

It took Georgia 30 years to execute Carl Issac the gang leader. He was allowed to live longer than five of the lives he and his gang murdered.:(

So sometimes you can be closer to evil than you would ever think. If they had been able to get into the camper that night ....all of those men would have been murdered too.

Oh but it's a "dry heat" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

uh huh ... Oh yeah ...and that second degree burn on the part of my *advertiser censored* cheek that got out of my shorts just as I hit the leather car seat today ... It's just part of the fun of living in ... It's a dry heat, AZ...
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