SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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Ahhhhhh..........Home, Sweet Home!!!! Was spending time on another trial thread and all I can say is 5 months with the Alexander trial, as frustrating and horrific as it was, and still is, brought together an incredible group of great posters, who had the utmost respect for each other and their opinions/remarks.

I wish we all had the same interests in specific trials......cause it's pretty crazy moving to another trial thread!!!!! :banghead: I must of been caught in the cross hairs of what I deem a "keyboard warrior", who does nothing but pick apart posts. They post with $20 words that "look" like viable opinions but the context and definitions of those $20 words don't add up to 2 cents. :banghead:
How do you post "I am not here to educate you on the food chain of LE and the Judicial system" without sounding snarky? And, cefalohematoma and subdural hematoma, though both head injuries, are diagnosed by different methods as they are different injuries, one outside the skull and the other inside the skull, come on, I know you're not a Dr. cause you just compared apples to oranges, do you know what that big word you used, "subdural hematoma" is or did you just pull that out of a hat?..........AURGH!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

I love this thread, every one is chilled out, everyone is NICE, I NEED to chill out!
Sorry, kids, had to vent a little...I may have a bit of "Juanitis", "yes, no, is that what I asked, right". :scared:

I know what thread you are talking about!!! I miss this one so much. So much respect and adultness!!! (if that is a word) I pointed out a number of subtle evidence that I thought was huge. Boy you thought I have just committed treason against God and country! The response really didn't make sense once I thought about it. I didn't even respond and left the thread.

Oh well. I am glad I am not the only one who noticed. Thank you !!

Always and as usual JMHO
Mark E. could recite the back of a bottle of Draino and I'd be listening to every word, and smiling. He is a very articulate, funny person. Sometimes he expresses an opinion I don't agree with, but it is OK. That is a very rare trait.

Rofl!! I was thinking he could read a phone book or dictionary aloud and he'd fascinate me but I like your thoughts better

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Ok, I would like to vent for a second... maybe it is just me but I really feel we give WAY too many rights to CONVICTED KILLERS!!!! A woman who was shown to be 'especially cruel' can have a twitter account, get a college degree, continue to paint pictures, and still communicate with the outside world, while Travis Alexander's Family has the TRUE life sentence of living without their brother, and still having to hear or see 'droppings' of his killer!

Out of respect, victims families should not have to read 'tweets', or anything, have to see paintings, etc. Once the murderer is convicted they should never be heard from again. This should just be part of the 'sentence'.

Thank you, I feel a little better :)

There/there Word. Everything is OK. :seeya:
You are so correct and it's unfortunate that murderers do get so many rights; that just seem so wrong, but, and it's too bad, they have rights according to the law:

Prisoner's Rights Law deals with the rights of inmates to civil and human rights. Rights include: the right to due processes; administrative appeals; right to access the parole process (denied to those incarcerated in the Federal System); right to practice religion freely; right to equal protection (Fourteenth Amendment); right to be notified of all charges against them; right to receive a written statement explaining evidence used in reaching a disposition; right to file a civil suit against another person; right to medical treatment (both long and short term); right to mental health treatment that is both adequate and appropriate; right to a hearing upon being relocated to the mental health facility; right to personal property (cigarettes, stationary, a watch, cosmetics, and snack-food); right to visitation; right to adequate food that would sustain an average person; the right to bathe and the right to not be punished cruelly or unusually.
I don't know where in the above prisoner's rights it says that convicted murderers have the right to tweet, etc.
Luv this!

Nanton Firefighter.jpg

Cradling an elderly woman in his arms, Wiebe is smiling as he wades through the deep floodwater near his staging area at the Co-op mall.

That ear-to-ear grin was caused by one statement provided by the lady whom he was carrying; ‘I haven’t been carried like this since my wedding day’, she said.

The look on her face says it all :floorlaugh:
My computers is all wonky (bad weather and bad satellite internet provider- bah) so, I'll just go to bed with Frasier and Niles. Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow.
Good-night all.
Nancy Grace is really irritating me tonight.
She should be subjective, not offensive.
Nancy Grace is really irritating me tonight.
She should be subjective, not offensive.

And this is news how??? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

If Nancy wasn't being totally subjective and offensive she wouldn't be Nancy. :facepalm:

Merriam Webster definition of subjective:

peculiar to a particular individual : personal <subjective judgments> (2) : modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background <a subjective account of the incident>

Sounds like Nancy to me. What she needs is to be more "objective". This does not sound like Nancy to me:

Merriam Webster definition of objective:

expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations <objective art> <an objective history of the war> <an objective judgment>
Nancy Grace is really irritating me tonight.
She should be subjective, not offensive.

Yes, we noticed she had a problem with GZ friend...It was hysterical. She even wanted to cut his mic when he got the best of her.
Yes, we noticed she had a problem with GZ friend...It was hysterical. She even wanted to cut his mic when he got the best of her.

Yes she did...My husband and I were cracking up because when he got the best of her, her only response was to cut his mic !!! :floorlaugh:
Yes she did...My husband and I were cracking up because when he got the best of her, her only response was to cut his mic !!! :floorlaugh:

Nobody should listen to this "friend" of GZ's. He's a loud mouth, who spews nothing but garbage. He yells on every single show. I'm not a huge fan of NG but she had it right tonight...cut him off! Ugh. Check out JVM that last two days and you will see what I mean. The guy is obnoxious!! He's not even going to be called as a witness, just a loud mouth who used up his 15 minutes a longggg time ago. Patti anyone? :facepalm: JMO.
Thanks. I have Google Chrome. What is "closing the Browser"? :blushing: I know "refresh". I'll look into that website. :seeya:

Just close it like you would any software program. It can be closed (I'm on a Mac using Safari so for me I go to the top task bar under the tab Safari,click on that and you get a drop down. The last option in the list is quit Safari) On a PC it would be the same, just quit from wherever you quit from. How helpful am I LOL! :floorlaugh:

I hope that helped.
Who cares what she's reading. I can't believe she needs to tweet what she is doing in jail. She still thinks she is so important and is such a narcissistic bleech who dwells on herself and thinks everyone else should too. :banghead:

Anyway, good evening all.
Mark E. is hosting the Dr. Drew show. He's so cute. :blushing:

Hes a cutie allright. Dr. Drew was interviewing him and a fog suddenly surrounds him. He said he wanted to see if it affected hi memory.
Good morning all!

I pop in and out of this forum like a pop tart! I hope this trial gets started this year. Knowing this Judge though I have my doubts. JA deserves nothing less than the worst punishment. It sure is satisfying to know she lives in a cage.

As I've mentioned before I'm never following another case closely. I do read the news about the Zimmerman trial. I believe he is innocent and hope he is acquitted. Keeping my fingers crossed on this.
Good morning all!

I pop in and out of this forum like a pop tart! I hope this trial gets started this year. Knowing this Judge though I have my doubts. JA deserves nothing less than the worst punishment. It sure is satisfying to know she lives in a cage.

As I've mentioned before I'm never following another case closely. I do read the news about the Zimmerman trial. I believe he is innocent and hope he is acquitted. Keeping my fingers crossed on this.

Yes. And for some reason, the media and those that control them are fanning the flames and trying to divide the country (even to the point of slicing and dicing recordings to prove a false point). I don't think that's going to happen, because we're smarter than that.

Nice to "see" you, Rose! :seeya: Haven't been around too much myself, as I have a new rule that certain chores have to be done before I turn on the computer. The last two days that didn't happen until after dark! :floorlaugh:
Yes. And for some reason, the media and those that control them are fanning the flames and trying to divide the country (even to the point of slicing and dicing recordings to prove a false point). I don't think that's going to happen, because we're smarter than that.

Nice to "see" you, Rose! :seeya: Haven't been around too much myself, as I have a new rule that certain chores have to be done before I turn on the computer. The last two days that didn't happen until after dark! :floorlaugh:

Nice to see you around too, Jane. :seeya:

The Zimmerman case is not very difficult to figure out once race is left out of the matter and it should be. Some people feel obligated to support TM because he was black. If I were on the jury then I could not, in good conscience, find GM guilty of anything even manslaughter. I hope he is acquitted and learns to be a little less paranoid and zealous from now onwards.
Nice to see you around too, Jane. :seeya:

The Zimmerman case is not very difficult to figure out once race is left out of the matter and it should be. Some people feel obligated to support TM because he was black. If I were on the jury then I could not, in good conscience, find GM guilty of anything even manslaughter. I hope he is acquitted and learns to be a little less paranoid and zealous from now onwards.

It looks like a manslaughter case to me, if you accept the worst case scenario for Zimmerman -- that he pounced on Martin thinking he was a robber and tried to restrain him until police arrived. It's not a second degree murder case. He believed he was a crook and he called the police for assistance. He had no intention to murder him. Restrain him, yes.
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