SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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I think she also managed to avoid the bible where it says "thou shall not kill"
SHe must have been spending all her time reading the back of a KY bottle.

JA has violated more than one Commandment.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

8. Thou shall not steal.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his *advertiser censored*, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's

JA the psychopath is a danger to both society in general and everyone around her in prison. She is of no value to anyone, anywhere, anyway, anyhow. She is devoid of everything other than black and evil. The death penalty is what her contribution to society should be.
What's going on with the margins?:scared:
Ahhhhhh..........Home, Sweet Home!!!! Was spending time on another trial thread and all I can say is 5 months with the Alexander trial, as frustrating and horrific as it was, and still is, brought together an incredible group of great posters, who had the utmost respect for each other and their opinions/remarks.

I wish we all had the same interests in specific trials......cause it's pretty crazy moving to another trial thread!!!!! :banghead: I must of been caught in the cross hairs of what I deem a "keyboard warrior", who does nothing but pick apart posts. They post with $20 words that "look" like viable opinions but the context and definitions of those $20 words don't add up to 2 cents. :banghead:
How do you post "I am not here to educate you on the food chain of LE and the Judicial system" without sounding snarky? And, cefalohematoma and subdural hematoma, though both head injuries, are diagnosed by different methods as they are different injuries, one outside the skull and the other inside the skull, come on, I know you're not a Dr. cause you just compared apples to oranges, do you know what that big word you used, "subdural hematoma" is or did you just pull that out of a hat?..........AURGH!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

I love this thread, every one is chilled out, everyone is NICE, I NEED to chill out!
Sorry, kids, had to vent a little...I may have a bit of "Juanitis", "yes, no, is that what I asked, right". :scared:
I love Lenny! I always forget to listen to his music. Thanks
Right now I'm listening to Sade. My son grew up with me listening to her music and it impacted him so much that he did his college entrance project on Sade. He got into the school too:)
I finally ordered a kindle for late night reading on camping trips. No more struggling in a mummy bag holding a book in one hand, flashlight in the other and turning pages with my nose lol
I'm creating a wish list of books while I await delivery.
I've ordered a few that were recommended by you all :tyou:

I came upon the following and would love to hear your opinions, if any of you have read it.
The author Joyce Carol Oats is an excellent writer but I've never heard of this book before today.

Zombie is a classic novel of dark obsession from the extraordinary Joyce Carol Oates. A brilliant, unflinching journey into the mind of a serial killer, Zombie views the world through the eyes of Quentin P., newly paroled sex offender, as he chillingly evolves from rapist to mass murderer. Joyce Carol Oates - the prolific author of so many extraordinary bestsellers, including The Gravediggers Daughter, Blonde, and The Falls - demonstrates why she ranks among America's most respected and accomplished literary artists with this provocative, breathtaking, and disturbing masterwork.

TIA :seeya:
Good grief. Is the guy a serial killer? I figured the murder he is charged with was personal.

Investigators believe a fight broke out at Cure, a club in the South End, between two men and a group that included Hernandez.

The two men, Daniel Abreu and Safiro Furtado, friends who grew up in Cape Verde, left the club with three other men in a BMW sedan in the early morning hours of July 16, 2012.

Abreu, who was driving, stopped at a traffic light on Shawmut Avenue, about to make a left onto Herald Street, when a silver or gray SUV with Rhode Island license plates pulled alongside the sedan. Someone from the SUV opened fire, killing Abreu, 29, and Furtado, 28.

The men who were with them survived the attack and the killings were left unsolved.

The two officials, who asked for anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation, said investigators now believe that Odin Lloyd, the man Hernandez is charged with killing in a North Attleborough industrial park June 17, may have had information about Hernandez’s role in the double slaying.

“The motive might have been that the victim knew [Hernandez] might have been involved,” one of the officials said.

The new revelations raised the specter that Hernandez might have been playing football games last season with the Patriots after he had participated in a double murder.
According to CM and her twitter, she just finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". A good read according to her. One which she did not read in school.

Who cares what she's reading. I can't believe she needs to tweet what she is doing in jail. She still thinks she is so important and is such a narcissistic bleech who dwells on herself and thinks everyone else should too. :banghead:

Anyway, good evening all.
Mark E. is hosting the Dr. Drew show. He's so cute. :blushing:
Mark E. could recite the back of a bottle of Draino and I'd be listening to every word, and smiling. He is a very articulate, funny person. Sometimes he expresses an opinion I don't agree with, but it is OK. That is a very rare trait.
I finally ordered a kindle for late night reading on camping trips. No more struggling in a mummy bag holding a book in one hand, flashlight in the other and turning pages with my nose lol
I'm creating a wish list of books while I await delivery.
I've ordered a few that were recommended by you all :tyou:

I came upon the following and would love to hear your opinions, if any of you have read it.
The author Joyce Carol Oats is an excellent writer but I've never heard of this book before today.

Zombie is a classic novel of dark obsession from the extraordinary Joyce Carol Oates. A brilliant, unflinching journey into the mind of a serial killer, Zombie views the world through the eyes of Quentin P., newly paroled sex offender, as he chillingly evolves from rapist to mass murderer. Joyce Carol Oates - the prolific author of so many extraordinary bestsellers, including The Gravediggers Daughter, Blonde, and The Falls - demonstrates why she ranks among America's most respected and accomplished literary artists with this provocative, breathtaking, and disturbing masterwork.

TIA :seeya:

:facepalm: Uh "sisters from different mothers?" :floorlaugh:

I just got "We Need to Talk About Kevin", it's waiting on my "Kindle for PC".
I couldn't get the movie on Netflix instant, blahhhhhhh!!!!! Read the sample, interesting!
I haven't read "Zombie", but "Gone Girl", "Sharp Objects", and "Dark Places" (Gillian Flynn) were all pretty good...."Gone Girl" is the best of the 3, so CMJA mentality.
You'll have to give a review of "Zombie". I still have "World without End" (Follett) to start courtesy of my son's GF, and I'm halfway through "Taking the Leap: Building a Career as a Visual Artist", something my son "claims" he wants my advice on, but I think it's part of his plot to get me back into graphic design. His career is so networked with all the right peeps, he has a backlog of commissions to last til October, several showings in the bag, and a featured artist's display at the new Comicon Store in Colorado. Advice my behind! :floorlaugh:
According to CM and her twitter, she just finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". A good read according to her. One which she did not read in school.

Unfortunately the humanity of that book will be completely lost on her.
Ahhhhhh..........Home, Sweet Home!!!! Was spending time on another trial thread and all I can say is 5 months with the Alexander trial, as frustrating and horrific as it was, and still is, brought together an incredible group of great posters, who had the utmost respect for each other and their opinions/remarks.

I wish we all had the same interests in specific trials......cause it's pretty crazy moving to another trial thread!!!!! :banghead: I must of been caught in the cross hairs of what I deem a "keyboard warrior", who does nothing but pick apart posts. They post with $20 words that "look" like viable opinions but the context and definitions of those $20 words don't add up to 2 cents. :banghead:
How do you post "I am not here to educate you on the food chain of LE and the Judicial system" without sounding snarky? And, cefalohematoma and subdural hematoma, though both head injuries, are diagnosed by different methods as they are different injuries, one outside the skull and the other inside the skull, come on, I know you're not a Dr. cause you just compared apples to oranges, do you know what that big word you used, "subdural hematoma" is or did you just pull that out of a hat?..........AURGH!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

I love this thread, every one is chilled out, everyone is NICE, I NEED to chill out!
Sorry, kids, had to vent a little...I may have a bit of "Juanitis", "yes, no, is that what I asked, right". :scared:

IKWYM. I was like clicking my heels together going "there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home". :floorlaugh:

Good evening good peeps!!!!!!
Ahhhhhh..........Home, Sweet Home!!!! Was spending time on another trial thread and all I can say is 5 months with the Alexander trial, as frustrating and horrific as it was, and still is, brought together an incredible group of great posters, who had the utmost respect for each other and their opinions/remarks.

I wish we all had the same interests in specific trials......cause it's pretty crazy moving to another trial thread!!!!! :banghead: I must of been caught in the cross hairs of what I deem a "keyboard warrior", who does nothing but pick apart posts. They post with $20 words that "look" like viable opinions but the context and definitions of those $20 words don't add up to 2 cents. :banghead:
How do you post "I am not here to educate you on the food chain of LE and the Judicial system" without sounding snarky? And, cefalohematoma and subdural hematoma, though both head injuries, are diagnosed by different methods as they are different injuries, one outside the skull and the other inside the skull, come on, I know you're not a Dr. cause you just compared apples to oranges, do you know what that big word you used, "subdural hematoma" is or did you just pull that out of a hat?..........AURGH!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

I love this thread, every one is chilled out, everyone is NICE, I NEED to chill out!
Sorry, kids, had to vent a little...I may have a bit of "Juanitis", "yes, no, is that what I asked, right". :scared:

OMG, Bernina. :floorlaugh: I did the same thing you did. It's been pretty slow here so I sauntered over to a different trial thread tonight (sounds like the same thread).:doorhide: Seems as if everyone was :bigfight: and I was, like, :gasp: :eek: and I :hills:, just like you. At least, I think, even if we may disagree sometimes, we know when to "agree to disagree" here. :twocents: When we do disagree we do it this way :slap: :pillowfight2: :floorlaugh:. I don't think I'm going back to that thread. ::notgood:
Ok, I would like to vent for a second... maybe it is just me but I really feel we give WAY too many rights to CONVICTED KILLERS!!!! A woman who was shown to be 'especially cruel' can have a twitter account, get a college degree, continue to paint pictures, and still communicate with the outside world, while Travis Alexander's Family has the TRUE life sentence of living without their brother, and still having to hear or see 'droppings' of his killer!

Out of respect, victims families should not have to read 'tweets', or anything, have to see paintings, etc. Once the murderer is convicted they should never be heard from again. This should just be part of the 'sentence'.

Thank you, I feel a little better :)
:facepalm: Uh "sisters from different mothers?" :floorlaugh:

I just got "We Need to Talk About Kevin", it's waiting on my "Kindle for PC".
I couldn't get the movie on Netflix instant, blahhhhhhh!!!!! Read the sample, interesting!
I haven't read "Zombie", but "Gone Girl", "Sharp Objects", and "Dark Places" (Gillian Flynn) were all pretty good...."Gone Girl" is the best of the 3, so CMJA mentality.
You'll have to give a review of "Zombie". I still have "World without End" (Follett) to start courtesy of my son's GF, and I'm halfway through "Taking the Leap: Building a Career as a Visual Artist", something my son "claims" he wants my advice on, but I think it's part of his plot to get me back into graphic design. His career is so networked with all the right peeps, he has a backlog of commissions to last til October, several showings in the bag, and a featured artist's display at the new Comicon Store in Colorado. Advice my behind! :floorlaugh:

Gone Girl: bought. I can't wait to bite into this book!
Sharp Objects: I skipped over that one as it didn't bite me back. I suppose I might give it a go later.
Dark Places: Added to wish list. I'm intrigued.
Haven't read any Follett in ages. I have to be in the mood ;)
Taking the Leap: Building a Career as a Visual Artist : Your son is awesome :floorlaugh: Seriously though, aren't you busy enough blogging and all?!
But really, sounds like there's a lot of talent in your family...Mom's genes no doubt.

If you like some light entertaining reading in between all else you have going on, try The Brothers Sisters. It's fast paced, humourous and dark. I loved it, ate it in one bite. Great read for the beach or desert summer daze.
The overview doesn't come close to the describing this book. So well written!
An undertone of psychopathy included, muhahahaha.

And if you're into dark undertones, superb skilled writing, anything Timothy Findley ♥
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