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Hibiscus require at least 1 inch of rain (or equivalent watering) each week. They like to be constantly moist, but not wet. Feed twice a month during the growing season and prune as necessary to control plant size and cut back errant branches. Cut branches back to just above a side shoot. Hibiscus are sensitive to cold and should be protected when temperatures dip into the 30s; container-grown plants should be brought indoors. Check plants periodically for pests such as aphids, white flies, and mealybugs. Use a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to control these pests.

In NJ, you'll probably have to bring it in according to above website.

Huge hug to you!!! I'll be dragging them in:)
The moon looks full tonight and kinda scary, with all the clouds moving in front of it. :dracula:
Nice and cool outside.
Heading out ladies - always a pleasure to be here. Sweet dreams.
Pour vinegar on stings instant relief also works on jellyfish stings the ph of the vinegar neutralizes the venom.
Anyone know if I bring them indoors in the fall... Will they live? I would really like to keep them.


You can bring hibiscus indoors in the fall. Here in Connecticut, I had a tree for more than 10 years and it started to get quite difficult to move back and forth.

Do watch out for aphids. I finally got rid of the hibiscus because I could not find a way to control the aphids. By February of each year (fifth month indoors), the aphids were out of control.

I used to hard prune my plant whenever shifting between indoors and outdoors. It helped keep the plant size more manageable. Given the right amount of sunlight and fertilizer, the plant should blossom twice a year.
You can try but yours are probably annuals. Try anyway! If the stems "die", cut it down to the dirt and see what happens next spring.

They won't survive, :( I have tried everything, including hibernation. I have blooming grass that I bring in every fall. I put it in a dark closet and do not water it until the following spring.
They won't survive, :( I have tried everything, including hibernation. I have blooming grass that I bring in every fall. I put it in a dark closet and do not water it until the following spring.

These bloom the entire growing season before the first frost. They are about 12 inches tall and I have pots and pots of them. If anyone wants some bulbs, I will happily share. :)

Just some observations in life's adventures:

respectfully snipped==========================================================
I have a wasp that lives in my light fixture on my back deck (well maybe not "in", but behind, I guess- in the siding???). I researched this particular wasp- seems there are all kinds (live and learn), because I was afraid to be stung :scared:, Seems this wasp does not bite, so I'll leave it alone.
The wasp looks just like the picture in this article (for an insect- it's pretty good looking :floorlaugh:):
Thanks for reading :seeya:

We get what I guess is wasps on the porch every year. I don't like killing bugs that are outside - 'cause it's their territory - but I don't want the fam to get stung, either! So they sometimes have their nest, um, "removed."

Like you, though, this year, they don't seem to be too aggressive, so I'm just leaving them alone. A relief for me, and probably for the wasps, too! :truce:

Linda7NJ said:
Anyone know if I bring them indoors in the fall... Will they live? I would really like to keep them.

Sorry, can't help you there. All I know is that they make really good tea! :smile:
I have a recipe for the grill to go with all of the great rub recipes, etc on this thread! (yum! I am sooo trying that rub that has the cocoa powder in it!!!)

In a foil pan (sprayed with pam.. and I do individual ones for mister nurse and I)

chop and put in pan:
yellow squash
fresh garlic
garbanzo beans (I use fresh ones and boil them first with fresh jalepeno, garlic, and banana pepper and keep them in fridge to add to this recipe)
any color pepper (I use them all)

drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt and pepper

cover with foil and grill for 10 minutes with foil on

(at this point I put the brats or burgers on and let them cook the rest of the way with the foil off while the meat is cooking and they are done at the same time)

right before you take them off you put on the top: two slices of fresh provalone cheese.
and best way to grill corn on the grill (no soaking needed!!!!)

You take the corn and you gently pull down the leaves so it sort of looks like a peeled banana (don't rip the leaves off except for the dry brown ones)

take out all the silk (this is the key)

pull the leaves back up

take a pitcher of water and have it sitting next to you. At this point you pour the water down to fill the leaves (it will run all out but that is okay). Hold the corn upside down and shake out all the water and then you twist the top of the leaves to seal it up (does not have to be perfect)

put on the grill for 25 minutes turning every so often so your leaves don't catch fire hahaha. (even if they do it is okay as it has a delicious flavor)

This is the best dang corn I have ever tasted. It is tender and crisp and also has a roasted flavor! It is even good cold the next morning or I add the left over to salsa.

hint: I found that breaking off the very tips of the corn made it easier to do the twist on the top with the leaves.
I have a recipe for the grill to go with all of the great rub recipes, etc on this thread! (yum! I am sooo trying that rub that has the cocoa powder in it!!!)

In a foil pan (sprayed with pam.. and I do individual ones for mister nurse and I)

chop and put in pan:
yellow squash
fresh garlic
garbanzo beans (I use fresh ones and boil them first with fresh jalepeno, garlic, and banana pepper and keep them in fridge to add to this recipe)
any color pepper (I use them all)

drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt and pepper

cover with foil and grill for 10 minutes with foil on

(at this point I put the brats or burgers on and let them cook the rest of the way with the foil off while the meat is cooking and they are done at the same time)

right before you take them off you put on the top: two slices of fresh provalone cheese.

Yum! Sounds awesome nurse. And you won't be sorry you tried the cocoa rub, it's fabulous.
and best way to grill corn on the grill (no soaking needed!!!!)

You take the corn and you gently pull down the leaves so it sort of looks like a peeled banana (don't rip the leaves off except for the dry brown ones)

take out all the silk (this is the key)

pull the leaves back up

take a pitcher of water and have it sitting next to you. At this point you pour the water down to fill the leaves (it will run all out but that is okay). Hold the corn upside down and shake out all the water and then you twist the top of the leaves to seal it up (does not have to be perfect)

put on the grill for 25 minutes turning every so often so your leaves don't catch fire hahaha. (even if they do it is okay as it has a delicious flavor)

This is the best dang corn I have ever tasted. It is tender and crisp and also has a roasted flavor! It is even good cold the next morning or I add the left over to salsa.

hint: I found that breaking off the very tips of the corn made it easier to do the twist on the top with the leaves.

We do ours the same nurse, except we spread the cob generously with salted butter before pulling the leaves back up. Then we wrap them individually in tin foil and grill. So tasty!
I have a recipe for the grill to go with all of the great rub recipes, etc on this thread! (yum! I am sooo trying that rub that has the cocoa powder in it!!!)

In a foil pan (sprayed with pam.. and I do individual ones for mister nurse and I)

chop and put in pan:
yellow squash
fresh garlic
garbanzo beans (I use fresh ones and boil them first with fresh jalepeno, garlic, and banana pepper and keep them in fridge to add to this recipe)
any color pepper (I use them all)

drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt and pepper

cover with foil and grill for 10 minutes with foil on

(at this point I put the brats or burgers on and let them cook the rest of the way with the foil off while the meat is cooking and they are done at the same time)

right before you take them off you put on the top: two slices of fresh provalone cheese.

Nurse, did you save these recipes in the recipe thread? If not, can you please do so...I would like to have these for future reference! Thanks!
The Duchess is in labor .. baby on the way!

She still looks great - slender as a reed, except for a little tiny bump. Definitely doesn't look nine months preggers!

Originally Posted by Linda7NJ
Someone explain this to me... I quit smoking cigarettes over three years ago... All night I am smelling cigarettes! It's making me nauseated.

How strange! Spray a little Febreeze and see what happens. Just a little.

Ghost of cigarettes past?

Congrats on quitting, btw. That takes a lot of strength! :smile:
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