But if he vacated the motion, that would have been filed & recorded also. I see no movement there by the clerk of the ct.
Have any of you researched your genealogy? I watched that show on Lifetime "Who do you think you are" or something like that. Fascinating.
Why is Obama on Jay Leno?
So, what's everyone doing tonite? I'm looking forward to Auburn Football of course...What team are you for ??? War Eagle!!! :drumroll:
Troy Hayden is on vacation this week.
Looks like KCL's least favorite reporter in the whole wide world is still interjecting himself personally into the trial. Tweets this week about a recent AZ Supreme Court Ruling re Death Row Inmate Trent Benson's appeal. Somehow, Michael Kiefer seems to think that this ruling will bring up appellate issues for CMJA. I disagree.
Boy is she mouthy lately:
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 23h I heard about Lifetime's hatchet job thinly disguised as "creative liberties." Any producers interested in making a film about the truth?
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 23h There's a Facebook group called "Nancy Grace We Hate Your Face!" She earned it.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 5 Aug My book club gets an early start at http://JodisPage.com , thanks to @HeinzFrick
i'm so sorry to hear about your dog. my dog passed away in a similar manner. he was a 13 year old golden retreiver and we had the same bday He was my buddy, followed me everywhere, etc. i remember my favorite thing about coming home from college was seeing him. One day in july a few years ago (i forget the exact date) my parents were outside gardening and he was laying on the patio watching. he just fell asleep and never woke up, right next to a beautiful flower pot. We had a little irish wake for him before my parents wrapped him up and took him to the animal hospital. we got him cremated and they did a great job and gave us his ashes in a beautiful box with his name. i never understood the gravity of losing a pet until i lost my dog. it was so difficult. hugs and prayers to you and your family. remember, all dogs go to heaven
oh and i know they all go to heaven because my daughter pointed to a golden retreiver the other day and said my dogs name. She had never heard his name before and is only 22 months old. it was surreal but as they say, young children are some of the closest creatures/people to god.