SIDEBAR #17- Arias/Alexander forum

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HLN keeps showing pics of CMJA because of her hearing on Monday. I just want her to go away, into the loud hell that is Perryville, never to be seen or heard from again, ever. I want her to be a small footnote in the collective consciousness of those of us who followed this trial.

The Alexander Family may want the DP, as part of justice for TA. However, her evil, ugly face will only serve as a reminder of how much they have lost. For sure, she will file appeal after appeal, motion after motion, just to remain relevant and "newsworthy" in her own mind.

I am really hoping beyond hope, she will be sentenced to LWOP and be done. JMV
HLN keeps showing pics of CMJA because of her hearing on Monday. I just want her to go away, into the loud hell that is Perryville, never to be seen or heard from again, ever. I want her to be a small footnote in the collective consciousness of those of us who followed this trial.

The Alexander Family may want the DP, as part of justice for TA. However, her evil, ugly face will only serve as a reminder of how much they have lost. For sure, she will file appeal after appeal, motion after motion, just to remain relevant and "newsworthy" in her own mind.

I am really hoping beyond hope, she will be sentenced to LWOP and be done. JMV

It came to me that with a DP sentence and all of the appeals, not only is there the attention, but there is also a purpose which is to get the sentence/conviction overturned. This purpose uses both mental and emtional energy, helping the days to pass. Unlike LWOP, where you are just stuck there. It would take an exceptional person to find new meaning in their life under LWOP.

Yet another reason to stick with LWOP instead of the DP.
Hey dudes. This just in from Joey Jackson's FB fan page!

We just got a message from Harold Sorenson, husband to Tanisha (Travis Alexander's sister) sharing with us the good news that Travis' book is now published and on Amazon. Just wanted to share the good news with all of you!

We will be covering the hearing on August 26th and hoping to hear the judge set a date for the penalty phase soon. We are ready to see justice for Travis! Continued prayers for his family. We will never let Travis be forgotten and we pledge to be his voice.....until his voice is finally heard. RIP Travis!

Admin/Sharon RAISING YOU: STUMBLING BLOCKS OR STEPPING STONES, The Roadmap to a Better You eBook: Travis Alexander: Kindle Store
Crazy thing I had to post here- I have to do a consultation on Monday at the cancer/ infusion center where I'm getting the tysabri infusions for my Crohn's. There's going to be a dr watching over me just in case- drug has major side effects. Anyway, his name? Dr Arias. The receptionist spelled it for me and I laughed. I said I followed that trial so I know that name. I hope it's no relation and I'm in good hands lol.
Tysabri. I thought that was a drug for MS.
The FDA recently approved it for Crohn's- a lot of Crohn's meds do double duty.
Crazy thing I had to post here- I have to do a consultation on Monday at the cancer/ infusion center where I'm getting the tysabri infusions for my Crohn's. There's going to be a dr watching over me just in case- drug has major side effects. Anyway, his name? Dr Arias. The receptionist spelled it for me and I laughed. I said I followed that trial so I know that name. I hope it's no relation and I'm in good hands lol.

My husband's company is working with a company in Brazil and he received an email I caught a glimpse. His name was Juan Arias. I thought that was fun.
HLN keeps showing pics of CMJA because of her hearing on Monday. I just want her to go away, into the loud hell that is Perryville, never to be seen or heard from again, ever. I want her to be a small footnote in the collective consciousness of those of us who followed this trial.

The Alexander Family may want the DP, as part of justice for TA. However, her evil, ugly face will only serve as a reminder of how much they have lost. For sure, she will file appeal after appeal, motion after motion, just to remain relevant and "newsworthy" in her own mind.

I am really hoping beyond hope, she will be sentenced to LWOP and be done. JMV

i agree. i will support whatever the alexander's want but imo, she's never gonna be put to death anyway
i agree. i will support whatever the alexander's want but imo, she's never gonna be put to death anyway

I feel the same way too. Get the circus over, put the clown in prison and
forget her.
Looks like he's reaching very far with this one.
cant believe they want to know if any potential jurors have twitter,obviously wanting to eliminate that ones that have seen "its" page. she shouldn't have one in the first place so i don't see why they should be excluded.

im hoping for september trial and her to be sentenced to death on my birthday....i feel like a bit of a sicko :floorlaugh:
JSS will deny the motion and stick with the admonishment; that's my prediction.

I saw this mentioned on Twitter and then found the motion. Gotta say that Tara was spot on with her tweets and above reproach. FB comments were not quite as clear cut and it is ironic that Nurmi left FB out of it????

Nurmi does need a refresher course in writing. At first I though CMJA had written the brief until I got to case citation.

Now I understand why CMJA's tweets were cleaned up over the weekend. Somebody (I wonder who?) hatched this idea, so while it was in the works and being drafted, CMJA's account needed to be cleaned of offensive tweets. If she opens the door to Twitter, she does not want JSS seeing some of the nasty stuff she has put out there for the public.
JSS will deny the motion and stick with the admonishment; that's my prediction.

I saw this mentioned on Twitter and then found the motion. Gotta say that Tara was spot on with her tweets and above reproach. FB comments were not quite as clear cut and it is ironic that Nurmi left FB out of it????

Nurmi does need a refresher course in writing. At first I though CMJA had written the brief until I got to case citation.

Now I understand why CMJA's tweets were cleaned up over the weekend. Somebody (I wonder who?) hatched this idea, so while it was in the works and being drafted, CMJA's account needed to be cleaned of offensive tweets. If she opens the door to Twitter, she does not want JSS seeing some of the nasty stuff she has put out there for the public.

Hmmm...been thinking. Maybe her DT did come up with this idea as a way to try to keep CMJA from tweeting anymore? As in Juan Martinez and "Anything you tweet can and will be used against you."
JSS will deny the motion and stick with the admonishment; that's my prediction.

I saw this mentioned on Twitter and then found the motion. Gotta say that Tara was spot on with her tweets and above reproach. FB comments were not quite as clear cut and it is ironic that Nurmi left FB out of it????

Nurmi does need a refresher course in writing. At first I though CMJA had written the brief until I got to case citation.

Now I understand why CMJA's tweets were cleaned up over the weekend. Somebody (I wonder who?) hatched this idea, so while it was in the works and being drafted, CMJA's account needed to be cleaned of offensive tweets. If she opens the door to Twitter, she does not want JSS seeing some of the nasty stuff she has put out there for the public.

The only problem with that, is that you can never delete something off the internet. Anything she's said on Twitter can be brought back. I wonder if her "savvy" lawyers know this.
Hmmm...been thinking. Maybe her DT did come up with this idea as a way to try to keep CMJA from tweeting anymore? As in Juan Martinez and "Anything you tweet can and will be used against you."

That's a good possibility. With this motion, it doesn't seem like the defense is being offered any kind of deal they would accept and proceeding to retrial, huh? I really thought there would be a deal but this doesn't sound like it.
So, Ms. Arias wants to read the jurors' twitters. Since she's been doing such prying for years, she will be a practiced hand at it and no doubt qualify as her own expert. This will be one more way for her to make not only pin money but money on the scale paid other professional witnesses. Interesting too that she's been maligning & slandering others from jail via her own twitter acc't but now wants to act as censor over the acc'ts of her peers on the outside. And a very strict censor at that.
OMG...can you imagine CMJA giving twitter handles to her JAII friends? :eek:

Just another reason to be very, very careful with your identity out there in cyberspace. Too many nuts out there in this world.
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