SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm off to bed, also.
Goodnight, everyone :seeya:
I love smilies :blushing:

:juanettes: Just found this and wanted to share it:

[ame=""]The Best of Prosecutor Juan Martinez 2013 - Jodi Arias Trial - YouTube[/ame]

Interesting. Did not know this before..."Marilou describes very matter of fact the entire process of what they went through. “After reading the jury instructions, we took a straw poll of how many were guilty of first degree premeditated, how many were not guilty and how many were not sure, There was not a single not guilty vote on our first straw pull.”
Interesting. Did not know this before..."Marilou describes very matter of fact the entire process of what they went through. “After reading the jury instructions, we took a straw poll of how many were guilty of first degree premeditated, how many were not guilty and how many were not sure, There was not a single not guilty vote on our first straw pull.”

WOW! Very interesting indeed. Thanks for sharing, Rose.
Agreed. Don't know if Donovan is still on probation, but, if so, it could be pushed and Donovan receive a probation violation for contact with a convicted felon. I think that would stop me in my tracks. All fine and dandy to be friendly to someone you met in jail, but if it means going back to jail, no way. (I have never been in jail, knock on wood. Just sayin'.)

This is what confuses me. Donovan publicly stated on Nancy Grace, I think it was, that she was the one doing the tweeting. One would think she would have suffered repercussions right then and there. I'm surprised she is allowed to talk with JA on the phone or anything.

Freelance curmudgeon services at no charge. :-D

Does anyone have floaters in their eyes? Do they go away?
I do, have them for a few months now. They have lessened for sure but the dr said to give it about 6 months. It's your vitreous fluid back there. Annoying as heck tho :banghead:

My dr said if you get a curtain of black coming down over your vision then get to the ER right away, it's your retina detaching but otherwise it's just months of annoyance of floaters. Drive me crazy, grrr
Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. When this happens, microscopic fibers within the vitreous tend to clump together and can cast tiny shadows on your retina, which you may see as eye floaters..
Contact an eye specialist promptly if you notice:

Many more eye floaters than usual
A sudden onset of new floaters
Flashes of light
Darkness on the sides of your vision (peripheral vision loss)
These painless symptoms could be caused by a retinal tear, with or without a retinal detachment — a sight-threatening condition that requires immediate attention...

Eye floaters may be caused by:

Age-related eye changes. Eye floaters most commonly occur as a result of age-related changes in the vitreous, the jelly-like substance that fills your eyeballs and helps maintain their round shape. Over time, the vitreous changes in consistency and partially liquefies — a process that causes it to shrink and pull away from the interior surface of the eyeball. As the vitreous shrinks and sags, it clumps up and gets stringy. Bits of this debris block some of the light passing through the eye, casting tiny shadows on your retina.
Inflammation in the back of the eye. Posterior uveitis is inflammation in the layers of the uvea in the back of the eye. Posterior uveitis, which can cause eye floaters, may be caused by infection or inflammatory diseases, among other causes.
Bleeding in the eye. Vitreous hemorrhage is bleeding into the eye's jelly-like vitreous. Bleeding in the eye can have many causes, including injury and blood vessel problems.
Torn retina. Retinal tears can occur when a sagging vitreous tugs on the retina with enough force to tear it. A retinal tear may cause new floaters to appear in your vision. Without treatment, retinal tear may lead to retinal detachment — an accumulation of fluid behind the retina that causes it to separate from the back of your eye. Untreated retinal detachment can cause permanactors that may increase your risk of floaters include:

Age over 50
Eye trauma
Complications from cataract surgery
Diabetic retinopathy
Inflammation in the eye ent vision loss...

re bold - I had both eyes with a torn retina back in 1977. Doctor did a cryo-surgery on both eyes - he actually took out the eye ball to "sew" up the damage. And then in the early '80s had laser shots to repair some holes and tears that I had. I can't go water-skiing or lift anything above 10 pounds. To tell IF you do have a retina tearing - it will be like a kaleidoscope lights in the corner of your eyes.

Our TV conked out yesterday and had to get a new TV before the Niners' game... so went out and bought a new one (Samsung-50") - WOW! What a difference in TV sets!! LOL! Huz got everything done 20 minutes before the game... too bad the Niners lost... :facepalm:

Hi everyone!! :seeya:

edited to add: haven't heard of a "black curtain" ?? just the kaleidoscope effect...
This is what confuses me. Donovan publicly stated on Nancy Grace, I think it was, that she was the one doing the tweeting. One would think she would have suffered repercussions right then and there. I'm surprised she is allowed to talk with JA on the phone or anything.

Freelance curmudgeon services at no charge. :-D

Ok, I will confess, I was bored last week and ended up looking at CMJA's lil ol website she has now which lead me to a link to a FB her Aunt runs for her which lead me to getting all nosy and looking through the Aunt's stuff to clicking on Donovans FB page thru a comment CMJA's Aunt made to DB, yes I was THAT bored, AND it appears DB goes to Perryville prison these days to visit a new gf. I am pretty darn sure convicted felons aren't allowed to visit people in Prison so my guess is that the probation dept and prisons and jails are just too overwhelmed to keep up on everyone's status amd she is slipping through the crack.

Re the black curtain, my Dr said if I suddenly have what seems like a curtain dropping down my eyes and then blackness then it could be my retina detaching.
Otherwise, the floaters by themselves are just annoying.
I will keep the kaleidoscope reference in my mind though just in case.

My dr said if you get a curtain of black coming down over your vision then get to the ER right away, it's your retina detaching but otherwise it's just months of annoyance of floaters. Drive me crazy, grrr

So annoying especially if on the largerer side. My husband had the "black curtain". He lost the color in one eye due to diabetes. He would NOT listen! :banghead:
So annoying especially if on the largerer side. My husband had the "black curtain". He lost the color in one eye due to diabetes. He would NOT listen! :banghead:

Nore, are you feeling better today, dear? :)
Hey, Zuri
I have a funny YTube for you about the eye doctor:

[ame=""]Brian Regan Eye Doctor - YouTube[/ame]


Gcharlie- Stop that!! -you're fogging up the Sidebar and we have eye problems here :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

[ame=""]Foghorn Sound Effect - YouTube[/ame]



Thanks, geevee- that was very informative.
I didn't realize that the jury did not get the transcripts of the trial.

“They didn’t have access to the transcripts so they had to rely on their notes.” That is one aspect the students nor many of the public didn’t realize, including Marilou when she initially began her jury service. When she was told this by the court, she responded in a questionable tone, “What do you mean we don’t have access to transcripts.” This meant they would require quite a bit of note taking, five full notebooks to be exact. This is how many she went through as she mentioned it was around one per month...

And this:- an eye-opener:

“We knew within the first twenty minutes we were going to deadlock. Two on the side of life were not going to change their minds and the three on the side of death weren’t going to change their minds.” She continues explaining, “We decided to give up after everybody had decided on how they were going to vote when it came to the third phase.”
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