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To Jodi, when someone slices up a man the way you did, they deserve to be judged you maniac! :stormingmad:

LOL!!! JA is beyond sick. Poor thing does not like others passing judgement on her. She is a true nut case. PLEASE lock her up for good. In 5 to 10 years, no one will care about her.
To Jodi, when someone slices up a man the way you did, they deserve to be judged you maniac! :stormingmad:


Well said, gramma Nore :blowkiss:
Is there any way for you to enlarge the picture of you and your husband and post it here so we could see it better?
LOL!!! JA is beyond sick. Poor thing does not like others passing judgement on her. She is a true nut case. PLEASE lock her up for good. In 5 to 10 years, no one will care about her.

So right! Ohio got rid of another one today on the guerney!! We now need another drug to knock 'em off. Used our last dose. Cynide? Arsenic? OD strong sedative? it would work. Backyard~ hang 'em ~ shoot 'em! :floorlaugh:
Someone tweeted today and included the link to a handwritten letter from CMJA to Judge Sally Duncan dated 3/14/2011, making the case to keep Kirk Nurmi as defense counsel. While I had seen this document before, it was interesting to read it again under the current circumstances and in light of new information that continues to evolve. This was written in response to his motion to withdraw as legal counsel.

A link to the full letter:

The evidentiary hearing that she addresses above is regarding the introduction of the infamous forged "pedo" letters. The State first learned about these on 6/10/11, the same date that she mentions. She also discloses that Nurmi has spent the past 6 months working on this evidentiary hearing; this lets us know that he received the electronic copies of the letters in September 2010 or sometime prior. This does make sense when reviewed against her jail infraction record where she was cited for the possession of pens, which ostensibly were used to forge the letters.

In the above paragraph, she writes "He is more familiar than anyone else could hope to be with...mitigation..." I guess this sums it all up. She was right in that interview when she said that there were no mitigating factors. It was also interesting that she, as a person claiming self defense as justification, would mention mitigating factors to a judge overseeing her case. The mere mention acknowledges the possibility of a guilty verdict.

In re-reading the letter, I did get the sense that it was not just attorneys, but also CMJA slowing things down before trial. If Nurmi had been replaced, she did not think that another attorney could be brought up to speed in 18 months.

Nurmi has now been on this case for more than four years. This case has lasted longer than many wedding vows...and in this case, it may be until death (penalty) do us part. :floorlaugh:
So right! Ohio got rid of another one today on the guerney!! We now need another drug to knock 'em off. Used our last dose. Cynide? Arsenic? OD strong sedative? it would work. Backyard~ hang 'em ~ shoot 'em! :floorlaugh:

Nore, you are too funny for words :facepalm:
Here's the info on the Ohio execution and why it was the last dose (I was very curious about that!):
Reuters) - Ohio is scheduled to use its last dose of a lethal drug to execute Harry Mitts Jr. on Wednesday, the latest state forced to find alternative methods after the foreign pharmaceutical supplier cut off supplies due to objections to use of the drug for capital punishment.

Ohio's supply of pentobarbital will expire at the end of September and will no longer be legal for executions, said Corrections Department spokeswoman JoEllen Smith...

And this:

The US state of Ohio used the last dose of its execution drug on Wednesday to put to death a man who killed his neighbor's boyfriend and a police officer in a 1994 rampage.
After spending two decades on death row, Harry Mitts was declared dead by lethal injection at 10:39 am (1439 GMT) in Lucasville, Ohio, a prisons spokeswoman said.
The midwestern state used its last dose of the powerful sedative pentobarbital for the 61-year-old's execution. Ohio may announce a new execution method next month.
To Jodi, when someone slices up a man the way you did, they deserve to be judged you maniac! :stormingmad:
Totally! She is so delusional I just want to :banghead:
Will this person ever take responsibility for what it has done?
Thinking she is just like us, morally normal, law-biding citizens...Nope!
Is there any way for you to enlarge the picture of you and your husband and post it here so we could see it better?

Oh Dear I can make it bigger and clearer but how to get it on WS.. I was in LOL hysterics just trying to get it on the computer!! I will ask Amy. Amy is good at doing this. I try to learn so as not to bother her all the time , she is good about it but I feel bad. It is a nice picture of us. I miss him. Saturday would be my son"s birthday. I dreamt of him last night, he called me by name which is something he never did in life. :tears:
Oh Dear I can make it bigger and clearer but how to get it on WS.. I was in LOL hysterics just trying to get it on the computer!! I will ask Amy. Amy is good at doing this. I try to learn so as not to bother her all the time , she is good about it but I feel bad. It is a nice picture of us. I miss him. Saturday would be my son"s birthday. I dreamt of him last night, he called me by name which is something he never did in life. :tears:

YesorNo, didnt tell you the best part. I put the picture on the computer. OK. I lost it. I could not find where I put it. Only took me about 1/2 hr. to find it. :banghead:
I am looking at the family FB page (jodiann.ariasfamily ?) and don't see anything about dispelling any I missing something? :scared:

I believe the first poorly written entry on the FB page is trying to say that a PI is wanting to be hired to dig up god knows what to present during an appeals trial.
The rumor being dispelled is that there is no PI being hired and thus no "new mystery" anything.

Off subject:
I'm with you... I love me my Frasier. It's one of the best written sit coms ever!
I love me my sit coms :floorlaugh:
Another new tweet:

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 16m

"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

7:10 AM - 25 Sep 13 · Details

I'm posting them here for the record, as some tweets have been deletedb.
we have seen some tweets deleted and her account was deactivated for a brief period.

As if anyone would/could ever think Dr. Dyer was addressing violent, cold, heartless homicidal maniacs like the monster murderer CMJA . Except her, that is. But then taking someone's written words entirely out of context and manipulating them to suit her is how her twisted, tortured mind works so that's nothing new. She only understands her own rules, no one else's , certainly not civilized society's .

I think she must be completely out of touch with reality, not because she's crazy, but because she's blinded and corrupted by her own wickedness. If she only had a clue as to how pathetic her little tweets are....... gosh, I might even have a good laugh if she weren't so evil and repulsive.

So hey, Biotch CMJA, why don't you Tweet this ;)
Favorite sitcoms?

I haven't watched any of them over the last ten years or more, so mine will show my age and viewing time.

As a kid...Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie

Mash, Cheers, Tool Time and Scrubs.

I don't think that I've ever watched an entire episode of Seinfeld, but I've heard it was very good.

My apologies to all you Frasier fans...I know nothing about it. :blush:
Favorite sitcoms?

I haven't watched any of them over the last ten years or more, so mine will show my age and viewing time.

As a kid...Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie

Mash, Cheers, Tool Time and Scrubs.

I don't think that I've ever watched an entire episode of Seinfeld, but I've heard it was very good.

My apologies to all you Frasier fans...I know nothing about it. :blush:
I'm back there with I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched. My parents kept a short leash on my sisters and I as young ones, so sit coms was our entertainment. My brother who is older than us made us watch MASH or else :scared: :floorlaugh: we learned to love it. Love Cheers and Tool Time too.

Everybody loves Raymone and King of Queens are my fav too.

I'm a TV Land watcher... Makes me feel happy as I drift to sleep.
Love chick flicks and sit coms!!!!!!!!
YesorNo, didnt tell you the best part. I put the picture on the computer. OK. I lost it. I could not find where I put it. Only took me about 1/2 hr. to find it. :banghead:

You sound just like me when it comes to computer things. I have the hardest time finding where everything is :scared: and I'm scared that I'll do something wrong and really mess up my computer :floorlaugh:

Off subject:
I'm with you... I love me my Frasier. It's one of the best written sit coms ever!
I love me my sit coms :floorlaugh:

Glad you like my favorite shows. It's addicting to me. I also like The Golden Girls.

On the double post- just go to one of the posts and press edit and cancel.
Favorite sitcoms?

I haven't watched any of them over the last ten years or more, so mine will show my age and viewing time.

As a kid...Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie

Mash, Cheers, Tool Time and Scrubs.

I don't think that I've ever watched an entire episode of Seinfeld, but I've heard it was very good.

My apologies to all you Frasier fans...I know nothing about it. :blush:

Frasier is on the Hallmark Channel starting at 10:00 (EST). Give it a try- bet you'll laugh your bloomers off :floorlaugh:
Favorite sitcoms?

I haven't watched any of them over the last ten years or more, so mine will show my age and viewing time.

As a kid...Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie

Mash, Cheers, Tool Time and Scrubs.

I don't think that I've ever watched an entire episode of Seinfeld, but I've heard it was very good.

My apologies to all you Frasier fans...I know nothing about it. :blush:

I did not like Seinfeld when it ran back in the 9'0's. I could not stand George. Now I love the show and have an appreciation for George.
You sound just like me when it comes to computer things. I have the hardest time finding where everything is :scared: and I'm scared that I'll do something wrong and really mess up my computer :floorlaugh:

YesorNO that is my problem! I have visions of the computer going up in smoke.:floorlaugh: Check back later for picture. I did get it enlarged, do you have access to FB.? back..
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