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I thought things were meant to get better after I got rid of it.

Has anyone heard from princess yet?

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Think I'll be spending more time on ws again since I'm back to hardly being able to walk.

Got my boot off and was told not to put it back on and not walk much. Fat chance of that school run, nursery run, groceries and house to run so I've walked too much already and my leg is seizing up and burning because I have no muscle.


Left leg.

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Hi Josie, you have company! my knee went out on me 3 days ago.:tantrum: now my hip hurts from walking funny. I've been reading WS. a lot also, never anyone here when I drop in, except you. I am fortunate that Amy has taken care of everything along with working. I remember the days when I could be in pain and not able to lie around as Joey was little. That is so hard. Try to get some rest, the work wont go anywhere. We can wait for JA. to flip or something..:scared: :loveyou:
Hugs to you, Josie and Nore! I fractured my ankle a few months ago and was laid up for about a week....I can't imagine what you're both dealing with. Ugh!!

What cases are you both reading about? I'm buried in the McStay thread...
Do you have bowed legs? Both point outwards, were you pigeon toed as a babe?
Think I'll be spending more time on ws again since I'm back to hardly being able to walk.

Got my boot off and was told not to put it back on and not walk much. Fat chance of that school run, nursery run, groceries and house to run so I've walked too much already and my leg is seizing up and burning because I have no muscle.


Left leg.

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It is noticeably smaller. Are you doing Physical therapy to help strengthen those muscles? Are you able to flex / move you're ankle yet?
Do you have bowed legs? Both point outwards, were you pigeon toed as a babe?

Hi, I was very pigeon toed! I cured it by walking like a duck around the house.:floorlaugh: I never had bowed legs, one of the goodies I missed.:lol:

Help! I need a stuffing/dressing recipe for Thanksgiving, the simpler the better. It's one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving dinner. My grandma makes it but she puts nuts in hers and I'm allergic. I don't want to say anything (she's been making it forever and I don't want to offend wouldn't be a problem but the day will be chaotic enough for her) so my mom suggested I bring a small dish of my own and just say I'm trying out a new recipe.

Help! I need a stuffing/dressing recipe for Thanksgiving, the simpler the better. It's one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving dinner. My grandma makes it but she puts nuts in hers and I'm allergic. I don't want to say anything (she's been making it forever and I don't want to offend wouldn't be a problem but the day will be chaotic enough for her) so my mom suggested I bring a small dish of my own and just say I'm trying out a new recipe.


Here's my stuffing recipe (very easy and it's good). You could add anything else that you might like to it (cooked sausage, mushrooms, etc. or just use it as is):

2 1/2 cups chicken Broth
Generous dash ground black pepper
2 stalks celery, coarsely chopped (about 1 cup)
1 large onion, coarsely chopped (about 1 cup)
1 pkg. (14 ounces) Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing
1 stick butter

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add celery and onion and cook over medium-high heat until veggies are tender and translucent. Add chicken broth. Reduce the heat to low. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the stuffing and mix lightly.
I use those alum round casserole throwaway pans to put the stuffing in and cover with alum foil. Cook in oven when the turkey is about done- 20 min. and then uncover for about 10 min (just so we have some browned stuffing for those that like it that way). You can also stuff the turkey with this and the rest would go in the alum casserole dish.
Help! I need a stuffing/dressing recipe for Thanksgiving, the simpler the better. It's one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving dinner. My grandma makes it but she puts nuts in hers and I'm allergic. I don't want to say anything (she's been making it forever and I don't want to offend wouldn't be a problem but the day will be chaotic enough for her) so my mom suggested I bring a small dish of my own and just say I'm trying out a new recipe.


Make a pan of cornbread, crumble it up, add chopped onions and celery, sage, salt and pepper, then add chicken broth mix and bake at 325 about 25 minutes is a simple one.

To do it old style you'd save stale bread and cornbread, and make your own broth from the spare turkey parts.

Then you add ham and a good sized turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn pudding, candied sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce (in the can) and fruit salad (cool whip and fruit cocktail (drained) banana's, apples and pecans), then you go lay down till supper of leftovers and pie. We have pecan (we have nine pecan trees), pumpkin, apple and cherry and mincemeat pies. God has blessed us another year, we have much to be thankful for.

My mother and father would flip a coin to see who would get to cook the turkey and make the dressing. It was always good. It was like being on Chopped. The loser at Thanksgiving got to cook for Christmas. And why in the world did it take all night to cook a turkey?

There's about twenty of us and many times one of us bring one or two friends along. We always have more than enough. It's like the loaves and fishes.
My stuffing is made from potatoes. It was what they stuffed geese with in Ireland. The first time I had American stuffing was after I was married. Now my children want me to always make both kinds. I haven't figured out how to get them to settle for one or the other quite yet. Maybe my 26 yo dd should start learning how to make Thanksgiving dinner. A nana can dream.
It is noticeably smaller. Are you doing Physical therapy to help strengthen those muscles? Are you able to flex / move you're ankle yet?

Yeah I've had physio for the last 2 weeks and last app she just said take the boot off and don't put it back on.

Can move my foot but very very sore. And of course my calf muscles are non existent so they are sore.

My foot/leg is altogether more sore than when I done it. Just don't have the incredible burning because of the 2 breaks.

Back to hospital on Monday so I'm going to mention it to them. I don't want the boot back but maybe just a little support or something.

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My father always made the stuffing, but we never put it in the bird. Dries the meat out too much. He made it with a combo of the above recipes by using the Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Stuffing and stale homemade cornbread. He loved to use extra sage, and it was yummy!

Would love to know what the potato stuffing recipe is to give that a try.

Why did it take all night to cook the turkey? IDK. As I recall we had huge birds, 26 lbs and up, to feed us all. I think the turkey was cooked before Thanksgiving Day as the oven can only hold the turkey when it is in there, and only so many things can be cooked at once. So, the turkey got cooked either the day before or the night before and left to rest while everything else was cooking. I always hated that because I only liked the dark meat, and only liked it when it was hot. Cold turkey was not my choice, so, I used a lot of gravy. ;)
man,its so cold here think im about to turn into a block of ice. been -5 since before midnight last night with no change. brrrr

has anyone heard from princess yet?
man,its so cold here think im about to turn into a block of. been -5 since before midnight last night with no change. brrrr

has anyone heard from princess yet?

Hi Josie, I dont think anyone has heard. I'm sure they would post it. I dont remember what she was to have surgery for but I know she was scared. I sooo hope she is ok. It's going to be about 45 here today now that is farenheiht (sp.).. tonight down in the 20's and over the weekend no more than 30 degrees. Winter is upon us. sometimes we go to below zero. freezing is 32 degrees. Coldest I've ever seen is 20 below zero. Your breath freezes in mid air.:floorlaugh: I am really hoping WAT has coverage of arias trial, they can maybe give us word of mouth. Can you get WAT? they do stream the trials. ......I hope your foot is doing better, that has to be so hard with the little ones. I used to think "if I only had help!" but there was none. Well my puppy is already back to sleep! went potty outside, had his cookie, now his sleep. You take care now and try to sit foot propped up. :loveyou:
man,its so cold here think im about to turn into a block of ice. been -5 since before midnight last night with no change. brrrr

has anyone heard from princess yet?

BRRR!!!! Hope u have something warm to sit in front of...and something hot to keep sipping.

I used to live in North Dakota and well remember that kind of cold. It was -30 before wind chill the day I first arrived. :eek::eek: Still haven't gotten over having to plug my car in at night to keep the engine from freezing!
House is nice and toasty thank goodness.

We had -21 two years ago and I thought I was going to die. Colder than russia apparently

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