Hi all, Just checking in and see there hasn't been much going on. Anyway, I'm trying to pack for a trip, not a good thing for me. I'm totally OCD about packing, almost to the point of having a panic attack :scared:. Don't ask me why, but I dread packing to the point that it has interfered with my desire to travel for the past few years, it's such a daunting task I'd rather stay home... :facepalm: Now, we're going from winter weather to warm tropical weather, which makes it even more complicated and me even more crazy. :scared:.
So, from anyone who might be willing, prayers please. I feel like I'm losing my mind so need all the help I can get. TIA
I always over pack. Each has a duffel bag and then I add an extra bag (with everything any of us might need) just in case anyone's bags gets lost.
What all do you have in your purse? I have a bag with four games and a car charger for my Gameboy.
a zipper pencil case with two decks of card;a pencil and small tablet to write on,
a small bag of wipes,three packs of Kleenex, germ killer and hand lotion and a pair fold able pair of ballet flats
a bag with my Atomic fireballs, Jolly Ranchers, and peppermints.
a bag with a fingernail file and clippers,toothpaste, dental floss and a small toothbrush,
a small sewing kit, a box of matches,safety pins, bobby pins,and a small folded up trash bag (in case any one needs to barf) with rubber-bands around it.
my last bag holds a flashlight, Vaseline lips gross,billfold and a small change purse. it weighs a ton, but I can't leave things behind.
I always have to make sure of the what if's the weather changes, or someone gets sick, or almost anything else I've got covered,but I dread that packing ,too.
Look forward to the good time you'll have spending time even with those that need love the most.
Smile at strangers as you walk,, look for a good deed you could do. Something as small as opening a door, or letting someone go ahead of you at the store because they only have two or three items. Sometimes we entertain angels unawares.