Was he happy. :sheesh: Just like your son. :aktion1:
He said he was "apathetic" about the whole thing. :banghead:
I could
rinces: him.
I think he is thinking about this next phase of his life and may be frightened of all the work graduate school will entail- with the classes, teaching assistantships, and field assignments. :scared:
Too bad, as it takes the joy out of each level of success he reaches, IMO. It's only for 2 years (a drop in the bucket for one so young, IMO, but maybe he sees a hundred drops).
I am exciting for him - to actually get out there and "do" instead of just take classes.
They did offer him an assistantship or a fellowship in aging (which he is very interested in). The fellowship requires a 1000 word essay- due 3/10. Now I will have to
ullhair: and get the :thewhip: out so he meets the deadline. It's important to get either one because they offer paying him 1/2 tuition and a $5000 stipend to boot. Nothing to sneeze at, IMO, and less loans! Great opportunities.
After he graduates, I can relax. He's on his own after that because I feel I have done my job and everything after that is up to him. Thank goodness. :facepalm:
Thanks to all for your congrats: Kensie, Niner, Nymeria, Becky, Daisy, and G&AMom.