SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.
I intend to live forever; so far so good.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
My mechanic told me, “ couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall.
Eleanor Roosevelt

- One nice thing about egotists: They don't talk about other people.
- Does The Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
- Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
- How is it possible to have a civil war?
- If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown, too?
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and
thinking, surely I can't look that old. Well... You'll love this
My name is Alice Smith and I was sitting in the waiting room for my
first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his dds diploma, which bore his full name.
Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the
same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago.
Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then?

Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This
balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old
to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan
Park high school .
'Yes. Yes, I did. I'm a mustang,' he gleamed with pride.
'When did you graduate?' I asked.
He answered , 'In 1975.. Why do you ask?'
'You were in my class!', I exclaimed.
He looked at me closely.
Then, that ugly,




fat a$$,



son-of-a-b*#ch asked,

'What did you teach' ???

Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again asking why I didn't do something useful with my time.

Like sitting around the pool and drinking wine is not a good thing, I said.
Talking about my "doing something useful" seems to be her favorite topic of conversation.

She was "only thinking of me" she said, and suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys.

I did this and when I got home last night I decided to teach her a lesson about staying out of my business.

I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a parachute club.

She replied, "Are you nuts? You are 73 years old, and now you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?"

I told her that I even got a membership card and e-mailed a copy to her.
She immediately telephoned me, "Good grief, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club."

"Oh man, I'm in trouble again; I really don't know what to do... I signed up for five jumps a week."

The line went quiet and her friend picked up the phone and said that my daughter had fainted.

Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier but sometimes it can be fun.
Exclamation Truths for Mature Humans

1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
8. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
9. Bad decisions make good stories.
10. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
11. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.
12. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
13. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this -- ever.
14. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring. Hello? Hello? Damn it, but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?
15. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing any one of importance the entire day. What a waste.
16. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.
17. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
18. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
19. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Drug Zone" routing option.
20. Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it.
21. I would rather try to carry 10 overloaded plastic bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
22. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
23. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?
24. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
25. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
26. Is it just me or do high school kids get dumber and dumber every year?
27. There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
28. As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists, the rules of the road don't apply to them.
29. Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
30. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet everyone can find
and push he snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!
Punctuation is Powerful

An English professor wrote the words :

"A woman without her man is nothing"
on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing."

All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Punctuation is powerful.
Incredible Story

In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Louisiana State University .

On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephants foot, and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded
in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Peter worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.

The elephant turned to face the man and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Peter stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled.
Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned and walked away. Peter never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.

Twenty years later, Peter was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Peter and his son Cameron were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Peter, lifted
its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man.

Remembering the encounter in 1986, Peter could not help wondering if this was the same elephant. Peter summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant
trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Peter legs and slammed him against the
railing, killing him instantly.
Probably wasn't the same f%#@*g elephant.
Grandma's New Bumper Sticker

Dear Grand-daughter,
The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a Honk if you love Jesus bumper sticker.

I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting. So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper.

Boy, am I glad I did, what an uplifting experience that followed.
I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn't notice that the light had changed.
It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed. I found that lots of people love Jesus!

While I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like crazy, and then he leaned out of his window and screamed,
' For the love of God! '
' Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!'
What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!
Everyone started honking!

I just leaned out my window and started waving and smiling at all those loving people. I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love!
There must have been a man from Florida back there because I heard him yelling something about a sunny beach..

I saw a nother guy waving in a funny way with only his middle finger stuck up in the air.. I asked my young teenage grandson in the back seat what that meant. He said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.
Well, I have never met anyone from Hawaii , so I leaned out the window and gave him the good luck sign right back. My grandson burst out laughing. Why even he was enjoying this religious experience!!

A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and started walking towards me. I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is when I noticed the light had changed.
So, I waved at all my brothers and sisters grinning, and drove on through the intersection.
I noticed that I was the only car that got through the intersection before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared.
So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all the Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away. Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!!
Will write again soon,
Love, Grandma

Passionate Lovemaking

An Italian, a Frenchman and an Englishman are discussing their previous night's lovemaking.

The Italian says: "I rubbed fine olive oil all over my wife, then we made wonderful love. She screamed for five minutes."

The Frenchman says: "I rubbed sweet butter on my wife's body, then we made passionate love. She screamed for half an hour."

The Englishman says: "I covered my wife's body with lard. We made love and she screamed for six hours."

The others say: "Six hours? How did you make her scream for six hours?"
"Simple, the Englishman replies: "I wiped my hands on the drapes."
Use More Soap

A woman was unhappy with the way her laundry was done at the local laundry, so she wrote a note and put it in the bag with the next collection of soiled clothes :

She got the clean laundry back, and was still dissatisfied with the results, so the following week she enclosed another note:

The laundryman became very annoyed, and when her clean laundry was delivered, it contained a note from HIM:

Italian Honeymoon

After returning from his honeymoon in Florida with his new bride Virginia, Luigi stopped by his old barbershop in Cleveland to say hello to his friends. Giovanni said, "Hey Luigi, how wassah de treepa?"

Luigi said, "Everytinga wassah perfecto except for da traina ride down."
"Whadda you mean, Luigi?" asked Giovanni."

Well, we boarda da train at Granna Central Station. My beautiful Virginia, she packa bigga basket a food. She broughta vino, some nice cigars for me, and we were looking a forward to da trip. Everytinga wassah okey dokey until we getta hungry and open uppa da luncha basket. The conductore comma by, wagga hissa finger at us an say, "no eat in dissa car. Musta use a dining car." "So, me and my beautiful Virginia, we go to dining car, eat a bigga luncha and start to open a bottle of nice vino! Conductore walka by again, waga hissa finger and say, "No drinka in dissa car. Musta use a club a car."

So, we go to club car. "While drinkin vino, I start to lighta my biga cigar. The conductore, he wagga hissa finger again and say, "No smokin in dissa car. Musta go to smokin car. We go to smokin car and I smoka my biga cigar." "Then my beautiful Virginia and I, we go to sleeper car anda go to bed. We just about to go boomada boomada and the conductore, he walka through da hall shouting at da top of hissa voice, "Nofolka Virginia! Nofolka Virginia!" "Next time, Ima gonna takea da bus!"
I'm looking at the NamUs website today for missing people- very interesting., and watching TCM.
What are you doing today, daisy, Zoey, and Kensie

I've been stuck on HGTV for 2 months and nothing is more important! :floorlaugh: Today are reruns of Property Brothers. And it's a beautiful day here, too!

In real life I'm been working on my house doing small projects cause I'm thinking about selling it. Don't really want to but am a bit above my budget to keep it. We'll see what happens. So I'm doing some painting and yard work. You're welcome to come help!
OXYGH will aire a show called Snapped at 5pm today. Im not sure if its a movie or documentary. Its about Jodi Arias.
I'm wondering if people in Arizona are going to start to make some noise soon about the lack of transparency with this trial. While lawyers can be prone to rhetoric, I don't think that Bodney is overstating the extreme measures that Judge Stephens has taken CMJA's conviction. The fact that oral arguments of the press were held behind closed doors is amazing...even co-counsel was not allowed in the courtroom.

People in Arizona need to start writing letters to the editor.

I did love Martinez's response to the recent motion to dismiss the DP.
Om freaking god. Game of thrones watchers...did that just happen?
Never disappointed

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Om freaking god. Game of thrones watchers...did that just happen?
Never disappointed

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THAT DID just happen!

My son and I (well more me than him) spent half of last night and part of today discussing WHO the culprit will be. I think he may have gotten hit with a spoiler online but not sure. I DO not want to know!
And now I see why he does not want me to read ahead in the books, much better to wait and see :)
THAT DID just happen!

My son and I (well more me than him) spent half of last night and part of today discussing WHO the culprit will be. I think he may have gotten hit with a spoiler online but not sure. I DO not want to know!
And now I see why he does not want me to read ahead in the books, much better to wait and see :)

I think it was sanza but maybe that was too obvious. If not her then marjory maybe

Poor tyrion though getting the blame.

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Friends, I am in a very, very *****y mood today. To be honest, for a number of days before today as well. All due to this nonsense with my mom's final affairs. It just will not end.

I should pop in here more often just to step outside of myself. Y'all are great.

And hey, winter is finally ending here in New England. My first daffodil opened yesterday (afternoon). Yup, I am anal...I was out working in the yard and it the bud was closed in the am and open in the pm.

Then again, we have sleet in the forecast for tomorrow night.

Yup, I'm in a loverly mood.
Sorry about your mood. Hope it passes soon. I was thrown back when you said sleet because I know you live in CT too. I went to check the weather and even though it said 61 during the day tomorrow, it also says 31 for the night with rain/snow. That forecast doesn't thrill me. It could be worse. Looks like they have some tornado warnings in TX and the south.
There will be no Parker county peaches this year, several freezes have killed the crop.

More crazy weather in Texas.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I intensely dislike OP. I hate the sniveling and wailing. He snivels and wails for his own self.

I am so glad someone else feels the same as I do about that whiny voice! I just can't listen to him, and I don't believe him. His explanations don't make much sense to me --- could have been handled much differently if the circumstances were true. JMO

Friends, I am in a very, very *****y mood today. To be honest, for a number of days before today as well. All due to this nonsense with my mom's final affairs. It just will not end.

I should pop in here more often just to step outside of myself. Y'all are great.

And hey, winter is finally ending here in New England. My first daffodil opened yesterday (afternoon). Yup, I am anal...I was out working in the yard and it the bud was closed in the am and open in the pm.

Then again, we have sleet in the forecast for tomorrow night.

Yup, I'm in a loverly mood.

i am sorry your mood is down. Handling final affairs can be frustrating, to say the least. Sure hope others aren't making it even harder for you.

I have had an "off day", too, though there is no real reason. Have had a touch of a sinus headache all day, disgusted with the temp dropping over 30 degrees from this morning, and a possibility of a few inches of snow again tonight. At least it gives me an excuse to be a grump.

I am taking my pillows and :eek:fftobed: Night, all. Be well.
OMG I can't believe sentencing is taking so long!!!!! I mean, is this normal? Seriously I wanna know! I know if I ever decide to break the law, I'll choose Arizona to do it in. I wouldn't go to prison for 6 or 7 years. Sickening! Damn even Manson and his band of merry psycho's didn't take this long.

Hi Renee, we are all disgusted with this trial. As I see it nothing has been normal about it. Nurmi has wanted out, so I'm sure miss priss is the one coming up with all
the motions. She will not get out of the death penalty no matter what she does. The court should be able to put a stop to her crp at some point!! :seeya:
The blood red moon starts tonight around 3AM EST.
So my son is going to be confirmed on Saturday, during the Easter Vigil. I am so very proud of him. But my husband and I have a conflict, a pre-planned, pre-payed for dance on that same night, versus, attending the Vigil and my son's confirmation. Though we are not Catholic, I am thinking I would rather do that. I think I need the Vigil, and our son wants us there, and, it's the least I can do, right ? Not just for my son, but for other reasons. (don't want to get into too much religion here, but you know...). I am seriously considering converting myself, btw.

Plus, the dance isn't really important to me, money or not, lol. My husband may think differently though, I just know him, and he may think he needs to "unwind" after a hard week, and it's actually been a hard month for him. And, the "money", he hates to see go "to waste", lol. Very practical and frugal in some ways, if you know what I mean.

So, for YesOrNo, if I'm not mistaken, aren't you Catholic ? Therefore, I ask your advise on this matter, If you don't mind. :blushing:
So my son is going to be confirmed on Saturday, during the Easter Vigil. I am so very proud of him. But my husband and I have a conflict, a pre-planned, pre-payed for dance on that same night, versus, attending the Vigil and my son's confirmation. Though we are not Catholic, I am thinking I would rather do that. I think I need the Vigil, and our son wants us there, and, it's the least I can do, right ? Not just for my son, but for other reasons. (don't want to get into too much religion here, but you know...). I am seriously considering converting myself, btw.

Plus, the dance isn't really important to me, money or not, lol. My husband may think differently though, I just know him, and he may think he needs to "unwind" after a hard week, and it's actually been a hard month for him. And, the "money", he hates to see go "to waste", lol. Very practical and frugal in some ways, if you know what I mean.

So, for YesOrNo, if I'm not mistaken, aren't you Catholic ? Therefore, I ask your advise on this matter, If you don't mind. :blushing:

Neesaki .... if you were to ask me, I'd say the confirmation is more important. Once in a lifetime for your son and memories, whereas there will be more dances. :)
Friends, I am in a very, very *****y mood today. To be honest, for a number of days before today as well. All due to this nonsense with my mom's final affairs. It just will not end.

I should pop in here more often just to step outside of myself. Y'all are great.

And hey, winter is finally ending here in New England. My first daffodil opened yesterday (afternoon). Yup, I am anal...I was out working in the yard and it the bud was closed in the am and open in the pm.

Then again, we have sleet in the forecast for tomorrow night.

Yup, I'm in a loverly mood.

All I can say, is that I'll join you in the *****y mood, gcharlie. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I honestly have no one to blame, so that makes it even worse, daggnabbit... :banghead:

But at least we don't have sleet in the forecast. So, I need to let go of that mood, I know I do. :blush:
Neesaki .... if you were to ask me, I'd say the confirmation is more important. Once in a lifetime for your son and memories, whereas there will be more dances. :)

I think you're right, daisy. Even though he's almost 30 y/o, it's still a very important milestone in his life. And, that he wants us there is just precious in itself. I'm so thankful.

And thank you for your input. :loveyou:
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