SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm looking at the NamUs website today for missing people- very interesting., and watching TCM.
What are you doing today, daisy, Zoey, and Kensie?

Hi YesorNo, I'll include me! Bright sunny moning, puppy is sleeping, Johnny off to school, I'm going to put my temporary tag on my car! Poor baby, she's only 18 years old and didnt pass the beloved echeck! Like me, she has an oil leak!!! :floorlaugh: :seeya:
Hi YesorNo, I'll include me! Bright sunny moning, puppy is sleeping, Johnny off to school, I'm going to put my temporary tag on my car! Poor baby, she's only 18 years old and didnt pass the beloved echeck! Like me, she has an oil leak!!! :floorlaugh: :seeya:

Not snowing anymore and the sun is shining here (but it's still cold).

Thanks for reminding me- I have to have my car inspected next month. My car is 16 years old.

Not snowing anymore and the sun is shining here (but it's still cold).

Thanks for reminding me- I have to have my car inspected next month. My car is 16 years old.


Hi YESorNO, Johnny will try t find my oil leak. We think it may be the gasket on the motor which means the top of motor must come off to put new one on. He will fix it hopefuly as that is an expensive job. He just put new brake lines in. This is the first I've had problems with the car. replaced the battery but that is it. I have a Plymouth Neon, nice little car just right for me. The article about chopping criminal into 100 pieces would be great for missy if done while she is alive~well Travis was alive when she went to work on him~tit for tat..I wonder if she realizes she is no longer nice looking.Her crime is showng through.

I'm dreaming of Chocolate Bunnies!!! :floorlaugh:
Heaven help us. :scared:

No- heaven help me for even thinking that this would be a just sentence for anyone.:blushing:
I would be just as evil as missy :jail: to think anyone deserves that kind of punishment.
I'm ashamed of myself. :blushing:
I don't know what I was thinking and must be becoming evil myself.:devil: (and Easter in 2 days, too).:noooo: Forgive me, everyone. :praying:

You are forgiven, YESorNO. 'Twas just an innocent slip, I an certain. :angel:
MonaLou made it though, surgery and is home. She has three ten inch long incisions and her skin was pulled away from her body? and has two drains from the top of her back to her tummy. Her left eye has blood in the white part and they think it's from blunt force trauma and think it will resolve itself over time.

Neesaki, I was shaking so hard I couldn't get the gun safe open or I would of shot them. I had called DH and he made it from downtown Dallas home under fifteen minutes, called 911 again ( they said they hadn't received any calls. They'd asked my name, address, phone number and said they'd call animal control.) and told them to get the police here are he was going to shoot them. They asked if he had a gun, he said hell yes, get them here or I'll kill them ( told him to stay in the house, and it's illegal to fire a gun in the city limits; he said no you get a police officer now or I'm killing them.) and that they'd notified animal control and we should wait. No police,but animal control showed up and got the dogs as we were leaving for the emergency vet hospital.

The owners will get a citation, and their dogs will be released to them today. Since it was the "first time (that they know of) they'd attacked anyone or thing that is all they can do. We asked about the possibility of them attacking a child or anyone else, and again it was the first time and he'd seen several kids out playing and they didn't attack them. Don't know if anyone was out before they got to us and over the fence by the pasture (it's going to a six foot fence now), but we don't have kids in our neighborhood other than the new family with a two year old and a four month old, and they weren't home.

We have so many pitbulls to the north, south, and west of us; have never been comfortable with that fact, and them telling us that they are good dogs wouldn't hurt a fly, doesn't impress me much.

We're going to call their home owners insurance today and start a lawsuit, and I hope the insurance company tells them to get rid of them or they'll drop their insurance.

Unfortunately, we know the people, not a big fan of them,they let their son terrorize the neighborhood, and their son was a good friend of my nephew thirty years ago.

They live one block over and across the alley, all they had to do was walk five hundred feet, take a left turn and they were two houses down from ours. They went through their fence (a split three rail type) into the pasture and into ours.

When we got to the vet hospital they took Mona back, but told us we'd have to wait and in the mean while they wanted a hundred bucks before they started treatment, and would give us an estimate after the vet checked her over; kinda crappy and crass to us. Every penny of the thousand dollars final bill though. When we gt her home last night she wouldn't go out in the backyard. She took about ten steps looking around and wanted back in. So now my baby has PTSD

I know I'm rambling on, so please forgive me.

I haven't been here in a while and was just quickly scrolling through to see if I missed anything. I wasn't planning to post anything, but this just makes me soooo angry.

I'm so sorry to read about this, ILiketoBend. I get so infuriated with BAD dog owners--with people who shouldn't have the privilege of owning dogs.

My next-door neighbour owns a Rottweiler that twice viciously attacked my dog, the second time by knocking down a part of the fence between our yards. Each time I called the police, who told me they can't do much because the dog attacked another dog and not a human.

The problem with the Rottweiler is that it's stir-crazy. Its owner NEVER walks it because he can't control the dog. So he simply leaves it in his small backyard where, with no exercise, the dog is going insane.

It seems to me that if a person can't control his dog then he's clearly not the right person for that dog.

I hope your precious dog gets better, ILtBP.

Hi I Like, Thanks so much for all the music! My cousin was born on Sept. 15, 1930. I came along in March of 1932. Herbert Hoover was still president. My first vague memories are of when I was 3 years old. My cousin and I were raised together.
I wonder what miss priss will be doing for Easter, wonder what they are having for dinner. just nosy!! I really do not think she is the least bit religious, how could she be and do what she did. I hope ou hav a very Blessed Easter~and a chocolate Bunny!:loveyou:
Why is the font so small??????????

Hoping everyone has a lovely Holiday!
I haven't been here in a while and was just quickly scrolling through to see if I missed anything. I wasn't planning to post anything, but this just makes me soooo angry.

I'm so sorry to read about this, ILiketoBend. I get so infuriated with BAD dog owners--with people who shouldn't have the privilege of owning dogs.

My next-door neighbour owns a Rottweiler that twice viciously attacked my dog, the second time by knocking down a part of the fence between our yards. Each time I called the police, who told me they can't do much because the dog attacked another dog and not a human.

The problem with the Rottweiler is that it's stir-crazy. Its owner NEVER walks it because he can't control the dog. So he simply leaves it in his small backyard where, with no exercise, the dog is going insane.

It seems to me that if a person can't control his dog then he's clearly not the right person for that dog.

I hope your precious dog gets better, ILtBP.

Ms. MonaLou just got back from the vets and has all stitches out, and out of the EC, but still be on a leash for a few days to build up her strength. Well those are the instructions but it's awful hard keeping this little girl in her regular collar.

She know if there is any slack in the leash she can shake her head and get the collar off and she was gone, running around like crazy, dragging herself sideways on both sides, rolling on her back all feet in the air. Now she's a tired girl and I'll have a better nights sleep without her throwing herself down on me, with her back to me (but she has to touch me) and not being poked by the wire stitches.

She just had pot stickers with my husband and is asleep. The upside will be back on her regular (we're very guilty of feeding our dogs people food) dry food, and not the wet that has given her terrible gas, which she sleeps with her head under the covers and her behind sticking out of them, or she has her head on our pillows breathing dog breath in our faces.

Tomorrow the squirrels better watch out, they only think they've taken over the orchard back.

The peoples insurance company has been very good at taking care of my little girl, and have reimbursed us over three thousand for her vet bills so far, and barring any more compilations, their obligation will be met. That was all I asked of them, that and they make the dogs owners replace their rotting falling down fence. They have until the 25th to pay their fines through the window at city hall, and if not they will need to appear before the judge and see if the can talked them down from the maximum of fourteen thousand, if they don;t they will have warren's out for them, but no one will activity go after them, if they get stopped then they will be arrested and face the judge.

I almost didn't recognizes you with all your keys.
Hi I Like, Thanks so much for all the music! My cousin was born on Sept. 15, 1930. I came along in March of 1932. Herbert Hoover was still president. My first vague memories are of when I was 3 years old. My cousin and I were raised together.
I wonder what miss priss will be doing for Easter, wonder what they are having for dinner. just nosy!! I really do not think she is the least bit religious, how could she be and do what she did. I hope ou hav a very Blessed Easter~and a chocolate Bunny!:loveyou:

That was my mother birthday, Anna's ex's and the day my 16 year old daughter in law had a abortion because she wasn't sure who the daddy was. My grandson was eight months old.

My mother was four when her mother died. She and I would talk late at night, and she told me about the last time she saw her mother, she had just turned four and her mother was being taken to a sanatorium for TB. She said Julia told her I love you baby. Julia died two months later.

Matthew 27:57-61

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be given to him. When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb, and departed.
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