SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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I have the fried okra one handy so I will put it on the other thread. I got it from a little old lady at the church in the cotton field where our ranch is in West Texas. I'd spend summers there with my brother and we would ride horses all day fixing fence on Wednesdays then off to church Wed night where these ladies made all this great food for supper on the grounds. Miss Janie is 90 something now and she finally gave me her recipe for her famous fried okra salad a few years ago.

That sounds like such a wonderful childhood! And God Bless Miss Janie - I want to be her when I grow up.
Just jumping on the thread. I saw on Katie's thread this information about Donovan. But thought to bring the discussion over here.

What ! I am really behind as I had no idea of this stuff. last I read when I was last year was that it was the other character witness Patricia.. was having a problem with a heroin and child neglect issue. Did that come to be true or not. it was rumor last I heard it. Any updates?

FGS the entire world has known Donovan has been there!

You can't make this stuff up!

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She was not "technically" violating the terms of her parole until CMJA became convicted, although I don't think managing someone's "Twitter" account is considered "gainful employment".
I find it pretty ridiculous that her PO is so out of touch that they haven't noticed their parolee's name being splashed all over the Media. :banghead:
Tex do you live on one of the last of the great ranches?? I hear/read alot about West Texas and would like to visit the area someday, Big Bend and all. I bet Miss Janie has alot of other good recipies also.

There are loads of ranches left in Texas. Ours is northwest of Abilene not Big Bend. It's 3 sections of cotton farms and 3 sections cattle ranch. My dads folks were cattle ranchers and my moms folks cotton farmers. I was born out there and still live there a couple of months a year during hunting season.
A section = 640 acres. A ranch near ours is 60 sections! The old fotball player, Sammy Baugh lived on a 20,000 acre spread.
who tapes a gun"under the hood".. Heck I wouldn't know where to tape it to

Someone with a criminal mentality, imo. I still think there was other criminal activity in her past, she just managed not to get caught. Even beyond the tire slashing, or maybe just more tire slashings than we have heard.

The extreme violence and rage she demonstrated in Travis' murder is unfathomable to me. Due to the degree of violence, I don't doubt that this monster had thought about doing something like this before, fantasized about it, maybe even every time she found out or believed her previous bf's had cheated on her.

IIRC, she was 27 at the time of Travis' murder. According to a study done by Hickey, 27.5 is the average age that serial killers commit their first murder. I seriously wonder if she was just getting started.
She cannot get up and fight for her life (if thats what she intends to do) without admitting she lied about all the bad things she said about him.

This was not self defense he never jumped out naked and wet FROM a sitting position and body slammed her over a stupid camera.

If she does not say she just killed him...and maybe even she doesn't know why! I don't care why she did it.

I care about her dumb story of his being violent and trying to kill her. She must take that back.

I doubt she will. This is signed sealed delivered right to the lethal injection room in my opinion...
I just watched the whole video. Your heart breaks that somehow if someone could have reached them, their lives might be different. But at the end, did you notice how angry convicted murderer Baer was? I felt if he was let loose, he would do it again. That is how I feel about Jodi. No one knows if Jodi was high on meth or drugs when she killed Travis, as Baer was when he killed that mother and her child. No one will ever know. So I can only assume Jodi didn't use drugs and she is even more evil than Baer, because she knowingly made the decision to drive a thousand miles, turn off her cell phone, stock up on gas, change the color of her hair, steal a gun and take a knife too, then slaughtered Travis. Yes it makes me sad and it is pretty sobering, but Jodi deserves her punishment. I will be glad when she comes to realize that for herself.
I have the fried okra one handy so I will put it on the other thread. I got it from a little old lady at the church in the cotton field where our ranch is in West Texas. I'd spend summers there with my brother and we would ride horses all day fixing fence on Wednesdays then off to church Wed night where these ladies made all this great food for supper on the grounds. Miss Janie is 90 something now and she finally gave me her recipe for her famous fried okra salad a few years ago.


I have to share a story you reminded me of about riding horses. I love riding them and I used to just go on those "normal" trail rides where you pay to go. Well, one day, a friend of ours says lets go ride horses. So, me thinking yeah sure, lets go.

Wellllll, she takes us to this place that was in the sticks in southern Iowa and it was a ranch where they allowed you to pick your own horses and just take them out on your own. Me, being the challenging type, told the owner to give me one that is a little feisty because I had enough experience.

Unbeknownst to me, these horses were not your ordinary trail ride type horses. These were more of the variety of back in the wild west days of John Wayne and Outlaws.

So, we proceed to venture out and my horse is following our friend's horse and she gives it a slight kick and OFF WE GO!!!

We proceeded on a FULL GALLOP at the fastest speed I have ever endured on a horse and went on one of the wildest rides of my life. The kicker is that the horses knew where they were going and they would purposely run under low hanging branches to try to knock us off. I had to hug the hair and neck of the horse many times to keep from being torn off its back by the tree branches they ran under.

Needless to say, it was one of the funnest and wildest rides of my life.
I think that's very possible. I never believed her when she claimed that she and DB only "experimented" with A. sex. Of course I don't believe much of anything that liar says, lol. It just wouldn't surprise me if it was more of a regular thing with them, as by everything that's come out she seems to have dished it out quite readily, not just with Travis either, probably with all the men she was involved with.

And no decent person wants the intimate details of their sex life to be broadcast to the world, especially if they have children, so she holds that over his head.

Or, she may have threatened to accuse him of pedophilia the way she lied about Travis.

Or, maybe just knowing the way she's trashed Travis, he would be afraid for himself as well. Maybe he doesn't trust her, smart man, so is just playing it safe.

It's as you say, she will stop at nothing. I hope and pray this jury sentences her to death. I don't really care if she dies or not, I just want her in the most miserable place that's been created for monsters like her.

I would love to have the body language expert (Driver) on hand when Brewer testifies. I understand they will be able to show him this time. There is so much happening in this trial that we are not privvy to, it is frustrating. I'd like to ask what happened that he's ok with his face being shown now that his former girlfriend is the World's Most Hated Woman, having very recently taken the title formally from Casey Anthony.
I just watched the whole video. Your heart breaks that somehow if someone could have reached them, their lives might be different. But at the end, did you notice how angry convicted murderer Baer was? I felt if he was let loose, he would do it again. That is how I feel about Jodi. No one knows if Jodi was high on meth or drugs when she killed Travis, as Baer was when he killed that mother and her child. No one will ever know. So I can only assume Jodi didn't use drugs and she is even more evil than Baer, because she knowingly made the decision to drive a thousand miles, turn off her cell phone, stock up on gas, change the color of her hair, steal a gun and take a knife too, then slaughtered Travis. Yes it makes me sad and it is pretty sobering, but Jodi deserves her punishment. I will be glad when she comes to realize that for herself.

She also had to estimate the amt of gas she needed to get in&out of az w/o stopping and have gas cans to carry it.

I have to share a story you reminded me of about riding horses. I love riding them and I used to just go on those "normal" trail rides where you pay to go. Well, one day, a friend of ours says lets go ride horses. So, me thinking yeah sure, lets go.

Wellllll, she takes us to this place that was in the sticks in southern Iowa and it was a ranch where they allowed you to pick your own horses and just take them out on your own. Me, being the challenging type, told the owner to give me one that is a little feisty because I had enough experience.

Unbeknownst to me, these horses were not your ordinary trail ride type horses. These were more of the variety of back in the wild west days of John Wayne and Outlaws.

So, we proceed to venture out and my horse is following our friend's horse and she gives it a slight kick and OFF WE GO!!!

We proceeded on a FULL GALLOP at the fastest speed I have ever endured on a horse and went on one of the wildest rides of my life. The kicker is that the horses knew where they were going and they would purposely run under low hanging branches to try to knock us off. I had to hug the hair and neck of the horse many times to keep from being torn off its back by the tree branches they ran under.

Needless to say, it was one of the funnest and wildest rides of my life.

Oh man...when I was about 8 I was riding with my dad. I was on a little Paint horse and he tried to buck me off...I hung on but then he drug me off under a mesquite tree limb and I landed in a prickly pear cactus.. Dad took me back to the house and my mom and my aunt had to cut my jeans off and pick needles out of me for three hours!
Did I MISS something? Turned on HLN...rerun of Samatha and Steven talking to jury.....underneath the split screen of the siblings and FJA it said...

"Arias changes her mind want life"....

When did this all happen???? I have been sick past 24 hours so I must really have missed this announcement....!!!

THanks for any input.
I have the fried okra one handy so I will put it on the other thread. I got it from a little old lady at the church in the cotton field where our ranch is in West Texas. I'd spend summers there with my brother and we would ride horses all day fixing fence on Wednesdays then off to church Wed night where these ladies made all this great food for supper on the grounds. Miss Janie is 90 something now and she finally gave me her recipe for her famous fried okra salad a few years ago.

What thread is that? I'm interested in this fried okra salad. TIA
Since you guys have made me hungry talking about favorite meal is slow-cooked pot roast (sirloin tip) with brown gravy, mashed potatoes made with sour cream and butter, asparagus with cheese sauce, and homemade biscuits. For dessert, red velvet cake with frosting that melts in your mouth.
There are loads of ranches left in Texas. Ours is northwest of Abilene not Big Bend. It's 3 sections of cotton farms and 3 sections cattle ranch. My dads folks were cattle ranchers and my moms folks cotton farmers. I was born out there and still live there a couple of months a year during hunting season.
A section = 640 acres. A ranch near ours is 60 sections! The old fotball player, Sammy Baugh lived on a 20,000 acre spread.

OT but it is the weekend. Tex you will not believe this but I never heard the word "section" used in land until about 10 years ago and it was talking to someone who was from West Texas. She was from Fort Stockton. She told me of many movies that were filmed in the area and about Big Bend. After that I started reading and checking it out.
We only talk acres where I am from, the only section I know is a C-Section,,LOL :floorlaugh:

Someday I will get out there. Your place sounds wonderful. Keep all the good food coming.
Cell B403 is where Arias returned after an emotional hearing on
Thursday. In this view from the doorway of Arias' cell can been
seen throughout the cell. According to KTVK, Arias receives more
mail than any other inmate, including hate mail. (ABC News)

I don't believe that was JA's actual cell, but one laid out identical to it, decorated 'with the thing [sic] a prisoner would have:'

From CNN Transcripts:

JVM: "I also just completed a tour of the Estrella Jail, went into a jail cell identical to that Jodi Arias is in right now. It`s very tiny. I`ve seen many walk-in closets that are bigger than it. We will show it to you. We`re going to interview Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a couple of minutes."

"On the other side, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and my tour of the jail.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m here with some members of the sheriff response team. And look, they are dressed to the nines, prepared for anything. And right on the other side is the cell that is the same size and lay out as the cell that Jodi Arias is in right now. You see it sort of decorated with the thing that is a prisoner would have. Magazines and their little knickknacks, things they hold on to but nothing that they can use to hurt themselves or others.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, you are looking at -- I just did that tour just about a half an hour ago of a jail cell that is identical to the jail cell Jodi Arias is in. The barbed wire you`re looking at, we`re bringing it to you live. Somewhere behind that barbed wire, Jodi Arias is contemplating her fate as she faces the potential of death in this mitigation phase."

ETA: While Velez-Mitchell wasn't shown JA's actual cell, Gauntlet posted a video of another reporter who WAS shown, and videotaped, JA's actual cell. Thanks to Gauntlet for the correction/clarification. :)
Did I MISS something? Turned on HLN...rerun of Samatha and Steven talking to jury.....underneath the split screen of the siblings and FJA it said...

"Arias changes her mind want life"....

When did this all happen???? I have been sick past 24 hours so I must really have missed this announcement....!!!

THanks for any input.

This was breaking news on JVM Thursday evening IIRC. But do we believe anything the convicted murderer has her minions put out in the public.
Guyz, I had a nightmare last night and it featured Websleuths! Somehow, I was on a bullet train bound for some undisclosed location, accompanied by Adam Lambert of American Idol fame (I don't even watch American Idol! How come I even know who this dude is??). Anyway, I'm typing on a laptop (I don't have a laptop, either) and decide to change my Websleuth profile signature to something snarky and all of a sudden one of the Mods (it was you beach, I know it!) types in a warning in bold face: BEHAVE! Then the screen goes WHITE and I've not only lost my Websleuth link but my entire interwebs connection!


It was awful. I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart beating like a hammer! Holy cow.

P.S. I love grits, too. :)
Good morning all! I've been looking for confirmation of the investigation on DB and have found absolutely nothing on KPHO. Has anyone else found any more credible information?

I saw the local KPHO (channel 5 ) broadcast last night, but could not find a link for the clip, or anything using the "search" on their site. What I heard was that it was KPHO that brought it to the attention of the Parole department and an investigation was begun. I like KPHO cause they're more about news and investigation. They usually follow up on stuff like this, so I expect they WILL have a follow up.

Sometimes, the better stories they have, you can't find an immediate link to. They've done 2 very good interviews with Ron Goldman about this trial and I was never able to find links to those either.
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