SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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I am going to the site either today or tomorrow. I have contacted a news junkie and as usual I believe she will be so kind to post the photographs. I will do an extra balloon for Travis at her site in blue and tell her that many of us came here for Travis because of her.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Thank you, darling :heartbeat:
I saw the local KPHO (channel 5 ) broadcast last night, but could not find a link for the clip, or anything using the "search" on their site. What I heard was that it was KPHO that brought it to the attention of the Parole department and an investigation was begun. I like KPHO cause they're more about news and investigation. They usually follow up on stuff like this, so I expect they WILL have a follow up.

Sometimes, the better stories they have, you can't find an immediate link to. They've done 2 very good interviews with Ron Goldman about this trial and I was never able to find links to those either.

I just don't want to get into premature gloating mode. I wish there was a Grinch smirk I could use sometimes.
Guyz, I had a nightmare last night and it featured Websleuths! Somehow, I was on a bullet train bound for some undisclosed location, accompanied by Adam Lambert of American Idol fame (I don't even watch American Idol! How come I even know who this dude is??). Anyway, I'm typing on a laptop (I don't have a laptop, either) and decide to change my Websleuth profile signature to something snarky and all of a sudden one of the Mods (it was you beach, I know it!) types in a warning in bold face: BEHAVE! Then the screen goes WHITE and I've not only lost my Websleuth link but my entire interwebs connection!


It was awful. I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart beating like a hammer! Holy cow.

P.S. I love grits, too. :)

I am going to the site either today or tomorrow. I have contacted a news junkie and as usual I believe she will be so kind to post the photographs. I will do an extra balloon for Travis at her site in blue and tell her that many of us came here for Travis because of her.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

You are such a dear. :heartbeat:
This was breaking news on JVM Thursday evening IIRC. But do we believe anything the convicted murderer has her minions put out in the public. I don't believe FJA...but I really missed that!!!!
Thanks for posting that. I decided that I'd stayed awake last night for nothing so I turned it off. So many lies..... what will she say to try and save her life? She's already trashed Travis in death, so I don't really see what she can do now. Her "art" won't save her, her "friends" can't save her. I see her getting the death penalty, and I see me in 20 years, at 78 years old, finally reading in the paper that she was put to death. Knowing her, she will make no effort to redeem herself in the eyes of God. She will continue to hold onto this lie until her last breath. What a sad tale for everyone involved.

She will be sentenced to death.

Then her face will harden and she will switch her fake victim alliance group to those sentenced to death "by mistake." She will campaign to get cold cases reopened by Proxy using her puppet Donovan. She will make T-shirts championing the cause of the various murderers trying to have their sentences commuted. She will pay Donovan, excuse me, "support the cause so dear to my heart." She will use money donated from anti-death-penalty groups to cover her legal expenses as she sues to be able to produce her non-murder-related art from her cell on death row, because, until all her appeals are denied, she actually has the status of defacto LWOP.

Her appeals based on inadequate counsel, failure to sequester the jury, gender imbalance in the jury, and everything including inadequate lighting in the courtroom will spin around in the legalverse as we sleuthers age and die off, one by one. Jodi will marry a misguided supporter (by proxy if necessary), learn to masturbate with one hand and will provide the public with a steady stream of entertainment via her once-a-week phone blog called "A Day in the Life on the Row."

You will never hear the end of the self-promoting monster until she gets the needle. And even then she will leave behind her manifesto...
Someone with a criminal mentality, imo. I still think there was other criminal activity in her past, she just managed not to get caught. Even beyond the tire slashing, or maybe just more tire slashings than we have heard.

The extreme violence and rage she demonstrated in Travis' murder is unfathomable to me. Due to the degree of violence, I don't doubt that this monster had thought about doing something like this before, fantasized about it, maybe even every time she found out or believed her previous bf's had cheated on her.

IIRC, she was 27 at the time of Travis' murder. According to a study done by Hickey, 27.5 is the average age that serial killers commit their first murder. I seriously wonder if she was just getting started.
I totally agree. I think she had at leaest had to have some practice with knives and blood, so it's my opinion that she has tortured animals before.

I also disagree with those like DrDrew who say she would not be a danger to society anymore and this was a "one-time" thing with Travis. It's clear to me how much she hates her mom...I have no doubt that if she were ever to get out and have an argument/fight with her mom, she would get violent with her, maybe to the point of even picking up a knife and stabbing her with it. I don't think that's that far out there.
I don't believe that was JA's actual cell, but one laid out identical to it, decorated 'with the thing [sic] a prisoner would have:'


There were quite a few journalists in Estrella last week after Sheriff Joe's little PR exercise. He didn't like Nancy Grace saying the CM's conditions were cushy. The CM's cell was shown. Some journalists went into another cell.

In my post here :

the first clip by ABC15 just shows the CM's cell whereas in the last clip the Inside Edition journalist also goes into another cell.
Let's start over. She was CHARGED with burglary in the Murder ONE felony charge(s) in MC Arizona. There were 2 Murder ONE charges. ONE was for PRE-MED and the OTHER was Murder one (burglary).

No one stated otherwise.

For some reason you keep denying that. ??????.

Until you post the non-existent denial you're alleging, your false accusation against me remains just that -- false.

I think the term "burglary" is tripping you up

Tripped up? Hardly.

[Snipped by me to respond to personal accusations.]

You snipped my quote without so indicating, because you did not answer the question.

But thanks for trying.

We do disagree indeed.

Luv ya. :seeya:
Monday......10:00. The rest of the week has the 10:00 time frame open, but there is no mention of the Arias trial or any other for that matter.

JSS's calendar has looked like that for a while now on days they don't know for sure if there'll be court or not. This way if the jury are sent to deliberate by Monday PM, they can return anytime at all in that day/ the upcoming days.
I FOUND this, I was not the sender, but thought i would share

From: Michelle Donaldson []
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:25 AM
Cc: Eric Zott
Subject: RE: can this be substantiated?

I can confirm that for you.

Our reporter Donna Rossi worked all day to track down the information and last night she confirmed there is an investigation with Adult Probation Dept.

One condition of Bering's probation reads:

The defendant shall not knowingly associate with any person engaged in criminal activity or who has a criminal record without the prior written approval of the APD? (Adult Probation Department).

Michelle Donaldson
News Director
CBS 5 News
Ok I just put it on the recipe thread in this forum

I copied it,I had no idea we had a recipie thread just for this trial! I went ti the What's Cooking thread first.

Anyway Tex what do you fry the okra in? Oil?
The reason is that he said this during his closing argument. He's allowed to talk about his theory of the crime in his closing. It wouldn't make sense for the defense to object because it's his THEORY of the crime just like all the other things he said about his THEORY of the crime during his closing that weren't proven by fact... just as the defense was allowed in their closing to present their THEORY of the crime even though the jury didn't believe it and voted that she was guilty of murder 1.

She either stole her grandfather's gun or as the defense claimed she stole Travis's gun. Either way she is still a gun burgler, and since she testified that she used Travis's gun, took it with her when she left and tossed it in the desert somewhere, she's still an admitted gun burgler that used said gun to shoot Travis.

There's no way on earth that JM made any deal with the defense in order to present his theory of her having stolen her grandfather's gun during his closing argument. If when he did so the defense had a problem with it and objected then they'd argue with the judge whether it could be said or not. But since it was part of his theory of how the crime occurred, he's allowed to present that during his closing. Defense didn't bother to object because they knew there was no way he wasn't going to be allowed to present his theory of how the crime occurred concerning the stolen .22 caliber gun stolen from the grandfather.

Defense and prosecution don't make these kinds of deals. That's what motions and objections in court are for. If either side doesn't want something presented they make a motion to court for it to be excluded, and the judge decides if it will or will not be excluded, and if one side or the other says something the opposite side objects to they can make an objection and the judge decides. Why on earth would any defense counsel or prosecution counsel ever make any any kind deal just because one side is afraid of being objected to in court especially something during a closing argument??? It's ludicrous.

As ludicrous as this?

I copied it,I had no idea we had a recipie thread just for this trial! I went ti the What's Cooking thread first.

Anyway Tex what do you fry the okra in? Oil?

Yes ma'am
Some Cliff Notes about things going on lately.... Feel free to add to the list and keep bumping it for those who haven't seen this before this post....

Donavan Bering is on PROBATION. Not Parole.
There has been NO independent confirmation that any TV station is doing an investigation into Bering's activities. As soon as it happens, it will appear here :)
People Magazine has been cited here. A 'reliable source' told People Magazine that JA changed her mind about wanting the DP shortly after that interview in which she stated she wanted her ultimate freedom. We can assume who the reliable source was.
Posts on other websites that claim a call was made to the Probation Office in Maricopa County are to be considered as rumor until we know it to be fact. The post included at least one glaring misstatement of fact. It claimed that DB was NOT in court the previous day. We saw her, we know that to be unfactual. If a poster on that other site can make that error, I will not believe the rest of the post until it is confirmed.
I trust WS. We all have theories, ideas and what ifs. But rumor is not usually welcome here and I am so glad for that! We know things here to be facts before mainstream media catch wind of it :)
Add to this list and bump as necessary if you so wish :)
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