SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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The sidebar is usually for OT posts....think of it like "Cheers" but without that annoying Diane chick....and extra Carlas :D
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the phone calls to a convicted felon aka Jodi Arias to get what she wants to tweet for Jodi a convicted felon Donavan cannot be in contact with that violates her 5 yr probation.

I have no idea if this is correct.

I kept posing that question on the other thread. Usually Proby's are forbidden contact with convicted felons. What a wonderful day :floorlaugh:
Me thinks I had a post removed :giggle: sorry mods.....I will behave.
(Usually they forget about us over here at the sidebar)

Not gonna go back and confirm...
But that was a naughty post!! I remember it.
I know .. it's nuts though .. this is what I mean about her own PD getting in the way of an effective defence .. is there any precedent for this .. I really wish Nurmi would get up at the end and say that Jodi is her own worst enemy, the only strategy she would agree on involved trashing Travis, this was doomed to backfire and provoke the public and the jury, but she wouldn't listen, can you look beyond the strategy to simply what happened .. or something along those lines. I'm not saying she should get anything less than the DP, I just want a real argument based on truths, because a stupid art show, a druggie friend who hadn't seen her for years, an ex boyfriend who may have the IQ and moral backbone of a squid, and Jodi herself rambling on in the witness box about how awesome she is, just ain't going to cut it .. and I don't know, maybe I'd just like to see a worthy debate in there ..

Ted Bundy went even further. He let his defense team go to court on a deal with the prosecutor claiming mental disease. He claimed ineffective assistance of counsel at the last moment, he said, out of revenge because they dared to say something was wrong with him. He totally destroyed his own case just like Arias is doing.
I always say that psychopaths are the tornadoes of the human race. Just like tornadoes they leave a path of complete destruction and devestation. I just don't understand how she really thought that she could escaape consequences and punishment for slaughtering anither human being. She was soooooo confident that no jury would convict her. Why trade freedom for a hole in the wall deftly smaller than Travis' closet? I would go absolutely mad if that cell was my home for the rest of my life for 23 hours a day. I've been in a bad relationship far worse than Jodi's. Did I think about murder? Hell yeah! Did I carry out the muder? No---and truth be told is that they never came out of the house like clockwork as normal. Would I have lied and try to cover it up? Phuq no! I would have called 911 and waited for the cops myself. There but for the grace of God, go I. That was so long ago and I was younger than Jodi at the time and it probably would have taken me quite a few years before I would have realized that it wasn't worth it. These days Jodi ain't all that pretty like she was 5 years ago but she could have had a much better life and I'm thinking that her parents failed her. I'm not blaiming them but they should have gotten her some help. I bet her siblings have stories to tell about growing up with her. Like everyone, I wish this never happened and I'm so sorry that the Alexanders' will never recover completely from this type of devestation.
I kept posing that question on the other thread. Usually Proby's are forbidden contact with convicted felons. What a wonderful day :floorlaugh:

AWW Jodi's Bestie is going to move back in perhaps?

It's a fun place to shop for groceries. They have food from different countries and you want try everything. When you do you usually go back and buy more.

We used to shop at TJs when it was a tiny liquor store with magazines and good coffee. I'd go to visit in CA and bring an extra suitcase for foods I couldn't find.

We can now find most things..sort of. We were elated when TJs came to Charlotte, though it's over an hour each way. Son in Charleston says they recently got one as well. Good food in Charleston, by the way!!
Oh no!
I broke the law!
I dressed my male dog in a red "teddy" once
AND took a pic of him! :blushing:
It was Valentine's Day! I thought it was funny.

I can't go to jail and he can't go to the pound.

Gotta go burn a computer... be right back! :giggle:
The IRS they been in the news all week!

You know I was just kidding :blushing:

I did. Although the town I live in has recycling police. No kidding, they go around and check your trash, to make sure you aren't throwing away something you shouldn't. $25 fine.
The birth of her obsession. That's how I see it. Her converting to Mormonism was a symptom of her obsession.

So right!! Although, I get the feeling she was "obsessive" in all of her previous relationships, including DB. She is one sick "thing". Can't bring myself to refer to her as human in any way.
Is that your Corgi wannabe? What's her name?

It's Gilda. She's a corgi mix with some kinda shepherd, or maybe something else. She came from a rescue organization in Galveston Texas and hitched a ride up here with "Rescue Road trips".
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