SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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Im not internalizing what I read, and I am not being sensitive....

I am posting on a board of HUNDREDS of people with opinions. No one knows me personally, and I am by NO MEANS taking what is said PERSONALLY, I never said I did.

Im just saying WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT! :facepalm:

We are better than that. We are Websleuthers. It's just that some of our posters are so angered by what Jodi has done and continues to do that they need to vent. Human nature.
Do we actually know that she is on medication? I keep looking for some solid information on that.

Just a guess on my part. She was in a psych ward for a few days, is now in solitary confinement and checked on frequently by guards. Can the court mandate that she take medications?
Good Morning my dear Funkmeister!!! Do you think we'll be able to get down this weekend???

Mr. Mertz is just wonderful, thanks for asking -- he's off collecting all the past-due rents with a big cleaver in his hand. Then he'll head over to that apt. where all the bongo playing is coming from. He's having a blast!

One chore for later on - we're going Gordon Ramsay hunting. We discovered he's filming a Kitchen Nightmares episode just down the street from us and I'm a BIG GRrrrrrrrr fan! Wish us luck!

Oh NO! That can't be true! I am a HUGE Ramsay fan! I'd be there in a heartbeat.
Do we actually know that she is on medication? I keep looking for some solid information on that.

I think she was more coached than medicated. Somebody had to actually tell her, " Now Jodi, it would behoove you thaat you act like you are a compaasionate individual and you genuinely care that you've devestated many lives." I bet Jodi said, "How do I do that ?" The reply was , "You can start by pulling your hair back in a pony tail, look at each individual intently and listen to their every word and cry you creepy sesspooled demon!"
I still want to know why Juan Martinez was allowed, with no objection from the Defense, to refer to Jodi Arias as "the burglar" of her grand-pappy's .25 caliber handgun.

She was not convicted of that crime, nor did the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Department even charge the lying torture-murderess with it.

I remain perplexed as to why Nurmott allowed JM to state this directly to the jurors as undisputed fact without a single objection.

Any lawyers in the house?
Arias victim's family makes dramatic statement

7 hours ago

PHOENIX (AP) — Steven Alexander stood before the jury, looked up at a family picture and grimaced and cried as he ticked off the list of problems that have befallen him in the five years since his brother was murdered: ulcers, depression, a separation from his wife, nightmares.

The dreams consist of someone coming at him with a knife then going after his wife and daughter. Other times, he has nightmares about his brother, "curled up in a shower, thrown in there, left to rot for days, all alone." He feels like a child, unable to sleep alone in the dark.

"I don't want these nightmares anymore. I don't want to see my brother's murderer anymore," he said.

The gut-wrenching comments came as jurors began considering whether Jodi Arias should get a life sentence or be executed for the 2008 stabbing death of Travis Alexander. Jurors became visibly shaken as Steven Alexander and his sister spoke on deeply emotional levels in arguing for the death penalty. Arias sobbed throughout the hearing, with tears streaming down her face and landing on her black shirt...
Just a guess on my part. She was in a psych ward for a few days, is now in solitary confinement and checked on frequently by guards. Can the court mandate that she take medications?

I really can't imagine Jodi letting anyone medicate her. Seriously, that ego would never have it.
Yesterday got a little wild in here...

For the most part I do not think anyone is participating here because they are "team jodi". I personally would love to push the button if and when the day comes. Yes, the trial is very unnerving, and upsetting. Thankfully we have this place to come and get information and to let off steam. It becomes personal when opinions get judged and taken out of context. My personal opinion is that the conversations here can be just a ugly and ridiculous as some of the support pages for cmja. Nobody has to read and agree every single post.

But if we are talking about Jodi's hands they are Jodi's man hands... And it's moo that compared to the rest of her delicate features they are pretty huge :seeya:

I wish the was a smiley that was a group of villagers with torches and pitchforks y'all could chase me with... Because that would be funny!

When I see her interrogation vids and see her hands in the courtroom, I do think that her hands are disproportiantely large and her limbs are disporportionately long compared to size and height. It's pretty noticeable. Hard to miss, at least to me.

I think it just bothers me that there has been a lot of policing going on lately. I do not mean from the mods, I mean from other posters. I don't know why that bothers me though. It especially bothered me when people chastise others for choosing to express their feelings in a certain way as it related to Jodi's dilemma and the to the verdict. I don't see the point in raining on the parade just to make people feel bad. But then bringing it up to them would be hypocritical since they are just as free to post as anyone.

So I guess that's why I responded the way I did to this point. I just feel as long as it hasn't been deleted then it's a perfectly rule abiding post and the only chastising that should be going on is from the mods. So...sorry if I offended anyone.
That would explain JW's obsessive notetaking. She wants a record of every roadblock JA threw in their way, knowing she'd blame the DT for the final result.

Most lawyers take notes during trial (and depositions, etc.). It's no big deal and I would be more concerned if a lawyer wasn't taking any notes.
We are better than that. We are Websleuthers. It's just that some of our posters are so angered by what Jodi has done and continues to do that they need to vent. Human nature.

I am tall and scrawny with big bony hands, wrists, ankles, knees and feet! It doesn't offend me at all when people make fun of Jodi's ham fists.
I am tall and scrawny with big bony hands, wrists, ankles, knees and feet! It doesn't offend me at all when people make fun of Jodi's ham fists.

Man Hands. A classic Seinfeld episode. I think it's funny!
When I see her interrogation vids and see her hands in the courtroom, I do think that her hands are disproportiantely large and her limbs are disporportionately long compared to size and height. It's pretty noticeable. Hard to miss, at least to me.

I think it just bothers me that there has been a lot of policing going on lately. I do not mean from the mods, I mean from other posters. I don't know why that bothers me though. It especially bothered me when people chastise others for choosing to express their feelings in a certain way as it related to Jodi's dilemma and the to the verdict. I don't see the point in raining on the parade just to make people feel bad. But then bringing it up to them would be hypocritical since they are just as free to post as anyone.

So I guess that's why I responded the way I did to this point. I just feel as long as it hasn't been deleted then it's a perfectly rule abiding post and the only chastising that should be going on is from the mods. So...sorry if I offended anyone.

100% agree with you!
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I can't wait to NOT see her face anymore. I am suffering from Jodi-overload. I can just imagine how sick Travis' family is of looking at her every day. I really hope when this trial is over that the networks (HLN especially) start focusing much more on TRAVIS. It bothers me to no end that they CONSTANTLY show *her* face and *her* interviews and talk nonstop about the murderer. Why is she being given this ridiculous attention?? It would be better to talk about Travis and things he was doing when he was killed. Talk about the amazing start to the book he never got to complete and the things he did for those less fortunate. That's what I want to see and hear. Not see and hear about Jodi's lies and remorselessness. That's old news and my stomach goes into knots just seeing or hearing her now. I cant watch HLN anymore because they have turned into a 24/7 Jodi coverage station. When I watch, her very bad vibes actually physically make me ill so I avoid watching her at all. Bad enough looking at her in trial but when they play those interviews there's something about *her* that makes me sick..literally.

I'll be glad when she's on death row and loses all contact with everyone and loses her ability to do these media interviews. Sheriff Joe has already put his foot down about the media interviewing her and I hope it stays that way. She's a convicted murderer now and unlike before when she enjoyed the freedoms afforded to her in jail atmosphere before conviction, now it should be all about *punishment*. Stick her in that claustrophobic cell and throw away the key. It should be about Travis, Lord knows she's had her time in the spotlight. Enough already!

Thank you for listening to my little rant, I'm just incredibly upset that even now , post conviction, she seems to have too many freedoms and way too much focus on her. Travis has no freedoms and no life now. She stole that from him and everyone else. She should have no freedom. No more street clothes, prison garb and chains..even OJ has to wear prison garb as he testifies right now being a convicted felon. Why is Jodi allowed "normal" clothes? She should be treated like any other convicted murderer in prison. Hopefully after next week we will see the last of her as they drag her off to death row. Travis deserves the focus and attention, not her.
Oh NO! That can't be true! I am a HUGE Ramsay fan! I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Oh but it is, it is true Blanche!

We're trying to figure out how we can be one of those couples that eats at the restaurant and spits out the food and sends it back to the kitchen, launching a freak-out. Except I'd also be brandishing the GORDON RAMSAY hand mixer that I insisted Mr. M. purchase for me.

A friend told us he (or his production team) have been around for the last two weeks and now the restaurant is awash in lights, cables, etc. I was ready to kick the trial to the curb when I heard he was around. I promise to keep you posted if I spy him.
OK...thought I'd throw my hat into the ring.
I have long-ish skinny toes and my family and friends ALWAYS call them "afghan weavers"....."finger toes" and such, when I walk around with no shoes on....LOL We all end up laughing till we have tears in our eyes. They better not start callin them "Jodi toes".
As far as JA's hands...they kinda ARE "attention grabbers"....but, on HER body. Not as far as the "general" description, just as they look on HER.

I also think the "man hands" is a reference to a Seinfeld episode....there are a lot of us who were discussing the fav episodes.
I'm sure none of you mean to be offensive, but this hand thing was bandied about a while ago during the trial. Several members took offense because they have large hands and are sensitive to that criticism. Again, I know nobody is doing it intentionally, but when it comes to comments about physical characteristics you never know who might take offense. Just FYI.

I don't mean any offense to anyone. I think what makes Jodi's more noticeable is that obviously we know what those hands did to Travis, but she also has this way of making her hands more noticeable by how she almost caresses her face (for no reason because it's not when she's "crying"), putting her hand under her chin, even how she poses clasping her fingers to watch the jury come and go, it was even noticeable when she was showing the linebacker pose.
Has everyone seen this? It was posted on the Travis support FB page.

Maybe that was the reason for court ending early yesterday.

Is it possible that Ms. Patty may be a GUEST of Sheriff Joe as we speak? (For showing up under the influence of something illegal?):rockon:
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