SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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What better indicator of what JA might do for her fellows if spared the DP than what she's done for them during the last 5 yrs.? What happened to her grifter cellmate we were told yesterday would testify?

I wonder if she has done anything for them the past five years. Art lessons? Helping the illiterate to read? Teaching English to non-English speakers? ANYTHING????????
:seeya: When I signed on this morning I was oh so lost.....and now I am reading about pork rinds...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: why do I feel this thread is gonna get messy!!!

:floorlaugh: I felt a little lost when I first jumped onboard this thread, too. This SIDEBAR thread is SO different from the case-specific one! Late last night we were all over the place... pork rinds, pizza, dietary & blood cholesterol, NFL, Tebow... Maybe 1 out of 5 posts were about the Arias trial... It was CRAZY! I must admit I ended up having a good time, though, and I'm probably to blame for starting the football convo. :giggle:

This thread seems to be a little more on track at the moment, but I still miss the case-specific one. :twocents:
Release the Cracklin'!™®


Seriously, you should market this pic!!!!! Make posters, greeting cards, etc!!!
Just north of DC -- a very nutty, left-wing, commie pinko community. I'm sure you can figure out where! :floorlaugh:

Is ir Reston? In Ann Rules book, End of the Dream, Scott Scurlock ( the Hollywood Bandit) was from Reston. His parents moved there and lead a hippie lifestyle. It mentioned the planned community and the swinging couples and nudist gathering.

When LE were closing in on the Boston bomber in the camper I thought of Scott. That is where he holed up after a his last bank robbery and found dead.
Ok just a few questions. I've been skimming to catch up and saw a few things....

1) is it rumor or reported that her "friend" Patti will NOT testify? we don't know....someone on HLN said it....sooooooo

2) Juan is bringing a witness to "rebut" the DT witnesses? If so, do we know who? Nope


sorry I couldn't be more helpful
Several posters were saying yesterday that JM will cross the 2 that are going to speak on JA behalf.

Is it true? Someone speaking on JA behalf will be crossed examined?

Yes, character witnesses can be cross examined like other witnesses.

I'm very envious! My hands are small, with short fingers, and I hate them! My daughter has hands like yours, and I'm always telling her how lucky she is!

But no matter what her hands look like, she's still the love of my life! Hands just don't matter.

You r so right. Hands down!!!
I'm kinda 5'3, ok on the rest I guess.
My daughter, 5'7", has the most beautiful long hands and fingers!
Like my mama!
First thing I noticed when she was born!
I remember something he said during his testimony in the CIC. He said something like .... Jodi changed after she met Travis.

I think he might speak to the jury along those lines. Sad .. very sad. He may still have strong feelings for her (Juan mentioned that), but I think he is going to talk about who she was over those 4 years he was with her ... and somehow make it clear that she distinctly and drastically changed after meeting Travis, therefore putting the blame back on Travis and Mormonism to some extent. JMO

The birth of her obsession. That's how I see it. Her converting to Mormonism was a symptom of her obsession.
Does anyone besides myself see a resemblance between these two?

I believe the factor here is once JA started murdering Travis.. logically she is not welcome in his home any more - thus making it a burglary. It has nothing to do with theft.


Arizona burglary:
Burglary in the first degree requires proof of the following two things:

A person entered or remained unlawfully in or on a residential structure; and
the person did so with the intent to commit any theft or felony therein, and
the person entered with or possessed therein a firearm or explosive.

ETA: JA was charged with Pre-Med Murder 1 and Murder 1 (felony murder which includes burglary that 7 found her guilty).
^^^ charging document(s) which include burglary.
BBM, seems Miss Patti has some 'splaining to do..DT misspelled her name and evidently she's got some "chemical" issues on record with her local LE. Now, why she wouldn't want her face shown on the stand is pretty silly since she's been all over the media. And, no doubt, JM will cross her on her cough*heroin*cough "issues" and the jury will disregard her statement. No definite answer to whether she takes the stand or not.
Can we please not call her that? :blushing:
I don't get your last thought...what kind of deal?

A deal whereby the DT did not object to their client being characterized as a burglar and being declared guilty of a crime for which she was never charged on the one side.

On the other side, perhaps Siskiyou County agreed not to prosecute the lying torture-murderess for the burglary, and/or JM agreed to allow the recorded call and the pedophile crap to meet the evidentiary admissibility 'test'.

[I don't often allow myself, but I'm clearly in speculation land on this one.]
My take on JA's weekend consists of her practising the "art" of faking remorse. Faking a heartfelt apology to the Alexander Family. Great part is she now has no contact with other inmates for advice :floorlaugh:

And don't forget her lawyer KN went to see her today for an hour. Looks like the love affair with JW is over.
My guess is that the mods are sick of hearing people complain about off-topic posts in the main thread even tho there is nothing to talk about since there is a 3 day break.

Technically the sidebar is for when the trial isn't in session. Hence the name.

I think the mods figured if they LOCKED the other thread... everyone would figure it out.

Looks like they were right! :seeya:
Did Jodie claim that daryl caused her to have a nervous breakdown?

Yes she did to Detective Flores in the interview, along with her kicking Doggy Boy. Apparently she wasn't getting her way, went into her bedroom and hyperventilated and called it a nervous breakdown. I wonder if her brain scrambled?
Monday, May 27
Phoenix Courtroom

Jodi Arias Art Show
(as narrated by the artist herself)

It will be a killer show!
Gently snipped by JJ
Alright ...
Oh and for the record... Please don't gimme no freakin' spinach and sun-dried tomato gourmet crap on my pizza!hew..

...not sure how we all ended up here at the sidebar, but I'm loving it! A great place to debrief & unwind from this week's stress.

Lottsa JA debatin' still going on, Linda Ronstadt playing on the juke box, a little arm wrestling here and there.

Me? Oh, I'm just leaving. I was over in that dark booth, comforting a hunky bus driver who used to be in an imaginary relationship with another WebSleuther. I heard some fancy pizza maligning and figured to leave ya with a parting gift.

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