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Thanks Lamby :blowkiss:

Where have you been hiding? (don't you like us anymore :( )

You seem a little frazzled.

I think you might need a massage? :facepalm:

I'm bringing this post over from the previous thread, posted by Bernina:

"Very insightful article, swiped from the "Retrial thread" posted by SweetieMom:

Yes- that was posted here yesterday, so I've read it. Christine really does a good job with her articles, IMO, and I learn a lot from them- very thorough.

I especially agree with what she wrote about MDLR:

"...Being linked to an illegally recorded, illegal third party phone call is probably considered misconduct for a mitigation specialist. As would be directly involving oneself in an inmate's financial affairs. Multiple sources have confirmed with us and we have seen social media conversations amongst Jodi Arias supporters that suggest a considerable link exists between Maria de la Rosa and the Paypal of Jodi's art work and art sales. That's not her job and doesn't fall under the obligations of mitigation specialist..."

I don't understand why MDLR has jeopardized her job for missy:jail:. What is the reason for the deep immersion into her client's life? Perhaps, as I have said before, she needs to go back to "mitigation specialist" school and relearn what ethics mean in relation to her job duties?

Or maybe the reason for this ridiculous misconduct is because she sympathizes with missy in a more personal way? I don't know and as I have stated before, I don't like suppositions/conjectures, so until I hear anything concrete, like JM s statement: "Juan -- This Mitigation Specialist that goes by cougarluscious has leaked info to Michael Kiefer and others constantly through out this case.", I will stop speaking about her (unless something new comes up, that is :) ). I don't fault MK for the leaked info, as he is a reporter and reporters most always have their private sources. MDLR is solely responsible for leaking info to him- something that is not a mitigation specialist's role, IMO, as she is not a "publicity agent".


"...The purpose of collecting all of this information for the mitigation evaluation is to help powerful players within the criminal justice system (prosecutors/judges/juries/probation officers) to see the accused individual as an actual person with a unique family life, social history, and to make them look beyond the police report/charging document and understand the factors that have influenced how this individual arrived in their current predicament...."

As for MK's role in all this muck, I think he just wants to outscoop his fellow reporters in any way possible and give validation to the numerous series of articles he wrote on prosecutorial misconduct for the John Jay/H.F. Guggenheim Award for Excellence in Criminal Justice Reporting. The story or series must focus on an issue or issues related to some aspect of the U.S. criminal justice system:

His articles- if you missed them:

Prosecutorial misconduct alleged in half of capital cases (part 1)

"This series was researched and written as part of a fellowship with The Guggenheim Foundation and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. ..."

Prosecutors under scrutiny are seldom disciplined (part 2)

Objections raised to Juan Martinez's conduct in Jodi Arias trial (part 3)- this is where he bashes JM:

Can the system curb prosecutorial abuses? (part 4)

He didn't win the award tho':

The Herald-Tribune and Sun Sentinel Win 2014 John Jay College/H.F. Guggenheim Excellence in Criminal Justice Reporting Awards

" David McSwane of theSarasota Herald-Tribune and Megan O’Matz and John Maines of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel are the winners of the John Jay College/Harry Frank Guggenheim 2013-2014 Excellence in Criminal Justice Reporting Awards....

...Joaquin Sapien of ProPublica was the runner-up in the series category for “Out of Order: When Prosecutors Cross the Line,” which investigated allegations of prosecutorial misconduct in New York City..."
Copying below from previous thread. Thanks Daisydomino as you did that so fast and so timely to our discussion about Jodis "trace art" or whatever we want to call it. You have proven how Jodi could be doing the crud she is selling for big money. I recall the early "trace art" where she used some very famous pictures of celebrities and everyone noticed right away because people had already seen the images she claimed as her art. She did not make any attempts to get copywright license to use the images and IMO was sneakily making it look like she just created them herself, when there were almost exact originals available that she used to trace from. It would have been a little different if she explained her drawings but she made no attempt at that. She just threw them up for sale like she created the images. Big money auctions too. And i think it fooled a lot of people that paid big money for some of them. If they had known originals existed they might not have paid so much.

This is post from previous thread below. Thanks Daisydomino for taking the time to do that.

Quote Originally Posted by daisydomino View Post
Thank you but I did trace that pic! I found an image online, printed it out on my laser printer, colored over the back of the printed photo with my stubby pencil to make "carbon paper" sort of, traced it onto some fancy, acid-free archival stipple paper, then copied the shading from the photo. The photo I used has a chair in the way, so I did draw part of it and used other similar photos for reference.

I wanted to thank everyone about the discussion about Jodis trace art or whatever we want to call it.
Thanks Lamby :blowkiss:

Where have you been hiding? (don't you like us anymore :( )

You seem a little frazzled.

I think you might need a massage? :facepalm:


I was in Florida without my computer. It was heaven. LOL
I was in Florida without my computer. It was heaven. LOL

My most enjoyable vacations ever were in Florida near West Palm Beach. So relaxing and I love the blue water. Up north the water gets murkier and murkier the further north you go. Kind of depressing that the water up north cant be nice like Florida has.
Regarding JA as an 'artist'... well, I don't think her drawings are very good. I can say that since she does like to draw, paint and take photographs that she should have focused on using her ' artistic passion' for good rather than evil. See what she did with her love of the camera? She used it so cruelly, so barbarically to capture the look of terror on Travis' face just before she began her attack. This hauntingly cruel act came back to sting her as evidence of premeditated murder.

She won't quit or learn her lesson though. Now she uses her supposed love for art as a mitigating factor. What a joke. She should be allowed to live because she can trace? Hitler was a great artist... I doubt she could follow my argument to its logical conclusion. It's a disgrace and an insult to common sense that she present such pathetic mitigating factors. She should be on knees begging for forgiveness for murdering Travis in cold-blood and then she should ask for help. Help for having a personality disorder, for having no heart, no conscience. Perhaps someone ought to let Arias know that we, in the civilized and sane world do not allow lunatics to run the asylum.
Regarding JA as an 'artist'... well, I don't think her drawings are very good. I can say that since she does like to draw, paint and take photographs that she should have focused on using her ' artistic passion' for good rather than evil. See what she did with her love of the camera? She used it so cruelly, so barbarically to capture the look of terror on Travis' face just before she began her attack. This hauntingly cruel act came back to sting her as evidence of premeditated murder.

She won't quit or learn her lesson though. Now she uses her supposed love for art as a mitigating factor. What a joke. She should be allowed to live because she can trace? Hitler was a great artist... I doubt she could follow my argument to its logical conclusion. It's a disgrace and an insult to common sense that she present such pathetic mitigating factors. She should be on knees begging for forgiveness for murdering Travis in cold-blood and then she should ask for help. Help for having a personality disorder, for having no heart, no conscience. Perhaps someone ought to let Arias know that we, in the civilized and sane world do not allow lunatics to run the asylum.

I totally agree. She kept wanting to ride the coatails of other guys but she could have made her own way if she put her talents to good use.

During the murder I have always wondered if she wanted to take even more grusome photos of the killing in progress and keep them for herself to relive it.
Regarding JA as an 'artist'... well, I don't think her drawings are very good. I can say that since she does like to draw, paint and take photographs that she should have focused on using her ' artistic passion' for good rather than evil. See what she did with her love of the camera? She used it so cruelly, so barbarically to capture the look of terror on Travis' face just before she began her attack. This hauntingly cruel act came back to sting her as evidence of premeditated murder.

She won't quit or learn her lesson though. Now she uses her supposed love for art as a mitigating factor. What a joke. She should be allowed to live because she can trace? Hitler was a great artist... I doubt she could follow my argument to its logical conclusion. It's a disgrace and an insult to common sense that she present such pathetic mitigating factors. She should be on knees begging for forgiveness for murdering Travis in cold-blood and then she should ask for help. Help for having a personality disorder, for having no heart, no conscience. Perhaps someone ought to let Arias know that we, in the civilized and sane world do not allow lunatics to run the asylum.

BBM Her art is no longer listed as one of her mitigating factors- if her new mitigating factors are still valid (who knows because it seems every time you turn around, there's something new and changed :gaah:):

I think she painted herself into a corner (no pun intended) about showing remorse.
She can not show remorse due to her defense.
Travis abused her to the point that she was in fear for her life.
When he lunged at her from the shower she HAD to protect herself.
If she's sorry, that means she didn't mean to do it - it's murder.
Killing in self defense is acceptable. Murder is not.

IMO - her defense is just so weak. If an abused person is in fear for their life,
do they drive 1000 miles to another state to drop off cd's just for the heck of it?
An abused person that is away from the abuser would want to remain that way.

Before I forget - from the closed thread.

YESorNO - I don't think an app works on desktop/laptop computers. I'm not sure though, will need someone else to confirm.
Also, what type of satellite do you use for computer only? I would love to do away with cable for my internet.

ETA: I think you are more skilled with computers then you give yourself credit for - the amount of info that you post is incredible.
:gaah: I started a post with LOTS of quotes, and something went screwy... :scared: It was just Lambchop closing the thread...

Hey everyone!

re Christmas questions from YESorNO
All shopping done!

Christmas cards all mailed out!

edited to add: for Christmas dinner we will having Rib-Eye Steak, baked potatoes, artichokes and chocolate cream pie for desert!!

and just picked out a Christmas tree!! :skip:
:christmastree: and getting into the Christmas spirit! :santahat:

Nore hope you feel better...

okay - now off to read some other threads!

I totally agree. She kept wanting to ride the coatails of other guys but she could have made her own way if she put her talents to good use.

During the murder I have always wondered if she wanted to take even more grusome photos of the killing in progress and keep them for herself to relive it.

Yes. Why else would she take a clear and focused photo of Travis with the look of absolute terror in his eyes? I cannot even imagine the frame of mind a person would have to be in to do something like that. She probably wanted more photos of the murder but she ran out of know, it's hard work to stab a man to death. She's batsh@t crazy.
BBM Her art is no longer listed as one of her mitigating factors- if her new mitigating factors are still valid (who knows because it seems every time you turn around, there's something new and changed :gaah:):


I think she painted herself into a corner (no pun intended) about showing remorse.
She can not show remorse due to her defense.
Travis abused her to the point that she was in fear for her life.
When he lunged at her from the shower she HAD to protect herself.
If she's sorry, that means she didn't mean to do it - it's murder.
Killing in self defense is acceptable. Murder is not.

IMO - her defense is just so weak. If an abused person is in fear for their life,
do they drive 1000 miles to another state to drop off cd's just for the heck of it?
An abused person that is away from the abuser would want to remain that way.

Before I forget - from the closed thread.

YESorNO - I don't think an app works on desktop/laptop computers. I'm not sure though, will need someone else to confirm.
Also, what type of satellite do you use for computer only? I would love to do away with cable for my internet.

ETA: I think you are more skilled with computers then you give yourself credit for - the amount of info that you post is incredible.

She should take out the remorse bit too. Not once has she ever taken responsibility for her actions. Her entire defense = justification for the murder.

Dear jury: I killed a man. I'm sorry wait a minute, I did it in self-defense. He got mad, lunged at me and came at me. He chased me around the house, made me point a gun at him and it somehow shot him. Then he still kept coming and coming so I got a knife...and I was so stressed that a great big fog enveloped me and my world. By the way, Travis was a mean man who called me names. And he liked, I mean young girls, no, I mean young boys. He watched *advertiser censored*, no wait...child *advertiser censored*...he was a pedophile. I did the world a favour by killing him. Set me free! I deserve to be rewarded for my selfless act! :gaah:
BBM Her art is no longer listed as one of her mitigating factors- if her new mitigating factors are still valid (who knows because it seems every time you turn around, there's something new and changed :gaah:):


Maybe it is no longer a mitigating factor since she was selling it from jail with the help of her mitigation specialist. Could Juan have brought that up?
I think she painted herself into a corner (no pun intended) about showing remorse.
She can not show remorse due to her defense.
Travis abused her to the point that she was in fear for her life.
When he lunged at her from the shower she HAD to protect herself.
If she's sorry, that means she didn't mean to do it - it's murder.
Killing in self defense is acceptable. Murder is not.

IMO - her defense is just so weak. If an abused person is in fear for their life,
do they drive 1000 miles to another state to drop off cd's just for the heck of it?
An abused person that is away from the abuser would want to remain that way.

Before I forget - from the closed thread.

YESorNO - I don't think an app works on desktop/laptop computers. I'm not sure though, will need someone else to confirm.
Also, what type of satellite do you use for computer only? I would love to do away with cable for my internet.

ETA: I think you are more skilled with computers then you give yourself credit for - the amount of info that you post is incredible.

I have Wildblue satellite, which is a subsidiary of Dish (for TV). I don't know if Wildblue is just for Upstate NY for people in the sticks???

I wouldn't change to satellite, IMO, because of how limited I am in bandwidth- drives me nuts :gaah:. I have the middle tier in price range and pay $95+ per month just for the internet and I can't even view any streaming, any YTubes that are over 20 min or so- any downloading affects how I may use the computer as Wildblue will slow my computer to a crawl if I am reaching my limit. (reminds me of Dial-Up was when I first used a computer in Pa.- except slower :( ) I can buy more bandwidth, but damn if I'm going to spend more $.

I do not have the major stations (ABC, CBS, PBS, etc or any local new stations) because of the very tall trees across the road from my house. If it snows too much and the small dish has snow on it, I have no internet and have to go out and brush the snow off the dish. If there is too much "weather", in general. I have no internet. Bah. :(

I would love to have cable again.
She should take out the remorse bit too. Not once has she ever taken responsibility for her actions. Her entire defense = justification for the murder.

Dear jury: I killed a man. I'm sorry wait a minute, I did it in self-defense. He got mad, lunged at me and came at me. He chased me around the house, made me point a gun at him and it somehow shot him. Then he still kept coming and coming so I got a knife...and I was so stressed that a great big fog enveloped me and my world. By the way, Travis was a mean man who called me names. And he liked, I mean young girls, no, I mean young boys. He watched *advertiser censored*, no wait...child *advertiser censored*...he was a pedophile. I did the world a favour by killing him. Set me free! I deserve to be rewarded for my selfless act! :gaah:



She has high hopes for the appeals court overturning her conviction just like that Milke gal, but I hope they never let her out of prison. She needs to stay there, IMO.
She's really has delusions.
Maybe it is no longer a mitigating factor since she was selling it from jail with the help of her mitigation specialist. Could Juan have brought that up?

I don't think JM will bring up her art work as it's not a part of her mitigation, but I don't really know.
Thanks - I'll stick with cable $65 per month - really no problems to complain about.
Except.....(lol) the price, for "new" customers it can be $35 per month, why not for existing customers.
That's my beef with cable company.

Could switch to ATT but it would be at a slower speed. Would need to return equipment, and then pay
for the installation of ATT - eh, why bother.

For the difficulties you have with electronic equipment the nature and landscape probably makes up for it,
and that, to me, makes it all worth while.
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